Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Uso Meeting, but slightly later in that day.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date


RP Date
After the last meeting
RP Location
Nath Tower
Planet 188604
Nath Tower

Riccard had made his way to the office of the head honcho of USO with a very big proposition to offer her, he was well aware that GH didn't have much influence over the daily workings of the planet but he believed she would see the merit in his proposal. He believed what he was aspiring to create would benefit USO for years to come if pulled off correctly. Adjustng his suit for the final time he knocked on the door and readied himself for the presentation.

"Lets go!" Uso said, the neko already have dressed in power armor. The chest piece having been removed, exposing the bodysuit covering her chest as she fiddled with something in the interior, "You got a proposal, I've got a few minutes, lets do something fun together."

Riccard was at the Penthouse of Nath Tower. The sandstorm had darkened the windows outside, and it looked like some storm had already blown through this room, numerous datapads and displays already strewn about. Weapons and gear all in various states of readyness around the room.

"Pleasure to see you as always USO, and yes as fate would have it our schedules lined up for once. You expecting to head out into that mess outside?" The man asked as he stepped into the room, a warm smile on his face. Looking around he noticed the strewn about equipment along with weapons in their many stages.

"Gonna have to step out into it soon. Obligations on other planets... the busy life of an aspiring space-empress..." Uso explained.

“Well then I suppose now would be the perfect time to run this past you, could help out with those aspirations of yours.” Riccard said cooly, pulling out the PUTER he’d been carrying and placing it on the table. “Forgive the generic sales pitch but, what if I told you I can provide thousands of jobs to your citizens all the while boosting your industry potential for the entire planet.”

"I'm interested, keep going." Uso said, turning one of her cat like ears towards him as she worked on the interior of the armor.

"Brand new, planetary instalations. Designed to help kickstart the industry such as agriculture, minerals and mining, and resource management and recycling. We already have plans in the works for these three mega complexes, as well as a whole range of specificly designed equipment and vehicles for each. Since I know how much you guys love your drones those will be featured too but the sole aim of what I'm proposing is to help this planet grow." Riccard started, bringing up a small holo-display of the basic mega complex onthe PUTER. "And so essentially, I'm here to ask if USO wants in on this idea, we hope to have the entire industry range completed within the next two years but this planet could be the first, the testing grounds as it were."

"What is this deal exactly? Are you offering a cut of the profits? Some kinda sharing or collaboration arrangement? Are you just wanting some land to get setup?" Uso asked, stoping her work on the armor for a moment to give Riccard her attention, "I like what you did with the PUTER, I think I want to bring you guys on board but I Need a few specifics..."

"Of course, a deal without specifics is just asking for trouble otherwise. We are less concerned with the profits from this venture and more concerned with what it will do for USO as an entity, attracting more people, showing the bigger nations that we are just as good albeit a little smaller than them. It's more of a long term investment for us into the future of our home, we'd like to be included in some of the higher up discussions and get a good idea of when things are happening and what they are." Riccard explianed, he'd done his best to not come off like some blind idealist and rather had tried to show his reasoning behind the decision.

"Consider this, we want to expand as a business but remain here for as long as feasible. With more jobs around and a huge industy boost the planet will attract more attention from those who still want to find somewhere to settle down and feel they can be themselves. This means we grow our customer base as well as helping the econmy of USO."

"How 'bout we extend to you the usual? Setup in Osman city, we keep working with you, buying stuff we like such as the PUTER and advising you on stuff we'd like to get. Similarly we'll share our technology base, expertise, and markets. Show up during our big parties and keep my number in your pad and we'll be golden." Uso offered.

Riccard scratched his chin for a moment. "I think that sounds like a fair enough deal, although one change I'd like to ask for would be this. We will keep our HQ outside the city which has been quite useful for testing and prototyping our equipment so far and we can setup an office within the city for placing orders and general enquiries." He suggested back to her, the idea of moving back into civilisation was an interesting one but the wide open space outside the limits meant that they could test their starship weapons and vehicles much easier.

"FIne by me... Did you have a specific product in mind for our next deal? Or are you just here looking for a seat at the table?

.... Which I'm happy to provide...."

Uso knocked on the table in the center of the room to make her point,

"... We literally JUST got this a day or two ago just for this reason. Probably going to have to get a bigger one... or a more serious place to house all this.... maybe some kinda capital-ship that can move around..."

"Well if a ship couldn't move around I don't think it'd sell all that well." Riccard joked, "But on the topic of the next deal, I can report that several new vehicles are already in the prototype stage for this industry plan, and we expect to have them ready soon for application into other fields while the surface instalations are completed. A seat at the table would be rather nice but an email would also suffice, we aren't looking to directly steer the world but we do like to be in on the loop."

"Right, I'll get you on my mailing list and cookie of the month club membership," Uso offered, "Right now we've got a surplus of military might and not a whole lot of stuff to do with it. Xuno is our next bit of fun. Going to Uplift the shit out of that planet... low tech world... getting the whole thing under control now.... we've also got a ton of other small groups out here in the west that all need some attention... diplomacy, defenses, industry, that kinda thing. So far this world is chugging along on schedule but we really need to spread ourselves out a bit more."

Riccard smiled slightly, "I'm assuming you're telling me all this, partly because it's what I just signed up for, and partly because you'd like us to help in some way right?" He considered what Uso had said, expansion and in a sense, collonisation. Horizon wasn't really equipping its customers for that kind of thing although with certain combinations they did have some useful equipment there. "What kind of help are you looking for from us?"

"Did I mention good work with the PUTER? Because that's the problem we're having. I've got a billion people just outside of these doors that don't know shit about electronics. I'm going to have another few billion who are just as clueless about the basics. These are my problems and you're welcome to try and solve any of them. Get a nice payday out of it too. 'Course if that isn't your think I'm sure you can findn somewhere else to fit in. Pretty much anything you make we can find a use for." Uso added.

"So I noticed, after all the orders for equipment you places earlier, we'd be happy to continue designing things to assist the USO as we have been, I also have been told Section 6 isn't half bad with this kind of equipment, but I suppose they aren't really a corporation, more a military."

"You think in such formal terms. They're a group just like any other. They have been sharpening their developmental skills.. you're welcome to talk to them. Need an introduction?" Uso asked.