Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC The Strays: Mutants and Mech Combat!

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master

Been hyping this up for a while now and with more and more plots popping up now seems as good a time as any to officially start planning!

The Strays is a mech based (Think Battletech/Mechwarrior style mecha, Not Gundam) plot based around the sectors most incompetent mercenaries; The Strays and their subsequent mech pilots the Terror Wolves of Freehold. This loose assorted gaggle of mutants and freespacers are joined together by the common cause of The Mad Mutant herself and her subsequent desire for adventure, fun, freedom, and fame!

Join these pilots and their at-best forklift certificiation course training as they pilot massive warmachines no half-illiterate and incompetent loner should be trusted with!

The plot

The plot will follow a team of mech pilots as they encounter various scenarios throughout the sector. Threads will be short SPs with occasional JPS and quick into the action!
The tone of the RP, however, will be serious encounters through the lens of often unserious or even satirical humor and nonsensical situations to reflect the unprofessional and undisciplined characters involved as they fight the same kind of serious situations and encounters as any serious plot but from the perspective of more down to earth individuals without superpowers, super soldier bodies, military training, etc.

The plot will take place in the indipendent and other RP forum and will be a 2 for sexual content, a three for violence and three for languadge rating. Anything raunchy can take place in JPs and the most you will see is likely some crazy naked mutant running through the halls of one of the factories of freehold

shasta heph .pngCharacters
Characters are preferred to be of the Mutants species primarily to add some actual mutants to the sector that arent played by me! While some like Freespacers are also acceptable. Freehold and the various weapons and mechs of Shastas world are often very radioactive and any Nepleslians or other species will either become mutants themselves over time or go rather painfully.

Characters in The Strays are not professionals. They arent trained soldiers or even very contributing members of society but often average joes seeking adventure, pay, and fame alongside the mad mutant.

Being that these are mech pilots inside mechs there arent any specific roles that need to be filled. Such things are for military units and cohesive squads!
stray uniform A1.png


I have made SO DAMN MANY mechs
lately that players have a wide variety to choose from. Most mechs have weapons by default but there is a good long List of weapons that can be interchanged out depending on what mech is capable of fielding what! And im likely to keep making mechs as time goes on. Im more than willing to make the models if people want to make their own mechs!

Players can also make their own mechs if they so desire in the future or customize/make their own variant of their favorite mech for their character. At the start characters will get their pick of any of the light mechs on the mech or upcomming (just articles that havent been put into the NTSE yet) list on the corp page and can after each thread decide if they want to stick with their mech next thread or play a medium mech. Heavy mechs there will likely only be one at any one time for balance reasons~

There will be occasionally new mechs to keep things fresh and interesting since I like making them so much!

Shasta aop (7).png

Its just the planning phase now so Im not in any rush. Im hoping to at least get 4 players but there is no limit to how many Ill accept!
@Charmaylarg Dufrain - GM
@club24 - emmathyst caver
@Primitive Polygon -
@iaincarter -

SnS Dsoldier Commander Type.png
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Glad to hear!

The Plot page is up with a list of the mechs. Im not starting the first thread for a little bit yet while people make characters so take your time to check some of the mechs out. For the first thread players will have access to the light mechs. There is a list of weapons that can replace the ones the mech comes with. Each mech should say in its weapon category what weapons it might normally come with and what sized hardpoints it has that you can swap those out with.

Im likely to make more mechs and weapons at random. In the meantime make ye chars and hopefully some others will join us as well!
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I've got an mech pilot who hasn't seen some use in some time! She normally has her own mech, but maybe she has to put it in repairs or cover insurance or something as she comes down. Got room for a Vegas Showgirl-style pilot?
I do! Im assuming its Cassandra Cassiopeia? If she's a Nep and not a mutant make sure she takes a lot of Rad-Away before she ends up as one though! As for her old mech ye can decide any reason she decided not to lose it to a radioactive hellmoon. Maybe transportation is just really expensive!

Cassi is more than welcome. Take a look at the post above and see if any of the light mechs (Each player will start with lights for their first thread and then can pick light or medium for the next thread, and then Light/medium/heavy the one after that.) might strike your fancy and what weapons ye might want. Were more or less just waiting in the others (other than club) to make their chars and do the same. Likewise Im more than happy to make a model if ye ever feel like making ye own SnS mech! (that goes for anyone)

As for an update @Lunar Rabbit @iaincarter @club24 and @Primitive Polygon Every single SnS employee has their very own Fairy that is not only their own personal assistant but is the combat-AI in their mech. Add one to your character pages and make sure to give her a name and personality!

Im working on a power glove kind of thing for SnS employees that will house them as well as have other cool features ye will get later when I stop being lazy and make it!
Sounds good! She's likely going to be in a radsuit 24/7, lol, and maybe she doesn't want to get her main mech's internals fried with radiation. I may take one of Cass's rivals, a catgirl. I'm down to make a mech myself!
First thread is up and characters are good to post and introduce your characters!

Post here your characters fairy so I know their name.

Also what light mech your char is using this thread and what weapons it has since each has hardpoints that can take certain weapons of its class!

@Commissar Farzi @Lunar Rabbit @Primitive Polygon @iaincarter @club24

Likewise update your characters wiki pages struct tables so they will show up on the plot page!
I am writing for Huthang Flutch, whose faerie AI is named Titania.

For the first mission he will be piloting an Avatar of Lyco mech equipped with the following weapons:
Im bringing good ol Emmathyst Caver the Delsaurian, she's rough as guts and made a living on breaking rocks and the knees of opposing miner groups that tried to TAKE HER DANG LAND

she'll be piloting a Fire Ant mech with default loadout, thinking of new weapons to use is too much effort when you can just use what's there

and finally, her fairy has been named Onyx and shares the love of brutality held by her owner though speaks with a slightly more refined tone and repertoire of phrases
Hey, Charm, sorry for the lack of response - I'm dealing with job stuff. Ping me on Discord or on here; would Cass or the catgirl be more appropriate? How irradiated is everything gonna be? Is it also okay to use Origin mechs?
Hey, Charm, sorry for the lack of response - I'm dealing with job stuff. Ping me on Discord or on here; would Cass or the catgirl be more appropriate? How irradiated is everything gonna be? Is it also okay to use Origin mechs?

No worries! Your preference on characters. It’s a motley crew of mutants with no actual piloting skills so an outsider is an outsider regardless of their flavor if ye don’t want to make a mutie.

As for mechs it’s all SnS mechs with no real outside ones atm due to a lack of the infrastructure to maintain much else. SnS mechs are closer to western mechs than origins mecha like walking tanks instead of gundam too with the most basic origin mecha being a good leap in quality compared to ours in everything except the amount of weapons. The plot page should have a good lineup to choose from with everyone starting off with light mechs~

Let me know if ye get any second thoughts if it’s not what ye signed up for I would understand.
No worries! Your preference on characters. It’s a motley crew of mutants with no actual piloting skills so an outsider is an outsider regardless of their flavor if ye don’t want to make a mutie.

As for mechs it’s all SnS mechs with no real outside ones atm due to a lack of the infrastructure to maintain much else. SnS mechs are closer to western mechs than origins mecha like walking tanks instead of gundam too with the most basic origin mecha being a good leap in quality compared to ours in everything except the amount of weapons. The plot page should have a good lineup to choose from with everyone starting off with light mechs~

Let me know if ye get any second thoughts if it’s not what ye signed up for I would understand.
No, no, it gives me an in - maybe Cass is hired as an outside rep to test drive SnS mechs? I much prefer Western-style mechs as well! Poke me on Discord, I'm going to try and write a response before the end of the week - I am heading to a music festival soon, though.
The current thread has ended and a new one will be starting tomorrow.

For the current thread here the salvage:

@iaincarter disabled two Deathcrawler! He can salvage what he wants from it or take a montary cut of 12,000DA.

@Commissar Farzi killed a mecha. He can salvage (somehow. Im sure wayfinder can get someone to do it!) what he wants from it or take a monetary cut of 10,000DA.

@Primitive Polygon killed a mecha. Can salvage from it or take a 10,000da monetary cut.

@club24 killed a mecha and can take salvage or a 10,000DA cut.

Before anyone goes trying to salvage an entire mecha remember your PC technically has claim to one third of the kill(s). So pick something nice and remember each of those kills are also damaged so be humble about it!

Salvage also only counts towards mechs you are in now! So if you want you can add something to your current mech you used in this thread but cant just throw extra armor on a new mech in the next thread (you can hold onto the stuff tho for later!).

Each character also gets their pay of 4,000DA for the operation!

Each character that started in this thread can also choose to pilot either a light mech or medium mech next thread! And as always if someone wants to make thier own mech they thought up i'll make a model if they want to page it!

@Anno nano should be joining us in the next thread that starts TOMORROW!

@FrostJaeger @Arbitrated both memed about joining. If ye both find time and want to a new thread is literally starting tomorrow!
Suppose I should intro my character/fairy/mech here, since I'll be joining soon ^^

Heyo, I'll be joining with my mutant Kitsune Charlotte. She's nice and friendly, as long as you don't try to touch her tails without permission. Her fairy co-pilot is called Artemis.

She'll be in an SnS Mean Machine Light Mecha built for close range combat, equipped with the following:
  • 2x fusion shotguns on the fixed forward facing light mounts on the body of the mech.
  • 1x SnS Plasma Breaker on the fixed medium mount located under the body of the mech.
  • 1x medium Shasta no Sekai Missile Launch Systems mounted above the cockpit with a capacity of 11 'Mega' Macro Missiles. Her standard loadout is: 2x sunburst warheads, 2x mirage warheads, 1x EMP warhead, 1x shieldbreaker warhead, 2x Anti-Armour warheads and 3x high explosive warheads.
  • 1x Laser Guided Laser on the rotating turret medium mount.
  • 1x large Shasta no Sekai Missile Launch Systems mounted on the turret with a capacity of 3 SnS Super Mega Macromissiles. her standard loadout is: 1x Cluster warhead, 1x Plasma warhead and 1x Kinetic Energy Penetrator warhead.
  • a large number of smoke, chaff and flare launchers spread across the mech.
  • 6x nanite canisters for use with the Mirage camouflage System.