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Well-Known Member
Tylium Post subject: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:57 pm

Time for some old' school bar fight.

Rules are simple:
You’re not able to destroy the bar. As the walls floor and ceiling are protected by Plot shields outclassing those in Gundam seed destiny. The furniture is destructible tho
Characters are not invincible
Everything is possible. From pulling Tsar bombs out of your suitcase and instantly detonate it to transporting alien life forms into the bar. Though, aliens looking like cats are shot on sight. By the Punkbuster HAXCANNON.
Quantity over quality: No long descriptions and talks. If you’re able to talk you’re not blowing things up thus allowed to be kicked out of the bar by, catgirls who get shot the moment they arrive. Resulting in…… Allot of dead catgirls, and we don’t want that. Now do we?
Have fun and don’t sit in dark corners its so overdone.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:02 pm

((OOC: This sounds racist against nekos... >.>;;))

Tylium Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:04 pm

Tylium walks in and notices the entire bar is devoid of life.

He said "light" and it became light. He called the dark bar a closed bar and the lit bar the opened bar. when he noticed everything was good he walked out again.

After stepping outside he came back in again noticing the entire universe was black and he din't want to bother fixing that too.

He stepped inside and noticed there was no waitress he thought for a moment and said "catgirl waitress", Suddenly a cute catgirl appeared dressed as a waitress, but as soon as she appeared she was shot by an invisible gun. he called for another catgirl to clean the dead catgirl up resulting only in more dead catgirls. After some fifty catgirls he decided he had enough.

He sat down and planned his approach to fill the bar with cute catgirl waitresses that stayed alive.

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:11 pm

Seth (me) walks into the bar and sees Tylium sitting down near a pile of catgirls. He decides to summon the demiurge, Yaldabaoth, to attack Tylium for no reason.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:13 pm

Fay is sleeping in a small corner of the bar. "Zzz... meh grr..." he murmurs as he turns over. He seems to take no notice to the events that are occurring before him.

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:17 pm

Seth shoots Fay in the kidney with a rubber band gun.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:21 pm

Fay wakes up. "Oh, God! My kidney!" He collapses to the ground holding his waist.

Tylium Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:21 pm

Tylium dodges and begins to unsheet a large katana.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey. Who do you think you have in front of you gramps?"

He keeps unsheeting the katana, that already appeared to be larger then ten foot.

"Im the slayer of demons, The person who's name make children stop crying."

He starts to get kinda annoyed by the fact that there seems to be no end to the katana's length.

"The person who's name will go down in history as the greatest person ever lived. In short I am the Divine lord Tylium."

He decides to quit unfolding the blade and flings it around caussing the sheet to come off by itself revealing a 50 meter long blade.

"Okay..... guess the animator overdid it this time."

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:24 pm

Unwavering, Seth throws a contaminated needle filled with Space AIDS at Fay, while transforming Yaldaboath into a 50.01 meter long blade forged completely out of hatred.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:27 pm

While he's still on the ground, Fay is injected with Space AIDS. "Crap..." he says before passing out
Tylium Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:29 pm

"Oh.... bugger"

Tylium decides to play smart and let his minions do the fighting. He started to laugh a bit but he noticed his minions consisted of heavily armed catgirls. Thus once again resulting in many of dead cats

"note to self hire something else then catgirls"

He lunges at the massive blade due to the fact nobody was wielding it. He grabs it and charges after seth dual wielding a total of 100,01 meters of blade.

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:38 pm

"That was only a ploy!" Seth shouted in delight. Holding his hands up to his mouth in the form of a cone, he blew out a wave of white-hot fire at Tylium that traveled sixteen times the speed of sound.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:46 pm

Fay wakes up again. He tries to limp out of the bar. "Oww..." he cries as he struggles along.

SUBLIMEinal Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:14 pm

Adrian blasted through the door of the bar, his Super Phalanx armor going close to .9c. As such, when he accidently fired his plasma cannon, he smashed right ball of fiery death, lighting his armor on fire. He flew through the air, his fiery frame emiting a loud "SWOOOSH" as he crashed into the wall, fell to the ground, and promptly died from internal injuries.

Several moments later, he entered the bar again, this time far more consevatively, choosing to don his Magical Purple Pimp suit. Witnessing the fight between Tylium and Tesuro, he sat and watched, laughing as the attempted to murder each other.

Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:29 pm

Le Blue Dude blinks at the carnage, surveying it impassively. "I'm not drunk enough for this yet. Bartender! Irish boilermaker!"

Fian Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:32 pm

Just as Adrian blasted through the door, A white AIR2 dropped right behind him brandishing a double Green FMD in a surprise attack . "Vel Steyr manuver, REDTARDS!". Just as Fian was about to pull the trigger, Adrian ate his own plasma and burst into flames, denying him of his kill.

"What the heck!?" The white AIR2 boosted away from sight.

Later as a magically reincarnated Adrian stepped into the bar, Fian could be seen dressed in a green-white jacket, passively sitting at one corner of the building with a lolipop in his mouth and a cloudy blue liquid on the table in front of him.

Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:33 pm

Le Blue Dude blinks, then calls to the bartender "I need to get drunk in a hurry. Got any ever-clear 190? There's a certain mental image I need to wipe out of my brain, and I've found that that and anti-freeze work best.... And chase it with a Goldslagger. 'm feeling German today"

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:20 pm

The bartender popped up from behind the bar. It was Quazi Modo from Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". He pointed right at Le Blue Dude's face, screaming, "THERE IS NO GERMAN." He then proceeded to ruthlessly pummel Le Blue Dude.

Tylium Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:05 pm

"Hah that heat wont even faze me."

The flames struck all around his body.


he then jumped into one of the beer glasses on the counter to cool a bit down.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:09 am

While Adrian was still in his Super Phalanx, he accidently landed on Fay. "Ugg..." could be heard under the massive power armor. Then, after Adrian's unfortunate, yet hilarious, death, the reincarnated Adrian in a purple pimp-suit walked into the bar... and right over Fay's ruined body. A few organs have follow out of him, and Adrian accidently, or purposely whichever, stepped on one. "Ack... my spleen..." Fay passed out once again.
Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:54 am

Le Blue Dude sighs as the midget bartender pounded ineffectively on him "I am NOT drunk enough for this" he repeated with a vocal sigh. He picks up the Bartender, then muttered something in corrupted latin.

A black man in a red and gold business suit appears "You again?" he asked. LBD nodded. "Fine, but quit it, I was right in the middle of DINNER!" He hauls off the bartender. The smell of lambchops drifts through the air.

LBD sighs "Bloody ungrateful figments of my imagination. I created him. Bloody rude... Next time I'll make sure he's taking a BATH!"

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:15 am

Fay's still passed out and bleeding both internally and externally.

Tesuro Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:03 pm

Seth casts a spell that makes Fay bleed mentally, some how.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:24 pm

Somehow, Fay starts bleeding mentally. He wakes up and says, "MY MIND!!!!!!!" He starts to scratch at the wall like some madman from the insane asylum.

Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:54 pm

Le Blue Dude sighs, and mutters something in german.

Far Barsted charges, trampling several people on the way to LBD inside "Sir! Your drinks!"

Fat Barsted vanishes

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:01 pm

Fay continues to mutter incoherent words and claw at the wall. The wall is seriously injured from over three hours of constant clawing.

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:26 am

Suddenly, the front door to the bar flew open with an explosion. Standing in the wreckage was none other than Luca Pavone, The Wolf. He had a large, smoking revolver in his left hand. I love these 'red' bullets. Great for entries. He chuckled to himself. He looked pretty fearsome with the monster of a gun in hand and the remnants of a door and a portion of the wall at his feet.

"Did someone call the doctor?" He flicked his gun around his index finger a few times before holstering it and putting up his fists, "Cause I've got 10,000 CC's of uncut Fist to be applied to someone's face!"
Then the Bathroom door flung open, a thick haze came pouring out and the sound of bagpipes and drums rung out loud. Walking into the bar was the bearded Luicen McGarland, The Scotsman. The sounds stopped abruptly as the Nepleslian Figure stood, clad in a suit of "Super Demon" Power Armour (Save the Helmet) and with what appeared to be a hefty claymore by his side.

"Death comes for ye!" He called out as he lifted the huge sword menacingly at the patrons and put the helmet on and prepared for combat, "He who meddles with mah drinks DIES!!"

He promptly sat down on a barstool and ordered twenty beers, with sword in hand and began drinking.

vesper Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 11:22 am

At one end of the bar a man sat wearing a impeccable business suit and a garish top hat with a monocle over one eye, though it had no lens. He was apparently talking with the wholly generic bar patron sitting next to him judging by the wild gesticulations of the long pipe in his right hand.

“I must say though, Johnson, you really should try walrus.”

In response to something the man said he flung out the pipe which sent a glob of some flaming, napalm like material onto one of the other patrons who stood up screaming and proceeded to run around the room.

“Eat them? Eat them; are you daft my good friend? How uncouth, you don’t eat them Johnson, you sniff them. Like this,” the man said, opening his suit jacket and pulling on what looked to be a pointed piece of cloth in one of the pockets.

He continued pulling and a 2 ton Pacific walrus flopped out onto the bar, promptly crushing it along with a substantial number of fine liquors behind the bar. As soon as it was out he grabbed its head and shoved it next to his left nostril and, as it let out a loud below, began inhaling. In a few shorts seconds, and another below from somewhere inside the man, it was gone.

Shaking his head he said,” I do say, they do give you quite a buzz, though the pacific ones pack quite a kick. Would you like to try one Johnson? Johnson?,” the man said looking for where the other patron had gone. Finally looking down he said and seeing the blood stain where the walrus had crushed him,” Oh drat, looks like it happened again.”

Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:35 pm

Le Blue Dude sighs "I kinda killed the bartender" he tells the scotman "Would you be the kamikaze highlander?"

osakanone Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:56 pm

One of the stray patrons clashed and snicked the edge of a tall beerstien, knocking it tumbling across the bar. The pale figure before it slammed her hands against the bar and took a low heedy sigh.

With a crisp clutter of slick mechanical clatter, a revolver the length of a fore-arm graced cross-hairs with a heavy smash into the cheek of the well tailored man she sat aside after the nonsense with the walrus.

An unusual accent took her words, dim ruby eyes set upon the man as she spoke in a husky calm tone. It was then that the man noted her face was plastered up on the far side of the bar upon a wanted poster.

"Did you just spill my pint, boy?"
Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 6:42 pm

The ceiling suddenly warped and Galar, with an extremely bright lensflare, crashed to the floor, throwing up a large cloud of dust. "Pavone, my friend! I have found you at last!! Now it is time to settle the score!"

With that, Galar pulled an SMG from his black trenchcoat and fired at Luca.


At the exact same time, Kassiopea entered the bar in a not-so-glorious fashion through the door, which was still whole, despite the violence that had taken place prior. Being shorter than most of the patrons, she was unseen until she walked straight up to the man who had snorted the walrus. She hopped up onto the chair and poked him.

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:09 pm

Luca just saw his old friend Galar come through.
"Ah, you never fail to amaze!" As Galar began to open fire upon Luca, he pulled his HHG out of his jacket and somersaulted behind the bar. The energy shots blasting into wooden counter.

Luca then furiously searched his pocket for a few "Red" bullets and found a handful. "This calls for something heavy-duty," he said to himself.
He flicked his revolver-gun open and replaced the normal rounds with these 'Red' rounds, with the exception of one 'White' round where his first shot would take place.
He peered up over the counter and fired one shot directly at Galar's SMG, attempting to blast it out of his hand.


Luicen peered over to the Blue man, "Nay laddy, I am the Brawling Highlander," He pointed out the door, "The Kamikaze highlander is out there somewhere."

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:14 pm

Galar managed to dodge all of Luca's bullets except the one that blasted the SMG out of his hands. With an angry smile, he whipped out his T-F1 Dragonsbreath and shot a burst of flame at where Luca had taken cover.

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:43 am

"DAYMN!!" Luca called out as he felt a portion of flame lick his hair as he took cover behind the bar.
Now Luca truly knew that Galar wasn't messing around.

Luca jumped onto the burning counter, then it collapsed underneath him, "Whoops!" The floor beneath him gave way too. As he was falling, however, he fired one 'red bullet' right under Galar, creating a massive blast and wrecking the floor beneath him.

Both of the fighters fell down into the basement of Bar, where kegs were lined up along the wall.
Luca had landed on his chest and his gun fell out of his hands when he landed in the basement.

((Those bullets are pretty damn powerful! Ask Fian about 'em!))

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:03 pm

The blast flung Galar up into the air and then down into the cellar of the bar. With an extension of his will, he stopped his fall and gently let his feet touch the ground. Still utilizing this strange power, Galar blasted Luca with a wall of willpower.


Kassiopea raised her eyebrows at this strange sight, oblivious to the strangeness of the walrus sniffing man she was associating with.

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:38 pm

Luca managed to Stand up as Galar projected his 'Willpower' towards him.
Luca assumed a stance much like a warrior wields his shield to protect himself from harm. A translucent shield of ricocheting, leaping colours formed and managed to protect Luca from Galar's blast of power.

When the blast cleared, Luca was seen holding two balls of this energy in his hands, His eyes also seemed to change colour continuously, "It's on."
His voice had shifted too, changing widely in pitch and tone, even while he was saying it.

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:32 pm

Galar enveloped himself in the power of his will, creating a faint blue aura about him. He then leaped into the air and the same power he created ethereal wings, which now kept him aloft. He hovered there waiting for Luca to make the next move, staring straight into his now-multicolored eyes.

Kylen Phylar Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 9:58 pm

((I'm sorry...*is gonna have to set up a different, no so explody bar, that isn't so against catgirls.* *kinda sad he wasn't the first one to do a bar for once))

Cipher Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:24 pm

Will flipped on the retinal HUD and crosshair that linked from his subdermal implant and hefted the mini-gun he had 'liberated' from a nearby military store. He kicked the door down and began spraying a hail of bullets into the chaos.

Asmodeus Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:02 pm

"hey boys" A beautiful woman walks in and strips off "whos going to have me first she says lying down on a table "just come here and go on top of me with no clothes on you know how it works"
Cipher Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:18 am

Harrison sweatdrops.

"Lady, you picked the WRONG time to walk in on a bar fight..." Harrison turned on the targeting array on the HAFG (Huge ass fuckin' gun) he was carrying and drew a bead on the nearest patron, the end of the barrel glowing in a nexus of white light.

Devonus Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:43 am

(Asmodeus, do you ever stop trying to get laid?)

Devonus had been walking out side when he almost got hit by about a thousand stray bullets. He looked in completl confusion at the bar tha thad about a million explosions going on inside it yet seemed to be still standing.

"This looks like fun "

Burst through the door with His Red light saber and and seeing the retarded women splayed out like an offering, during a gun battle, decides anyone that stupid should die. So he goes up and is about to plunge his ligth saber up her.... umm female part.

Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:25 pm

Le Blue Dude sighs "Sooooo not drunk enough." A nuke appears in his hands "Right then, everyone dies if I don't get my brewski!"

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:40 am

Cadet Ran Rui was never one to dress too nice. But on this particular occasion, he'd make an exception. He had heard that somewhere on this planet, there was a giant bar fight going on, and he was just simply in the mood to kick some ass.

In the bar, some old song of a forgotten and long past era would slowly come into play, as the sound of a barrel rolling down the street towards the bar were heard. "Fly me to the moon...and let me sing amongst the staaars." A black HHG appeared from the sleeve of his black tuxedo, with 8 fresh red bullets loaded into the cylinder. The single barrel of gasoline hit the door of the tavern, and was quickly shot once by his HHG, with the seven other shots being sent into the tavern itself.

"Let me see what spring is like oooon...Jupiter and Maaars..." Ran swung the cylinder out and struck the custom-installed extractor on the HHG, as a cascade of shining, red shells hit the ground, replaced by a fresh moon clip. With a flick of the wrist, the cylinder shut back into the HHG, straightened out by a slap from Ran's left hand.

Sandact6 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:53 pm

Sandact runs into the bar in a huge hurry, panting heavily. It seems he has been running for a long time.


Le Blue Dude Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:17 pm

"Aww, shit" Le blue dude says, with a sigh "I'll nuke 'em first...."

LBD sets off the nuke in his hands.

Soldier Side Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:15 am

Fay walks into the bar just as LBD sets off the nuke, saying, "This topic is still goin..." And then the nuke goes off.



Koenig808 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:40 am



Tylium Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:25 pm

((Good to see the bar is still around))

Devonus Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:13 pm

Due to a protective spell casted long ago by ancient japenese Neko's everyone in the bar is revived. Devonus wakes up and wonders what the hell happened. He thought maybe he just passed out completly oblivious to the fact he just got blown up by a nuke.

He grabs his light saber and looks around for an opponent having lost track of the stupid naked chick.
Fredrick Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:17 am

Kairi Tohoe the neko slouched into the bar, wandering towards the counter. She should be dead by now, but SHE'S RUNNING AN OUTDATED VERSION OF PUNKBUSTER :O :O :O!

She reached over the counter and grabbed a hard vodka and began to down the bottle.


Devonus Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:40 pm

Due to the electric magenetic field of the nuke the anti cat girl gun has been deactivated.

He walks over to the bar and sheaths his light saber and smiles at the neko. He's tired of killing people and wants to flirt. He grabs himself a bottle of Jack and takes a deep swig, the painful burn of the calming his nerves.

"Hey hot stuff what you doing in this kind of bar?"

Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:46 pm

Meanwhile down the counter from the pair, Esther Belmonte downs a rather large bottle of Scotch, trying to make sense of a universe in which women of grace and quality never find love. She gave a quick sigh and took another substantial gulp of the brownish liquid, full well knowing that she might awaken next to another greasy mercenary captain in the morning. Though, he might awaken without his wallet and the keys to his ship...

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:53 pm

Nevaraon walked into the bar and blinked at the mass devastation. He grinned until he realized he forgot his sword at home. Sighing he reluctantly sat at the bar and drank. He glanced at Esther and raised his glass slightly towards her and winked.

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:41 am

Mich was vaguely annoyed at having come to the bar so late - given that bar fight were his specialty, combined with his other specialty (the imbibing of ridiculous amount of alcohol) he felt like he had been hard done by. As such he entered the bar with a scowl on his face, sat down on a bar stool (which promptly broke) and pulled a bottle of whiskey from the bar, tossing a few coins behind it. He began downing it - waiting to play the part of reactionary.

MissingNo Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:07 pm

A neko miko, a tech priest, and a soldier walked into the bar. The bar promptly self-destructed rather than be the host of a joke waiting to happen.

And was promptly brought back by the spells, silently swearing at itself.

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:15 pm

The sensation of the being within a self-destructing bar, quickly followed by the sensation of being pulled back together was rather disconcerting to Mich - it wasn't the sort of experience you encountered every day. An unfortunate side effect meant that his whiskey was now a chardonnay. Mich didn't have have any problem with wine, let alone the noble chardonnay, it just happened that it wasn't his beveridge of choice and he felt a little cheated - the fact that he did not pay for it did not occur to him. Thus annoyed he turned and hit the nearest person in the head with the useless bottle.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 6:15 pm

Nevaraon also blinked at the instant destruction and reconstruction. He also wondered how he was sitting on the ceiling until gravity kicked in. As he scrambled to his feet, he was promptly punched in the face by a rather annoyed Mich. Scowling, He grabbed at Mich with the intention to throw him across the room into the pool table.

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:10 pm

Unfortunately the 6'5" 270 lbs Geshrin was not the sort of person that could be easily thrown, even when he wanted to be. Given that he had just engaged in a bar brawl this was not the sort of activity he wanted to be engaging in, instead making to crab the perceived miscreant and use his rather considerable strength to hold him above his head.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:23 am

Using his his own strength, Nevaraon wrestled out of the grap and dropped onto the floor where he used all four arms to grab at both the knees
Koenig808 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:24 am

"What the -FUCK- is happening, man?!" Ran had remembered that he was in a tuxedo at one point. As soon as he entered the bar, shit just started blowing up, then going back together. "Why the fuck are we all still alive?! WHY IS THAT MAN CRAWLING?!" Ran was quite drunk, as the half-empty bottle of Jager next to him indicated.

"What -are- you, some sort of goddamn liz'rd?!" Ran then proceeded to light the chair next to him on fire and throw it at Mich, intent on hitting Nevaraon.

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:51 am

Mich made the best of his circumstances - catching the burning chair by one of its legs (and admittedly wincing at the pain as his hand began to burn) he began to slam it down on his opponents back even while his pillar like legs refused to crumble. It made an interesting improvised weapon to be sure, but it wasn't as good as the time that Mich had hit someone with a piano. Mich missed that piano.

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:48 am

"Ohhh shiit!!" Ran exclaimed, falling to the ground and bumping the back of his head against the bar. "Hahaha!!! That fucker's getting his ass -beat-!" Ran giggled to himself in his now horribly drunk state. But then, the happy stage of being drunk went away. And now, the terror started.

"Hey, fucker!!!" Ran stood back up, grabbing the neck of two random bottles. "You just fuck'n broke my chair, asshole!!!" Somehow, Ran had grabbed a bottle full of nails, which is apparently, what the bartender had just lying around. He chucked said bottle at Mich, and proceeded to pull off his shirt. "I'm gonna kick 'yer ass!" He then raised his arms up to Mich, and was visibly swaying from side to side.

Cipher Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:04 pm

Harrison once again kicked down the bar door, hoisting an inhumanly large gun up to waist-level. The link-up, which appeared to enter his neck via a wire uplink- the most obvious target turned out to be Ran.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:38 pm

Nevaraon pushed through the pain of being beaten with a chair, then slugged with his own considerable power into poor Mich's manhood then quickly struck, with his lower left arm, at his kneecap

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:43 pm

Suddenly, Galar leaped over the bar and simultaneously drained one of the patron's drinks and fired his pistol into the air.

Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:35 pm

Esther pulled a shotgun sitting next to her stool and nonchalantly fired a blast of buckshot at Nevaraon's knees, and took another swig of her heavy liquor.

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 4:38 pm

Galar saluted Esther, took another swig of the patron's drink, and fired his pistol at Nevaraon's other knee, effectively incapacitating him.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:01 pm

Nevaraon crawled on the ground, trying to understand why the pretty Esther had shot him and why everyone in general had a particular dislike for the poor Abrehwr

Cipher Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:20 pm

taking pity on the poor man, Harrison's aim drifted downward.

The weapon he was hoisting fired a continuous beam of all white, the whole time incinerating Nevaraeon from the inside out.
Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:23 pm

Esther poured a cup of magical liquor on the poor man, resurrecting the pile of dust that was an Abwehr. With a rather apologetic look on her face, she extended her hand to him.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:34 pm

Nevaraon took Esther's hand and pulled himself up. He nodded his thanks to Harrison for temporarily putting him out of his misery. then he turned back to Esther. "Soo what's a pretty girl like you doing in this rough house bar?"

Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:56 pm

Esther swished the large bottle of Scotch in her hand and gave a rather sleepy smile. "What would you expect? Most of my crew's dead, my ship is gone, and I've been out of work for 2 months... but I suppose some things could make it all better. Like my good friends, Gin and Tonic." The merchant said quite happily, before collapsing onto the tall Abwehr's chest.

"It seems that the drink I so pleasantly partook, has waged war and overtook, overtook *hic*, over... took..." The Nepleslian woman fell asleep, still leaning on Nevaraon.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:04 pm

Nevaraon glanced around the bar and bought a room for the night. He laid Esther on the bed. and went back into the bar.
"At least, no one will mess around with her in there" Nevaraon thought to himself, who refused to take advantage of any drunk woman.

Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:23 pm

Esther breathed quietly as she slept on the bed, while clutching the pillow her head was resting on tightly. Her dreams were a strange combination of nightmares of the day she lost her crew, and pleasant dreams of her travels. She began mumbling incoherently, until she broke out loudly, in flawless speech for a few moments.

"Nnn... don't leave me... when the world is this lonely, a few seconds of shared company can ease a lifetime's separation from other living beings. All living creatures need companionship, and to refuse this is to dally with utter madness. And so I... a person who many years dallied with such foolishness, humbly requests the presence of another tender being... Nnn..."

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:27 pm

Nevaraon heard her quite well, despite being in the noisy bar. Living in underground blackness tended to enhance one's listening abilities. He walked back to the room and compromised with her and his own code of honor. So he lay next to her and snuggled.

SUBLIMEinal Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 6:52 pm

The door suddenly exploded from it's hinges, and a wave of men in black armor with heavy rifles stormed through the hole. They quickly surrounded the bed, their numerous guns and batons pointing towards the two occupants, especially Nevaraon. One of them, who was closest to the piece of furniture, straightened his body and cleared his throat. "YOU! ALIEN! UNDERAGE B&!" He bellowed. Shortly after, the dozen other men quickly lashed out at the Abwehran with stun lasers, Peacekeeper Cudgels, kicks, punches, and at least one instant of spitting.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:05 pm

Nevaraon growled and said "I"m over 40 years old standard. How old would you be?"

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:21 pm

Luca was standing just outside the pub with his hands in his pockets, and what appeared to be an entire armoury in his backpack, and probably even more. Suddenly, he heard the sounds of giant, mechanical feet smashing against the ground, towards Luca... Fast.

He turned around, and looked up at the 24 foot tall mass of steel, aether weaponry, three chainguns, missiles and much, much more on two legs, armoured top to toe with Zesuaium and Durandium. The camera-sensor on top glared at Luca, and put a three-dimensional targeting reticle on him.

"Goliath Demon!?"

Luca suddenly got a call on his communicator. It was dad.
"Use Grenades! Aim for the legs, it's lightly armoured there!" He advised, "And aim for the sensors on the upper left of the armour. The cockpit will automatically open if you do... Over!"

Then the three chainguns started with a loud Click, and began Firing at Luca's feet. Luca did a backflip and a sidestep to avoid the bullets, pulled a grenade out of his pocket, took off the pin and threw it like a baseball at the left leg of the armour. The resulting explosion was white on colouration and managed to do some light damage to the leg, but not enough to down it.
"God-damn it!" Luca mumbled to himself while he flicked out a grenade launcher and fired at the sensor, missing, "Whatever happened to 'Fight Fair'?!"

SUBLIMEinal Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:24 pm

"QUIET, ALIEN!" The heavily armored man made a good attempt at a period by swinging his cudgel in a heavy arc towards Nevaraon's head.
nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:31 pm

Nevaraon ducked his head to his chest and it only clipped him instead of a full force blow. He struggled raise his thumb to his mouth and bite off the nail and spat it on the man's boot. The ultimate act of insult in the Japis system

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:43 pm

The left and right missile pods on the side of the Goliath Demon fired a pair of rockets Luca's way.
Luca saw these coming, dropped his grenade launcher, Jumped forward with a somersault and performed a starjump to his right, barely evading the rocket launched from the right.
He then tossed two grenades at once. One at the left leg, one at the right.

The left leg was still lightly damaged. And the right leg was scratched slightly by the blasts.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:44 pm

Nevaraon glanced over at Esther. "I don't suppose you're going to offer any help?"

Exhack Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 8:54 pm

"Nnn..." Esther sleepily got up, rubbed her eyes and pulled out a small bottle of scotch. "Oh... of course. Just gimme a sec..." The merchant opened the bottle, took a small sip and tossed the bottle to the armored man. "Listen mate, the guy wasn't doing anything wrong... and life's too short to be wasting beating on handsome four armed men. Drink up, and live a little." The woman wrapped her arms around the Abwehran's neck from behind.

"And thanks for not taking advantage of me Nevaraon. You're so nice for such a big guy..." Esther said cheerfully, still rather asleep.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:08 pm

Nevaraon stood up and thanked Esther. Then he finally heard Luca battling the robot outside. He glanced out the window and dashed out to help however he could. Yelling "I'll be back, I see someone else in need!!!"

Sandact6 Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:35 pm

"Taking all bets right now. 11 to 1 in the Goliath Demon's favor." sandact replies as he opens a small cash box.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:58 am

Nevaraon climbed up the side of the bot. Searching for wires that he could pull, since he had no guns.

Luca Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:25 am

Unfortunately, Nevaraon could NOT find any wires that he could pull out or tear on the Goliath Demon. This thing was made not to fall down easily.

"I appreciate --" Luca yelled out to the Abwehr as he cartwheeled to evade some bullets, "Your help, but I think I've got this one --" He pulled out a grenade, pulled out the pin with his teeth and threw it at the camera sensors on the armour, exploding and damaging heavily.
Then the Armour seemed to buckle and the cockpit flew open and exposed ... nothing. Just an empty seat and controls, and a little something at the back that looked sensitive to damage. Nevaraon was shaken off the armour and fell on the ground due to the force of the blast. He had minimal injury.
"This thing thinks for itself?!" He was shocked at the result.
"No," Luca said as he pulled out another grenade, pulled out the pin as he took a pot-shot and it landed behind the chair in the cockpit as it was closing, "But you sure have risked your big bipedal piece 'o shit dragging your sorry ass..."

Then an explosion filled the cockpit, and rocked something inside the armour with a smash. Electric sparks and bolts began to surge through the Goliath Demon. Its primary aether generator had been damaged severely, and the resulting explosion shone through the armour and could be heard throughout the planet even though it was all shielded by the ruiend armour. It knocked Luca back a good several metres and fell on the ground.
He picked himself up, stood straight with his arms by his side. Then a wide grin of satisfaction came across his face.

"...Out here against me."

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:11 am

Nevaraon shrugged as he picked himself up. "Hey man, sorry I couldn't be much more help. I left my guns at home."

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:07 am

"That's not really an issue. Any bar worth its salt carries a fully loaded armoury." Mich commented, opening up an arms cabinet which certainly hadn't seemed to exist a few minutes before pulling out an Omfg grade plasma mortar and firing at the largest and most obvious target.
nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:31 pm

Nevaraon searched around a bit in the armory and pulled out the OMFWBG (Try to guess what that stands for) water gun!!! He proceeded to blast everyone in the bar with the annoying gun with unlimited ammo

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 2:51 pm

Unfortunately one of the many objects the unstoppable array of water hit was a small cabinet which just happened to contain one pound of pure Caesium in a water-permeable casing. The reaction was as beautiful as it was deadly, and yet shaped shields which just happened to be there directed all of the energy towards the demons left knee.

nevaraon Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:59 pm

Nevaraon stood stunned by the reaction his water blast had caused.

Zakalwe Post subject: Re: SARP BarPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:05 pm

Not being a particularly good day for the demon bricks of solid titanium began to rain down from a hole two metres above its body - unfortunately traveling at terminal velocity and with an iridium centre. What they were doing in existence, let alone appearing suddenly from a hole it what seemed to be the fabric of space would never be resolved, but Mich certainly thought that this was one of the weirder (although strangely not the weirdest) bars he'd been too. Might win on surrealism.