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Abandoned Character (Independent) Genominus [Draft]


Active Member
Genominus is a player character played by Alexstraizer.

Species & Gender: Random Alien (First and last of kind),Non-binary (Male by Personality)
Year of Birth: YE 01.
Organization: Independent.
Occupation: Self acclaimed 'Primal Gene-Smith' (Current)
Rank: N/A
Preferred Plot: N/A

Physical Description
Genominus is,by physical terms,an amalgamation of different alien species of unknown origin.He can be depicted of having the body of a human,the legs of a centipede,the wings of a bird,6 small,frail arms and hands,and the face of a spider.His back is littered with blister-like sacs,on which he keeps most of the genetic materials that he salvaged and scrapped.His skin tone borders around black and dark green,his chitinous hide is completely dark in color.He also secretes a slimy,purple substance,which helps his body to retain its moisture.It is also been used as a weapon,using its slimy texture to trap prey.

The structure of his brain is unique,on which he can independently control his six individual arms and hands with little effort,although they won't work as efficient as using only one pair.In this case,he must find a balance between Quality and Quantity,since he needed all three pairs to conduct his experiment.His bug-like eyes,which was hidden inside his exo-skeleton,can magnify like a microscope,which aids him in altering the microscopic genetic materials.

Lacking the ability of flight due to his weight and the size of his wings,Genominus makes it up with his ability of being a living factory of small beetles called "Bio-bullets",the beetle's aerodynamic shape and hard exo-skeletons makes it a viable candidate to deal damage to other beings.He can also modify these bio-bullets as to inflict different kinds of injuries,like acid burns,viral infections,Explosions.....and many more.

He usually speaks in a deep,resonating tone,although his vocal chord is capable of imitating other voices,a sign that he is being sarcastic to someone.

Genominus can also encased himself in a cocoon-like egg,which allows him to control some of his creations.He can regenerate his body by this mean,the purple slime inside the cocoon acts as a natural healing agents.His mind can also be enhanced,allowing him to communicate with others via telepathy.

"Adaption.Powerful weapon against evolution,and yet the two halves is similar by all means."
Genominus,While explaining the pros and cons of Evolution.


Genominus can exhibit Xenophilia when encountering different species and biospheres,wanting to extract their "Bio-matter" for his better understanding of that selected species.He is quite literal,not able to understand any forms of humor.He can also be wary of one's intent,thinking that they would attempt to 'Assimilate' him.His drive to discover new species have caused him to be a little bit aggressive when he attempts to extract some of their "Bio-matter".Nonetheless,he can be loyal and sometimes worthy of being one's friend and adviser,if his Xenophilic attitude doesn't get in the way.

Genominus was born in YE 01.An amalgamation of different alien species created by a entity named,"The Primordial",He serves no other purpose than to,"Evolve,Alter and Create."

In YE 15,Genominus have now learned of nearly 40 percent of all known alien species,using live experiments and autopsies to strengthen his knowledge of biology.

In YE 24,He suddenly felt a loss of someone he served long ago.....yet he didn't remember it.For no reason at all,he turns feral,experimenting on unfortunate souls who encountered him on an unnamed Nepleslian station.Living in the depths of the trash compactor,he reused some organic materials and turned it into new species of beetles,some are beneficial,some.....destructive.

After spending almost a decade,in YE 33,he decides to hitchhike a transport ship,which leads him to a small planet outside Nepleslian territory.There,he resumes his search for the meaning of life,Mutating and altering some alien species along the way.

Currently,He is in a Yamataian Station,all while searching for the meaning of life.....

Social Connections

Genominus have no known Social Connections.

Skills Learned
Genominus has the following notable skills:
  • Advanced Biological understanding
  • Alter or weave genetic materials
  • Turning organic lifeforms into bio-engineered creatures
  • Capable of bio-engineering with only his bare hands,genetic materials and a dark,damp chamber
  • Preparing "Adaption Strains" for testing and field jobs
Inventory & Finance
Genominus has the following:
  • Some strands of Genetic material
  • A set of organic 'Micro-needles' for altering and repairing genetic material
  • A pair of Weaponized Biological Rifle Modules (W.B.R.M AKA "Worm" Guns) that could be bonded to someone
  • A Cocoon for small,metallic beetles called 'Lead-bugs',used as ammunition for the Worm Guns
Genominus currently has 0 KS.

Character Will
In the case I become inactive (gone for more than a month):
  • Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
  • Can this character be adopted after I'm gone for a year or more? YES
Okay,this character is inspired from a creature in a RTS game I once played.I hope that this Character is allowed.
PS:I would like if this character is questioned by someone from any faction (Yamataian,Nepleslian,S6 or anyone else),but other than that,it's up to you.


@Jack Pine
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
As far as the concept goes i think its pretty cool theough i have a feeling it may need a little tweaking to better fit into sarp lore, only other thing i wanted to say is that based on his history alone the Neshaten are definitely part of the 10% he doesnt know due to their isolationist nature, that percentage may also need to be downgraded but i thin this will definitely need wes to look over.

Got a plot in mind for them? Cause a character is no good if you can't use em
In YE 15,Genominus have now learned of nearly 90 percent of all known alien species,using live experiments and autopsies to strengthen his knowledge of biology.
I think we should remove this and basically have him recently arriving. Other than that, things seem OK to me. This is an unusual character but that's what the random alien things is for!
  • Alter or weave genetic materials
  • Turning organic lifeforms into lethal,bio-engineered monsters
  • Capable of bio-engineering with only his bare hands and a dark room

This gets more and more crazy kind of OP. Like, what will these skills be used for?
Anything can be considered OP depending how you look at it, whack some times on it and its as op as aether or less than. Though i think a few people would like to know the answer to that question, since pvp is non existent in sarp due to no one ever wanting to lose, it'd be used for pve a majority of the time and they can't exactly raise an army against a faction as again, no one would agree on it.

Personally I believe that what the skills are used for matters within the context of a plot he'll be used in but I'll quit rambling and wait for the, to reply
As far as the concept goes i think its pretty cool theough i have a feeling it may need a little tweaking to better fit into sarp lore, only other thing i wanted to say is that based on his history alone the Neshaten are definitely part of the 10% he doesnt know due to their isolationist nature, that percentage may also need to be downgraded but i thin this will definitely need wes to look over.

Got a plot in mind for them? Cause a character is no good if you can't use em
I don't know which plots should I choose..
All of them are really good,but....
Can anyone pick a suitable Plot for this chara?
Anything will do.
This gets more and more crazy kind of OP. Like, what will these skills be used for?
Genominus has no intent to create an army of bio-engineered monstrosities,although he could if he has more hands..
(Wait,like 6 hands is not enough?)
Other than that,in order to bio-engineer something,he needs more than a dark room and the genetic materials....He needs something to alter and replace the genetic materials,something with a bit of "Umph".
(Like....Poison?Or toxins?.....Viruses?)
This will do.
Oh, hey, I realize you probably can't edit your bio post anyway if the timer kicked in so would you like me to make a wiki page for you out of the post?

I think we should remove this and basically have him recently arriving. Other than that, things seem OK to me. This is an unusual character but that's what the random alien things is for!
"Bio-Organism named Wes is attempting to assimilate my knowledge.Unsuccessful."
"However,will agree to second statement.I am unusual.I adapt.I evolve.I create."
The BRRF is a joint military and scientific task force created under Section 6 just before they reformed in the nation now known as the New Dusk Conclave. Their founding directive is to combat bio-weapons, as well as to neutralize biohazards that arise. They were formed in response towards the rising threat of biological natured threats from groups such as Psychopomp, Hades, and now a cult like group called Crimson.
Oh, hey, I realize you probably can't edit your bio post anyway if the timer kicked in so would you like me to make a wiki page for you out of the post?

"Bio-Organism known as Wes attempts to create Wiki-page using my consent."
The BRRF is a joint military and scientific task force created under Section 6 just before they reformed in the nation now known as the New Dusk Conclave. Their founding directive is to combat bio-weapons, as well as to neutralize biohazards that arise. They were formed in response towards the rising threat of biological natured threats from groups such as Psychopomp, Hades, and now a cult like group called Crimson.
"Biological Brood known as the Biohazard Rapid Response Force attempts to concieve my knowledge of bio-engineering,for safety and educational purpose."