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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP Nation of a Thousand Bought Guns


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40, 3 months after landing.
RP Location
Planet Sirris VI - Obsidian City
The day was cold and misty, the city life of Obsidian city as busy as usual. People wandered about the streets, carrying on with their usual business in their new home. Even the starport was receiving activity with the recently established supply line between the New Dusk Conclave and the Monarchy of Dovania. Raw materials and resources were brought in from their ally in exchange for the training and knowledge the NDC shared with them. It was also not uncommon for these ships to bring along new colonist who had hitched aboard during fueling stops at the independent stations on the fringe of the territory.

One of these freighter as usual, touched down at the dock, landing on the water to be pulled into the bay. Once moored, the ramps would lower and airlocks open, as dock works moved to transferr cargo quickly.

A radio message hit the control unit of the dock, a serious and mature voice spoke "This is Craig Mulder, with serial number XWR890012, requesting permission to land"

["This is tower to approaching craft, you are cleared to land on pad five. Welcome to Sirris VI, please enjoy your stay."], came back the voice of the AI that monitored and directed incoming star traffic to the port. It had a light and feminine voice, that was hard to even tell was not of a person's.

From the inside of his cockpit, Craig was looking for a brief moment the horizon of the planet, thinking about how much time he has spent on saying this same message over and over again and cursing himself for still not recording an automatic message, his tired good eye blinked and then he turned to the commands of the starfighter, brand new for him, buyed last year along with many other necessary equipments for his "daily routine". That's what he calls his job, one of the most difficult and old in the sector.

He never wanted to do such a big change, but he had to, things were changing. New technologies had to be faced and the old countermeasures of his equipment, were completely obsolete. He had to do it if he wanted to remain on the edge, with the other "competitors".

He set the commands to track the landing zone recieved from the AI, then rolled the seat towards the back of the cockpit, and went to prepare himself before meeting his new employer.

After a few minutes from the message, from the control tower, a black S6-MSF "Sparrow" was seen landing on one of the many landing zones. The cockpit opened and a tall muscular man wearing a black and grey power armor with red lights, exit from it.

A humanoid machine painted black with gold highlights, approached the man with a smooth walk, something not seen in most automations minus those made by Yamatai. "Greetings Mr. Mulder, I am a greeter unit for arriving craft. May I be of assistance to you today? Maybe with directions, local data, or even just answering questions.", came an equally smooth electronic voice from it's audio units, politely gesturing to the man.

Craig nodded "Yes greeter unit. I'm here because I recieved news for the personnel application, precisely military personnel. Where should I go?" He spoke mechanically.
It was instinctive for him since he used to talk with far more inferior androids back in the days where it was needed to say precise phrases to recieve answers from them.

"Oh then you will want to speak with one of those in the command structure of the armed forces. I will send a notification ahead of your arrival. May I ask though,...are you enlisting, or...contracting? No offense sir, but you don't strike me as one to fully join the ranks.", The machine answer, giving the last sentence carefully, as to not offend. The AI was making progress at improving it's social skills, but there were always still errors now and then.

Craig kept professional, answering with a sharp, " Contract.... I am a mercenary. If you need, i've got a datapad full of public and private info about my curriculum. You can send the files too with the notification". But he was indeed pissed off on how the android tried to... mock him? Describing? He didn't even understood precisely what the machine wanted to say with that goofy affermation.

"Indeed, I will also summon a car at once to take you to our base......It seems the Commander wishes to speak with you himself. I hope we meet again Mr. Mulder, the car shall arrive shortly. You can find it parked out front of the terminal building, just head through that large building there.", the machine simply said with a polite bow before striding off to assist others. The data had been sent along as well, the Commander receiving it shortly after, at around the same time a Raven sport pulled up to the entrance of the port's main building.

The building was a three story structure of what looked like metal plates instead of windows, but with a nore reflective quality oddly enough. The building itself looked as if made from starship section, although neatly so as to not look junky, or juryrigged. It was clear whatever ship used was recycled in such a way, that it was done professionally and looked like a rather advanced construction. If Craig looked at the other structures in the city, he would find this to be a uniform aesthetic to all of them.

The Mercenary looked at it with a certain amount of inspiration. If he ever wanted to have a proper home, he surely would ask for the same engineers, which have designed such structures.

He walked inside the terminal area, methodically analizing the place and the people around, he always had a interest in the details.

Most people didn't bat an eye however, as they were used to the dark aesthetic of the gear S.S.A.F. members carried. The paintjob on his was the only thing that stood out really. The trip through the terminal building would be a short one. Despite that, just looking around showed that the majority of people here were base line humans, but there were other races too from most of the different people who lived across the Kikyo Sector.

Craig had to wait just a few moments, he then saw the car and went in. As he got inside, he had to adjust his seat several times to adapt to his stature, surely is always nice to be in a sports car, but damn the moving space was so restrictive.

After he had more, or less settled in, the car began to move. The wheel turning as an unseen AI drove the car, pulling it onto the main street. The streets bustled with people, all as could be seen, were happy. The city even had a peaceful air about it, the people just seeming so care free.

These sights continues as the car traveresed through the streets, eventually coming up to what was a well developed military base. Personnel and vehicles moved about the base, as security patrolled the perimeter, and as supplies were moved about. A line of three mechs even strolled by in a central lane, armed and carrying rifles in their mechanized hands. Tanks and jeeps also used the roads within the base's limits. Men and women in armor much like Craig's, also walked about. Some in heavier versions, or a unit that was clearly not of the same make, but considerably larger with heavier weapons.

After a couple minutes, the car pulled to a halt outside the main building, which had the characters S6 adorned on the front in a military style font. "Destination arrival confirmed, please have a nice day.", came an electronic voice from the dash speaker.

He got out, stretching his spine and neck for a moment, then proceeded to head inside of the main building. While doing this he had some moments to think about how in a short period of time that S6 had developed so highly, with really good weapons and armors, and enough to compete with other galactic nations. To become his preferred brand compared to the others. Times were truly changing.

Compared to the inside of the terminal building back at the port, this place was much more...utilitarian in design. Technology and reinforcements to the structure shown through, with none of the usual livery to cover it up. Guards stood to either side of major doors, including the entrance. A young woman stood in a dress uniform as if waiting for Craig, which proved true as she approached him. "Welcome Mr. Mulder, or would you prefer Craig? I am here to lead you to Lord Pine's office. It's a bit of a walk, but a necessary one none the less."

"Mr. Mulder is preferable" he answered with his serious tone, then continued while taking a look at the insides "Walking is not an issue, as long as there is something to look at." During the walk, the young woman would notice how militaresque and rigid he is, disciplined in his mannerisms.

Ceilia noted all of that as they did, also taking note of the man's age, as well as the notes gathered from his last purchase. "I shall remember to do so, and granted the interior here isn't much to look at. The Anvil is much more pleasing to the eyes, as well as the view on the elevator ride up.", she said offering a kind smile as she lead him along. After a few moments, she felt it best to try small talk, "I noticed you have quite a preferance for our equipment. May I ask what it is that you like about it so much? You're probably our most prolific buyer to date."

"Efficiency, adaptability, endurance, agility and style. This is what I was looking for when I had to unfortunatly sell my previous equipments, and you matched the requirements.... but if may I say" He looked right in to the eyes of Ceilia, making a small grin, "If I am your most prolific buyer you absolutely need to improve your commercial campaign".

"Well it's not like we have the ships yet for large scale commerse, besides....you also didn't buy them in a manner that was broadcasted as legal did you now?", Ceilia quipped with a knowing smirk.

The grin became larger, a goofy attempt to suppress a smile, "Miss Ceilia, may I know how a secretary knows the illegal market of the company she works for? Certain informations shouldn't be given to talkative workers... if may I say." Ends the last words while briefly touching his thick black moustaches.

"I have much more information then you apparently. For one, we aren't a company, we're a nation., and two. You bought it from my older brother, who by the way is the reason we have your purchase data. And I..am no secretary, but an adaptive AI, information is my lifeblood. My name by the way is Ceilia Dee-Cerulius, please remember that.", Ceilia said smartly as they walked down a very long stretch of corridor with no side doors.

"You are an AI and sister of Kessler who is in fact a complete human being, and also not a secretary... Mind to know why your lord is so intersted in me to let me be accompanied by such a valuable individual... which is still as I said, very talkative." He continued playing with her, while looking randomlessly around but in truth he was not, he was using variuos filters on his cybernetic eye, to scan the area and also Miss Ceilia. "By the way, Miss Ceilia... Dee-Cerulius? I used to know that surname, maybe I've read that on the news a long time ago."

The young woman gave a giggle, "I wouldn't say I'm valuable, but my mother in law works in the AD&R branch. Seraphina Cerulius, who's second in charge of it, and had a hand in most of that gear you like. My late husband was her son, but he never took the last name, and instead kept his birth name." Ceilia's expression sadened as she explained, turning her face away, "Sorry, I guess I'll shut up now." His scans would pick up nothing out of the ordinary, but the woman was a different matter. A visible lump to back of her petite neck would stand out, something obviously there below the skin.

"As you prefer miss Ceilia, but let me suggest to you that your implant is quite visible. If you say that you are an AI, the first thing you should do is trying to hide the most vital parts. I'll not specify you the implications of me now knowing such, you perfectly know who can hire me and what I could do." As always he continued with his serious voice.

"Dude you really aren't much of a tech person are you. The Geist doesn't store data, that's all up here in the brain. almost 50% of the brain goes unused, so the implant simply converts data to minemic data, and uses the brain which can store a ton of it. Plus if you tried, I could simply ditch this body, and even after I left. You pull it out of the host and it fires itself. Trust me Mr. Mulder when I say we know how to handle our own security. Now are you done checking me out, or do you want to stare some more?", She quipped smartly and in a tone full of sass. This woman acted just as human as anyone else, she practically was, and had such a character about her. "Also you probably wouldn't like my other body."

"I truly admire your creators. They cheated nature in a pretty way, but as any other AI, you tend to give to much info." He grinned again, "How much time have we left to share?"

"I don't know exactly, but you keep ogling me and it will be pretty short.", Ceilia sighed. "Yeah because I wasn't always an AI. Heh, makes us quite the pair. I keep giving info, and you're still clueless.", she added with a chuckle after the verbal jab she gave before giving one last sarcastic joke. "You really know how to charm the ladies don't ya?"

"It has never ever been my intention, I just like details, and unfortunetly for you, this place is really not as interesting as the exterior." He then returned to his disciplined silence once again.

The young woman simply grumbled as they stepped into a lift at the very end of the corridor, the controls lighting up as she remotely sent commands to it. The doors closed as soon as they were in, and the box began it's ascention up, the outside soon viewable through reinforced graphene. The hall had lead out over the water to lead to the elevator shaft that had been built to connect the side airlock of the Anvil to the structure they had just travelled through. The massive armored wall that surrounded the city was a sight to see as the light reflected off of it, the whole bay soon viewable as their height advantage increased.

Soon the lift stopped and the opposite doors opened up to a small checkpoint outside the grounded ship's main airlock. The Anvil had been grounded after the battle of the exodus, which would lead to the ship becoming the base of colonization efforts. It now served as the major military base, with it's much more expansive facilities.

Ceilia stepped forward and waved Craig to follow, the armed guards in full kit moving aside as the airlock opened. Once through, the halls were nice, the aesthetics of a starship's interior in every aspect.

Craig anylized everything, from the equipment of the guards, to the internal aesthetics, to the posture of the guards flanking them and the waving hairs of Ceilia. Finally for him he had something to look at and not just talking, but now another bug settled in his mind. He was more interested now to understand the meaning of all of this, why all this necessity? He was self aware of his fame, but he has never seen such caution and interest in him for a hiring, not even during the time of the war. He continued to follow them, towering with his presence.

Like the base in the city, the S6S-Anvil was a hive of activity, with soldiers marching down the spacious corridors in numbers. They passed by a window that looked down into what looked like a training room setup for wargames even, as two teams currently went at it to complete some unknown given objective. Guns would fire, and armored figures would fall as sparks arced acrossed their suits where they got hit. "Don't worry, only shock rounds are used during wargames. Makes getting hit a bit more realistic, and much more rememberable too."

Next was,.....what looked like a recreational area made from what almost looked like what used to be a mall. It was strange as there was even a small park area at the center, a garden having been planted in one of the corners.

The mercenary asked without pointing at anything, "Miss Ceilia, what is the purpose of that garden?" he said just continued walking. The only gesture that could have made clear the location of interest except his own words, was the direction of his eyes, staring for a moment at the garden with slight curiosity. That place briefly reminded him of his youth, once the florid metropolies of Khorsovarolor had similar "green islands" he used to play in where the nature of what was there before the urbanization still thrived in a cold and grey enviroment. But seeing such in a military training area was a brand new thing for him.

"Oh, that's Harmony's garden she planted back during the exodus. She comes up here in her free time and tends it. This used to be a city ship like it's sister still in orbit, the Hammer. The founding group of colonist were carried aboard this vessel months ago when she was still airborne.", Ceilia answered politely and with a happy tone as she remembered helping Harmony a few times.

The rest of the trip passed through other parts of the ship, and went up several decks before stopping outside a wood paneled pneumatic door. "Any last questions before I leave you?"

"No, thank you for having made this trip less stressfull", he thanked to Ceilia. Then Craig looked to the wooden door and sighed internally *Let's see what this is all up for* he thought.

Not to wonder what the man expected, but it suredly wasn't what he was greeted with. The office had a rustic wood appeal to it, with nice leather apolstered chairs, as well as a few polished wood furnishings and picture frames. The only thing that could be considered lordly was the onyx desk in the center which a white haired man sat behind. The piece was black and had gold inlayed and detailed into carved designs across it's sides.

The man behind the desk however was the imagine of independent instead of a person of nobility. He wore boots, jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket which had a heraldry patch stitched to the shoulder. Jack rubbed his snow white goatee as he looked over something on the terminal screen built into the desk's surface. Tilting his head up to regard Craig with crimson eyes, he had a long scar passing down over his right eye, and a double helix tattoo curved around the left.

"Welcome Mister Mulder, I am Lord Jack Pine, a pleasure to make your acquaintenance. Please, come in.", he said swiping the window on the screen away before leaning forward on the desk with steepled hands.

"The pleasure is mine..." The mercenary said with his serious and cold tone. He then made a few and calculated steps to reach the center of the room and stopped, bringing his hands folded behind his back he looked more like one of those hardcore officers of certain types of armies rather than a mercenary "...Lord Jack Pine ".

"As I understand it, you came in reply to our ad for new personnel, and have applied as a contractor. We don't normally make a habit of hiring mercenaries, so that brings me to a question. Why should I hire you?", Jack said in an equally serious tone, which had a undercurrent to it. It seemed as if he was looking for a specific answer, and was watching the man closely. The white haired man quietly ran an optical scan over the figure before him, unnoticeable with his seemingly normal eyes.

*Ehhh good question, probably a mercenary asking for moneys is not what he's up for* He thought. He made his usual smirk "hmm" then returned serious " This planet is covered by thick forests, jungles, mountain ranges, great places for ambushes and guerrilla tactics and by the words of many I am the best in this field. If they are looking for military personnel, means that there is a threat on this planet and that S6 needs the best ones if they don't want to lose the few troops they posses, in a place where adaptability, agility, caution and cold bloodness is needed at their maximum. I saw entire armies engulfed in this kind of warfare for several years and their ranks getting thinner and thinner. And by a hundred times less numerous enemy, who knew better then them the terrain. History itself is written with such events." Ended answering while remaining firm in his position.

Jack simply raised an eyebrow at the reply he was given, "That is partially correct. We currently are not under siege by any major threat, but that is why we must prepare, for when that threat does come. Right now, all we are doing are handling pirates who have proven a stubborn, but sad excuse of an enemy. We are vulnerable, with our only allied nation on the other side of the sector." He was quiet for a moment before continuing, "We have had such a battle, it is the very reason this ship is not a lnad base and not a flying fortress. Over 400 lives were lost getting here."

"Am I allowed to know who attacked you?" Asked directly the mercenary.

"Well seeing as they're all dead now, I don't see why not. They were a group calling themselves Hades, dabbled in bioweapons and puppet corpses as soldiers, a vile group. The followed us here and assaulted the fleet, boarded this vessel. Despite the battle only lasting a few hours, and fighting off thousands of enemy boarders, we paid a heavy price.", He answered with a look that despite his calm exterior, he had a deep hatred for the group.

"After most of their fleet had been destroyed, and we lost three ships, they retreated. We sent a force after them and put them down completely."

Craig nodded, even if he was impassible, it's clear that he was expecting other questions to answer.

After a moment realizing he wasn't getting any comments, Jack continued, "Miser Mulder, what I'm trying to get an answer from with my first question is this. Can I trust you? In the OSO, there was a band of mercenaries called Ragnarok. Despite being a skilled group, they were only there for the money. As soon as things turned hot, they cut their loses and ditched the people there mere months before the government collapsed with no security. You may be skilled Mulder, but they aren't worth much to me if I can't find them to be reliable."

" I faced, during my lifetime, situations where my employers died before I could fullfill my contract. I assassinated people by orders of already dead men...", He said before pausing for a moment. "It's all written in the curriculum, there are also attached external links you can take a look on. The contract you are going to hire me with will be your guarantee, and I'll do what is specified in it, no more no less." Craig looked directly in the eyes of Lord Pine, his words were precise and clear.

"I already have, but you must understand why I am so critical on this. I used to be in your shoes, but things change, and my priorities are to the people I watch over. With their lives in my hands, I must choose carefully who I share such a burden with.......consider yourself hired, don't make me regret doing so.", He said simply with a stern look, before pulling up a contract document on the desk's terminal screen.

He came closer to the desk "Lord Pine, before I sign it, I've to know one thing. In a situation where saving one or more of your soldiers could bring to a negative outcome of an assigned mission, which should I prioritize? The mission, or the soldiers?"

"Depends on the risks. Will finishing the objective prevent further losses later, or will saving your brothers in arms be more prudent to finish the objective far more easier. Nothing ever has a simple answer, too many variables, too many unforseen situations. For Mister Mulder, I ask myself the same question everytime I'm in field as rare as that may be now.", Jack said looking him straight in the eye. "Not all can be saved, but saving the most is priority."

*So now I've to be the recruits nurse, fantastic... but you know what? They have a lot of money and I need to test the durability of my equipments in every terrains I can so...*, He mumbled in his mind. Craig nodded towards Jack, "Understood..." he then slightly bent looking at the specifications about the contract, precisely time and payment.

The contract would be listed as the duration of a full year, and the monthly pay would be 65,000 DS per month for the duration. "I hope this is a satisfactory arrangement for your services? If so, please sign on the line, but do feel free to read the document over thoroughly.", Jack said simply as he gestured to it.

Craig raised an eyebrow, he started to realize why Jack was so carefull about the whole thing. He signed and after, took a brief look at the Lord, before making a step back from the desk and recomposing himself in his previous position. With the hand folded behind his back, "What are my new orders milord?"

"You don't need to call me that. I wasn't born noble, and I don't really care for the title. To be frank mister Mulder, I was in your shoes more then over a year ago. Mercenary trying to find a employer and someplace to put the skills of a soldier to use.", Jack said with a small grin. The white haired man gave the document a swipe to be saved in the data vault, and leaned back in his chair for a moment. "For today, get settled in. There is a car waiting back at the base for you, take it. I've have someone show you to your apartment. Also if you have any questions, now is the time to ask them.", he added as he tossed a pair of keys onto the desk, one for a door lock, and the other for a vehicle.

The mercenary was impassible, but his mind was full of questions about who was this Jack Pine, he tried to remember where he could have heard in all those years a mercenary called like that before. He then cleared his mind and selected a few precise questions to ask.
A brief silence covered the entire room, as Craig remained in his pose, he then spoke
"If that so, which is the proper title I've to use when I nominate you, Lord Pine? I've heard a greeter unit using the word commander while refering to you, is it the right one?"

"Just call me Jack when I'm not in uniform, Commander when I am.", Jack said with a small chuckle. The man seemed pretty easy going despite his usual serious behaviour, but their recent accomplishments and a day at the beach with the wife, had put him in exceptionally high spirits.

Craig hesitated for a moment, he has never been a handy man so it took a moment for him to elaborate the whole situation. "As you order, Jack.". He paused for a second, "Another question, do I have permission to come here and train myself in the local gym?"

"Yes, it's open to everyone serving. Whether contracted, or enlisted.", Jack answered simply, "Miss Nora informed me she would be here shortly. Are you sure you have no other questions for me?"

"Not anymore, Jack" The mercenary confirmed. The formality and the serious attitude he showed to Lord Pine demonstrated that every single word, every single action was part of his job,no time to relax nor to chill. It could have looked for a certain point of view, more like a machine than a human.

There was a knock to come in and Jack sent a signal to the door to open. A young woman dressed in formal clothes and carrying a baby entered, "I was just about to head home. You messaged that you need me to show someone the residential district?" she said quietly. She was only 5'5" in height, but with a very generous figure. Her crimson eyes looked over Craig, her long raven black hair that reached down to her lower back, shifting as she turned her head.

"Yes Nora, mister Mulder here needs to be shown where he'll be staying while working for us. I didn't realize you had Mia with you, I can call som-"

She briefly interrupted him with a shake of the head, "No, it's no problem, it is on the way after all. Neera has the day off with David, so I brought her with me today on my errands."

Craig turned his look in the direction of the female voice, his deep green eye met the crimson ones of the young lady and in a matter of a second something hit the man while looking in to her eyes. A tragicly well known feeling the mercenary saw in his long experienced life and now inside the eyes of Nora, the feel of someone who was left alone and lost in the cruel voidness of the galaxy. Normally this would have just slipped away like a drop of water on the steel statue of what was Craig's empathy, but not in that moment. In that moment something cracked, maybe it was the beauty of the woman, maybe her presence with a young child in her hands, maybe her eyes, or maybe he was starting to be old. The mercenary remained hesitant while looking at her.

"Grandpa, the man is staring at me. Should I be worried about this guy.....wait is this Ogles that Ceilia was talking about?", Nora said turning her frame at the look he was giving her and realization of this being the guy setting in. She wasn't sure how to feel about him creepily staring at her like that.

Craig cleared his mind *What the fuck am I doing* he admonished himself internally, the lack of respect shown by her was way enough for him to shake up from his little moment of confabulation.
He turned back to Lord Pine " Is this the custom attitude for a formal presentation? " he asked calmly.

"Apparently I must not be aware of something....why did she call you ogles?", Jack asked perplexed by the intro Nora gave the man.

"Ceilia said she caught him staring at her, ogling her body uncomfortably. He better keep his eyes up, or he won't like what he sees coming." She quipped with a furrowed brow. Nora stepped fully into the room, and taking a spot by the door, "I'm Nora, and this is my daughter Mia. I more or less help out on ops from time to time when I can find a babysitter."

"The ogling is not. Miss Ceilia is disturbed by the fact that I didn't appreciate her talkativeness, she is childishly retaliating in this manner "
said seriously the mercenary, " I didn't came here to deal with these type of arguments, Jack. Do I have permission to leave?"

Nora gave a apologetic frown, as well as a slight bow, "Forgive my behaviour mister Mulder, but I have to be critical of strangers......and well....Ceilia is not the most mature at times. Please, allow me to show you the way."

"Mister Mulder, try not to let a young woman get you riled please. Miss Dee has been trying to cope with the recent passing of her husband. Don't hold it against her too much, even Miss Nora here has gone through similar recently.", Jack said with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"As you command" He nodded towards Jack, but the fact that Ceilia was already undermining his reputation didn't made him happy, he started to think a way to put an end to all the ogling stuff, otherwise his new employer would start to think badly about him. He turned again his attention to Nora " Allowed ", he then militarely saluted the Lord and followed Nora.

After the pair had left, Jack slumped in his chair with a sigh, "Damnit Ceilia, I need to find you a job you can't sass people in.......yeah that won't happen." he mumbled to himself. Though looking at his roster, he did have an idea, let's see how she does as more then just a mech pilot.

Nora lead Mulder back down the corridor, though she was very quiet at first, her more reserved nature showing through. After a few moments she finally spoke, "So mister Mulder, you're a mercenary as well as I understand it?"

"Indeed, i've been it for over 20 years" Craig Said while walking side by side with her, unfortunatly there wasn't so much things to see in the corridor so he had to find a way to waste time "Where is precisely located the gym?".

"Oh uh, it's in the area of the ship that used to be the rec area, which is mid ship and towards the aft end of the mall.", Nora replied pulling up a small map up in the bottom left corner. "My great grandmother was a mercenary for that long, she works here now as an officer. I have a feeling that you two would get along pretty well.", She said with a small giggle.

"My ears are burning, thought someone was talking about me.", Came a disembodied female voice from just in front of Craig. There was a brief dispersion of particles that signalled the turning off of a ECS system to reveal a female armored figure in Revenant Mk I armor, and carrying a rather nice custom AMR of some kind.

Craig was kept on surprise, his instinct kicked in before even realizing she was the person Nora was speaking of. With an incredible athletic backflip jump he landed on ground 15 foots away from the voice with already wearing the helmet which he weared in mid air and knife on hand.
As he was just to start to spin towards the enemy with the armor thrusters he realized the situation and stops, still hesitant on what to do.

"Well if you prefer, I'll just use the laser pointer on my rifle to entertain you from afar next time. More jumpy then Rose when I tell her my pants are open.", Sarah said with a laugh as she slung the large 50cal rifle across her back, the black rose on the stock catching the light. Nora's face lit up before she quickly hugged the woman with one arm, still causing Sarah to slide back a foot from the strength of the smaller girl. "Hello Ma, back from patrol!"

As he was crouched, he gets up " I have to update my goddamn eye, next time you will be the one to jump " said with a smirk.
He then calmly reach back the two woman " Craig Mulder " he offers a hand.

Sarah pulled off her helmet with her free hand before putting it over Nora's head who was surprised by the sudden donning. "Lt. Cmdr Sarah Pine, head sniper around here.", She offered back with a grin, her hand reaching to meet his as her long raven black hair fell loosely to her back, and as deep blue eyes regarded the man warmly.

Craig welcomed the woman's hand with a firm and decisive grip, while looking right in to the eyes of Sarah. He ended the shaking and made a step back " Pine, so you are a relative of the commander " said as he weared off the helmet.

"Well yeah, I'm his mother after all. Someone had to pop the hero into existence didn't they?", Sarah said with a cocky smirk and a chuckle, "My wife has been hounding me to get home on time from now on after my MIA stint."

"Oh are you going to go see Neera later? She's been on leave with David after waking up in the hospital.", Nora asked after pulling back.

Craig just remained quite, waiting for them to end their little conversation while thinking on how much weird is to see a mother younger than a son, he saw things like this before but he would never got used to it.

"Yeah I plan to go see her, and talk with this David some more. I've been out of the loop for a while, so I would be remiss to not interrogate the boyfriend of my grandaughter.", Sarah answered with a laugh, "Well I should head that way. You have fun with mister strong hand here."

Nora just looked confused at the last comment, "Yeaaahhh sure, I'm just leading him home,.....because you know he's staying the same buildi g and all. Not sure what a strong hand has anything to do with going home."

Craig tried to suppress successfully a snicker, but a smile comes in his face " We have to go, see you around liutenant " said with his usual voice but with a tone of fun while military saluting Sarah.

Nora was still very confused, "I need to take more social classes, I don't get what's funny." The young woman thought on that as they finally continued their walk towards the lift to city level.

Craig followed her, and took a look back to the Harmony's garden. He remained silent and sometime he took a look at Nora.

They were passing through the mall space and nearing the other exit, Nora unaware of being examined so to speak. But it hadn't gone unnoticed, as Ceilia leaned over the rail of the second story when they passed near. "Oh hey Nora, he's checking you out too now. I think he likes us big chested girls.", She cooed teasingly.

Nora stopped and looked up and then to Craig, "Um, what is checking out?"

Craig remained silent for a moment, and then looked at the two girls * damn that is an high spot, what the goddamn hell i am supposed to do* he felt way more in difficulty than everywhere else in his entire lifetime.
" Has been a long time since our last meet Ceilia, how have you been? Ruining my repution looks like have become your priority" he grinned.

"Wow, you don't take teasing well. Ogling and dense as a brick......what a catch.", She replied, the last part said with a sarcastic smirk, "I just like to the new guys, but only the weird ones." she added before sticking a tonque out at him playfully.

Nora didn't seem to really follow to be honest, "I really uh.....well I fail to see the issue. She seems to be trying to be playful, though rather abrasively, maybe she's jealous?"

He came closer to Ceilia, really closer "I'm truly dense as a brick" said with low tone and winked. He then moved forward distancing her from 10 feets in direction of the exit "Nora we have recieved orders by Lord Pine, better fullfill them don't we?" said back with his usual tone.

She laughed, "Wow, what a pickup line! Buddy if you want to try that hard, buy me a drink first at least. Might "open" up to you a bit easier then."

Nora ignored the other woman with a shake of her head, "I swear I'll never understand that girl. Also, it wasn't really a order, since we're just leading you to home. But either way, hopefully it's a bit more of a normal trip.....and conversation from here on out." she said with a sigh as she followed after Craig. "Surely you have more then just silence for a conversation topic?"

"I do" He turned silent again, even in the moment with Ceilia before, he always looked serious.

"Yay, more silence......You know, you'd make more friends if you were more social with others. Life is too short to bottle emotions and what could have been done with our time in this world. I hope you consider that, and I really am going to be bored without you to talk to at least.", Nora commented idly as they walked, nearing the lift. As she stepped aboard, and the doors closed, she gave him a warm smile. "Hey Mulder....back at the office, you had a look in your eye when we looked into each others' eyes. What was it you were feeling, or thinking I guess?", She asked curiously.

"I've seen an internal suffering" The mercenary said, maybe damning himself for doing it.

"I was turned into a weapon, it comes with the life. Never had a childhood, didn't get to keep the husband, but out of it all I got a precious baby girl. Yes, I am suffering, but I have my own mission......to be a better parent then the ones that I was forced to forget. But that is a task I'm forced to do alone, something I'm reminded of everyday with each new struggle." Nora answered picking up on what he meant, "So mister Mulder, in which way do you suffer? Are you someone who's trapped in a life, a past, or where you changed to be someone else's tool like me?"

Craig took sometime before answering " I didn't had any of these, I enjoyed who I was from the start to the end which I can always face with my job, I've been raised by a family of soldiers, grown up in a planetary military accademy and then decided that the people my family loyally served for centuries were just a buch of incompetent beurocrats, and so I became a mercenary. Departed from my home to see the stars, how romantical is it?"
He said the last words with a piece of sarcasm, maybe that romantical part of his life was left long ago and now he became a different person.

"I never saw seeing the stars as romantic, only the world that not being a slave in was to me. The one Frank showed me before he died, as exactly that, a slave to the greedy wants of some corporation. My body was changed, abused, violated, and written as what the masters wanted for killing. I want to find that view of the world again, so Mia doesn't have to, so she can grow to be who she wants to be." Her words were paced and thoughtful, clearly being a source of loss and loneliness for the youn woman. "I don't even know my own mother, her face, her voice........father is.....not the answer I wanted to the other half of the tree."

He continued to walk with his eyes pointing to the walking direction, as he did from the start of the conversation " A family is important, as long as you don't mature, at that point .... it's useless " sais with seriousness.

"I don't think a one year old can be mature until she's finally understood how to live a life. I don't want to mature, I want answers, and a reason for why I had to be used as someone elses tool.", Nora commented as the conversation continued, her head tilting down to hide the tears that streaked her youthful cheeks. "The cruelty of men who want power sickens me, and those who care nothing for the lives they throw away."

"Calm down, or my attitude will make you cry as hell " He said with a smirk " The issue with these times is that humans are used as instruments, you are an exemple of this horrendous attitude, treated as like animals from concentration farms, never had the time to grow up. I find all of this horrendous, but i can also understand the utility in it but it is..." and he looks in to the eyes of Nora after quite some time, his eyes were cold and full of hatred and desire of death " ...unacceptable. And you are the fruit of this evil mechanization, the fruits are lost people, i saw your eyes in many others"

Nora turned her gaze down, "I never asked to be a fucking product. I don't want to be a weapon, but I also don't want to be.....human. I am stuck with feeling everything done to me, and the weight I have to bare from it. I should still be a infant, safe in her crib with a mother who actually cared......but no, I am here, the girl who was made to leave fields of dead in her wake."

The baby Mia started to cry at her mother's distress, and it kicked Nora out of her self pity, and began to calm her daughter just like the mother she was now. "Yeah I know, sshhhh, just go back to sleep, we can get you fed when we get home.", She reassured quietly to the infant in her arms.

Craig remained silent looking around with his cybernetic eye, he just said what he always thought about the modern world, he intrinsecally always felt a sense of unacceptance towards humanized AI's, clones and etchetera but he always had to face them either as employers, targets, enemies and temporanous co-workers.

After a while, walking still inside the structure Craig felt that maybe he should have started a new argument " So uhm.. How is to work under Lord Pine?"

"I don't work under lord Pine, I help out my family. I am not employed, or enlisted, but I am given a paycheck every month for helping out.", Nora answered simply now that ther infant's need for attention had snapped her out of it. They were already half way down the corridor, the brief exchange having seemed far greater given the silence.

"Despite Miss Dee's shenanigans, do you mind if I ask if there are any girls you like?", she asked with her turn it seemed to ask a question.

"Indeed there have been girls i liked during my lifetime, not a lot, quite few actually", the mercenary said with a thinking expression.

"Do you see yourself liking any others in the future maybe?", Nora she asked quizically, the baby quiet in her arms as if curious about the reply as well, "Possibly settle down some day?"

He mumbled, those type of question always kept Craig in a painfull position, "euhmm, my work is not befit for settling a family. I am not saying that there are not mercenaries doing this, but i don't know how they can leave home with childs still growing, for a job were you have to stay out even for years plus the implication of death as a daily possibility." Even if he had his usual tone, this affermation traspired a sense of affection for the people he care or could " Surely one day i will settle, but that day must be after my LAST mission " He put a lot of enphasys in the "last" word, maybe it meant more than just his normal job.

"So I assume you're free for dating then?", She asked as they finally reached the end and walked through the base in the city. "You're not a bad person, and nice to talk to when one an actually get you to. I don't think you'd have a hard time making friends if you opened up more.", Nora added as they arrived at the car.

"I can't, miss Nora." He then sighed as he watched the car in front of him "I need to make few regulations to the seat, wait here" , the mercenary then went to reach the car, he took a look at his datapad to see if maybe Lord Pine gave him any access code to use for the vehicle.

Nora held up the pair of keys, "Forgetting these? You literally were given the key to it and the apartment. It helps to actually use the key if you want to use the car." she said with a giggle and a smile.

He humpf as he took the keys from the hands of Nora. He then started to work with the seat and made it more adapt to him. After some minutes he ended and he got out just to come on the otherside of the car to open the door for Nora, one of the many manners that remained fixed in his mind since the times of Accademy.

The young woman strolled around the side of the vehicle and slide into the vehicle after thanking him. Mia seemed fascinated, the infant looking about at the strange vehicle and man, or at least strange to the mind of a infant unfamiliar with the world. With her free hand, she fixed the hem of her skirt, one of the few common manners she had been taught.

With his serious attitude, he closed the door and went back to his side. He then got in, putting the helmet behind the seat and prepared to start them vehicle. The only thing he needed now was location and directions which he asked to Nora.

She was already putting them into the vehicles integrated dash GPS, her petite fingers dancing across the screen until a map with a route was displayed. "The building adress has been added to your favorites for easy selection.", Nora stated simply as she rocked the baby gently for the car ride ahead.

Craig touched the screen with his fingers which were absolutely bigger compared to her ones, he selected the route and turned the volume off.
He then started the vehicle, he wasn't good at driving infact his drive style was pretty mechanic and slightly rude, not like in air with his starfighter.

They arrived at the building, which was at least 20 stories tall, and was of the same the aesthetic as those Craig had already seen. There was a underground garage area which Nora had directed him to pull into. Once they were safe and parked, she quickly got out with a relieved sigh. "Maybe we should have gotten you a bike instead.....the elevator is this way.", she stated as she strolled towards the said lift. When she reached it, she pressed the call button, and waited as the elevator quietly dinged rhythmically.

As he get's out from the car he stretches again, then picked up his helmet on the back before locking it. Craig scratched the back of his head while hearing to Nora "It's not one of my best skills, infact I tend to not put it in the curriculum". As he reached the woman to the elevator he asked "Which is the floor?"

"Floor 12, same as me actually, and you're actually in..........the room just across as well. Guess we're neighbors then.", She said as the doors slid open and she stepped inside. Once Craig was in, the metal box would begin it's ascent towards the higher floors. Once they arrived, the interior was very contemporary in aesthetic. The halls were wood, and the doors, despite being pneumatic had wood paneling as well.

The interior of the structure wasn't appealing for Craig, but he didn't felt to give any opinion about it. As he follows her, his mind thought how to deal with the fact that this young a beautyfull woman was begging for attention, or at least that's how Craig felt it, if she wasn't his neighbor maybe a different approach could have been done but he didn't want to mess around as he did in the past, being professional, being cold those were good ways to avoid many of these shenanigans.

Nora didn't wait for Craig as she stepped out of the lift and crossed the hall to one of the doors. There she stopped and pointed at the door directly across from it. "That would be yours, now if you'll excuse me, this little girl is due for a feeding.", she said before the door slid open and she slipped into her own apartment, the door closing again after.

Craig remained stun by the fact that she was so fast on doing all this things in the same time, he shook his head and then went to his appartment door to see how it looked like.

When the door opened it was a very nice and furnished apartment, not cheap looking by any standard. All the furnishings and appliances were already there, yet it was clearly unlived in, a thin layer of dust having settled on everything. It was a bit more spacious then maybe an apartment found on Nepleslia, and sure much more so then a mini apartment on Yamatai. All in all, it was a fine apartment.

*Okey...* He tiredly thought *Let's get back to take all the stuff, looks like i've to clean this mess*, then he closed back the door to take the car.
After some time spent understanding how the gps worked, he traced the road to reach the dock, and so he went back to his starfighter, carried all his weaponry and clothes to his new apartment and started clean up all the dust.
The next day Craig woke up laying on the sofa still in powerarmor, he get's up and undress himself from it to go and take a shower.
Change of clothes a bit o stretching and the mercenary went off bringing with him only his datapad and the knife on his belt.

First comes first, he decided to go to the gym. He needed to prepare himself for the coming mission and return at his maximum form, then buying new clothes. His t-shirts and cargopants were good for staying inside a starfighter, or for gymnastic training, but surely not for meetings with employers or high ranking officers. And so he started the vehicle and drove to the gym located in the command HQ. Before reaching the place he stopped at a bar to grab breakfast.

When Craig arrived, he'd find numerous others there as well. All were doing various exercises, and on various equipment sets. Closest was a tall man at 6'5" who had raven black hair much like Nora's and had crimson eyes as well. He was lean, yet well toned, his legs pumping it on a treadmill which was going very fast. If Craig really looked at him, he'd notice this man was almost a spitting image of Lord Pine.

Despite the number of people here, it was still largely empty. But that shouldn't have been a problem for Craig, as it just meant he was less likely to be disturbed during his exercises.

Craig started to analyze as always the area with his implant and the man, realizing that most probably could be a clone of his employer.
It was indeed weird for him to see such but he mentally shrugged since it wasn't the moment to judge. As he started to do cardio at the treadmill, he continue to analyze, from slow he gradually changed the speed level, medium, then high, and at a certain point as he felt to be ready went for a sprint with a very high velocity, he resisted for more than a minute at that speed still analyzing and changeing filters of the cyber eye before gradually slowing back, all of this lasted for a 30 minutes. He felt a bit of nausea but he always did this type of excercise to keep high his perceptions and view reflexes even during a very stressfull situation like a sprint. Craig get out from the treadmill and made some stretching excercises before going for a different training.

Lazarus paid the man no mind as he went about his own exercises. After the treadmill, he mved passed Craig to the bench press station, and began to stack on weight after weight. When he was done, the bar visibly strained under the weight, an amount that would be unsafe for any normal man. He laid on the bench and with a very quiet grunt, hoisted the bar of weights up with both arms, in a fluid motion that shouldn't have seemed possible by this ordinary looking man.

"Physical augmentation? Or cybernetic implants?" Asked directly the always serious mercenary, while ending the stretching, he then went to set up how many weight plates should have his barbell.

Lazarus let the bar rest back on the stand with a clank before sitting up to address the man. "A hybrid of both, gene modifications, and a augmentation called the SHAM. I was bored with this anyways. So do I have the honor of greeting thhat would so boldly approach me?"

"Boldly?" Craig grinned, he then walked towards the man rising his right hand for an handshake "Craig Mulder, with whom I have the pleasure of speaking?" asked with his usual tone.

The 6'5" man only looked at the hand warily, and a hint of annoyance, as he did not like to be touched. Lazarus was well known in some areas, after all, he was wanted by three governments dead. Not even bounties posted, just his name on a KOS list for each one. Meant he didn't have to worry about mercenaries such as Mulder coming after him, but he still found interacting with them annoying. "Lazarus, something you want?"

*So this guy is Lazarus? * "Sure i want to know something from Mr. Lazarus." Craig smirked, his normal eye was shining of happiness to finally met such a fearsome man, he retracted his hand and made calmly an half step back " How many clones of Jack are around like you? " He knew he was pissing off the wrong guy, althought he didn't great him properly, his nerves where already tense as hell if something happened he was ready to shoot like a goddamn spring but he hide it under his permanent disciplined sterness.

Lazarus gave a bit of a sarcastic chuckle, "If you meaned auged and enhanced, then you'll be disappointed that I'm the only one, sorry if you get off on that kind of thing. But if you mean like those in Fenrir, then you're likely to bump into one here every ten feet. Entire division of the military is made up of them." The man stood up, almost evening their height despite Craig only being a couple inches taller, "There are others who've had what was done to make me done to them. Not clones, but same.....improvements. So why do you want to know?"

*Quite collaborative* he thought " I am a mercenary, and probably you heard about me somewhere around ", his eyes were looking right in to Lazarus ones " If you have the equipments and the personnel to make me even more strong than what I am right now, I can pay you back with my services if you let me become one like you. Your kind is hard to kill. "

Lazarus gave a sarcastic laugh, "My kind, really? Buddy I'm not a fucking salesman, and I've never heard of you. The toys are nice, but they don't stop the bullet someone will put through your heart."

"I've never asked for immortality. I've faced someone with your "toys" before, if I am here probably I already know the lesson." He then took a brief look at the weight plates, he was wasting time, he couldn't relax his muscles to much or the training would have not been effective.

"There are no lessons. It's as simple as kill, or be killed, adapt, or die. Only reason i'm in this place, and allowed to stay in this nation, is because of my daughter. I have an agreement of no violence, so watch yourself, because I might be tempted to break it for assholes like you."

"And I know you could. Have a good day for you and your daughter Mr. Lazarus" Craig took a last look on the eyes of the man, there was something familiar in them, he then turned to reach the barbell.

"Good, then be respectful to Nora and we won't have any problems. Enjoy your work out.", He said annoyed before moving on towards another station.

*WAIT....* He remained stun for a moment * So Lazarus is the actual father of Nora?! Ok change of plan, better be carefull with her".
He then sighed and continue to reach the barbell,setted the weightplates in the barbell firstly 30 up and down with 198 pounds than, after a momentary break, he changed to 220 pounds still 30 up and down and at the end 15 up and down with 250 pounds and 5 with 300 pounds.
After ending some more excercises he was sweating and exhausted, his muscles were hurting but he loved to workout and now needed to relax, he went for the shower.
10 minutes passed and Craig was out from the gymn, wearing the clothes he brought with him in a bag which now hosted the wet ones.
The mercenary went directly for his car, and drive back to his home, during the return he tried to memorize the road so he could have done directly on walk, jogging most probably.

After he arrived infront of his apartment door he had an idea, maybe taking a look at the capabilities of Nora would be a good thing- just to know who he had to deal with. So Craig turned and went to ring at Nora's door.

The door would open a minute later, the woman having changed into more casual clothes. She was dressed in jeans, boots, and a white tank top, "Oh hello Mulder, did you need something?"

Craig scratched his neck "Hello miss Nora, so uhmmm, i was going to the shooting range and i had the thought that maybe you would have been interested to join too, would you?". He said with a little bit of insecurity, in truth he didn't prepared the right words, he had to deal in the moment.

She looked back towards a crib in the apartment before answering, "Yeah, uh let me call my aunt over so she can watch my daughter. If you don't mind to wait a minute, or two?" She said this kindly and with a smile unlike what one might expect from a daughter of the devil.

The mercenary noded " Sure miss Nora, I'll go to prepare my equipments in the meantime." He then went to enter in his own door.
He had to clean the inside of the power armor, and after he wear it he took his weapons and ammo slings. The mercenary then get out completely armed, with helmet on arm.

Nora nodded before returning inside and placing the call. As Craig would exit his apartment a very curvy wolf anthro woman would approach Nora's door. She was dressed about the same as Nora had been, her snow white fur almsot blending in with the white tank. Her crimson eyes looked Craig over for a moment before knocking on the door and waited. "Just a minute.", came Nora's polite voice from inside the apartment.

Craig looked with his serious attitude over the anthro, it was weird for him but not so much, he saw even weirder families around.
He took the moment to check his lovely weapons, likely only the gun inside his sword was changed... His sword which he had on his left flank, he loved it so much, built ten years ago and always loyal, a truly great weapon, made with the same metal used for the nepleslian starships.
As he took a look at it he remembered an event five years ago when an eccentric collectionist which he was hired for several weeks wanted to buy it for 4thousand ks, he was mad but Craig even more and refused.
He smiled looking at it.

The door soon opened and Nora set down a couple gun bags before hugging the wolf anthro, "Thank you for coming on such short notice auntie Neera. Mia is already asleep, and I already fed her, so she should be nice and quiet for you while I'm gone. If you need to get ahold of me for any reason, you know how to reach me."

"Don't worry honey, that precious girl will never know you left. I gotta ask though, who's tall, dark, and broody behind me?", The wolf woman asked, sticking a thumb towards Craig.

"Oh that's Craig Mulder, he's a new merc employed by your dad.", Nora replied before breaking the hug to grab her gun bags, one looking rather large and long. She then waved at Craig before coming over to stand beside him, ready to follow to the range.

"Sorry for my rudeness Miss Neera" Said Craig "Well then, Miss Nora, i've to tell you, i don't think that weapon can get inside the car", he said as he pointed to the big bag.

"Oh don't worry, I can take it in my jeep. I've been really wanting to get some more practice in with it. Was a recent gift and I haven't gotten to use it yet.", Nora assured as she hefted the bag which looked far too heavy for such a short woman.

"It's not like I'm not used to it. Though broody is kinda the norm around here, hell even dad is on his bad days.", Neera said with a chuckle, "Well welcome to the NDC Mulder, I look forward to seeing you in my unit. I hope you perform to my expectations."

"My apologies, I didn't know you were an officer" He made a military salute "Have a good day, ma'am!"

"No need for all that, i'm currently on leave anyways with my boyfriend David. I'm Neera Pine by the way.", the lupine woman said with a slight grin as she offered a hand.

*Why is she not saying the whole thing in the same sentence* Craig though for a second, then gently took her hand and made a slight bow " If that'sso, lady would be more appropriate. Excuse my vertiginous change of salutes, but the etiquette implies different manners" he said as he got up.

"That is quite alright, I don't like flaunting the title, as it tends to just make things awkward sometimes. Just call me Neera unless on duty, then you will properly refer to me in name and rank. I've kept you held up for too long though, enjoy your day at the range.", was the last things Neera said with a sympathetic smile before entering Nora's apartment.

"You'll find most of us in the family have that same mentality. The whole nobility thing is still a bit too new for some of us, but we also don't want anyone to see us differently just because of it. Technically I have the title of Lady as well, but i never use it either. So ready to go?", Nora chimed in, having been patient and quiet as the two had exchanged words.

"Indeed" Craig confirmed, he then proceeded with her to the elevator.
As he pressed the ground button and the elevator started descending he looked at the young woman "Lady Nora..." he paused for a moment.
"It doesn't sound so bad on you."

She was a little surprised by such a comment, a little flush coming to her cheeks, "Oh uh, thank you, but I haven't really done anything to deserve it. That is very nice of you to say though."

*Uh, did i... did i made her a compliment? Haven't realized it* he mentally mumbled as usual then the silence settled in the elevator.

The awkward silence continued even as they reached their vehicles and she stowed her weapons in the bed of the jeep, but paused after opening the driver side door. "hey um....Mulder, do you want to just car pull there with me in my jeep?", she asked kindly.

He stared for a moment the street then sighed " I was thinking to go on foot actually.... but i realized right now that maybe let you wait for some minutes outside would have been unpleasant since we have wasted already enough time" He then reached Nora's vehicle and got in.

"You make it sound as if we're on a schedule. If so it would to have helped to know. i would have said no if I was just gonna be a burden.", She said sympathetically as she started up the vehicle and pulled out of the underground parking lot, and on the road. She looked a little sad, thinking she had kept him waiting for something.

As Craig realized the expression of Nora he felt to explain the situation, most probably it wasn't clear for her that it was his way of living, to be always on schedule, even if it wasn't truly percieved by anyother as such.
" It is just my perception of time. I always keep my mind in alert and under stress, so much that it has become natural. When a normal human have to face any kind of threat he have to change in the attitude for necessety..." he then looked at her again "...It's not your fault"

"Oh okay....Don't you ever sit and relax, you know take the time to enjoy life? I know it may seem like an odd question, but life is a one shot deal, once it's gone then it's just that gone. Why not enjoy the time you have instead trying to cram the most done into it?", were Nora's next words, now looking a little concerned at such a lifestyle.

*She doesn't know, how can i pretend to explain in few words all of what i've seen and faced* Craig made a thin smile, he didn't want to bring her with him just to see her concerned and sad " You are right, by the way what is your combat style? I suppose that is a long range weapon isn'it?"

She didn't seem dissuaded, but it was clearly a topic he didn't want to continue. "I prefer either long range, or up close. As for that, it's a Finagle's Revenge Recoiless Rifle........an anti-tank rifle, freespacer made, and very hard to come by. I was lucky to have bought it from Kessler, he always has good stock.", Nora said almost cheerfully, as she absolutely loved that rifle. "I need to practice with my glaive more, haven't used it since my last job."

"The same weapon used by Prince Hassan during the Indipendent worlds conflict or atleast his first choice, a tremendous weapon from what i've heard, but i've never had the opportunity to see it in action." His words leaked a really great interest and desire to see it.

"Yeah, it's a finely engineered weapon, and by most accounts able to kill the crew inside the tank with easy.......as well as killing the tank itself. They're a bit heavy though, as normally they require two people to man and operate. Hmmm, I just hope they have targets thick enough to withstand the 25mm projectile it fires.", she gave with a nervous giggle, "Hate to have to explain a huge hole in the range's rear wall."

"If it's heavy for you, I don't know how could be for me" He quitely giggled, " To be honest miss Nora, i hope you are not going to wreck anything important with that gun, or i'll not have a clue on what to say to the commander." He smirked.
Craig looked really entertained by this small talk.

"well um, it's not, but then again I'm heavily auged. The gun is supposed to take a two man team to operate correctly, but I can lift it like any normal rifle.", Nora said with a small grin, "Funnily enough, I met Frank during a sparring session when I was still under Psychopomp's control. His 900 pound tank armored ass versus little ole me. I played the innocent new girl and he tried to go easy until I lifted and threw him across the ring.The surprised look on his face was priceless." She said this fondly as they pulled into the lot, and hopped out to grab their gear.

Craig did the same, he took his equipment and followed Nora but the sense of superiority trinspired by the words of the young woman truly gave him a kind of competition necessity, she and others had everything from the start while he had to workout his entire body through war and training and still wasn't enough.
He envied her in some way, but it was the moment of shooting and even if she had augmented perceptions etcetera he truly felt he could teach her how a human can compete with her kind.
A sassy grin traced his face.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile since the beginning of our conversations, I wish you would show it more. Life is too short to be grumpy all day mister. Need to loosen up and enjoy life, otherwise everyday is just going to be sad. Don't be like me,...be happy.", Nora said giving smile and a shake of the head as they entered at his grin.

The interior was metal surfaces, a small shower area as well as a adjoining locker room, a door off to the side leading back to the actual range itself. It was quiet, meaning that they were the only ones using it currently, which honestly was nice. The shower had also been a lovely convenience on her last visit, she rather not come how smelling like gunpowder when she came home to hold her baby Mia. A spare set of clothes were evident as she pulled them out and placed them in a locker along with any loose personal items. A quick keystroke on the door's built in pad, locked and secured the contents of the locker after it was closed.

" I've to tell you, miss Nora. I've the feeling that you might like to teach people how to do things, believe me don't even try it with me." Craig's grin slowly faded after saying this, but his face wasn't serious rather determinated.
He took off from the shoulders his loyal NovaCorp Heavy Assault Rifle, and worked with the weapon pad activating the optics, adjusting rateo and type of projectile, that was another weapon he kept with him, an old one but still incredibly capable to handle modern day combacts.

As he ended to set the weapon also Nora finished her locking. Craig looked at her and winked with his cybereye, a little extra feature he desired to put in it, " Ready when you are".

"Who said I was teaching anything?", she asked awkwardly with a furrowed brow, "I believe I have misunderstood something again." She picked up the bag of guns as she followed him into the range area, "I do not believe I was trying anything. But then again, there is a lot I don't understand."

Her naivety hit hard in Craig's emotional shell, he briefly pats her shoulder "One day you will understand everything and trust me, you wiill love the times before that". He smirked after ending the last words.

"You say that, yet the times before have been mostly nightmares, with only a few hope filled moments. Time is a cruel mistress Mulder, and so far my outlooks have been less then positive. But enough of that, it's time for a bit of fun.", Nora said still a bit confused as she took a kiosk and pulled out the Finagle's Revenge. This one had been fitted with an autloader, which she took a few moments to run a belt of 25mm kinetic rounds through, before adjusting the sights.

Craig nodded and loaded his rifle, his smirk remained fixed when he said " Pardon me, Miss Nora." he then sniggered while he gave her his back walking towards his firing line.
After reaching his position he took aim at the targets with the heavy assault rifle and activated the railgun system with single fire mode.
Craig turned to see Nora,"Play fair ok?" he sarcastically joked as he seen her taking her huge rifle in to the firing line.

"Only need to play fair if we're competeing, and I am not. I do this for fun.", Was all she said as she hefted the cannon of a rifle. A rod was chambered, the belt of ammo hanging from the auto loader as she looked down the sight. With a signal from her Geist, moving steel plates began to move about the area down range. She one by one, began to sight, fire, and repeat. Each time, a target was hit as instant as the thunderous boom and cuncussive retort of the Finagle's Revenge, the next fired as soon as it was loaded by the auto-loader.

The she said was so direct and simple that Craig thought hhe should have said such instead of all the excitment he had till that moment.
He mechanically turned again to the targets, take aim and fire. The powerful railgun round hit the practice target resembling an humanoid shape in the head, the recoil was powerful but the power armor menaged it easely, he take aim again and another round hit the head of another target on a long distance.
The electric sizzle of his gun after each shot accompanied by the rithmic thundering of Nora's rifle composed a beautyfull melody for the ears of Craig, now covered by his power armor helmet.
The mercenary continued, each time a fatal hit. At a certain point Craig stopped as the weapon had anymore rounds to shoot.
*I don't have so much ammos, should i continue? If that's so probably i'll end up depleting all of them* He waved at Nora and shout her name after she ended up firing her last round but the echo was still reverberating makeing impossible to hear normal talking.

Once she cleared the 25th and last round in the belt, her gun ceased, "Hmmm, oh sorry did you need something. The gun is rather loud."

Craig made some steps and reached her, " Is there a place where I can purchase new ammunitions? I might need to go there after we end this session." He said with his standard tone, the helmet covering any expression.

Nora looked thoughtful at the question as she rested the butt of the stock on the floor, and wrapped a arm around the long barrel. This unintentionally squeezed it against the side of her ample chest, which she neither noticed, or even seemed to care about. "Hmm, that depends. We don't really have a dedicated gun store per say with access to ammunitions from other territories, but we have vendors who trade in our ample supply of local stock. What caliber and munition type are you looking for exactly?", the raven haired young woman queried as she explained.

Right at the end of her talk, Craig rapidly slip out one of the magazines and took off one bullet with an almot unnatural rapidity, he then show her the bullet in his fingers " It's an iridium cored 20 mm projectile, it's easy to fabricate but i'll not disturb you on doing it miss Nora. I will probably go to find a seller, Kessler maybe?"

"Sad to say I don't believe anyone carries it, I know for sure Kessler doesn't. I'd say your best bet is to just pay a small fee to have a stock fabricated.", She said looking the round over with furrowed brows. "I'd offer some of mine, but they're 25mm, not 20 sadly."

Craig sighed "Well, if that's so, i'll not risk to lose all my rounds, maybe it could take days before the first order arrives". He pulled out his sword with finesse "Guess is time to change weapon, i'll go back to my firing line", he then turned back to his place, weapon on shoulder.
As he was in the middle of the walk he mumbled " I hate when things get capitalistic ".

Nora just looked at him confused, "Dude, our fabricators produce a whole fighter in five minutes. A couple boxes of simple rod ammo, would only take a few seconds. The fee is just to cover the materials."

"Roger that" He said as he was already back to his position, pulling back the sword.
Craig took again his assault rifle and aimed back at the targets as he reloaded the weapon
*Ehh, why i haven't taken in consideration the distance factor? Of course they are locally producing them, i don't have to wait for the goddamn shipment* he thought.
He then gave a signal to Nora, and started back to shoot at the targets with his deadly precision.

Nora giggled as she gave her head a shake, then pulled out a Styrling Tactical Assault Rifle, or commonly referred to as STAR. Much like before, she went at it, the differences being the rifle was much quieter and she fired in short bursts.

The second round of firing was different from the first one.
Craig changed from railgun to Xaser, the sound emittend was similar to the laser projectiles but more metallic and scratchy, also the firing mode changed from single to automatic.
He hit for a large percentage in the face and center chest, in volleys of 5-6 bullets, still a very great precision.
At a certain point he switched to the pistol, he detached it from the sword and start firing single rounds. even if in shorter range than the assault rifle, the precision was pratically the same shown with the railgun.

After a while the mercenary stopped, and looked at Nora.

Something would clearly be very off about the woman when he looked over. Nora was blazing through targets with a mechanical efficiency, her face was blank of emotion, her eyes unfocused. At some point since their last dialogue, she had cranked up target speed. The plates were zipping about the range, but still taken down in short bursts. However she was cycling between them so fast, she could have been mistaken for just holding down the trigger.

Target after target was felled, and when the mag ran dry, her hands were almost a blurr of motion as the empty mag was ejected and another one slapped in, and the charging hand racked. Once the last round was fired, she slung the rifle and continued with the styrling 45 special she kept as backup.

Craig remained agape looking at her. He was stunned by her inhuman ability, ecstatically as he watched what he percieved as a dance of death, precision and efficiency in a lethal and beautyfull cocktail.

His legs moved on his own, as went next to her, watching silently it, he put back on his shoulder the assault rifle and with hands folded behind the back he arrived at few meters from Nora.
A tall and dark figure admiring such poisonous flower.

The young woman seemed oblivious to his presence, or she paid it no heed in her current state. Needless to say, the two extra mags were empty in a blurr, casings already littering the area, making it seem as if there had been some intense fire fight that took place.

When the last round was fired, and the slide locked back, she set the pistol aside before reaching for the last gun in her bag. She was quick to shoulder it after pulling out the 6 magazines from the special case needed to carry them. Placing them on the counter before her, she dimmed the lights to the point where the plates could barely be seen in the dark. As they had slowly lowered, she'd pick up a magazine and flick off the top cover with her thumb before rocking it in. With a clack of the bolt handle as it went dark, there was a sudden rapid flash of light.

Nora had continued the dance, but now she was pegging moving targets in almost pitch black, with magazines full of tracers. Streaks of blue that struck in flashes of sparks, lighting up the range briefly to Craigs eyes. For her, it was only partially dimmed.

In the very moment he saw her dimming the lights, he activated the nocturne vision and enjoyed the show, for him it was like watching an opera, where the dancers were the lights, the orchestra the sound of the firing and the director the young woman right next to him.
But at the external Craig remained impassible, like a statue, studying every single movement of Nora, barely following her.

This continued until all 6 magazines had been emptied, and the rifle was set on the counter as the light was turned back on slowly. "Ammo depleted, simulation end.", She said rather robotically, as for a moment she stood there with the same expression.

Craig slowly clapped " Bravo, bravo " said with his serious voice, " This has been an interesting outcome Nora, and since it is for you a simulation i expect you to do more in a possible jointed mission during this long year."
He sniggered, malevoly in a certain way, as he daydreamed the carnage Nora could do.

She was still running on the autopilot of the cold killer that had been beaten into her. Hearing a voice when the adrenaline and search for targets dominated her currently limited thought processes, he was instinctively registered as a potential threat.

Nora always kept a spare 45 acp round in her pocket for incase of a day at the range, but needed to defend herself later. Or at least that was how she thought of the actions encouraged by this side of her. The round was out of her pocket in a swift motion before it was deposited in the open slide of the 45 special. Her other hand having grabbed it, it now whipped around as the slide clacked into place.

Craig would suddenly find the barrel pointed for his head, as she already pulled the trigger. Her eyes had been locked onto him like a soulless predator, but blinked as the gun failed to discharge. Seeing the slide had jammed, she blinked again, as she came back to focus. A sudden wave of fear and nausea washed over as the young woman realized what she had just tried to do. Shakily she dropped the gun and bolted out the door, running from the fear of what she really was.

Craig didn't hesitated for a moment, a rush of emotions hit him as he barely saw her turning in to his direction. The instinct had him forcefully pull out the sword but in that very moment Nora runned away, another crack hit the steel statue of Craig's empathy.
Still controlled by his instinct, he sprinted with the thrusters to reach Nora in a blink of an eye.
For a moment he saw her, scared of herself, *lovely* was the only thought running in his mind, right before hugging her, both falling and slipping four meters across the ground.
Only Craig recieved the bruises as he rotated in mid air to protect her skin.

They layed on the metal surface, but Craig didn't give her time to react.
He pulled off his helmet and a smile shined on his face, his eyes looking at her's." Everything is alright.", he said gently. Craig looked like a completely different person, but still the same in appearance, " There is nothing to be scared about ".

"No let me go! I don't want to hurt you!", She cried out as he tackled her, "A weapon doesn't get to choose the target, or when to kill, we only do!" Nora struggled to break free, to get away, and to remove herself to elimate the chance that she'd hurt him. This is why she had a deep hate for psychopomp, and a fear. If they wanted to capture her again, and managed to do it, then there would be nothing left of Nora next time. And only a uncaring puppet in her place.

The only time she wasn't worried about harming was around her baby Mia. For whatever reason, her other side shared the desire to protect her child. If there was a motive, or just a instinct that carried over as an objective. Well, Nora had no way of knowing, but it was a great relief in its own small way.

"I can't let you run away..." His eye expressed determination while looking at her's, "...if I do it, it will be another thing I'll regret for the rest of my life." His strong arms still hugging her, in a gentle steel grip.

"Well you have me, so what now? Why risk yourself for someone you barely know, and have no attachment to?", Nora asked still futiley struggling.

"Risk is my job" Craig then pressed her head towards him, in an instant his lips met her's in a strong and passionate kiss.

It was completely unexpected, and she froze from sheer shock and surprise. At first she only stopped her struggling, but she slowly found herself joining in on the kiss, even returning it.

A long minute of kissing, where Craig pressed her to him, caressing her perfect body and exploring it for just a moment.
Then a picture defined in his mind, the possibility that Lazarus could be nearby.
He slowly faded the kiss, but still their faces were very close, "We cannot stay laid on the ground, even if I would. It's time to go back, miss Nora.", he said gently, then released her from his hug. Getting up, he offered a hand to help her rise.

She looked somewhat disappointed as it ended, wondering why it did at first. But after a moment, she took his hand and pulled herself up with ease. "I im,...well I still need to shower before we do. If you don't want to wait I guess..you can always just meet outside,...or later if there was something else you wanted to do I guess?", Nora said rather shyly as she still felt the warmth on her lips.

Craig chuckled, then briefly kissed her again, "Do you think i am going to leave a lady all alone? I'll wait for you here."

Nora gave a shy smile at that, still somewhat surprised as she wondered if this meant he was showing actual interest in her. Or if she had run straight into a walk and knocked herself out into some kind of dream. "Thank you, I won't be long.", she said with a quick hop to land a kiss on his cheek.

The young raven haired woman then quickly retrieved her set of clothes and headed towards the showers. A small sway to her hips as she did, that she would be oblivious to. After the sound of running water and a few minutes of melodic humming, she returned just finishing sliding a fresh shirt on. Flashing her toned midrift as she exited.

In the meanwhile, the mercenary took back all his gear, and also rearranged Nora's weapon on the bags, all fastly enough, except for the pistol. As he took it off the ground he realized a bullet was inside of it, he smirked and then put it back inside the bag.

As she got out from the bath, Nora would see him with her bags on hand walking in her direction with a smile on his face, "You know how to tease a man don't you?".

Nora giggled, clearly more calm and in lighter spirits after what happened, "You'd be the first I've done that to, even if unintentional. Also thank you for grabbing my bag, and sorry again."

"There is no sorry for something i enjoyed." he said while giving her the bags.
"Also it's part of my training to be a gentleman, it's not that i like you or something..." the mercenary laughed at his own joke , but realizing that maybe she wouldn't grasp it he winked at her "Joking, of course I do."

She did at first, but quickly realized with his second statement that it was just a joke. Her smile first faltered until that understanding hit, then it came back brighter. She took her bag back and stuffed her old clothes into it, her panties haphazardly sticking out. A blush hit her cheeks slightly as she quickly stuffed them the rest of the way in. "So uh, w-what do you want to do now? Oh, but first I'll need to stop home to check on Mia."

As Craig saw Nora goofily taking away the panties, he chuckled, then cleared his throat " Ehm. I have to order the ammunitions and i don't know where i can do it. If you want I'll accompany you back home then you can do the same with me".
Said as he recomposed himself back to his normal attitude but seeing her red cheecks it ensued a innerwar, between his impulse on kiss her more and more without stop and the other side which wanted to take a carefull and longer terms approach.
*Damn i am a mess of a man* his mind moumbled.

With his now restablished disciplined behaviour, he walked towards the exit of the shooting grounds alongside Nora.

"You live directly across the hall remember.", she said with a giggle before adding, "Also I can just send off fabrication request and a drone will deliver them a bit later today." To be honest, she already had when they were talking about it, meaning more then likely it would already be there waiting. The material had been only 20DS anyways, so she hadn't minded to drop pocket change for it.

As they were at the entrance Craig came closer " I would never disturb you so much, just show me how to do it and I will take care of it ",he said while caressing her cheek, completely unaware of Nora's initiative.

A bit of blush came to her cheeks at the touch before she playfully stuck a tongue out at him. "Well too bad for you, I already sent that message when we were first talking about it. So no running around for you mister.", she said in a manner of chiding that was clearly teasing and playful.

"Wait how did you send that message? you have no pad with you." he said a bit surprised, hearing her affermation.

She grabbed him by the hand and lead him outside, "Everything digital being hands free is awesome, and all thanks to a Geist. Now come on, I need to feed Mia remember."

*Wow so rushy* He thought as Nora was taking the lead to reach the car.
"Well, i've already heard from miss Ceilia about it, but she never told me of this feature. It's quite impressive." said as he returned to walk alongside her, still hand on hand, but with the mind thinking on possible military operations and tactics based on such tool.
It was awkward, Craig as he returned to his formal attitude was rigid and serious while next to him there was an overjoyed young woman hand on hand with him.
But indeed the posture was the only thing he managed to bring back, because his analytical eyes, which usually watched every detail around, kept attention only to her, the rest of the scenario was just mere background.

"Yeah, and was kinda required after I had the OGU pulled from my neck. Psychopomp was very harsh on their methods of asset control.", Nora affirmed as they neared the car. "I can do some pretty crazy things with it yeah. Control of technology wirelessly is very useful given this modern age of technology we live in."

"Indeed" He nodded, "I was thinking just now of the possible military applications, and how to use such in combact depending if the Geist can interact with any possible electronic device, or only with the ones easy to be decrypted." He said with a mildly serious tone.

"Well technically both if you have the hacking software, or skill to get in. Saw a guy turn the enemy's own autonomous tank against it's allies once. I haven't tried a few of it's functions yet, but it makes piloting for even beginners a breeze."

"If i had it back in the days, I wouldn't took teachings from.." He stopped, without giving a clue of why to Nora but only blank stare at the jeep for just a second. In an instant all the faces of his twelve dead companions of his long time lost mercenary company rapidly followed one another in his mind, all of them friends, all of them traitors, all of them killed by his own hands.

And at the end Marek, the one he most respected, the one who teached him everything, the one who turned everyone against him. It was for these kind of motivations Craig never wanted to settle any relationship in the first place. "Whatever" He smiled looking at her, "Let's go back home" Craig said as he caressed her shoulder, before going to the other side of the vehicle.

Nora had a look of concern creep into her expression as he suddenly stopped then changed tones all together. "Craig, are you sure you're okay? I don't want to pry, and I'll leave it be if you say to, but I feel like there is something you aren't talking about. I'm here if you do, goddess knows you've listened through all my whinning today.", she offered with a small symapthetic smile.

Craig was midway to reach the other side of the car, as he continue his walk he answered with a little dejection from his tone "It's just..." , Craig sighed, "Let's get inside, i'll tell you then". He then reached the car door.

"Okay then, I'll let you tell me when your ready.", was all Nora said with still a sympathetic smile. She put her bag in the back and hopped into the driver seat with ease before starting the engine. After Mulder hopped in as well, she pulled the vehicle out onto the main road again, bound towards the residential building.

It took a minute of silence before Craig started to talk.
"So, I usually don't like to explain my past but I don't want to make you worry for nothing...."
He paused for a moment trying to think at the right words.
"...Long time ago, I've spent six years of my life working on a mercenary group, called "The Ironclads". Its members used to be all pilots of starfighters and since they were looking for new recruits they accepted me in their ranks. At that time i was young, barely out from the Academy, the group teached me pratically everything, if now I am who I am, is because of them."A thin smile traced his face.

"In the years we became all friends, we were really attached to one another, unfortunatly things were not meant to last forever.." He sighed " They all died, thirteen of the fourteen members died and I am the only survivor".
Craig ended looking for a moment downward * It's better if I keep the end for another day. * he thought.

Nora could only feel the hurt he gave off, even if he only let it slip through the cracks. "I'm sorry to hear that Craig. I never had friends, so I sadly can't relate, but I bet they were great guys. I'm just glad that you survived so that I got the opportunity to meet you. And know that you always have a friend in me.", she offered reassuringly.

Craig hearing those words felt another rush of emotion taking control of his body.
As she was still driving, he set the autopilot on with the coordinates as fast as he could, all of this in a few moments of lucidity before moving towards Nora with a hand gently grabbing her soft chin.
Before kissing her he said only one feeble sentence "Thank you, Nora".

Nora was yet again, caught off guard, and again finding herself locking lips with Craig. The young woman was utterly speechless, she didn't know what to say, only that she wanted it to continue. Her hands sought out purchase on his sides as they made out, knowing the autopilot would take them home fine.

Craig continued the kiss,he softly grabbed her back with one arm as the other was still handing her chin, making her closer to him to the point of almost changing her seat.
He didn't say anything, just kissing her 'till the car stopped on the parking area, which at that point he slowly faded the kiss.

As their making out ended, she seemed almost disappointed that it was over so shortly. "Hey Craig, what was that called? What we just did just now, because that wasn't a simple kiss? But whatever it was,....I liked it.", Nora asked as her hands stayed on him, her fingers feeling along the muscles as they trailed along his sides towards his back.

Craig looked at her with a slightly thoughtful expression "I.. I think it's called make out, sorry but i don't have a good knowledge on such terminologies". He then saw the expression of the young woman "Is everything alright?", the mercenary said while caressing her back.

"Nothing's wrong, just....something new. Can we do that again soon?", Nora answered resting her head against his cest for a moment. Mia was still waiting, so she idly opened her door as she held onto him for a few moments longer.

He gently pat her back " Let's go, your daughter is waiting, and believe me I hate to detach myself from you right now." He said as Craig slowly broke the hug and opened the door to get out from the vehicle.

"Right." was all she said as she hopped out of the jeep and locked it after they were both out, then she grabbed her range bag before heading into the building. "I'll be up in the apartment.", Nora called back as she went inside.

Craig took all his weaponry from the back of the vehicle then followed her untill they reached the elevator, the situation was weird "Well, i've to go back too to change clothes" He explained awkwardly.

Nora nodded before saying with an awkward chuckle, "Well true, but I figured I'd go ahead, but it seems the speed of the elevator caused otherwise, heh." She wasn't sure what else to say at this point, as between what happened at the range, and what they did on the drive over. Her mind was spinning still, and certain feelings stirred that she hadn't felt in a while. "Besides, that's not a bad thing, gives us more time to talk."

He cleared his throat while putting a a fist next the mouth, it was a nervous gesture for Craig, even him after what happened was realizing something went to much faster than it should have been.

"I was thinking about a place where we could go to have lunch together, if you are interested, miss Nora". He said " Or maybe for dinner?" , he emphasized the last words while glancing at her, maybe having more time to reflect on what they did was what he was looking for both.
Meanwhile the elevator's doors opened.

"Yeah I would like that. I don't really know of any places specifically though, as I don't really get to eat out much. I'd be good with whatever place you choose I guess.", Nora answered with a small smile as they entered and she signalled for the 12th floor.

Craig looked at her a bit confused "Is that a yes for dinner or for lunch?", he said and slightly giggled because of her complete honesty.

"Well it's past lunch already, so if we did it today, then dinner. But if you want to wait til tomorrow, we can do lunch alternatively. Either is fine with me."

*And when the hell she saw the time? Maybe during the shower? Or is it the geist?* His mind questioned as he had all the time looked at her, and also damning himself for the lack of professionality, he should have watched the time before asking but looks like his mind was completely filled with other thougths.

He caressed her cheek "Ok then, dinner will be. Make yourself ready at 7:30 PM, I'll ring at your apartment's bell ", he said with a bit of militaresque tone, maybe accidentally.

She gave him a smirk, "Understood sir, want me to salute as well?"

Craig sniggered in response, "I'll let you guess it", he then kissed her on the cheek.
The elevator doors opened right after it.

"I won't then. I'll be ready later then, but should I dress nice? I do have a dress I can wear.", Nora asked as they exited the elevator and walked down the hall. She thought about that, remembering the last time she wore it was for the Havok festival back on Osman.

The mercenary hesitated for a moment before answering to her.
He just had cargopants and t-shirts in dozens in his closet, Craig wasn't ready to handle a non casual date but as he saw her possible interest on getting well dressed, he didn't want to go against this little desire.
"Sure" He smiled looking at her " I'll do the same."

"Alright, I'll see you then. Mia must be hungry by now, but you know where to find me.", Nora offered with a wave before heading through her front door. Neera was seen inside for a brief moment before the door closed.

Craig saluted back by simply rising a hand and smiling. As she closed her door, his expression changed while turning to his one, he was seriously worried on what he had done.

As he opened the door he saw the ammo package for his assault rifle brought by Nora, he get it and put it on the table next to the sofa where he slept the night before.
He put his weapons on a dedicated closet's section , then weared off his power armor, cleaned it and then took off all the three magazines attached to the armor's chest, sit on the sofa and started slowly to load the ammos in.

In that repetitive motion, his eyes were looking blankely at the bullets getting one by one inside the cartridges, his mind rationally analyzing all the last events, he had to coldly think on how to deal with this little issue caused by his unrepressable inner nature.

After ending to load the ammunitions, he gets up and went to the bathroom leaving the magazines in the closet.
He cleaned his hands and washed his face several times with cold water while continuing to try to find a solution to his dilemma, as he dried his face he took a look at the mirror * What if we get along? What if everything goes well for once? If I leave her now there would be the embarassment of living as neighbors for an year long and more importantly I will be targeted as a piece of shit, surely the last thing i want is a bad reputation amongst people next to my employer, if not himself.*

He get outside the bathroom and walked to the kitchen. Craig humpfed after finding that everything of edible was canned food.

As he rapidly cooked and eat his simple meal, the mercenary mind was still in conflict on what to do for the next hours, go on with his words or deny the date? He felt entangled.

Craig washed up everything and watched the hour from his cyber eye, 3:15 pm.
He get to the sofa and relaxed over it for a while and at a certain point, like a flash in the night, he realized the obvious.
Wheter or not he goes on with Nora there is a good probability to stain his reputation. At this point there was no other solution but to get along with it.

He went to take his datapad and opened the Obsidian city network with it,to look for clothing shops. After a picky research on the catalogs of each one of the shops he found one with the perfect attires in elegant and old style.

Craig saved the coordinates, changed clothes and then went out from the apartment to reach his car.

As he was exiting the apartment, Mark Tazar would be passing by, only giving a short wave as he did so. Seeing as the man was going somewhere to warrant officer's eyes, he kept the lift doors open. Once Craig was inside, he'd hit the button for the ground floor. Mark was dressed in his usual militaristic fashion. Tan cargo pants, black combat boots, a white tank top, and a military style jacket of the same color as pants. His brown hair was cut short, and kept neat, his amber eyes only looking over Craig briefly.

Craig thanked the man while entering in the elevator. He also took a brief glance at the man, and looking at his presence Craig's experienced mind figured out easely that he was a soldier.
He offered the man a hand for an handshake " Craig Mulder ", simply said with his serious tone.

Mark eyed the hand for a moment before taking it, "Mark Tazar, Warrant Officer with SSAF."

Craig nodded " I am a mercenary employed by lord Jack Pine, you live here i guess? ",the mercenary said while releasing the hand.
He understood that the officer wasn't inclined to talk, which he found convenient but still, the mercenary wanted to know what type of people live around his appartment.

"Yeah, a few doors down actually. At least when I'm not deployed over to Dovania training troops over there. Then I stay in a provided residency while there, so don't be surprised if you don't see me for long periods of time.", Mark answered casually.

" I will not, I expect too this lifestyle here. At least for the year I'll be serving the lord " Craig ended his brief statement, he truly hoped to see a lot of action, or at least be busy in his job, otherwise he would have died of boredom.

"Good, the less people to worry about you, the better. Less crying at the funeral later."

The mercenary frowned. He met types like him before, but he usually saw them as spineless depressed beings, but one of those in the military completely surprised him.
He slightly and esitantly nodded again " Yes, my statement wasn't ment to be so emotional. But you are right, warrant officer ".

"Neither was mine, just don't want the baggage. We all have our day. Just being prepared is all.", Mark commented back with a chuckle.

"Undoubtly true" Craig simply responded while the elevators door opened, he felt that maybe this guy wasn't spineless like the others.
"Have a good day sir" He made a wave resembling a slight military salute towards Mark, waiting for the officer to exit before him.

Mark returned it with an actual salute, "Sadly so." being the only thing he added as he walked out and headed outside. Once outside, he beeped his jeep with his implant to find it, and also start up the engine. The four wheel drive vehicle humming to life, which was the same make and model as the one Nora drove.

A thin smile escaped from his rigidity * Looks like I am not the only fucked up one *, he shook his head as he went outside the elevator and then proceeded to his uncomfortable car.

In the next hours Craig drove all over the city, after buying a really elegant black suit similar to a smoking, he went to take a personal look at each restourant of the entire place, untill he found the one perfectly suited for the task.
At the end of the trip he stopped next to a pharmacy to buy with a lot of discretion some a pack of condoms, he didn't know how his instinct would have kicked in.

It was 7:15 as he reached home, enough time to rapidly wash, change clothes and be ready to knock at the door, everything according to plan.

7:29, He was already outside Nora's apartment, preparing himself to call her.

One minute after, at the precise moment the thirtiest minute triggered, he rang the door's bell.

Nora was ready and waiting, and quite frankly wasn't surprised to find him ringing the door at the very second it was time. The door would open almost as soon as the button next to the door was depressed.

Greeting him with a smile, "I figured you'd be here at the very second. I hope this dress is okay." It was the dress she had worn at the Havoc festival with a few tweaks. The once very rounded lower half, had been lessened down to a normal dress skirt. The red with black accented dress of a classic gothic style, went down to her ankles. netted sleeves covered her arms, starting at the mid-upper arm. To top it off, her hair was done back in a ribbon, a nice fabric rose rested at the top of the dress atop her chest, and a pair of red heels were worn on her feet.

Craig's eyes started to analyze her, he smiled " You are perfect ".
He then made a step back to let her easely move to turn around and lock the door.

She had no need to, stepping out and giving a slight wave of her hand causing the door to slide shut and lock with a click. She offered him a hand to walk together to the car, "I assume that we'll be taking your car this time?" Nora gave him a small smile as she said this, find the idea that she was on an actual date sort of for once, a very nice one.

He sincerily smiled and with a mild serious tone confirmed "Indeed, lady Nora", he gently took her hand and moved to wrap his lower part of the arm, as always the etiquette was everything for him.
Craig was feeling for a moment relaxed, and in a certain way, happy to be with her, although the idea of a possible meet during the date with Lazarus was a probability which he took in account.

Lazarus leaned around the corner that was at the other end of the hall, his enhanced eyes narrowing like a wolf gauging prey. He gave a very feint huff, as he thought on whether to do anything about it, but decided not to. If he did anything wrong to her, she's handle it herself, she was his daughter after all.