Star Army

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[The Monarchy of Dovania] Elections Gone Wrong Gone Bad

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dragon_God
  • Start date Start date


RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
====Xuno Election Day====

Ty was busy on over watch in one of the many buildings with a maverick weapon and standard combat armor plus a few grenades when he spotted about 200 armed
Personal wearing URR uniforms ty without think begins firing with the maverick in sniper mode ty finding it hard due to being used to his power armor helping him

Meanwhile Ashly was with kyro at the elections when she heard the shots ring out

"Oh no ty"

Kyro slowly Walked over to the nearest DRG and told them, “Alert level 3, Do not disappoint me.” He then grabbed the hold of his sword and went up on the podium, “Dovanians, due to an unfortunate event, Elections will be on halt till we have defused the situation. Please remain near all Dovanian Army personnel and report all suspicious behavior.”

The Dovanian Army and DRG would mobilize to protect the citizens and begin closing off roads.

Ty would contact Ashly "tell Kyro I might not make it to the elections today *cough weeze* I'm a little out of shape *cough cough* I love you sis and tell Kyro I'm glad I met him" sounds of gunfire erupted over her comms the entire conversation could be heard even by kyro as the comms went dead

The Dovanian Army immediate mobilized the civilians out while the DRG formed up on Kyro. Kyro started to give orders, “After you eliminate the threat, then locate any survivors. Take Ashly out of here and find Ty.”

Ashly would go with the guards and any of the urr members to make it pas tys position which is now about 30 units surrendered upon seeing the DRG and Kyro one of all of which looks panicked and a few looking behind them constantly

Kyro shouted,”Drop down on your knees, place your weapons in front of you, and put your hands up if you wish to live. If you do not follow these instructions you will be shot and killed.” He then unsheathed his sword. “Move out!”

The DRG broke ranks and charged forward to apprehend Thor’s who followed his orders and kill those who didn’t. A total of 300 DRG were on site with more on the way.

A drg soldier would show up with a wounded ty "he's in critical condition see he won't make it to the medical area "

Ty would be covered in bullet holes in His armor with about 5 that made it threw his eyes glaze due to blood loss as he still clings to life "kyro are you there"

Kyro made his way over to Ty and got down on his knee looking at him, “Explain what happened here Ty.“ He signaled off the DRG who found Ty, “Fetch Miss Sibo. Now!”

”Yes Sir!“ He shouted then ran off to go grab her and bring her back.

"Those urr members attached I tried to stop them but I gave it one hell of a fight"

Ashly rushed over to ty and Kyro "o my god ty," Ashly said with tears in her eyes

"Hey why the tears, don't cry for the dead or dying, we all have are time, your a big girl now and you need to stay strong "

Ty looks at Kyro "Kyro in the short time I got to know you you are a man with a good heart and care for your people, don't change its what makes you great *cough cough* please promise me you'll look after Ashly for me "

Before ty could get his answer he passed away as a scarecrow came over to tell Kyro and Ashly that ty put in His will that the scarecrows are theirs now and everything they entail

Kyro grabbed Ty’s dead shoulder and murmured, “Fallen one. You served your time in war. You’ve died many times for your fellow man. Now you must rest. Enjoy your afterlife. I will see you when my time has come.”

He then let go of his shoulder after 5 seconds of absolute silence. Kyro stood and turned to the Scarecrow, “We will look upon that in a moment. I have Elections to finish and people to calm.” Facing back to his DRG he tells them, “Elections will resume. Escort them to detainment and clean up the mess, you have 10 minutes. TheNo we will resume Elections.”

The DRG followed exactly as he ordered, bringing the URR that surrendered the street to be detained in the Concrete Fortress. While the dead were being brought to the outside of town to be felt with later.

Ashly was quite and sad following kyro back the election hall but not saying a word

Kyro stopped and turned to Ashly as the soldiers set up the polls again. He rested his hand on her shoulder, “I understand the pain. It may not seem it to be true. I am open for venting if needed.” He offered her seeing as she just lost her brother.

After elections Ashley walked with kyro to the crematorium to see ty put to rest when ashlys doll soldiers stood in their way guns drawn "you'll be coming with us Ashly" one of them said but as he took a step forward he halted and looked down to see a rotting hand burst threw his chest before ripping out as the doll dropped dead you would see ty his skin a greyish green and but not falling off as he had jet black veins under his skin "leave(incoherent do to lack of touge speech) alone sister "

Kyro drew his Broadsword and activated the heated blade then proceeded to cut down the next Scarecrow doll, putting Ashly behind her, “Level 5 Threat. Dovanians!” He called out as his two escorting DRG pulled out their Mavericks and opened Fire on the Dolls.

Once the dolls we're dead Ashley moved out from behind kyro to see the undead ty looting the dolls for their guns and ammo before walking in the direction of one of the ships "ty wait we're are you going ?!"

Ty turned around "baaack were it started"

Kyro sheathed his broadsword then turned to Ty and looked slightly unsettled then cleared his face back to being straight, “Impossible... a man raising from the dead.“ He turned back to the dead puppets then to Ty, “I assume not as impossible as I initially thought. Ty, explain. What’s going on.” Kyro then turned to Ashly, “You must know something of this. The virus?”

Kyro would hear two, scarecrows come by behind Kyro and Ashly ready to kill them when two shots ring out killing them both as the scarecrow from earlier steps out "stay away from my kids."

Ty looks at him "What?!?"

Ashley said and did the same.

Kyro turned to face the newer person in the room, "You're their father I presume then." He asked.

The scarecrow nodded "yah I am now back away from my daughter I don't want hrr bearing children till she's married"

Kyro looked down at Ashly then back up at the Scarecrow, "I had no intentions. Now, explain yourself please. After all, you are on my grounds." He informed him of the situations.

"I'm Staff Sargent Esscast of the DRF or I was before dieing I'm also the reareas I both of them are still alive and not mindless puppets."

Kyro turned to Ty, "You Xunoks are some people arn't you." He said bluntly. He then turned to Ashley, "I'll be occupied with counting results along with the civilians. If any of you need me. I'll be at the Concrete Fortress. Good day." As he walked by Esscast he stopped and turned to him, "Your wife is upstairs crying over her sons lost. I assume you and your son might want to go see her." He then continued on leaving.

Esscast heads to the ship "Nope. I'm going to the store for a pack of cigarettes and a gallon of milk." Ty looks at him "Yah I'll go with you." Ashley looks at the two walking off "Alpha 160." both of them quit walking "Damn it." they both say.