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Daho'a (Warrior)

Within the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, these are the warriors for the clan. They are experts in personal warfare, in the use of small arms and melee weapons, and in combat tactics. They build on the training they received in the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies).

Language Daho'a
Meaning Warrior (One who fights)
Pronounced: dăhō-ă

This table provides information on which Jaeli (Sects) have members who are of this occupation.

Armed Combat

<Your Character> upon embarking on their career was trained in the use of clan small arms. They know how to load, clear, and safe the weapons as well as fire it accurately. Depending on their Sect they also received additional training in Daho'te Jyaon (Fighting Forms). Journeymen level Daho'a receive advanced training in HS-PD1-1a Anoka'ano Dahome (Combat Armor).

==== Armed Combat ====
<Your Character> upon embarking on their career was trained in the use of clan small arms. They know how to load, clear, and safe the weapons as well as fire it accurately. Depending on their Sect they also received additional training in //[[hidden_sun_clan:combat]]//. Journeymen level Daho'a receive advanced training in //[[hidden_sun_clan:equipment:body_armor]]//.

faction/hidden_sun_clan/occupation/warrior.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/28 19:55 by hollander