Star Army

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[The Monarchy of Dovania] Scarecrow's Arrival on Xuno

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dragon_God
  • Start date Start date


RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
==== Xuno ====

It was a warm spring day in the ex territory of the DRF. Currently in the reconstructed Capital of Fien, at the Capital Building, dubbed the concrete fortress by the locals. This is Dovanian's main Central location of operations until plans for the city of Kyrok is made.

Kyro was sitting in his office at his dark oak table looking at files of paperwork that was handed to him to handle the new found issues of running an entire planet. He sat there in his old Osman military uniform holding a black file. To his right is a bottle of whiskey, he had been awake for over 28 hours working on these files.

Ty would be walking down the Halls of the concrete fortress straight to Kyros office knocking firmly on the door he asked

"Permission to speak with you sir."

Kyro didn't avert his attention from his work, "Enter." His expression and tone was iconic to him being strict and emotionless.

Ty would walk in his new body dressed in the current uniform of Osman military "Sir I have, my benefactors who wish to come and offer aid to better modernize our forces, should I prep a welcome crew?"

Kyro looked up from his work and saw the man before him, "Who might you be? I haven't seen your face around here." He looks at the uniform ty was wearing, "I assume you're from Section 6, if I am to be correct."

"My apologies Kyro, it's me Ty S6 granted me a new body after the recent battle." Ty would respond "I forgot to inform you that as well as I've been permanently stationed here as your body guard."

Kyro shook his head and looked back at his work, "I have no need for any further men to be protecting me. That's why I've created the Dovanian Royal Guard. They handle such endeavors." He glanced back at him. "So tell me." He stands up putting the file down, "Who might be the acquaintances of yours."

"My wife and our creators they wish to assist"

Ty nodded "I understand you may think that I'm not good at all at being body guard over watch though I'm more than capable of doing as you have seen"

Kyro walked over to the book case to his right then grabbed out a leather rimmed book, "I'll let you handle that. I'm too busy here, so I'll be in my office if any of you require me." He walks over to Ty holding the book, "It's not that you're not effective. I don't want to deal with more people getting hurt." He pressed the book against Ty's chest and gives it to him.

Ty looks at the book quizzically "what's this sir, also they would require a your presence to demonstrate the test material of the infantry armor as well as to allow you to test the prototype of the armor they wish to make for you"

Kyro sighed, "That's the casualty list." He said looking down to Ty. He scratched his beard then walking over to the door, "Fine, I'll put Violet in charge while I'm gone. Just show me where they'll be arriving."

Ty nodded" in city square sir, they didn't want to intrude on military outposts and should be here in 15 Mike's"

Kyro exited the office and walked down the hallway heading out. Soldiers moving out of his way as he exited the building.

Outside in town square two drop ships touched down the first a mess of lab workers and assistance bringing out two cases the next a fire team of five armed highly organized soldiers stepped out keeping with a woman in a white lab coat

Kyro stood at the corner of the street next to a lamp post watching as they landed with his hands behind his back. Civilians would move out of the way and start to watch as they undocked. Them seeing the equipment didn't startle them as much as Kyro being outside on the street without any guards.

Some Dovanian soldiers patrolling the streets would stand and watch to keep an eye on the situation.

Ty would walk forward "Hello Ashley,"

The woman nodded "Ty you with your cy?, We have equipment for him"

Kyro would stay put and observe the situation. Not engaging in between Ty and the woman.

Ty would activate his radio "it's safe sir we are ready to begin when you are"

Kyro walked over to Ty and nodded and extended his hand out to greet the woman, “Kyro-vek Draguun. It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”

Ashly puts the clipboard under her arm and shakes kyros hand "nice to meet you Mr. Draguun, I hope my husband hasn't been a handful for you, I'm Ashlys Sibo"

Kyro glances at Ty then back at Ashley, “Saved me from some bullets I do admit, however his presence is not absolutely needed."

Ashly nodded "I figured but are you ready for the tests, Ty has prepared for you." she says gesturing to the armor in front of Kyro.

Kyro looked at the armor and walked up to it then turned to Ashley, "I'm sure you'll surprise me."

Two of the workers would say "Ma'am we need to hurry this up and get the supplies to the Brimstone with the weapon upgrade for that mech and their pilot."

Ashly nods "Understood Stephanie," she looks to Kyro "Please put on the armor to begin testing."

Kyro turned back to the armor and started unbuttoning his overcoat and took it off. He would throw it over to a Xunok soldier over at the corner who just managed to catch it before it hit the floor.

Underneath, Kyro was wearing a black tee shirt, the scars on his muscular arms would be visible. He reached out and grabbed the armor then put it on.

Kyro would feel tightness around his body
And the helmet he puts on features a full face electrical hun with range finder several vision modes a bio monitor and oxygen gauge

"Snug, a bit too much if you ask me. Alright Miss, inform me of what it is I'm looking at." Kyro asked Ashly.

"Your heads up display in your face plate shows a range finder for any weapon you pick up and if you fire that weapon and miss your heads up display will point out were you should aim and fire to correct your shot, secondly your eyes if you press the button on the side of the helmet will switch between night vision normal and Irv"

Ty would be getting strange looks by the soldiers on the sidelines one of which asking what his last name was

Ty would look at the armor "guess it's better than the ghost tank"

Kyro would take off the helmet and look down to Ty, "I can tell you've been doing your homework on the subject. Not many know about the secret weapons that they have. Tell me, how did you come to learn about them."

Ty sighed "I used to fight for the side that used them before I died first time holding the Line during the planetary war along side five others"

Kyro looked gave The helmet yo the soldier then asked him, “So, you know this place? I figured no one else has been from here.“

The soldier got a better look at Ty then remembered the memorial of fallen hero’s from after the latest planetary war, “You’re Private Sibo aren’t You?” He asked him inquizited.

"Yes that would be me, and yes I've been here before a long time ago." Ty seems upset slightly "there hasn't been a day gone by that I don't wish to have fallen with them and stayed dead both my parents my friends and my team"

“Then... you haven’t seen your grave yet have you.” He shook his head then walked off a bit mournful.

Kyro puts his hand on Ty’s shoulder, “Do you have any family here that I should know about lad.”

"The only living relative left might be my mother " ty said with a sliver of hope

“Her name?” Kyro asked.

"Jane Sibo surgeon general, at Least that is the last rank I know she had"

Kyro grabbed the soldier before he got too far and told him, "Grab me a log of all female medical personnel, Non-Commissioned officers and above."

The soldier nodded jogging off to the Concrete Fortress.

Ty raised a eyebrow at this

About a minute later and a woman came by in a DRF medical uniform, not yet have been given the modern equipment Kyro turned to her, “Excuse me, may I have your name? I need to clarify this incident I have.”

She nodded and saluted, “Aye your highness, It’s 2nd Lieutenant Sibo Jane sir.“ When she glances behind Kyro her heart sinks as her face goes white looking at Ty and Ashley.

Ty "Uh hi Mom"

Ashly paid no attention as she would show Kyro the suit capabilities as well as it's damage resistance against most rifles on Xuno.

Kyro knew exactly what was going on and only focused on Ashly.

Jane walked up to Ty and just looked at him remaining absolutely silent, she had no words. She reached out and touched his chest to see if he was real.

"Yah I'm real mom."

Jane looks to Ashly "You both can stop pretending your

Ashly nods "Great, because I may need to, spend some time with this handsome bear."

Kyro turned to Jane, "You're telling me that these two are siblings that were acting to be married. Please do not tell me there were children bared from this." He asked turning to Ashly and Ty.

Ty shook his head, "No we never did that at most kisses to keep people thinking that we were siblings."

Kyro grabbed Ty shoulder, "Good. Don't need anymore genetic defectives like Lazarus."

Ty nods "Don't tell Frank that, his wife Nora."

Ashly looks to Kyro "So you got any shore leave coming up big bear."

Kyro shook his head, "Unfortunately, with presidential elections coming up, I have to stay vigilant." He paused for a second, "Although, I could ask Miss Foreman fo do that for me. She's been bored for a while, I personally think she would need the experience. I might have 3 days at the most. Why do you ask."

Ashly leans into his chest her tail rapping around one of Kyro legs staring into his eyes, "I need some taming if you're interested."

Kyro looks down to her, "I'm sure I can find you a beast tamer."

She smiles "Could you tame me."

Picking up on the situation, "I see, let us finish what you have to show me. Then you can partake in some down time." He turned to Jane, "Please report back to the courtyard, some of the training is hazardous, so they'll need you on standby."

Jane nodded and jogged off.

Ty nods "So if the suits are satisfactory we will begin production until then we could get you enough combat armor and mavricks for your full army."

Kyro turned to Ty, "Perfect. Now, I need to inform you on something. Privately." He tried to move and looked down to Ashley, "Do you mind."

Ty nods and walks over to Ashley and shines a Laser pointer to get her off of him and she goes after the dot.

Kyro chuckled then cut it immediately, "Cute. Now." He turned to Ty and leaned down whispering into his ear, "Operation Purification. It's going to start after elections next week. We're eliminating all non essential civilians. Don't worry, I'm not killing everyone. Those who follow the exeptions in the black file are not to be harmed."

Ty nods as Ashly is running around with the laser pointer attached to her collar.

Kyro leaned back up, "Just to keep you informed on the situation going on here. No need for any further miscommunication." He said as if he had something on his mind that was agitating him.

Ashly ran over to Kyro holding her hand to him "Look I caught the dot"

Ty had to register that aiming his his weapon up and firing a round in the direction. Kyro pulling Ashley into him getting shot as the bullet plunked off of it.

The sniper shot flew over and hit a woman with her child and got clipped in the leg. She fell to the ground screaming in pain. The Dovanian soldiers now on full alert. A hand full running back to the courtyard to grab reinforcements.

Kyro's expression went stale as he put on the helmet, "I believe it's high time for a Draguun Style asswhooping." He grabbed his IBR and looked around for the location of where the shot came from, keeping Ashley behind him.

A ex urr sniper would be seen threw the helmet rage finder hunkered down in a building

Kyro charged over into the building and kicked open the door, “Get Down!” He shouted at everyone inside before making his way to the floor then kicked open the door. Shooting at the snipers legs.

The sniper drops to his back "long Live the URR!" he said before chomping down on a cyanide pill killing him.

Kyro turned around and exited, pissed. He took off the helmet and threw it into the brick wall Then stormed off. The look on his face was of extrem rage never seen before. Moments later, Soldiers rush over to deal with the wounded woman and the body.

Ashly follows

Kyro stopped and shot a round into the dirt road right at her feet, "You stay away. I'm not interested in any form of communication!" He was trying to keep as much distance while his blood rage was going on and he continued walking.

She fallows anyway sticking to the shadows

When Kyro entered the courtyard, multiple soldiers only watched as Kyro stormed over to the target practice. He ordered, "Move!" As they stepped out of the way he aimed and started firing at the targets down range. Hitting every one without fail, until his clip was empty. He then threw his IBR to someone and walked over to the wall and started punching it.

Ashly came up behind Kyro and hugged him as well as gave off a comfortable heat "Thank you for saving me."

Kyro stopped and stood there calming down, the gauntlets were damaged from punching concrete, "It's my job, it will always be my job."

"I need you to help me with something" she says to Kyro

Ty would walk over "uh sis can that wait til after the deal ?"

Ashly pouts "fine"

Kyro turned to face Ty and slowly removed Ashly from her hold on him by grabbing her shoulder and moving her aside. “I agree. This is what I purpose. You supply these to me and I’ll give your organization partial free access into Kyzu and any future controlled lands for Dovania. This means your personnel must be approved for this free access. Any who are not must gain entry like the rest. Anything you would like to add upon this.”

Ty nodded "Yes we are looking to finish construction for our r&d factory."

Ashly face goes to worry "you should relax so it doesn't get worse big brother.”


"If you don't it's only going to quicken.”


"I don't want you to get worse ill-"

"Enough !!, I don't want to hear it anymore I'm doing what I have to and its not going to slow me down.”

Ashly gets tears in her eyes.

Kyro is growing more cautious, “I’ll send some civil engineers then.” He then stepped forward and Looked down to Ty, “Care to inform me about the conversation taking place? If it involves me I don’t want it kept. If it’s a personal issue. Then it is your choice.” He seemed cold in stating it but was curious in what they were talking about.

Ty frowns "It doesn't concern you it mine and mine alone.”

Ashly begns to cry "He has a virus that is slowly killing him, I had it to but after a operation he has both bonded with his DNA it was supposed to be a plague that the original scarecrows owner put in both of us but Ty did something to make them stick with him and it is killing him there a cure but it's incredibly dangerous to get to.”

Kyro turned to Ashly, “Is it contagious. If it is then I have a problem with Scarecrow‘s presents here.” He said grabbing the hilt of his sword. “If not, then that is an issue for the two of you to resolve. I take no interest, though I pray for your longevity.”

Kyro turned back to Ty, “Well.”

Ty shakes his head "no it's not contagious"

Kyro nodded, releasing his grip on his sword, “Then we have a deal. I must return to work. Feel free to enjoy Fien. Speak with Violet if you need anything else. Scarecrow personnel take residence in the hotel on Rollers Street.” Kyro told them as he walked up the stairs into the concrete fortress.

Ashly turned to Ty who just sighed "Fine go have fun.”

Ashly smiled and followed Kyro.