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OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celia Never Rests

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Double post to clarify, the Ke-M2-F2904 is an armour replacement set, not part of one of the weapon loadouts. Fairly easy to confuse with only 1 hidden letter making all the difference

An optional Zesuaium-coated Titanium Boron Carbide and Zesuaium chain mail mesh set (Ke-M2-F2904) is also available to replace the default F2903 set for officers and ace pilots.
Oops. Fixed.

(Playing nearly-infallible super-AI is hard. )

Okay, all the chess pieces are in place. I hope I haven't bored anyone to tears. The bullets / energy bolts will start flying pretty soon.
omg, Neko nekkid-ness! Bodysuits are for pansies

I had something else to say, something more intelligent, but now I can't remember what...
Oh man, there goes this plot's PG-13 rating. Sixthree did say that you can wear the armor naked though. ^_^;

Due to Neko nekkid-ness and space pirates, this plot ship is hereby rated ARRR! :mrgreen:


*runs away from the angry mob*
Kel said:
Oh, well gee, thanks. Now Orie feels like a prude.
Just think positively, you saved Orie for the sort of remarks that I'm sure at least one of the male redshirts will undoubtedly feel compelled to give

The way ratings are going these days I'm sure a little bit of non-detailed nudity is fine And I can't really say anything about bad puns, heaven knows I've committed my fair share of them
OK. On a similar subject (Maybe?), let's all fess up and say what we dressed up as for Halloween. (And if you didn't dress up *GLARE* )

I went down to my local wally world and bought a bunch of poster board, painted it gray and eventually looked a little like Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist. (no sumo undies though) Wore it to school and here are the results:

2% -> You're Al!! I love it!
10% -> You remind me of the black knight from Monty Python. . .
87% -> That's cute, you dressed up as the Tin Man!
1% -> *glance heavily suggesting a question of sanity*

So at the end of the day I went home and watched Alien, ate a bunch of popcorn and waited for non-existent trick-or-treaters.
I tried to dress up, but I couldn't find several required components locally. I guess I'll order online and wait for next year.

Yes, the costume is so awesome that there are "required components". XD

Highlights from work:

1. Coworker with a Wendy wig.
2. Lots of cute pirate girls.
3. Did I mention pirate girls? ARRR!

I'll wait for someone else to post first. I don't want the NPCs' reactions to influence any of the PCs.
I spent all of Halloween in a computer lab, trying to program while a friend of mine who hadn't slept for two days babbled deleriously behind me.

Him: *gigglesnort* Hey. Heehee. Hey. Heeeeey. HEY!
Me: ... yeah, what?
Him: My progra--*giggling more* my program... my program is named BUTTS.EXE!

Suffice it to say, no costume was involved.
Hmm. Next IC post from me will be tomorrow, just to keep things moving.

Edit: new post added.

First person to guess the nature of Liam's neck blemish gets GM kudos. Reply to this thread with your answer for a chance to win!
He wasn't alone in bed?

In other news, I have a new car!
Well, not new new, but on Wednesday I'll be paying for and picking up my new pride and joy, a '92 Silvia with a ton of mods and the go-fast to match. So apart from being really happy I'll also be distracted as I try to nail down insurance that won't nail me down (my current insurer has already said no due to it being an import) and generally lose sleep waiting for my early Christmas to arrive

Now to get my daily driver fixed!
Man, my muse needs a good kick in the ass...I've been silent for quite a while now, and not just on this site...

Anyway, waiting on you for now, Yangfan-sama.
David, don't forget to have Kiyoko go to the main shuttle bay. Then we can get this party started.

Itkatsu Kiyoko said:
He wasn't alone in bed?

Good answer, but who would be his nest-mate?

(PS: I just realized that this might not be obvious unless you've been reading the old Celia posts, so David might have an advantage here over the new players. Can't be helped. Sorry. )
It wouldn't happen to be Branard, would it? Just a wild guess...

Anyway, nothing for me to post right now, so I'll wait for another development post.
Nope. Please try again.

Feel free to make small talk with the NPCs, by the way. We're getting to the really interactive parts soon.

And by interactive, I mean bullets flying over your PCs' heads. ^_^
Feh, it was worth a try. Was it an NPC he shared his bed with? If not, that narrows the choices down significantly...

Anyway, I'll pass on small talk unless approached; my character is really nervous about all this, and as such, he won't be very talkative at the moment.
It's a NPC that Joey has met before. Oh mystery of mysteries. ^_^

I'm pretty tired today. Post tomorrow, hopefully.

If I time it right, all the interactive stuff starts happening around Friday. That will give me some time to properly prepare.
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