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RP Concluded Trick or Treat: Yamatai

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Kyoto, Yamatai

Yamatai was fond of tradition, so just like last year, the Star Army of Yamatai began to deploy its soldiers around Kyoto and throughout the empire to bring cheer to the nation. As the special night approached, the stockpiles of candy and prizes were readied, the cargo trucks cleaned and the posters posted throughout the land, promising goodies for costumers such as sweets for the kids and meats for the adults. Halloween was coming, and the Star Army would be ready!
Re: [Yamatai] Halloween 2013

Phyl was annoyed. He had joined up for space battles and great sights. Instead he was assigned to a candy distribution detail. To be fair he did like bringing a bit of fun and cheer to people. It seemed slightly out of place for a holiday that, in theory at least, was all about frightening people and celebrating those things which were most painful and horrific. Still whatever his thoughts on the matter, whatever chip he may have gained as a result of this annoying assignment he had to get going. He threw another sack of candy into the back of the hovercraft and whistled a tune about a ghost ship of the space lanes.
Re: [Yamatai] Halloween 2013

Windtalker was the first to arrive. She was dressed as a witch with a black and orange stripped knee length dress, matching black and orange stripped hat, sparkling orange tights, and solid black high heels. In her hands was an old broom brittle enough to cause more messes than it cleaned.

Her brother Lighthouse was close behind. He was dressed as a caveman with simple animal skins for a shirt and shorts. Its jagged ending just before the neck, elbows, and knees gave it a more primitive look. He also had on leather boots in a matching pattern. Although it did not look quite as primitive, it worked as an accessory. In his hands was a plastic club that looked real.

Yori showed up next. She was dressed as a maid with a short black dress, fishnet tights, black high heels, and white apron. The combination of her blue skin, blonde hair, and dark gold eyes made her look quite powerful ... for a maid. She was carrying a dust mop that looked like it could actually be used for dusting.

Since she was actually in the Star Army of Yamatai, Deziarra felt pressured to succeed with her costume. She was dressed as a ragdoll. Her already red hair was dyed a more flamboyant red, braided, and put into pig tails. Her makeup was overdone and make her look like a combination of a little girl and a clown. Her white blouse and matching capri pants covered most of her body showing only a small amost of her white tights just above the ankles. Her shoes were flat with red flowers, yellow in the center, against a white background. The final accessory was a red apron with white lace trim. She smiled as she approached the others.
Re: [Yamatai] Halloween 2013

Uesureyan Fields Starport


Two Nibasha-class heavy freighters, the YSS Frontier and YSS Unity, arrived in the massive starport of Uesureyan Fields, completely full of candy. The Yamatai Star Empire had acquired over 100 billion assorted pieces of candy, enough to give a fistful to every person in Yamatai. As soon as the ships touched down, cargo containers were offloaded and put on flatbed trains to mega-warehouses at Central Uesureya and to various cities all over the planet. Many of these trains went to the populous capital city of Kyoto.

Kyoto, Yamatai

Meanwhile, every soldier in the city of Kyoto received a request from Star Army Logistics to come to the train station to assist with moving candy onto cargo trucks if they were available. This was a huge operation, and it provided good training to the soldiers for quickly distributing vaccines, relief aid, and other vital services across the Empire. The plan was to pre-position the candy at various infrastructure points like post offices, police stations, and military facilities so that when Halloween came, the candy would be available in every neighborhood.
Re: [Yamatai] Halloween 2013

Midori was at the train station, dressed in her traditional Samurai garb, all in the interest of being visible. She wanted to show she was trust worthy, show she was capable of taking larger assignments like she had before aboard ships like the Sakura and YC-28. She wanted to prove to Tsuya that taking her back was not a mistake. Offloading some of the candy onto the transports that would distribute them accordingly Midori was silent, her face blank as she worked.

She was there as a show of presence for the Samurai in large as well. They had wanted to show that they were still willing to help in any capacity they could, that they would be there when needed no matter what that need. While she was the only she saw at this particular platform, she was sure there were others at other platforms, helping in the same ways.
Re: [Yamatai] Halloween 2013

Halloween Night

The sun began to set in Kyoto on the last night of October, and groups of both adults and kids in costume began to form and roam the streets. In homes and shops, citizens were ready and around the city, trucks and tanks from the Star Army of Yamatai were positions at street corners, filled to capacity with a virtually endless supply of candy and treats. Halloween had begun!

As the first people approached the Star Army trucks, they were offered a choice of:
  • Two fistfuls of candy
  • A pint of honey
Yavin cracked his neck. Damn this thing was heavy... The tall Minkan was dressed head to toe in heavy black armour, a sinister red glow bubbling up from behind the visor. At his hip a midnight bastard sword. The thing was good in a fight but it slowed him down considerably. Not his favorite garb. But then again he had expectations to meet.

By normal day he was the anti-armour specialist for his infantry team. Today however as he leaned back against one of the supply trucks nothing could save him from the mob of partygoers that were about to descend upon the night. the whole squad had been drafted for the event and they had decided to add their own flair to the evening. The cast took their places. Darkness was about to fall.

The first group arrived. Roughly twenty of them all in their mid-teens. "Welcome children to this Hallowed Evening. A choice lies before you. To my left Spooksmaster Garick will entertain you with a story of woe long past. If you have the nerve to face him he may reward you with many Halloween treats." Yavin motioned to a grotesque mask wearing figure that leered in the partial darkness. "To my right you will step in to the web of lies and horrors that Deathweaver Liara has woven. Should you brave her lair she will reward you with a pint of midnight nectar." He indicated to the female member of the team. Dressed as she was in a webbed cloak that hid her face. "Be warned young ones. You may only choose one path. There is no time to reconsider." In the background cackling could be heard.
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