• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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I don't know, i'm betting we will get new orders, Im making a post right now.
Good news!!!

Yoroko says he will be finishing up your current plot arc with you. I will be making some announcements as to what will happen after that shortly.
Nope, you will not be getting new orders. I've rethunk my decision and it was most definitely a bad one. I'm back, I apologize for leaving you guys so suddenly. Here's what I'd like to do:

First let's get this rolling with a JP again, but this time we'll keep going in JP format. I want this plot to pop and rock along and I'd like everyone to be interested in it as well. Once we're done there will be orders for all you nice folks into the next plotship :3. If anyone can't play by JP please post here ASAP.

2 Questions:

1. Would you be interested in finishing this out as a JP plot. Note this could take more than one JP to finish, so please think about that when answering.

2. What days and times work best for a JP for you?
It is nice to have you back. Well I don't have much experience with JP and I am more comfortable with SP but I am willing to try it out.
Better more now when I finally learned how to ude IRC. So I am able to show up.
My school won't start in a few weeks so until then I am free. I am just confused tith time changes so I would like to check my time with you Yoro to come at the right time.
I'll be able to JP, just depends on the day. It would be mean me having to stay up late which I can't do if I have work.

for the most part I can't do, Tuesday and Saturday (i'm talking GMT, BST at the mo)
I am free on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, the remaining days of the week, I am free late nights the rest of the days of the week.
You already have my avail on the Genie topic
wb, here is my schedule for the JP but depending on when you do it ill be able to adjust so i can be on:

I have got wed from 3:00pm midnight and Thursday through Sunday is wide open for me.
Okiedokie folks, I'm putting a tentative JP date and time up now. If nobody complains then it becomes official. I'm going to do the Zenpyou like this, we'll be primarily JP with supplimental SP in between. This means that when we're not JPing you can feel free to SP. I'll post every JP on the forum the night of the session, even if it might not be cleaned up right away.

Thursday September 10 @ 8PM - 10PM EST

5PM - 7PM PST (I think)

I'm really bad with these time conversion things, but I think they're accurate.
Yep, same time same channel (#Zenpyou_IC and #Zenpyou_OOC on irc.sorcery.net) Please be here folks! Just a reminder that's 8PM EST (in America, I just discovered that Europe too seems to have an EST). I believe that EST is GMT-6 (due to daylight savings time) for those folks in Europe or who needed to know for time conversions. If you need an irc client sorcery.net is a good place (choose chat from the menu) to go as is mibbit.com/chat/ (be sure to select Sorcery[webirc] or something like that as the server from the server drop down box).

Simple IRC Command list:

Joining a channel
/join [channel name here]

just replace [channel name here] with the channel name (#Zenpyou_IC for example) and press enter.

Changing your nick(name)
/nick [new nick]

The new name can't have spaces in it. Usually do this if you get a message saying that the name your trying to use is taken or registered. It usually does this in a menacing red font.
Sorry i wasn't there last week, I didn't realise they were going to keep me in the hospital overnight, i'll try be there tonight/morning
Oookay just checking. JP tonight again? I don't have anything that should stop me form showing up tonight.
Okay, the JP happened and we were missing some folks. Skyler, Ira, I'm posting SP for you tonight (within the next 20 minutes). Blackdragon, Shotjon, posting for you. Loony we missed you For future reference, JP for everyone next week on Tuesday at 8PM Eastern Standard (-6GMT in case you need help for the time conversions). Just for reference it's the same time as they usually are.

I'll be checking this forum every night @ 8PM, if not more per day so we can keep SPing. Once I have a response posted for Ira and Skyler I'll get that last JP posted. Sorry for all the delays and thanks a ton for your patience guys!

edit: Skyler, Ira...it turns out I had the last post anyway. Feel free to post :3
I don't how it will be for me this week. I may be internetless for I am going on college finally and it will take few days before I have the net. I will try to at least SP but JP may not be possible for me.
i'm having trouble connecting to IRC on my university network, i'm trying to get it sorted.

EDIT: there's only a 5 hour difference between GMT and EST, regardless of DST.
@Loony: Yea...sometimes those are problems. Sites like mibbit.com and sorcery.net tend to be able to get around that.

JP tonight (8PM EST(GMT-5) for everyone that can make it. If thursdays are bad times (and thus you can't make it) post here or let me know. The last 2 jps have only had 1 person show up to each one. I understand if you guys can't make it due to RL but please please let me know. The plot WILL be wrapped up in the next 3 jps at longest. I'm getting in contact with Andrew to check on how the Akuro III is coming along so you guys can transfer into that. Let's keep this ball rolling folks, not let it die.

Unless I hear otherwise, plan for a JP every Thursday at 8PM EST (GMT-5 (thanks loony, I'm bad with time @_@)). We are the only UOC plot, because of this we are responsible for keeping the UOC a fun and interesting place to play. When you guys show up you're all awesome and great players so it will be awesome!
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