Star Army

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OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celia Never Rests

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Ya but from that last post of Yangfan's I'm assuming were not going into combat. I'd be inclined to go with a minimum of extra equipment to lower our profiles so we ourselves can squeeze into the smaller spaces where the bit's would be used for tiny spaces. Still small spaces can just be ripped open so *shrug* we technically don't need more than a basic Mindy with nothing on the hardpoints to do the job.
Combat may not be our team's primary objective, but if we are going out to do salvage work in the nearby debris fields (and that still isn't confirmed), there's a chance that the pirates have salvage crews working out there as well, so being prepared can't hurt. We were ordered not to bring any handheld weapons, but otherwise these Mindies are packing some decent firepower, so i doubt Sasaki-Shosa is confident that we're totally safe...
My last final is tomorrow. After that (and possibly some copious drinking. As one of the three other people taking a course load similar to mine said this morning, "If there was ever a time that called for alcohol, it's the end of this quarter.") I'll actually be able to post more than once per century. Yay!
True true....Still like Shosa said a Mindy with minimum equp. for combat should be more than enough for some pirates.*shrug* I'm not worried. Sides like i said, i'm like the dirty pair all rolled into one. *sheepish grin* i always come out on top...even if there is a lot of collateral damage. *shrug*

Kei: no fair! We still have 3 weeks left in our term! AFTER this week! tho we aint got no school this week. ^_^its thanks giving so we get the week off.
Sorry guys, the salvage crew won't see much combat. I haven't made up my mind yet whether it's "no combat" or "not enough combat to be interesting", but you guys are primarily in "adventure game" mode. Find clues, figure out what happened, etc.

The away team going into the pirate ship, however, will hopefully see more combat than they bargained for. *rubs hands together* :D

Hmm. In future missions, I'll probably cut down a lot of this prep work. You guys won't need to be hand-held through mission prep next time for sure. Just tell Sixthree what equipment load-out you prefer, then he'll give you what he thinks you should have, and then right to the action. ;)

As for the utility pack, I'm pretty sure those are meant for when you crash land on a planet (clothes, food, water, weapons). For starters, between your shoulder blades is not exactly a good place to reach for your pistol during a firefight. Another thing is that all those items will start floating away from you unless you tape them down once you open the pack. (Unless they're secured already. Hmm.) I'd advise against trying to put on your extra uniform while in space. ^_^;

Regarding David's question, we'll just say that the utility packs are new additions on the latest model Mindies, which Renko and Isuzu are forunate enough to be piloting. :) I'll probably refuse to allow techs for this mission that are approved after this point though. The Celia is a little out of sync time-wise with the other plot-ships, but let's be reasonable here. ^_^

If you're really determined and have a straw, you could probably find an intake port on your helmet and drink all that delicious, precious water. Of course, if you're doing this, then your armor's life support (which provides water) has probably failed, and you have a few minutes to live before you die of oxygen deprivation. :P

Or you can splash it on your helmet:

PS: Gah. Too much talking and browsing. Sorry. No IC post today. Early meeting with manager tomorrow.
I'm cool with game be honest i'm not sure how it's going to go when Renko gets into her first firefight. I've got her kind of set up to go one of two ways....a: panic and end up having a breakdown. b: deal with it and get good at it.

Tho if she goes rout "a" she may very well deal with it and get good anyway.*Shrug* it depends on how bad it is and what happens really.
Hmm... adventure game, eh?

//Isuzu peers quizzically at the odd interface bar that just popped up in her HUD.//
[LOOK][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon]
//It's a compact, shoulder-mounted mass driver, a distand descendant of the venerable rubberband and paperclip. The ultra-dense slugs it fires move at several times the speed of sound, so it's big, mean and very noisy- unless you're in space!//
[PICK UP][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon]
//The anti-armor gun is long and hard, but surprisingly light in the hands of a Mindy.//
[RUB][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon]
//Oooo! So shiny!//
[FONDLE][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon]
//Hey, now! That's just sick!//
[FONDLE][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon]
//Do you two want a room?//
[USE][Ke-M2-W2905 Shoulder-Fired 50mm Gauss Cannon][Blast Doors]
Ren may want to 'undo' that launching of bits; as it was noted earlier, doing so would probably roast Sasaki-shosa, as the the system relies on the armor's CFS ( ... eld_system) which cooks nearby organic matter when activated. Incidentally, how do the armor's non-energy weapons operate when the CFS is activated? Do we just not use them, or can the Mindy open 'windows' in the CFS bubble? Also, can the Mindy use energy weapons omnidirectionally through the CFS, the way starships can?

Edit: Posted my questions about the Mindy CFS to the questions board.
Hmm... is there a voice procedure that they use in the SAoY? I've never been in the military, so i don't really know how this works ^_^;...

But it looks like Ren and Isuzu are finally off to have fun in the mysterious cloud of razor-sharp and possibly radioactive starship debris! Yaaaay!
I'm just using standard military terms. *shrug and smile* This is a military RP after all. I don't think their gonna change that much with the basics. So unless theirs a definitive from somebody I'm gonna use standard military jargon.
I wouldn't worry too much about proper jargon usage. Most of the soldiers experienced enough to use a codified system are either officers, retired, or dead. Your average new recruit NPC is a vat-bred Neko with a lot of canned information and a year's worth of actual combat training. That makes the PCs paragons in the "knows what she's talking about" department. ^_^
Hmm... that makes Isuzu about half as well-trained as the average vat-bred Neko recruit. I guess PCs come from a special vat ^_^;...
Well, it makes the Yamataian PCs paragons in life experience, at least. ^_^;

In case no one can figure out my crappy "sensor map", the green dots are the PCs, Sixthree, and Liam. The purple dots are the Lamias. The red dots are hostiles and unknowns. The red dots with a brown bar across it are hostiles or unknowns who are wounded or otherwise incapacitated.
How large is the Mindy CFS bubble for the purpose of determining NSD operation range? The listed range is 500-750 meters, but i'm wondering if that's just the range of the drones' weapons. Come to think of it, approximately what is the scale of this debris cloud, oh great and all-knowing Yangfan-sama?
Plus i was also thinking of referring to a "Tom Clancy" style of fictional digital book to why I'm so's not entirely untrue. Except it wasn't any of Clancy's work...^_^
The debris field is approximately 200 meters in radius, and spreading at the rate of, oh, say, 0.05 meters per second. This is all very vague figures, as you can't really draw a definite outline around the debris field.

I'm not the right person to ask about the CFS bubble question. Please take it to the general questions sub-forum. Thanks. ^_^

PS: Did you know that the Lamias are piloted by NH-12 Nekos that are only 8 inches tall? To them, the armor is really a giant mecha. :D

So if anyone tells you SARP lacks giant robots, you can tell them they don't know what they're talking about. 8-)
Alright, the offical word from Wes is that Nodal Support Bits and Drones can only be powered by the Mindy CFS if they're within two meters of the armor. Hmm... i probably should have also asked if the little things move at 0.8c only within the bubble; it would make sense that they'd move slower outside it, since they'd no longer be able to take advantage of the Mindy's distortion field.

With their limited operational time outside of their very limited 'powered' range, these drones seem significantly less useful than they initially had for the purposes of scouting an area. I suppose that might be why they're called 'support drones' rather than 'scout drones' ^_^;...
Hmm... i wonder if Ren's question makes sense. Nekos were originally created as a living weapons/cannon fodder, yes? It would seem to me that it might be less uncommon for humans to transfer to Neko bodies than vice versa. Many humans are probably still prejudiced against Nekos, and there was also recently a push to convert the empire's 'excess' Nekos to Yamataian bodies.
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