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OOC [Yamatai] Orochi Squadron - Classic SARP Spacey Action!

My strong suit with Space Combat is controlling a Warship. I'm used to running a ships worth of NPC's and the like but I can act as a Mercenary if that would make any sense at all.
As we discussed in shoutbox, I'm open to you playing a small civilian escort craft coming home to Jun from a mission only to find things in chaos there... or an infantry to join in. Other ideas I'm open to hearing.
Yeah, I get that. What would /you/ rather me do? I'm leaning towards Infantry given that it would put me in a better combat situation overall
Okay, so just to let everyone know, tomorrow I will be throwing up the official, highly dramatic launch posting without further delay. Then things should have a lot of back and forth action after that, hoping to keep a good momentum of combat going amongst everyone.
Okay, GM post up -- you may commence with the fighting! Huzzah.

Also, just to be clear, you have a lot of liberty to describe your individual skirmishes with the battlepods guns and missile fire, since it's a bit of a free for all right now until the Orochi can get within mini-missile range to start helping out with the small targets. I do encourage you to work together to watch each other's back for this part, as it builds the squad spirit in a life or death situation...

A second post will be following when I get a chance to bring you into the action aboard the NMX ship, @Edto Xar'Sivaree ...
I wasn't too sure about how exactly you guys handle combat in the SARPiverse, even with the carte blanche you're giving us, so I left out skirmishing in my post for now until I see what everyone else does.

Also, this... definitely was not my best writing. Had a long day in class -_-
Looks good! Next post coming tonight, sorry for slight delay but quality time with wifey is always top priority.
Right, same deal with Sham. I'll be busy for about 2 weeks, I'll get a post up asap and go MIA for a while. Feel free to autopilot Kishi if I'm not back in time.

ADD: edited out Miyoshi's(NPC) response, in case you want her as a GMPC go-between or something. Extra options are always welcome, right?
Post up, will be vanishing as mentioned. Kishi is now in a supporting role, acting as mobile AEGIS and long-range "rocket artillery" of a sort. Feel free to take cover behind the Hayabusas' tougher shields to avoid most of the AA turrets' fire.
@Grey Library That's great what you did, thank you kindly. take care and don't worry.. you can always jump back into the action.

As for myself, I apologize for the delays on the next post, but having two kids home from school for a week stealing my computer to play Minecraft and watch youtube constantly does not help writing it!
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Thank you for all the positive compliments... whenever I run battles they always carry the feel of action RPG inspirations. And be happy that no more week long school recess until end of April means I can keep the hits coming more frequently as intended.
Red Element:
  • Oscar 3: Moderate Damage
Blue Element:
  • Oscar 8 - Heavy Damage
  • Oscar 9 - Heavy Damage
Yellow Element:
  • Oscar 11 - Unit Lost, Ejection Confirmed
Could this plot use a new Infantry character? I'm considering making a Neko, and it looks exciting here.
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