Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC YSS Celia OOC Thread

What should be the ship motto of the YSS Celia?

  • Peace through Strength

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Celia Never Rests

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Through the Stars, and into the Future

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Thank you guys. I'm already feeling better. ^_^

No IC posts today. Expect the next one tomorrow or Saturday. It'll be a long one. :)
Santô Hei Aoki, I'm afraid you're too short to fit into a Daisy, so you'll have to make do with a Mindy.

'Make do' with a Mindy. Lolzorz.
"I'm afraid you're too big for a hummer, so you'll just have to drive this jet-powered battletank."
I've been playing trial admin at a LAN event these last 3 days where there was an unanticipated lack of internets. I'm still trying to catch up on much lost sleep and much, much catch up of other stuff so I probably won't post for another day.

Mmm... LAN party...

All is forgiven. (There really wasn't anything to forgive.) Please post at your leisure, David. ^_^

Oh, and next IC post from me is tomorrow. I have a post but it's not ready. :3 Please keep posting in the mean time. You guys are doing great.
Dammit. I think I caught something over the weekend or last Friday (yes, again!), and it's getting worse. My immune system is pretty much exhausted now. >_<

I'll make a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm also taking a few days off to recover. :(
Dang, am I, like, the ONLY PERSON ON THIS PLANET who isn't getting sick right now?!! I'm getting seriously freaked out; the worst I've had since the equinox was a cold that lasted a few days, and everyone I know and their brother has developed the flu AT LEAST ONCE...!!

In any case, take some time and get some rest, kyoudai. From the sound of it, I'd guess you need it. I'd rather have you out for a week to return all the stronger than have you continue to strain yourself while you're sick.
I think I'm on the mend. It doesn't hurt when I swallow anymore, and the muse inside my head is angrily demanding that I continue the story. ^_^
I HATE that feeling...It happens to me a lot when I get sick, since I've got oversized tonsils...Having mono was the worst thing that ever happened to me, as far as illness goes; I felt like I was going to die of breathing for days at a time.

Anyway, good to have you back, kyoudai. Don't strain yourself, though; if you're not up to being active online, you should take it easy until you're back in good health.
(X-posted to the Miharu discussion thread)

In the next three weeks, I have to write two fully 3d interactive games from scratch, write a patch for Second Life (involving one programming language that I've never even glanced at before), write a program to read in sentences and tag the parts of speech, take three exams, register for next quarter, fill out half a dozen forms and write an essay to apply for JET, give a 60 minute presentation, finish writing a Unix command shell from scratch, and theoretically eat and sleep at some point. Oh, and I have to pick up an extra day or two at work because somebody's on vacation.

Which is to say, I will probably be very scarce for a while. I'll try to drop in once or twice a day, but if a situation comes up where one of my characters has to respond to move things forward and I don't seem to be stepping up to the challenge, feel free to NPC them along.
Ahh. That brings back fond memories of college. :geek:

My advice: take one of your class out to the shed and put it out of its misery. You'll have to prioritize and figure out which classes you truly care about, and which ones you don't care if you bomb it. If you try to give each class due diligence, you'll get terribly sick, and then you wouldn't get much work done at all, would you? :)

Your immune system will weaken as you get less and less sleep, but you can tweak your diet to compensate: much less meat, more fish, more fruits and veggies, drink water like a fish, pop a vitamin pill everyday.

Yes, you NEED TO EAT. ^_^;;

And don't take so many technical classes next time. I've tried it before. Lessons learned?

1. It doesn't make girls find you more attractive. (Shocker.) :shock:
2. Some guy with 300 IQ is going to outshine you anyway. :evil:
3. You feel like crap afterward.

It's, quite frankly, not worth it. :p
Yeah, this is a one-time thing. At the senior tier of computer science here, there are 10 classes. You must take any 4 of them to graduate. A lot of the ones I wanted to be able to take are only given in fall quarter... and this is my last fall quarter in college. So, rather than take the others and end up in Computation Theory 2: Boy, We Sure Love Turning Machines in the Winter, I decided to load up on all the fun stuff that I could.

On the upside, after this quarter, I have three classes left. Over two quarters. I look forward to my one-class quarter. So really, after this quarter, I have 6 months of a very light schedule to enjoy before I graduate and get shoved out into Real World Land.
*nods* I understand, although I personally would've dropped down to three.

I still say designate one of your classes to be the whipping boy and hope you get a passing grade in it. ^_^

On a completely unrelated note, this is how your char gets into a power armor: there's a fleshy slit on the back of the armor. You lower your head and climb inside. The fleshy layer surrounding your character acts as a biological interface and shock absorbers. (This is something your char would've learned in Basic.)

Like the Mishhus say, a Yamataian armor is "crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside". :D
On a completely unrelated note, this is how your char gets into a power armor: there's a fleshy slit on the back of the armor. You lower your head and climb inside. The fleshy layer surrounding your character acts as a biological interface and shock absorbers. (This is something your char would've learned in Basic.)
Er, this isn't entirely accurate.

The JP below is what we primarily consider the canon for Mindy entry:

ON: YSS Mirai

Yui and Hanako entered the Mindy pilot's quarters, where the Nozomi's crew was hanging out while waiting for the ship to finish upgrading. Walking along the rows of bunk beds, the Taisho looked in each until she found her intelligence officer. "Rei!" the woman smirked, leaning between two bunks with her hands on their corners. "According to Mirai's sorting through Nozomi's personnel records, I understand that, oddly enough, you've somehow never had the opportunity to pilot a Mindy power armor." Hanako smiled warmly while she patiently waited behind Yui.

Rei was a little distracted but she looked up and smiled at the captain, "I never thought about that, I guess I've never really been in need of one and no-one has really needed me to pilot one either." It would probably be useful to learn how to pilot one but she didn't really know if she would actually use one in the near future.

"Come on, we'll go to the bays on the Nozomi. The upgrades are almost done and we should be able to go back aboard. It'll be you, me, and Hanako," Yui offered with a warm smiled. Piloting the Mindy was something that every Nekovalkyrja should know, in the Taisho's opinion; even the servant girl who was winking at Rei sweetly from behind Yui's back.

Rei smiled warmly at Hanako before she faced the captain again and gave a short nod of acknowledgement. She thought it would be a good idea herself and besides that she actually was a little curious how it felt to operate one.

Yui led the way back through the airlocks of the two connected ships, then back towards the Nozomi's port Mindy Bay. On the way Rei, got a glimpse of the cloned Nekovalkyrja under the MEGAMI system's command, each dressed in a Star Army uniform with an orange panel on the chest and matching orange shoulder pads. The Nozomi looked completely different, all of the paintings, chandeliers, and wood paneling missing from the hallways.

As Rei followed she took note of the difference, she was interested to see it look so different and was curious on the end result. The idea of change was a little refreshing as it could get dull to wake up to the same old scenery everyday. She decided though to put her thoughts into the Mindy training she was going to partake in and asked the captain, "Should I know anything before I try to pilot one of the Mindy armors?"

Rei's short, catlike ears felt (and subconsciously measured the direction and speed of) a cool draft coming through the Mindy bay as the three entered. The Mindy M2 Power Armor left for her is standing against the wall, secured with a small net of red straps so it doesn't go anywhere. It was quiet and somewhat cold in the bay. Ahead, the scary black emptiness of space was held back only by the Nozomi's forcefield. She could which one was hers because it had her rank and name displayed on its boxy shoulders. "Don't fire the weapons in the ship," Yui told her.

Rei felt a little nervous since it was the first time she would be pilot a Mindy, it had a mixture of excitement as well however. She gave another short nod in response to Yui's command concerning the weapons, that was something she definitely would make sure of avoiding. She gave Yui a curious look as she waited to find out what to do next.

"Remove the helmet," Yui directed. Hanako had a Mindy of her own next to Rei's and took it is helmet off to demonstrate. Like Yui's red armor, Hanako's was made with a special color scheme, a glistening black.

The busty blue-haired neko did so, she watched how Hanako had gone about it and basically had just imitated her, and once the helmet was removed she looked inside curiously.

The headless armor stood on its own, a slimy, but clean-looking pink flesh showing at the neck, clenched like a closed fist. At her touch, the armor stepped forward and kneeled. The chest blossomed as the pink flesh inside spread, revealing a dark hole between the wet folds. It was warm and moist, but had very little smell to it, something like a faint hint of salty yogurt.

Rei didn't know the armor would look so organic, it made her a little nervous since she hoped she would be able to control it, she looked back to Yui to see if she should enter.

The older Nekovalkyrja laughed heartily and directed, "Now, you're going to have to strip what you've got on and Face away from the armor. Go in feet-first, chest towards the front of the mecha, of course." She'd seen new Nekovalkyrja's mistakenly get sucked in and "eaten" by their armors by curiously sticking their heads in, resulting in a lot of amusing moments and flailing legs.

She did as she was told and removed her clothing and accessories, she folded and placed it neatly to the side with her belt and equipment on top, she then approached the Mindy and climbed on top. With a hand on either side she slowly entered feet first into the Mindy, she was caught by surprise when it seemed to take hold of her feet and sucked her in.

It was a slight, but noticeable suction that tugged her deeper inside the hole, as if the suit was devouring her the way one would suck a hanging lo mein noodle through her lips. The fragile-looking rosy folds of flesh that surrounded the moist orifice pressed firmly against the smooth, hairless skin of her body, spreading its slick wetness around her as she was slowly enveloped by the velvet-soft, and comfortingly warm insides. Her arms glided naturally out into the armor's arms, and the suit automatically fit itself to her every curve, practically becoming one with her. Yui watched approvingly as Rei and Hanako entered their Mindy armors.

She started to get an idea of how it might work but dared not move until Yui had told her she could, she didn't fully understand it yet and wasn't going to make a mess of things by taking it into her own hands. She looked to Yui and waited for what she should do next. She had guessed to put the helmet on but still waited.

Once she was up in her neck in flesh, the suit massaged the remaining pockets of air from the bottom of her feet along her skin and out around the neck. There was a sensation of a hundred little bubbles tickling her as they trailed along her skin. The flesh tightened around her, and she felt a pressure down in her crotch, as the suit surrounded her, entering pressing inside of her a bit. A slight stinging sensation followed, as a little worm wriggled its way through a tiny opening and up into her bladder and sucked out the contents. The suit's control rods slipped through the holes in her shoulders and then the M2 suit became like her natural body as her nerves to her own NH-17 were cut off and directed into the suit.

She bit her lower lip lightly as she felt a small wave of pleasure from the pressure that was being applied, it soon changed to a wince however as she then felt the slight stinging sensation and the pleasure was replaced by pain. She then suddenly felt the familiar feeling of her nerves being cut off as they were re-directed to the suit, she recognized it from some other devices that required basically the same process, she thought to herself that she should have guessed that that was probably how the Mindy had to be operated, it was only logical.

The suit immediately gained a near-weightless sensation. It felt lighter than a feather! The armor's electronics system sent her brain a short text message and a surge of tingly pleasure through her to let her know that it was fully operational. The link between her body and the armor was built into both, and when she made to move, both her body and the suit would respond in harmony. While she stood there getting accustomed to things, a holographic diagnostic chart appeared. The armor was fully ready, save its lack of missiles. Hanako giggled and undid the last straps holding her armor to the wall and started floating in circles around the bay in her armor. "Are you doing alright, Rei-chan?" asked.

She turned to smile at Hanako and gave a short nod, "I'm fine, just finding it a little uncomfortable," she stated, she was sure Hanako knew what she meant. "Ummm, so now what?" She asked curiously, "Should I put my helmet on?", 'Or at least try' she thought to herself, she assumed it wouldn't be too hard though since the suit would basically move as her body did now that everything was in place, or so she hoped.

Yui nodded, "Sure. You want to take it out in space?" Hanako rotated her suit in midair and then landed on the ceiling and started walking around up there. "Would you toss me mine first?" she asked, smiling. Rei's armor gracefully moved in her body's usual manner, despite the sensation she got that the Mindy could float off of the floor at any moment. The armor was clearly designed by nekos, for nekos. It had the same optic camouflage and skin sensors, the same type of anti-gravity abilities, and so it was much easier than Rei had originally thought to start using it. The Taisho stripped down and donned her own Mindy, too, though it took the experienced Yui mere seconds to do so.

Rei picked up her helmet in one hand and then Hanako's in her other, she found that moving was even easier than she had previously thought it to be. She then tossed Hanako's helmet to her. She looked to Yui who seemed to have already gotten in and in record time and answered her question "I'm not sure, it is up to you," she finished off with a smile.

Hanako caught her helmet and shook her fluffy-haired head before putting on the helmet. There was a quiet hissing noise as the black suit sealed. Yui followed putting her helmet on, too, and removed her Ke-M2-2701 rifle from the wall nearby. The rifle had an activation code and didn't "come to life" until she'd touched it and was identified. "Just in case," Yui said. The helmet wasn't slimy on the inside like the rest of the armor, more a sort of gel-type texture. It covered the sides of the face but there was a small area in front that was enough to let a person talk and use their real eyes on a beautiful little internal screen (used mainly for communications). Of course, a pilot had the Mindy's powerful eyes to see through as well.

After she had her helmet she gave Yui and Hanako a thumbs up to say she was ready, she was a little excited by everything and couldn't wait to get out into space, she did give the rifle a questioning look but guessed it was probably best to be prepared.

Yui slung the rifle over her back and wrapped her hands around Hanako's ankles, pulling the girl out of the Mindy bay and into space by her feet. The suits were all linked automatically since they were near each other, and so Rei's ears were softly filled with the sounds of Hanako and Yui giggling inside of their own suits. "Just visualize the sensation of floating and flying, like you would with a neko body," Yui told Rei helpfully. "You can do it."

She did as she was asked treating the Mindy as if it wasn't there and visualizing herself feeling lighter, she could slowly feel it begin to work as she started to float. Once she was finally up and she was sure she had control she simply said, "I think I'm getting it." Rei's nerves had calmed much since she had started as she found the Mindy much easier to control than what she first believed.

Yui let Hanako go and the two waited just outside the bay. "Now, gently fly towards us. Don't be too powerful in your directions...these armors can go pretty fast if you do!"

"Okay," Rei replied softly before she started to move slowly forward, unfortunately though in her eagerness for caution a bit too slow so she started to adjust the speed slowly until she finally had figured out how to accurately change the speed to suit how fast she wanted to go, still being cautious however she went a bit below the normal as she glided to Yui and Hanako.

Beneath her crimson helmet, Yui smiled. "Good girl," she praised, "Once you're past us, try stepping it up a bit. The AIES can help you run the armor smoothly. We'll join you. How about a flight around Kxi'ran and back?"

She did as she was asked and once she had passed Yui and Hanako started to move a little faster, she was trying to get a good feel for the Mindy. Once she was positive she knew what she was doing she flew up to Yui and Hanako and told them she'd love to fly around Kxi'ran if possible.
... I just noticed that they were instructed to put on their jumpsuits, not suit up all the way into their power armor. Somebody shout at me the next time I do something that stupid.
Are all KFY power armours available aboard the Celia, or is there a limited selection?

Also, is the railgun on the Kylie removable?
Good question:

Lamia M1 Space Mecha (Main fighting force of the Ayame-class. Lots.)

Mindy M2 Power Armor (Quite a few. Enough for every Neko aboard, although not all will be the latest model. Will be M2-1F and M2-2A. No 1H [Hanako version] though.)

Kylie M3 Anti-Armor Power Armor (Only two. 1c model only.)

Sylph M4 Light Power Armor (NONE)

Harpy M5 Scout Armor (NONE aboard the Celia, although one of the Celia's escorts has one aboard.)

Daisy M6 Infantry Power Armor (Only a few. I believe the tech sentries are using most of them. Used mainly for dangerous boarding missions.)

Sarah M7 Samurai Power Armor (NONE)

From reading the Kylie's description, it doesn't look like the railgun is an optional weapon, so it's probably not removable.

Of course, anything is removable if you try hard enough. Someone has to repair the armor later if you damage it though. ^_^;
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