Star Army

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The Gift of Cherry Blossoms


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
YE 45.3 (Spring)
RP Location
Hanami festival
Luna tried to make sure that both Okimi and Yuri both enjoyed themselves during the Hanami Festival. She’d learned from her first time and thus learned from her mistakes, so when it was Yuri’s turn, she made sure that Yuri ate only the best and most delicious from the best cooks there. And when she met Okimi, and learned it was Okimi’s first time too, she was only too happy too happy to include her to the great food, and dancing.

With both girls’ holding onto the uniformed Okimi, they’d led her to the food. Though Luna was a little distracted so she pondered if her mom and auntie were finished with the gifts she wanted made for Okimi and Yuri. “See why I said she was the best guide, she knows just where to go!” Yuri said looking up at Okimi with a big smile on her face.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Okimi was practically vibrating and was fairly certain that this counted as the BEST. DAY. EVER! She was just shy of being a year old, in fact it was only a couple of weeks until her first birthday, but she had never been exposed to so much glorious... life... in such a concentrated format! The caretaker was still awed by all the sights, sounds, smells and tastes that filled the park around her. It had been fun to see her crewmates, having not had the chance to talk to most of them since the Resurgence had been put in for rebuild two months earlier. She had been initially wary of trying the offered foodstuffs while in uniform as her training told her that was a big not-to-be-done, but having seen other uniformed SAoY personnel doing so, figured that the rules of etiquette could probably be relaxed for specific festivals. After that realisation, she just relaxed and enjoyed herself.

By far, the best bit though was getting to hang out with her roommate Luna and meeting her cousin Yuri. Okimi really enjoyed dancing with her friends, although she definitely felt a little overdressed in comparison to the two lithe girls. Maybe next year the caretaker would just follow in Luna and Yuri's footsteps and attend in the nude. At any rate, when addressed by Yuri, Okimi was only too happy to respond.

"Oh yes, you were quite correct Yuri-chan! It appears our Luna-chan here is not just a pretty face and knows how to reach all the right spots." Okimi winked at her roommate and chuckled as she leaned towards Yuri, before continuing in a conspiratorial tone. "When I need a tour guide around Kyoto, I know exactly who to ask for now!"
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Luna was blushing, which was noticeable on her blue skin as Yuri had complimented her calling her the best guide. It only grew as Okimi joined in with compliments of her own, which further kept her blushing, as she remembered the things the two have experienced together. The scent of cherry blossoms filled the air as Luna giggled, and she stepped forward and gave the two of them a hug, to show her gratitude for their words. “Of course, if you need a tour guide in Kyoto I am definitely willing to act as one. I learned a lot of History during school, so I am sure I can answer or give info, ” she said as she held the hug and stepped back.

"I'm so glad you're both enjoying the festival, though!" Luna said, a wide smile spreading across her face. Before her attention shifted and Luna couldn't help but look at the beauty of the cherry blossom trees surrounding them, their delicate petals dancing in the breeze. It reminded her about the gift she had asked her mother to make for the girls. She hoped that they would enjoy the gift as much as the memory, and her attention went back to them.“So what do you two want to try now?’ She asked the two of them.

Before at a corner of her eyes she spotted a familiar sight. It was both her and Yuri’s mother’s making their way over towards them. She saw their mothers carrying packages, which meant they were finished,which only pleased her more. She turned to Yuri, and spoke to her cousin. “is there anything you’d like to try out?” she asked her cousin with a smile on her face before she posed the question to Okimi.

Yuri couldn't help but smile as Luna blushed and expressed her willingness to act as a tour guide in Kyoto. She knew that Luna's knowledge and enthusiasm would make for a fantastic experience.

As Luna asked what they wanted to try next, Yuri's gaze shifted towards the various food stalls scattered around the park. The delicious aromas wafting through the air made her stomach growl in anticipation. "Hmm, I've always wanted to try taiyaki," Yuri said, her eyes sparkling. "You know, those fish-shaped cakes filled with sweet red bean paste? I've heard they're a must-try at festivals like these."

Just as Yuri was about to voice her desire to try taiyaki, she noticed Luna's attention being drawn elsewhere. Following Luna's gaze, she saw their mothers making their way towards them, carrying packages. A smile formed on Yuri's face as she realized that they had gifts. "Look, Luna-chan, our mothers are here!" Yuri exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement. She turned to Luna and Okimi. "Shall we go and meet them? my mom is strict but she's a good member of the crew."

The cherry blossom trees continued to sprinkle their petals upon the ground, a sign of blessings and new beginnings.
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Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

After returning Luna's hug, happy to see her best friend so happy, Okimi smiled. She had been incredibly focused over the past two months on picking up short courses to expand her repertoire when it came to the diverse technical field of damage control. In fact, there was a good chance that the caretaker would have still been studying had her blue-skinned roommate not forcibly dragged her out to enjoy the Hanami Festival. Okimi was particularly grateful to Luna for that and was eagerly looking forward to exploring more of Kyoto and Yamatai now that she had had her eyes opened.

She hummed to herself and tilted her head as she considered Luna's question. Was there something in particular that she wanted to do? Really, the whole festival was just one new experience after another and the young neko wasn't sure that she knew enough to know what she didn't know about but wanted to. Okimi had to pause there and rerun that convoluted thought through her mind before deciding that yes, it was indeed correct. So, what did she want to experience? Honestly, just spending time with friends and experiencing things together was already pretty hard to beat as an enjoyable activity.

As Yuri chose that moment to voice her desire to experience taiyaki, Okimi decided that that sounded like a fine idea. Before she could say anything to that effect though, Yuri pointed out her and Luna's mothers. The caretaker recognised Kiyo, of course, having been living with Luna for almost two months now, but wasn't familiar with the other nekovalkyrja, having not seen her onboard the Resurgence before. Still, even if the woman was strict, to have raised an absolute sweetheart like Yuri, she must be a good person.

"Sure, I'd like to meet your mother, Yuri-chan. Hopefully I can make a good first impression!" Okimi knew she tended to act a little childish at times, but that youthful energy seemed to serve her best when it came to lifting the spirits of others. Hopefully Yayoi wouldn't find the caretaker to be a disappointment, especially as she'd like to be Yuri's friend and didn't want her mother to steer her away from spending time around Okimi. After all, she had heard strict parents liked to do things like that, to help make sure their kids grew up to be just like them.

Kyoto, Yamatai​

Kaiko Park​

As Yuri watched the interaction between her cousin and soon-to-be best friend, she found herself incredibly happy which was evident on her face due to the bright smile on it. She was happy when Luna introduced her to Okimi and found that she was very grateful to the blue-skinned Neko. She didn’t know how she could repay her cousin and thought maybe she could ask Okimi later if she had ideas. She thought this would be a good idea.

At Luna’s question, she offered her idea which was taiyaki, and she thought that Okimi had an idea or opinion but sadly due to Luna’s attention and her own curiosity peaking, she spotted their mother's reappearance. This brought the idea of wanting to introduce her mother to their new crewmate. Okimi seemed interested in meeting Yayoi, so with a big smile on her face once again, she wrapped her arm with Okimi’s and led the way toward where their mothers were. “Hiya Mommy, Aunt Kiyo!” she said with a big smile on her face. “Mommy, I wanted to introduce you to Okimi, she’s also a member of the ship too!” Yuri said, thinking it was more important to introduce Okimi to her mother.
Luna, on the other hand, smiled at Yuri’s enthusiasm, and hopes that she didn’t lose that. However, where Yuri’s attention went to introduce Okimi to her mother, Luna’s went to the package she had. “You finished it?” she asked her mother and auntie with a smile on her face.

Kiyo smiled as the two older Neko spotted their daughters approach with Okimi. Her smile widened as she saw Yuri had her arm around Okimi’s and found herself unsurprised, due to seeing her behavior while living with them. She’d spent the time they used in making the gifts, telling Yayoi about her, and how she’d make a good friend for Yuri while Yuri was on board. Thus seeing her there, arm in arm with Yuri only proved it. She also hoped that Luna had something to do with it, having seen her daughter there.
“Wait, finished it?” Yuri asked as her introduction was soon finished, and she remembered Yayoi and Kiyo both seemed to have a package.

At Yuri’s question, neither Kiyo nor Yayoi got a chance to answer her, as Luna brought Yuri’s and possibly Okimi’s attention back, to her as she replied in their place. “Yup!” She said, moving in front of Yuri. “it was your first time, at the festival, I knew you’d remember it forever but... I wanted to get you something beautiful as a gift, so I asked our mothers to help. “ Luna said as she turned and took the gifts when her mother and aunt handed them over.

As Luna had Yuri’s eyes widened when she realized that the packages, were for her and Okimi. Luna handed the carefully wrapped presents to her cousin and to her roommate, with a big kind smile on her face. “of course, it's against the rules to wear it while on duty, but right now it should be fine!”

Yuri accepted the package and opened it, revealing a Cherry Blossom Necklace! As she lifted it to the lift and looked, she had a look of awe, at how beautiful it looked, and the cherry blossom designs. Her fingers trailed over its side, feeling the texture and feel of it. “oh wow... So beautiful, ” she said as she now had a physical momentum of her first festival. Slowly she carefully puts on the necklace and looked at the three of them.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

In response to Yuri introducing the caretaker to her mother, Okimi bowed to the older nekovalkyrja. "It's an honour to meet you ma'am. You've raised a lovely daughter." She was distracted from awaiting an answer as Yuri questioned Luna and the blue-skinned technician answered. Okimi had honestly had no idea that attending the Hanami Festival had such a significance. She did think it was very sweet though that Luna had arranged a gift to help Yuri commemorate the event, an act entirely in keeping with what she had come to know of her roommate's character.

Accepting and opening the proffered package without really considering her actions, Okimi's mind ground to a screeching halt at the sight of the necklace inside. Luna had gotten her a gift too? Even if it was the same as Yuri's, she had deliberately arranged to have the same commemorative gift procured for Okimi. The very idea that she could be as valued as a beloved cousin totally blew her away. And the gift was so pretty! It was a circlet, clasped at the rear, that looked as if someone had trapped in time the sakura blossoms that had fallen from the trees around them. Okimi was almost scared to pick the necklace up, just in case she broke it. She blinked, wondering why her eyes were suddenly feeling moist.

"For me? But, it's so pretty and I didn't get you all anything!" The caretaker wasn't really thinking about her words, but suddenly worried that she'd made some kind of social faux pas by not bringing gifts with her. "Was I supposed to bring gifts too?" She suddenly looked up at the others, panicked, entirely forgetting that Luna had specifically stated the gifts were to commemorate Yuri's and her own first Hanami Festival. "Um, what would be appropriate? I'm sure I can find something!" She furiously started to think back through all the stalls she had visited throughout the Park, wondering what would make the perfect gift.
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Kyoto, Yamatai​

Kaiko Park​

To hear that she had raised a lovely daughter, had a profound effect on Yayoi’s mood. She felt proud to hear that Yuri was found to be lovely, and hoped it meant she was on her best behavior. Even so, she was pleased to hear those words. Her attention went to Luna as she asked the older Neko’s a question and her daughter, curious like a kitten, questioned Luna. Yayoi for her part, was fine with letting Luna do the honors and lead the proceedings, and it seemed that Kiyo had felt the same way. Her blue skinned sister didn’t reply to Yuri’s question.

Yayoi watched as Yuri placed the necklace around her neck, and found it fit, they’d did the measurements perfectly. Though her attention went to Okimi as she reacted to the gifts, but the Giretsu trained ranger was a little slow in reacting, both verbally and physically, but she didn’t need to as Luna had reacted in both Kiyo and Yayoi’s place. Luna stepped forward towards Okimi and wrapped her bare arms around Okimi’s body, as her lips came close and made contact with Okimi’s lips, as she kissed her roommate. “shhhh” she said softly into Okimi’s ear. “You don’t have to bring us anything, just breath Okimi-Chan” she said and kissed her again before stepping back and waited.

Yuri blinked as Okimi started panicking, but she was not a counselor, she didn’t know how to help her not to panic or to stop it before Luna took matters into her own hands, and kissed her, a deep kiss. Pleasure, at receiving the gift changed to concern at Okimi’s panicking, which soon changed to shock at Luna. Yuri wasn’t the only one though, as Kiyo and Yayoi both were seeing this for the first time, and like the youngest in the group, they too were surprised.
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Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Okimi felt her panic recede at the sensation of soft lips pressing against her own and she relaxed into Luna's kiss. Her gentle words were the final balm upon the caretaker's fraying nerves, restoring some semblance of control to the young neko. Said control then promptly fled with the initiation of the second kiss and Okimi couldn't help but let out a little whine of disappointed need when it ended far too soon. She looked up as Luna stepped back to stand with her relatives. The relatives who had quite clearly just seen the two of them kissing with no small degree of passion. Okimi blinked.

Then blinked again.

And then promptly blushed so hard it darkened her skin at least three shades of purple. It wasn't as if she had been trying to hide how close Luna and herself had gotten in the recent weeks, but neither had Okimi expected to have the burgeoning relationship to be so obviously outed. The caretaker would feel worse about it, but that had been one heck of a pair of kisses from her Luna-chan and she was sufficiently distracted. In fact, maybe it was better this way. No more secrets, even if they weren't secrets so much as unspoken truths. That made sense right? Well then, all that was left was to own it.

"So, uh hi!" She pointed between Luna and herself. "Yeah, that's a thing. Been growing for a while now." She tilted her head. "Not sure we're at the cutesy couple name stage yet. Hmm, could start thinking about it though! Let's see, I like Lu-mi better than Ok-na. Okna sounds like some kind of nasty, tough desert vegetable, don't you think?" She looked over at Luna earnestly. Okay, so maybe she had a slight issue with rambling when she got nervous. But come on, from the stories her roommate-slash-girlfriend had told her, Luna's mum and aunt were more than capable of making her body disappear and never be found so her nerves were totally justified, right? Right?
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

It would seem that as Kiyo, Yayoi, and Yuri watched Luna kiss Okimi, they also wanted to transform into fishes, as their mouths just opened and closed on their own in their shock. They were surprised to see the kiss, and surprised to see how passionate I appeared. But none of the three can deny that she stopped panicking when she did it. Yayoi had heard that Okimi and Luna roomed together, and now it seemed that they were together together. Her eyebrows raised as Okimi rambled, and there was a twitch of her lips almost making a smile, but the stick refused it.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, :P

“lu-na-ch-an~ ”Came the voice of Yuri as she placed her hands on her cousin’s shoulders. Her movements caused distracting jiggling in both girls. “That was the first kiss I’ve ever seen! I bet it could destroy planets!” Kiyo giggled at her niece’s words, of course, she knew a kiss wasn’t that powerful. “hmm... Lumi is good, but what bout Lu-ok, Lock?” Yuri asked with a grin on her face. “Anyways Luna-Chan, we need to have a talk over there,” Kiyo said as she and Yuri dragged Luna a little away from the group.

“tch, kids grow up fast,” Yayoi said as she watched Kiyo and her daughter move away from the group. She thought that this was a good opportunity. “You make..” Yayoi stopped talking as she tried to find the right words. “you make a cute couple... But I.. was kind of hoping you could do me a favor, considering your occupation... Watch out for Yuri ok, if I can't? Yuri’s a naïve little fool, and I’ll likely be away on missions, so.. just watch out for her if you can.” Yayoi said. damn it all, this is hard Yayoi though.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Privately, Okimi had to agree with the general gist of Yuri's description because while that kiss might not destroy a planet, it had most definitely rocked her world. Her heart was still fluttering and the caretaker almost felt like she was floating in mid-air. Okimi also felt energised enough that she could probably run a marathon or two. Yet, all she could really think about was how long she would have to wait to get another kiss from Luna.

She was finally shaken from her inner musing when Yayoi addressed her and Okimi quickly focused on the older nekovalkyrja. She found herself nodding in agreement to the request as it sounded perfectly reasonable to her ears. What mother wouldn't care for her kid enough to ask someone in a position to watch out for them, as well as having the inclination, to do just that?

"Oh, yeah, I can definitely do that for you Yayoi-san." Okimi bowed. "I, Fujikawa Okimi, accept this duty. You can count on me!" She raised her head and smiled warmly. "Honestly, Yuri seems like a nice girl and Luna has only had good things to say about her. I'm sure a while of serving aboard the Resurgence will do wonders for her!" Plus, it wasn't like Okimi wouldn't have looked out for Luna's cousin without the asking. Also, Yuri seemed nice enough to be worth befriending anyway. Still, if it helped put Yayoi's mind at ease at all, it was worth agreeing to!
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park
Yayoi watched as her sister took Luna aside for a talk and watched as Yuri followed them. She chose not to comment or call Yuri back as it allowed her an opportunity to talk to Okimi, with her personal request that she’d been worried about. As Yayoi heard Okimi’s agreement, she felt her lips almost curled upwards to that of a smile. She hadn’t corrected her about her rant, but found being called Yayoi-san acceptable. “I’m glad Luna-chan said nice things about her, Luna’s a good friend to Yuri, and I dare say they are almost like sisters. and I hope serving on board will help her.” she said before she added. “I say Luna’s a good friend, but I would bet Luna’s the reason both of them aren’t wearing clothes.” Yayoi chuckled a little. Yayoi watched as Yuri, Luna and her little sister Kiyo returned to their side. Luna had a noticeable blush on her cheeks.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Okimi was glad to see Yayoi become less tense after the caretaker agreed to keep an eye on Yuri. It was always fascinating to the tank-born neko to see how a mother's love for her child shined though her actions. Maybe one day, when she was ready to retire from the Star Army and settle down somewhere, the white-haired neko would get the chance to find out for herself what motherhood was like.

She found herself matching Yayoi's chuckle. "Yeah, that girl does have a mischievous streak." Okimi watched as the others returned from their private conversation, smiling at Luna and wondering what had been said to have darkened her cheeks so. "Everything okay there, Luna-chan?"
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Yayoi actually snorts when Okimi mentioned that Luna had a mischievous streak. “Sounds like you know from experience.” She said to the younger Neko, as she found her curiosity growing at the thought of Okimi and the relationship she seemed to have with Luna. With the return of the three other members of her clan, she too noticed Luna’s cheeks blushing.

“I was teasing her, about the interesting kiss!” Yuri pipped up, and added “aunt Kiyo wasn’t helping any!” Yuri said with a giggle and a kind smile on her face. She was happy that her cousin found love, and from what she’d seen, Okimi seemed like a nice girl.Luna smiled at her cousin, and nodded her head to Okimi. “Everything's fine, don’t worry!” Luna said as Yuri piped up. “I was interested to hear you two were roommates!” Yuri added. Kiyo obviously knew, “now Yuri-chan! Okimi was a very good house guest, very polite too.” she said as she gently squeezed Luna’s shoulder gently.

“So, before our parents arrived, Yuri, you wanted to try that Taiyaki, right? what about you, Okimi?’ Luna asked as she turned her attention to both girls.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park

Okimi chuckled, promising herself to make it up to Luna later for the teasing she had had to endure, no matter how well meaning it might have been. "But of course! And I really am incredibly grateful, Kiyo-san, for taking me in for the past few months. Honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do with myself when we were forced off the Resurgence before Luna-chan came along like a guardian angel!" She smiled fondly at her roommate.

The caretaker considered Luna's question before ever-so-eloquently shrugging. "I don't know enough to know what I want to try, beyond everything!" She excitedly raised a hand and pointed deeper into Kaiko Park. "So, let's go and find these bean-stuffed fishy taiyaki for Yuri-chan, then see where the Hanami Festival adventure takes us next!" Honestly, the caretaker was kind of curious to try those for herself now too.
Kyoto, Yamatai
Kaiko Park
Kiyo smiled at the kind words Okimi was saying not only about herself, but her daughter as well. She was proud of the kind heart her daughter had shown, and knew this was what a citizen of the empire should be. Kiyo watched the interaction between her daughter, niece and Okimi with a fond smile on her face. Luna on the other hand only blushed as she was called a guardian angel, and soon the decision would be made to where they went next. She wanted to get something for her cousin, and thought of the kinds of foods she could introduce to Okimi here.

Luna suddenly moved behind Okimi and hugged her, almost literally copping a feel as she moved her arms around her, then the next moment, Okimi would find herself flying as she was carried by Luna, with Yuri wizzing beside her as she flied beside them. Yayoi on the other hand, sighed. “Like younglings,” she said, only to hear Kiyo giggle beside her. “Let them, act like that and enjoy themselves, we raised them well, and they won't seek out trouble, especially not here. Come; let’s find our own private area... I’m interested in hearing about how things have been since training. and to rehash news, both old and new.” Kiyo tells her sister, as she led Yayoi aside.