• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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Come on that is WAY too Obvious. Better to make our own hole hehehehehe
It's all in good fun. =D

OH Just a general FYI: While I am away- Manus Dei; Yoroko and 5tar have agreed to act as the Zenpyou's GMs to help keep things rolling forward over the next couple months.
Oh my GOOOODDDD I've missed so much. First there was the holidays so I kind of neglected SA for a week, and then my internet was down for FIVE DAYS D: Holy crap this sucks! Miraculously it's working again but we're supposed to have somebody from the cable company coming out to take a look at things just in case. Anyway, I'm gonna try to catch up and post again but for Kim and the new GMs just know that I AM NOT DEAD. I'm just having some pretty gnarly internet troubles.
Welcome back, Seth! And Welcome to Kassidy!

I changed the UCS Zenpyou usergroup settings to open so you guys don't need my approval to join while I'm away. Please remember to keep your character histories and the ship history up to date so we can maintain our high score on the monthly plot audits!
I Have malware and other virus issues to deal with on my comp so I may not be able to post for a little bit...
FIgured that, but that wouldn't explain no corpses..
Nashoba.... I really don't want to, but I really have to complain about the posts regarding the Jammer thing and the 2 'guards' First... what kind of pirates or whatever would leave their most important equipment practically unguarded. Second, if one of the 'guards' (No guards are going to be unarmed... especially pirate guards) is still conscious you don't just walk up. Third... this kind of stuff, setting what is there and such, is much more of a GM's job than anything....

The quick 'unplug' of the machine I can understand since that's more of a character thing to assume, along with the acting without orders thing especially with an officer right there. Gin is lucky Ai is lax and still inexperienced at the officer part.

I'm sorry... that just REALLY bugged the heck out of me....

Sorry that it bugged you, but I did not make it up.

You need to speak with Manus. He spoke to me last night on IRC and told me that the two people there were unarmed, and that Gin could easily disable the jammer. So I made my post based on the information he gave me. Hence the <MA> in my post.

Since when was ANYONE unarmed in the Star Army universe?
They're pirates. Since when do pirates pay for something? Second, they're pirates. Why would pirates EVER be unarmed? At the very least, I'd think they'd have like... pistols....
Yeah it is a little weird. I can understand them being unprepared and easy to take down, but to be completely unarmed? Seems odd for a group of pirates that are actively engaging in combat with a Peacekeeper vessel.
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