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The Kyoto Project

The Kyoto Project began in YE 33 and was founded by Kyoto Sekai. It is a Yamatai Star Empire entertainment group.

About the Kyoto Project

The Kyoto Project was started by Kyoto Sekai after winning a record deal and receiving small gigs. She decided it was time she went professional to pursue her dreams, and so financed the beginning of the group.

Project Members

  • Drummer: John Kea โ€“ A Nepleslian from Funky City who met Sekai while studying abroad in Yamatai. He has a passion for the beat and loves playing his own personal drum set. He joined the Project as a favor to Sekai, with a little hope of winning some money. He's pessimistic about the group's chances (and in general) and has stated that he's only going to stay temporarily.
  • Lead Guitar: Yomanata Shinji โ€“ A Yamataian university student with a depressing outlook on life, Shinji expresses himself with his guitar. He met Sekai in a Language Arts class, and immediately befriended the outwardly positive young woman. He has also stated that he is only going to stay temporarily, because he would like to start his own music group.
  • Lead Vocal: Kyoto Sekai. She is the founder of the group and doubles as the song writer. She also handles the group's financial decisions.

Song Lists

  • Mysteries of the Universe: A song about the cosmos where mighty beasts roam, but with heroes to protect the people. It's an upbeat song about the adventures and qualities of unnamed heroes (implied to be yamataians against Mishhu.)
  • Lay in Wait: Low key for the first half of a minute before becoming a roaring anthem of striving towards common goals with the people around you at the most opportune times, this song has it all and is the first song written in the YE 40.
  • Sunny Side Yup: A lackadaisical song about waking up the morning to the birds chirping, a mom making pancakes in the kitchen, and just general good, fun time things.
  • Enjoy it While it Passes: A heart-pulling serenade about the joys and difficulties of loving a moment and letting it pass.
  • Pocky Rocky: An electrifying and high-intensity song in which Kyoto expresses a long and exciting best friendship.

Music Videos/Commercials/Media

  • A local Kyoto Shampoo commercial.


  • An Electric Drum Set
  • 3 Electric Guitars
  • 1 Acoustic Guitar
  • 2 Electric Bass Guitars
  • 1 Electric Synthesizer Piano
  • 1 Grand Piano
  • 4 Stand Microphones
  • 8 Music Stands

faction/yamatai/entertainment/kyoto_project.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:25 by