Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Aquila Flight


The Gunman
Okay everyone, it is time to start up the OOC. Since we have a large enough 'squadron,' it is time to start busting out the characters. Y'all can start giving me the rough drafts following this.


Physical Description:

Here is my rough draft.

Name: Nero Vega
Rank: Captian
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Callsign: Crux

Physical Description: Nero is a tall, about 6'4, muscular man. He is well built and toned. His hair his light blond kept in a military crew cut. He has a scar in the shape of a cross above his left check, earning him the callsign 'Crux' or Southern Cross. His beard is quite long, but well managed. He has dark blue eyes and a face that looks as if it was chiseled from stone.

Personality: Nero grew up on a military base in the outer rim of the galaxy. He grew up with his family flying planes for the Navy. He knew that he wanted to do that since they day he could walk. Living on base was tough, not seeing his mother for long periods of time but he spent it learning all he could about avionics. He lifted weights and ran every day to make it through basic. He passed with flying colors and was accepted into the Navy's Aeronautics program with ease. From the there he climbed through the ranks to Captain and head of his own squadron.

Captain Vega is a very charismatic man. He treats his subordinates as his equals, but test his resolve and he will unleash an all mighty wraith upon you. As long as your on his good side he will always treat you with the respect you give him. He cares deeply for all his squadmates, seeing the newbies as his own flesh and blood. Mess with Vega's 'children' and their will be hell to pay.
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Name: Johanna 'Jo' Cigaro
Rank: Ensign
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Callsign: Smokey

Physical Description: Jo is not as wiry thin as most women even her age still are. She is pleasingly curved, though still very active and manages to fit in the smallest of spaces. Her skin is a light olive color, more like a natural light tan than a deep tan. Her eyes are a startling blue and her hair is russet. It is very curly, so she keeps it tamed back in a braid, rarely having it fall around her shoulders. At first glance, most would think her more masculine than feminine, but she is quick to set one straight.

Personality: Jo is a bit of a contradiction. Sometimes she is all quiet and shy, other times she is loud and obnoxious. It really depends on what is going on and how well she knows whom she is dealing with. Or, if she is just in the cockpit of her fighter and kicking ass and taking no names, for she doesn't care to know em.

Growing up on a small farm on the outskirts of the Nepleslian space, Jo is used to hard work and being part of a team. She flew the planes that dusted the crops and knew that one day she'd go for more. Her dream was to be in space, flying among the stars. She went to the Academy at a slightly older age, due to the fact that she had to raise the money on her own, and had finally gotten through it. Her callsign "Smokey" came because of her silent runs. The trainers said she could move and all they'd see is a wisp of smoke.

Now that she's out of training and ready to make a go of her own, she joined up with the elite. She was top of her class, and so the invitation to join the Aquilas was hers to take, and take it she had.

EDIT: Put in the rank! WOOT!! I can't wait!!
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Name: Miranda Bannings
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Callsign: Spirit

Physical Description: Lightly built and rather short, Miranda is somewhat of a midget among her peers in the military due to her Nepleslian/Geshrin heritage mixing rather badly, leaving her on the smallish side. She has a pale complexion and an interesting combination of grey eyes and mid-length grey hair, which she keeps in a ponytail when piloting.

Personality: Miranda has a very passive demeanor, often using polite terms and mannerisms when speaking with others. Very patient by nature, she hardly ever loses her temper at anything and often plays a diplomatic or conciliatory role in conversations. An avid reader, she can commonly be found scrolling through texts in her spare time.

Born into a middling family in the Nepleslian Colonial Expanse, Miranda spent her early years watching the skies and wondering about the great beyond. Unsatisfied with her future in the colony and yearning for something more, she joined the NSN at age 17 to break out into the universe. Joining a small task force in charge of weeding out an armed insurgency by remnant Reds militants, Miranda performed outstandingly in carrying out precision strikes on critical equipment and supply chains, isolating insurgent forces and contributing to the minimal casualty rate sustained by the task force throughout the entire operation. Her performance drew the attention of the higher-ups in the command chain and she was slated for transfer to Aquila Flight.
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Three guess what inspired the call-sign. lol

Name: Niklas Kreuger
Rank: Lieutenant
Age: 34 years old
Gender: Male
Callsign: Dead-Man

Physical Description:
Littered with scars and tattoos in equal measure, Niklas stands at 6'3" and with the cybernetics added heavily onto what's left of his original organic mass, he weighs in at around 240lbs. Both arms and legs are entirely cybernetic and designed to appear in line with his original athletic build, and they are covered in a myriad of colorful and decorative patterns in hopes of on some level replacing the original tattoos lost. His spine is cybernetic as well and has a - spine - painted onto it, appropriately enough.

Where looks are concerned, Kreuger isn't exactly a handsome man any longer with one eye being cybernetic and his ardent refusal to surgically hear the shrapnel scarring around it, with his other organic eye being a deep green. His hair is raven black and shaved down to stubble on the sides and back with not even a full inch left at the top. His skin is pale, his mid-section and neck heavily tattooed and scarred in some places, and his overall build is athletic though leaning towards more bulk than some might expect from a combat pilot.

Niklas "Dead-Man" Kreuger was at one point, oddly enough, a teacher. And this does show in his personality. Even though he isn't the highest ranked pilot in the unit, he does seem to take it upon himself to look after them in ways that the unit commander can't always afford to. In the air its the Captain's show, but on the ground Niklas can be found "looking after", pestering some might say, his fellow pilots. Ensuring they have enough sleep. That they are eating right. That they aren't shirking out on medical inspections.

All of this while guzzling down coffee, pain killers, and fifths of whatever alcohol he may be able to grab in disturbingly equal measures. Some might say he is hypocritical but they'll never see him shirking on mandatory sleep before combat operations or on regular medical check-ups.

In regards to other sorts of pilots, he will often say how everybody from supply ferries to bombers to fighter/assaulter pilots are needed to get the bigger plan done - but he'll break the neck (and likely several other bones in the process) of the first medical officer that says his physical condition means he needs to be put back into supply flights. Or worse, back onto medical leave - for what is quite obviously something close to functioning alcoholism and addiction to low-level prescription pain-killers caused by his myriad of injuries.

And where self image might be concerned, even if he may not admit to he almost never shows his arms to the shoulder, often wears wrap-around glasses, and seldom wears any civilian clothes shorter than jeans when out on leave.
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It will be coming in the next week or so. Archander and I are working up the wiki right now. Once we finish that I will start our first mission.
Name: Jayden Alexander Solaris
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Callsign: Striker

Physical Description: At first look, Jayden has that air about him that is reminiscent of that one asshole you went to school with that did everything and had everything. You know, the valedictorian super jock that could lay anyone in the school if they really wanted to and probably did... twice.

Just look at him with his strong chiseled jaw, piercing golden hazel eyes, and short curly black-brown hair that just invites a hand to be ran through - sometimes slicked back with some top shelf salon grade styling pomade. How about the audacity of his tanned complexion and well-toned athletic build, giving him this dark and brooding appeal. As if he needed anything else to add to his visual arsenal, he's 6'1 and a lean mean 190 lbs.
Who the hell does this guy think he is?

Personality: If it wasn't bad enough Jayden looks like his existence was the single greatest thing to hit the universe since the the coming of Aethersperm, he seemingly knows it. He knows he's the best, because he is the best. If it wasn't bad enough he's naturally skilled as is, he comes from old money and plenty of it.

Jayden is, for lack of a better word, an asshole. He tends to eye everyone and anyone around him with disdain, feeling more so that they are more of a liability than an asset. His demeanor is often cold, calculating, and often considered insensitive. Despite all these wonderful traits, Jayden is fiercely loyal to his allies even if he'll never admit it, and would rather them stay alive for him to harass than to come to actually loath them for proving him right. This is reinforced by a sharp tactical sense and capable leadership skills he displays when the shit hits the fan. Some argue the silver spoon got him where he's at so quickly, though others that have served with him will grudgingly admit he is "a gifted bastard you love to hate, but respect because he'll keep your ass alive".
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Name: Mochizuki Sayoko
Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
Age: 8 (NH-22C body appears early 20's)
Gender: Female
Callsign: Banshee

Physical Description: Sayoko stands at a modest 5'6" and weighs 122 lbs, with medium length green hair and almond-shaped emerald eyes that sets her slim, synthetic body very much apart from the average human Nepleslian citizen. Though she appears to be in her early 20's physically, she actually is only 8 years old in total, having been originally born as an NH-29 Nekovalkyrja that was forcefully downgraded to her current NH-22C Jiyuuian body following the UOC independence movement. Her face usually seems like an emotionless mask she is wearing, but this is only just covering up the true intense feelings lurking beneath.

Despite her body's natural hemosynthetic healing processes, she still possesses deep scarring in several places around her neck and shoulders from a close encounter with a Mishhuvurthyar parasite that lanced into her during her former UOCPKF unit's desperate battle in Tange. As a result she can always be found with extra layers of clothing covering this area, usually favoring a thick, aviator style scarf that wraps around her neck which can also obscure some of her face from view when its convenient to do so. Being a former IPG Operative, this comes as no surprise as it functions just like their infamous high grey uniform collar would.

Personality: Don't let her callsign fool you, for this tough as nails Jiyuuian is oftentimes exactly the opposite: quiet, composed, and focused in battle. Sayoko gets along well as part of a team, although she always seems to keep a comfortable distance between herself and others, in part due to the racial prejudices inherent between Neplesians and her kind, and also her past traumas that people just can't really relate to. Unlike many of the other human Nepleslian pilots out there, she was born and bred for one basic thing, like all other Nekovalkyrja -- to fight. Her short life has thus been a state of constant chaos and war in one way or another on the frontiers, and she has personally experienced horrors of combat that few have even dared to think about, much less lived to tell the tale. So when the foolhardy want to charge into a battle, she's often the first person to give warning of just what may await them on the other side of it.

During the day she is a reliable worker and graceful under fire, but at night she seems completely different. That's when the nightmares come... terrible visions of Mishhu tentacled monstrosities and death raining down on her people from space, reliving the evacuation of Tange over and over again in her dreams. It's here the truth of her earned callsign comes to light: oftentimes there will be a scream heard from her quarters, before she would awake in a cold sweat and hurriedly down copious amounts of sedatives just to get a good night's sleep to function for the next mission, and avoid making a further scene that would disturb others. Many say that the only reason she is even still able to avoid a psychological discharge is due to the protection of her older sister, Mochizuki Shiori, the newly elected Yamataian Senator of Jiyuu, who is rumored to have had her transferred to Aquila flight in order to save face publically.

Of course, with her checkered past and excellent intelligence training, there may be more going on than meets the eye with her new assignment...
I'm curious how a Yam senator is influencing a strictly Nep military unit, but other than that I really like the character and can't wait for this plot to get going.
I'm curious how a Yam senator is influencing a strictly Nep military unit, but other than that I really like the character and can't wait for this plot to get going.
Well, I added it at the other player's suggestions... it's certainly possible through the military cooperation of the DATASS treaty and the fact that Neplesia does now have a sizeable Jiyuuian minority residing on Pryedain following the evacuation of Operation Dynamo. So you have this sort of cross-national refugee community that exists.