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OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

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  • Celia Never Rests

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  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

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Ya she's Yamataian. But when she was little she grew up with three brothers, all of whom liked historical records and the like. She grew up with the idea that you saluted your superiors, period. It's kinda built in from all the old earth military stuff she absorbed.

Ok thats total bull. I just auto think salute when military comes up. (having a bit of that ingrained in me from my own youth) So I auto do that when addressing a superior. But the bull i just came up with looks good....think i should add it to her psych profile?

Plus I'm going for the stiff recruit thing right now. Need to help me loosen up a bit. She's a farmer who JUST got out of basic.

But we'll have time to interact just the two of us when we get out into the salvage mission. ^_^
Actually, if she's 18, she has to have been something else before she was Yamataian; the oldest 'natural born' Yamatain is three, as the Yamatain race was created in the year 27, and it is currently the year 30.

Yamataians were created to replace Nekos as the 'standard' race of the empire. Nekos are engineered more for war than for civillian life, but because of constant conflict and the fact that they can be manufactured quickly, Nekos came to outnumber every other race in the empire.

As such, it was decreed that the Nekos be 'reintegrated,' and the baseline human form was revisited in the Yamataian race. Many civillian Nekos (and probably almost all Geshrin) were converted to Yamataian bodies.

On top of this, it was decreed in year 29 that all members of the Star Army of Yamatai must be either Neko or Yamataian, so most service members who were not of these races either converted to Yamataian or were discharged. Renko had to have either been converted earlier in life or upon enlistment.

Also, there are no records of 'old earth' anywhere in the universe of Star Army of Yamatai- or at least nowhere that any player character could get access to them. The civilization and culture closest to the 'old world' of humanity is probably Nepleslian, which might be what Isuzu has been picking up on.

Another thing to consider: Nekos and Yamataians have 'digital brains' that can telepathically access computers (or other Neko/Yamataian brains) and store information in organized, interactive, non-degrading file systems. Geshrin and Nepleslians (the two 'baseline' human races in the setting) do not.

One notable difference between Ren and Isuzu's arrivals was that Ren was trying to find her way on her own while Isuzu had taken the precaution of having a complete schematic of the ship downloaded directly into her brain, which she was using to get around. This difference of approach is probably pretty typical when comparing Yamataians converted from Nekos with Yamataians converted from something else ^_^;.

When characterizing cultural norms among humans, it might be instructional to think of Geshrin as 'Japanese' and Nepleslian as 'American' or 'European.' As i understand the setting, Nepleslia came first, and then the founders of the empire of Yamatai split off from Nepleslia at some point. Most of these founders were of 'Japanese' and 'Nordic' cultures. These splinter Nepleslians eventually became 'Geshrin' through genetic engineering.

Later, Yamatai came back to conquer the Nepleslians, and Yamatai ruled Nepleslia for a time. Nepleslia has recently regained their independence, however, and their current relationship with Yamatai is barely civil, but there are probably enough Nepleslians still within the Empire of Yamatai that Renko could have been either Nepleslian or Geshrin, or a mix of the two.
Huh...well thank you for the explanation. I obviously didn't find enough information, not that I was able to find or absorb a lot. I appreciate the help. Considering her home world Ren would have been converted a year or two ago from a Geshrin.

As for saluting....i can always go back and edit them to bows can't I? But like I said I personally am kind of set at salute due to previous experiences. So forgive me for being an idiot.
Eh, sorry for the infodump; i didn't want to seem condescending or anything. It's just that some of these things are important to my character's personality, as the situation where she was (the 5th XF; almost all Nekos, recently decimated by the SMX, then left to fend for themselves; thirsty for revenge and a little disgruntled with the homeland) is a bit different from the situation where she is now (the 3rd XF; most racially diverse fleet in the empire until it was gutted by executive order mandating yamataian/neko bodies, the last Expeditionary Fleet that isn't on full wartime standing). As such, she's got a tiny bit of an 'us' and 'them' mentality ^_^;...

On the subject of saluting... [shrug] i dunno if it matters that much; Isuzu is making informed guesses, but there are always exceptions.
*nodnod* i still feel like an idiot. I have problems finding information around here. I swear there needs to be a central point where you can go to get to the information and some of the wiki stuff needs updating...and expounding too. *Shrug* Like i have no idea what average is for a Yamataian i just know (thanks to you) that its not 5 even....I'll adjust that next thanks. Was thinking 5' 6" and giving her measurements of 36-22-36 ....sound about right everybody?
I think the size range for Yamataians is supposed to be 'human norm,' so probably mid-5' to low-6' range would be average (lower end for females, higher end for males). Nekos have a more limited size range, and tend to be shorter; Isuzu is 4'11", which is considered short for a Neko, while Sasaki-Shosa is 5'6", which is considered tall for a Neko, so while Isuzu viewed her commanding officer as 'tall,' she's probably about the same height as Ren.
Right right...so the sizes look good? Should i go back and edit the salutes or what would be a good reason? Remember i just came from Fort Ready which is in my home system, Tatiana is where i spent the last 3 or so years. I think....ya it was finished in 26. its 29 now right? Plus its a Warmaster world....
Actually, for changing/fleshing-out character background and details, you should probably go back to your thread in the 'approved character submissions' forum and check with the GMs there.

Ragarding the Warmaster worlds and military culture, though, just from the entry there it sort of feels like they inherited more of the 'Nordic' flavor tham most of the empire worlds (and they have an unusually low Neko population), so saluting might be more normal for them than bowing.
Was planning on it when...thought at first I'd get the local opinion....but instead I'll go straight to the horses mouth. As for the saluting....unless theres more of an outcry from others I'll leave it. Thanks for the help. ^_^
Captains has wide discretionary powers aboard their ships in SAY. The Celia has had a long chain of non-Neko captains, including two Nepleslians, so saluting is officially a-okay here, until Captain Yuri says otherwise.

This is the kind of stuff I plan to put into the "3XF-specific knowledge" section.

In the mean time, I'm putting together the "Yangfan's totally OOC guide" as planned. The information really is out there, but I realize that it's a lot harder to find them when they're scattered all over the wiki. The basic, background lore of SARP will not be changing that often, so I feel comfortable with giving you guys the information right on Celia's wiki page.

No time left for an IC post today though. Maybe a short one tomorrow.
Thanks for the clear-up Yangfan. But i don't think we were discussing if it was ok to do but if it was appropriate to do for the character. *shrug* we eventually decided it didn't matter i think 'tho. ^_^
Y'know....I'm reading through the back log of the Celia and discovered I made a boo boo... In just saying that i joined the ship before the last jump and jumping straight in like i did i have no idea where my quarters are (or if I've been assigned any even.) and i didn't get a backup made.

My bad.

Yangfan how should I fix this? Or is it no big deal?
Not a big deal. We can skip the "finding your quarters" phase to speed things up. And your characters don't really need ST backups right now, as they won't be coming under enemy fire, and their Mindy armors are as tough as nails anyway. Just, err, don't touch anything that looks explosion-prone.

(edit: fixed grammar)
*Sheepish Grin* Ah...i'll try. Tho i hate to say it but i'm kinda a one person dirty pair....at least when it comes to things blowing up and it not being my fault.*shrugs and grins*
alhazred23 said:
Her pistol went into the armor's shoulder compartment.

? There is no shoulder compartment on the 2A Mindy, only the shoulder mount which is for a limited selection of rifles to the best of my knowledge,
There is no shoulder compartment on the 2A Mindy, only the shoulder mount which is for a limited selection of rifles to the best of my knowledge,

Per the wiki:

I wasn't sure if any of that equipment actually came with the Mindy or not, though; it might still be a little silly if Isuzu brought her own gun and knife and a set was incuded with the armor ^_^;. Regarding the shoulder mounts, it looks like the 'Balanced' loadout comes with one Gauss canon and one 'option' slot to be loaded with either another Mindy shoulder weapon or a hand held weapon holster at the pilot's discretion. There are also one or two 'tool'-type things that can slot in there. Isuzu requested a G3000 Capacitor unit so that she'd be able to do two teleports one after another, in case of emergency.
Hmmm, I see what you mean. "Additional Optional" does make it sound like it's not a part of any standard load out, probably why I never thought about it. (I wonder how vacuum-friendly those things in there are ) It also brings up the point of how easily accessible it is, what with an (unknown size?) TP backpack along with shoulder mounted equipment to get in the way.

Sidenote for Yangfan: Is the Celia equipped with all those fancy newfangled YE30 Mindy equipment? They were only just recently approved after all.
I'm thinking all of the 'typical' gear is vaccum friendly just as a precaution, but the armor can handle the life-support needs of the pilot for longer than those rations would last, so they're probably just there for when the pilot has to 'abandon ship' on a planet. The compartmnent itself probably isn't meant to be accessed while the Mindy is in operation, so it still probably makes sense to tape things to the Mindy if you want to be able to use them while you're wearing it. Incidentally, that's gotta be some serious duct tape ;...
Come on! We all know ducktape can do anything! ^_^ Plus i was looking at the M2 after my post and discovered that it's got built in bit's. It comes with six in leg holsters.

Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M2-W2903 NSD Upper Leg Hangars

The PANTHEON Nodal Support Drones (NSD) are hand-sized self-recharging multi-function drone units under the Mindy AI's control. Launched by the Mindy power armor during combat, these units (up to 6) will form up around their host Mindy and correlate targeting data. The NSDs are good for poking around corners and getting alternate points of view. They can also or act as countermeasures and even shoot at the enemy. The NSDs are typically carried in recharging slots on the Mindy's outer thighs.

Totally listed as a standard equipment that's not a hardpoint. So the others would be extras. Which wouldn't be so good for this op after all. -_-' Also i was later reading that it has some nifty aether blades on its wrists as its gauntlet weapons....well they do other stuff but with the blade setting i figure we have everything required to do the job. Bit's to scout into mangled wreckage and aether blades to cut our way in if it's useful.

Although the Ke-M2-2704 would add an extra 12 bits to be used....handy but not necessary.
I'd noticed that as well. Still, even if Renko hadn't requested something to swap out her TP unit, Isuzu probably would have asked for the G3000 to fill her empty shoulder slot. Being able to teleport again immediately after a teleport, rather than waiting who knows how long for the P3000 unit to recharge, opens up some nice practical and tactical possibilities.

One reason Renko might have requesed the additional bits could be that they're smaller than the older bits that come with the Mindy... but that's not real a big thing, i guess... (Edit And now that i look at the model that the 2A replaced, the 1F had the 'finger-sized' bits rather than the 'fist-sized' bits as well; is that a mistake in the description, or are they larger on the 2A for a reason?
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