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Approved Adoption Yukiharo Kinsaka

So you know, this Taisho was retired when she lost her fleet leadership position due to inactivity and basically doing nothing while she was in command. We do have a reserve now (which came into existence after she retired), but Taishos generally don’t have much to come back to after they leave the Star Army barring a massive conflict breaking out.

Just a little context considering you don’t seem to be aware of the history, and the page hasn’t been touched since long before the character went inactive.
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Just want to put out there, echoing raz, that the ninth fleet is no longer run be her. I actively run it : ]
While I suspected these reactions to come I can ensure you that I have zero interest in ninth fleet and have different plans for the said character :)

thought thank you for addressing your concerns. They are noted.
Sure, please submit the character when they're updated.