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OOC [Yamatai] Orochi Squadron - Classic SARP Spacey Action!

@Grey Library ; just a small note, but Christmas doesn't exist in SARP. The local equivalent is "Yuletide." It's one of the setting things that I don't think is well documented so I thought I'd point it out.

Edit: More Seo-Hei for your pleasure.


@Primitive Polygon ; I'm not clear on which name is Eguchi Eisei's/Eisei Eguchi(?)'s given name or surname, since in her sheet you refer to her as Eguchi early on then as Eisei later. So I guessed. If you could take the time to point me to the right one I can make sure my post reflects that. (I blame the comma in her name on the wiki for the confusion. :3)
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Wow Eist, Seo is going to be quite the character. Loving it.

Also, yes, timeline wise this is considered a Yuletide (not Christmas) event.
@Eistheid ; It's given name Eisei, surname Eguchi. Just keepin' it fresh, she wouldn't mind either. Sorry for the confusion!

I also enjoyed the pun-o-geddon, and I really hope you/Seo can keep it up. ;I
Right, error noted and rectified. Apologies for the mixup. I'll probably run into you all at the launch catapults just before deployment, or be the "friendly voice on the radio" (poor expendable pilots meatshielding your boarding pods on the way in). Don't worry, we'll get better.

@paladinrpg, had to rename the Orochi Fighter Squadron to Orochi Fighter Wing so as to avoid confusion. I'm well aware of the inaccuracies of the designation, please don't sic a horde of rabid military nerds at me.

Also, is the inventory of Orochi Wing all Hayabusa V6Ds, or are we allowed a mix of craft?
@Grey Library Infantries are broken down by Wing historically on SARP and so I consider Orochi Wing to be the 100 PAs... so you can't really use that. How about naming it Orochi Flight then? (probably more comfortable for you). And no, at this time we're only using V6D's however we may change the loadout when our reinforcements arrive and we switch to a ground-based mission profile, which would necessitate the need for close air support (perhaps using Kawarimes or even a Ginga Bomber).
@paladinrpg, you misunderstand. What I meant is: Flight: 4+ craft (4), Squadron: 4+ Flights (16), Wing: 3+ Squadrons (48), etc. Sorry for the confusion.

I could go with Flight and have them work in 3-man Sections (for organisation), will that work?
@Grey Library Yes that could work well enough... actually in the USAF I was used to calling them the Elements of a Flight, while a Flight was the elements of a Squadron, and squadrons elements of a Wing, etc. Recall there is 12 total fighters specifically assigned to each Irim so that would break down to 4 elements of 3 craft each. You may of course name the elements or sections as you wish.

Elements it is. Speaking of which, the Vic Formation would be pretty effective with the V6Ds and theiir multiple turrets providing overlapping fire, especially against swarms of lesser craft. It'll be easier for me to coordinate groups of designated bomb-carriers and the like for different missions.

Time to rechristen Orochi Fighter Wing to Orochi Fighter Flight.
Sorry for the delay in my post, but wife decided today was going to be Christmas Teardown. It's a whole day affair taking everything down and placing it into storage for another year! Quite exhausted now, so will finish the draft and post this weekend.
GM post up, finally! Sorry for the wait.

You have a moment to make any comments or questions to the Taisa before I signal the launch into combat.
No problem man, the post was epic enough. I know you meant asking in-thread, but are the PA teams supposed to have already equipped their weapons? Do they even choose their own in this situation, or do they get told what setup to take with them? Eisei should probably already know this even if she is a dunderhead.

Bonus; Eizo Koguichi (BloodyScarlet's character) I was supposed to finish coloring back in December;
Ah yes, I'll have the Heisho give everyone a standard loadout it to use in follow-up post -- will be balanced type, at least involving Aether Beam Saber Rifle for hull cutting, a teleporter unit, and countermeasure augmentation pods. Shoulder hardpoints choosable, suggested to be either a guass cannon or missiles. But if you modify it that is up to you as a player, too.
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Well Eizo isn't going to b happy with it but it will have to do, he is better with close combat but understands that he can't do that.
Oh there will be plenty of close combat once you breech the hull and have to fight the enemy Neko and Mishhu inside...
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