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RP: Section 6 Every rose has its thorn


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//188604// Saber Soul Transfer and body creation lab.

A green eyed brunette stood over a mutilated form of herself, going over the repairs the cryogenically preserved body would require as it finished thawing. With a final sigh, she took a sample and slipped into a replicator, before running a scan of the body. She fed the sample into a body sequencer to run the genetic analysis and make her job easier as her eyes glowed, a nearby datapad searching through manuals to instruct her in this process.

Setting limiting parameters and installing the scan overlay, she picked up the small body of her former self and poured a glass of corpse disposal proteins over it, watching the picomachines quickly melt the body into a grey goo that could be washed away easily and leaving behind the metals and plastics of her cybernetics. A few quick movements across the control board and that's exactly what she did, only to lean down and start an inspection of her old cyberware. A few repairs and tweaks with a laser knife to solder, and a microspray of biocompatible conformal coating to repair any breaches into the electronics let her boot the datapad and upgrade its software. A new base plate for her rebreather turbine, and she could disassemble the various plugs and cables. Another implant found its way into a bin, logged, and sorted, as she unpackaged a Geist implant and activated it for an in-construction install, but for the rest, they were sorted into bins and assigned arbitrary numbers for the body assembler to identify them and install them during the construction.

A deep breath as she relaxed, and a large, green lighted button presented itself. Absently, she started to the door, pressing Start. Her taller form was more convenient, but this was the body that others out in the stars knew. She would be making a few more modifications when the new body was finished, including a firmware update and a long range comm beacon for a Geist device.

The body assembler beeped a harsh warning, the display showing that the body she'd ordered was too small to survive any potential pregnancies. She confirmed to go ahead and edit the uterus out and leave the rest of her reproductive system in place, and the builder gave a green light. Another press of start and the device hummed to life, and Rose set for the door.

For now, she had to take someone out to dinner. Out of habit, she looked to her wrist, her Geist connecting to the internet via the datapad in her pocket and checking the account with her bank, making sure she had enough to pay for her lover. As that was confirmed like a memory, the information simply being there, she looked back up and continued walking, and pulled a small device from her coat pocket.

She didn't need to dial in the comm code, but it felt nice to hold the device up to her ear as she talked into it. Something more personal. "Hey, Sarah, I've been doing some thinking since I... Since I died. You know that restaurant in Nath Tower? Let's go to dinner. Just you and me. It's been too long since we had the evening to ourselves."

"Um... Sure, let me finish reassembling my rifle. Meet you there, or are you bringing the limo?" Sarah's voice said from the other end of the line.

"We have a limo? I'll meet you there, goof." Thorn's smile was audible as she shook her head, finding the exit and finding herself lost in the handful of DR-1s parked in the lot, remembering hers had a distinctly factory paint job with no special markings of any kind. Her thoughts had started kicking her for that, considering there was no way to identify it by eye. "Though I might have lost my bike."

"I'll come pick you up in the jeep." Sarah said with a muffled giggle.

"I'm gonna find this damn bike. Then I'll load it into the Jeep like a smart girl who doesn't know how to properly ride yet." And Thorn brought two fingers to her forehead, rubbing firmly. "I'm in the south parking shelter."

"I'm on my way. See you there beautiful." Sarah gave before ending the call.

When Thorn pulled the phone away from her ear, she shook her head and grinned. "Sure thing, gorgeous." Looking to her left, she cocked her eyebrows, pressed on her key fob, and watched the factory grey motorcycle blink its lights. Rolling her eyes, she muttered something about always letting people drive her around.

Sarah showed up a couple minutes later, wearing a tanktop and skirt as she pulled up in the driver seat, "Anyone call for the sexy taxi?

"Sexy is right!" Thorn grunted, pushing the motorcycle towards Sarah's jeep. "So when are you going to teach me to drive?"

Her own attire was far more lab work appropriate, with heavy jeans and a tee shirt, a keycard hanging off her left breast pocket. Normally, she was trying to get into a more regular or healthy sleep cycle, but she still often worked thirty hour shifts due to her inability to sleep. Curled up with a warm body helped, but she was starting to consider getting a cat.

Sarah climbed out and helped Thorn move it up the jeep's extendable ramp, "There we go, you ready? Must be pretty important if your taking me to dinner first."

Sarah walked back around to the driver seat with a purposeful swish to her hips before climbing in and popping the passenger door over.

"Normally I'd be making a joke about you keeping me here and my wanting to get back into the stars!" Thorn slid into the passenger seat easily. "But with you sweet talking me into growing my hair out and my new bigness, I can't exactly fit in my ship anymore."

Sarah giggled, "Maybe Jack will let us take the U-1 for a spin, he doesn't get to fly it much himself from his days in the Skyguard. He'd be happy to see her get out and used."

Sarah put the jeep in drive and pulled out of the underground parking area and onto the recently paved street flanked by metal walkways instead of the usual cement sidewalks, with street lamps lining the road she increased speed.

"Maybe, but that's not what I wanted to say and this is kind of awkward and I'm... I'm gonna buckle up before I drop this bomb." She reached behind to grab the seat belt and haul it over her lap and chest, hearing the satisfying click over the wind. "I want to get a name change and settle down."

Sarah slowed down, blinking a couple times as she processed Thorn's words. "Wait what? 'settle down' like get married?"

"Maybe!" Hands went up in exasperation, before she slumped and her voice lowered in volume. "I don't know. I just don't want to be a mercenary anymore. I think I'm happy, here."

"Well I'm happy your staying, and even if you had decide to leave I would have followed, I didn't enjoy being a hired gun either. But I would have picked up again for you. Saber and my brother gave me something to fight for honestly again, but you gave me a reason to love." Sarah said slowly speeding up again now reddened.

"Sweetheart, you're probably the sexiest person I've ever met, but our interactions for the last few weeks have been fairly consistently heated flirting and dumb jokes. Maybe some fooling around in the armory. If that's what love is, I'm happy to live it." Thorn would smile, reaching out to touch Sarah's shoulder. "I trust you, enough that you know my trigger phrase. But I don't want to be an annoyance anymore."

"I know, and you've never been an annoyance believe me. People have had to deal with much worse around here. And our interactions have been great, but we can do better, and I feel like we're ready for more. Settling down sounds nice, to have a fixed home again. After my parents died, I joined the army for a need of revenge, but the war was over by the time I actually entered service. So i finished my tour and decided to put my skills to use. Especially with contracts dealing with Elysians. I wasn't a mercenary exactly. I haven't seen my micro on Yamatai in twenty years, but I kept up the payments." Sarah said still red but now with a softer voice.

"At least you know where your parents went. I've heard different stories about mine. From them selling me to not even knowing I'm gone. Soon as I got freed, I signed on with the same ship as an apprentice merc and built my ship from the ground up. Then I went to raise trouble. Never bothered to see if I had a micro, but I'm pretty sure somebody has a warrant on me. Point is, I'm ready to not be the reckless data mercenary Thorn anymore. Neera and Izzy had some ideas for a name change."

Thorn's hands folded tightly in her lap as she tensed, keeping her head down. "Though this could have been a lot less awkward and sentimental if I'd just come out and said it in stead of dredging up the past like a crazy person."

"It's okay, we still need to finish getting to know each other, and dealing with these things now helps us stay sane. Gives focus towards the future." Sarah said placing her hand on Thorn's. A slight, trusting squeeze and Thorn's fist unclenched, interweaving her fingers with Sarah's.

"Now let's hear these ideas, I want to know what to scream at night" She winked towards Thorn, whose cheeks reddened slightly at the comment, "And I'm sure they're all as beautiful as you." Sarah said as they got closer to the city.

"Neera said I was just as annoying despite the new body. Apparently there's this quote about every rose having its thorn, and then she just kinda walked off. Not sure what to take from that." Thorn gave a slight snort. "She can be a bit cryptic. But then, you and I have only been dating a few months, so there's still a lot we both don't know."

"Neera tends to talk shit, but Rose sounds apt, besides I like it when you poke me. And we can open up our life books when we're ready." Sarah said laughed slightly as they entered the city limits, large buildings beginning to pass by in increasing numbers.

The newly named Rose grinned, her face reddening as her mind filled with images not safe for work. Some, not safe for play. "I think I'll stick with Rose then. But there's a lot more that I can do than poke you, and a lot more that you like."

"Ā, demo watashi wa anata ni takusan no koto o suru koto ga dekiru node, yoru ni dareka no namae o sakebu yuiitsu no hito ni wa naranaideshou" Sarah said in fluent Yamatain, giving Rose a seductive grin as her hand moved to Rose's thigh.

Oh but I can do a lot to you as well, so that I won't be the only one screaming someones name at night.

"You know I don't speak Yamataian..." While this was true, she did get the intent, and leaned over. Her leg rotated a little as she moved, letting Sarah's hand slip further between her thighs. "Do we just want to go to your place and wake up Jack by skipping to dessert?"

"Well, a girls gotta eat and there's plenty of time for dessert later. Besides, why don't we go to your place? Or better yet if we're both going to be settling down, how about a house so we can be loud all night long?" Sarah said squeezing Rose's leg as she moved up along her thigh.

As if on cue, Rose's stomach rumbled, and her face reddened further. "Yeah, still getting used to the whole hunger thing... And the only problem with my place is that none of your favorite toys are there and half your fireteam lives within a few rooms. Unless you want to make them envy me." She gave a half lidded seductive look and a small bite of her lip. "But all night sounds good."

Sarah giggled, "I'll get the keys from Jack later after dinner. Then we can really have fun. Then tomorrow we can talk about how we wanna settle down?"

"If by settle down, we mean stop doing reckless dangerous things and having me die again. Speaking of, nobody told me how long I was out before waking up in your body like some cheap Freaky Friday knockoff."

"Yes, well that too, but I mean... Would you want to get married?" Sarah asked, shying away slightly.

"If you asked me to, I... I would be really happy," Sarah wasn't the only one who shied away as Rose mused. "And concerned, I wouldn't expect or want you to stay exclusive to me, and I'd say yes, but I would be an inconsolable bundle of nerves for a while. I never really saw myself getting married and living in a nice house."

Sarah pulled over before turning completely towards Rose. She scooted over next to her, very close so her words wouldn't be misconstrued or misunderstood, "But don't you think I want to be exclusively yours? Why would I need to be with anyone else? Yes you can have the nice house, and me with it, just say you do and I'll never leave."

There was a moment of Rose flinching away, before she leaned into her lover and tried to dodge the subject with an off the top of her head comment. "You're the strong one. Why don't you ask?"

Sarah brought her left leg over Rose's lap to bring her onto her fully into the seat and facing her lover, before cupping Rose's face in her hands, "Will you marry me Rose?"

She gave a slight squeak, her face flushing until she could feel the heat radiating off and her mind locked down in an attempt to find some response or reason to dodge the question, before the only thing she could do was grab Sarah firmly around the ribcage, her hips sliding forward as she dragged Sarah into a crushing hug. When she'd first come to section 6 she'd begun researching the customs and other things she'd missed in her education. Things she'd had no concept of, including genuine love and affection. She knew by now that this was an important question, one with only two answers. Her responses to this kind of genuine care were rather limited. In this case, she didn't know how to verbalize the excitement and fear, nor the sheer, unbridled joy proposed by Sarah's question. Thusly a bone-crushing hug that caused Sarah to let out a little gasp as her back popped loudly, and as Rose's face was buried in Sarah's breast was the only reasonable response she could come up with.

When Sarah rasped out "Honey, my back...I can't breathe," Rose let out a small squeak and let up the bone-crushing pressure for something a bit more agreeable to the other woman's body. Though she had to admit the back pop sounded like it felt good. Still, she had no intent to let go, feeling the softness of Sarah's skin on her face and the tank top against her chin.

"I feel like I'd do anything for you."

"Just love me then. Let me make you strong. I will give you everything I am and have. Marry me, Rose Ironhart and let's be together." Sarah said caressing Rose's head.

Something deep within screamed at Rose to say no, or do anything to dodge the question. She was fairly sure it was a simple anxiety, or some hint of her fear of being controlled. She ignored it, speaking slowly and hushedly, her voice barely above a whisper as she said yes.

"I'll do it. Let's get married "

Sarah's eyes began to well with tears of joy before she kissed Rose deeply, "I have the rings made tomorrow then we can plan the wedding. Let's go eat and celebrate, and later tonight we'll go all out."

Rose pulled away when the celebration was mentioned, "but-- But I never thought... I... I only mentioned... Fuck it." She threw her arms around Sarah's neck and pulled her in fro another, deeper, more passionate kiss. She tried to lift Sarah up and got snagged on the seat belt with a squall of disdain. Sarah's hands reached down, groping in the process as she unfastened the belt, and she was promptly lifted up and tossed back down into the seat as Rose took her turn on top. Rose's movements caused the jeep to rock on its suspension as she gave a sigh and looked at Sarah for a moment. "You said something about dinner?"

"I did, though we might have appetizers first before we do.", Sarah said before grabbing Rose's rear.

"We can order delivery." She leaned in, planting a kiss under the jaw, before reaching up and pulling the strap of Sarah's tank down. A gentle bite on the collarbone, just enough to leave a small half moon hickey was placed as Rose's other hand moved up Sarah's hip, and slid under the shirt.

"I like that idea, you wanna give the wheel a go? I'm going to need my energy if we plan on going all night." Sarah said as she slid one hand down Roses pants while moving the other up the back of her shirt as she kissed her neck.

"I haven't slept in over a day, so you and I are both taking tomorrow off." Rose rocked her hips forward, into Sarah's hand as she felt the warmth growing within her, her hand sliding farther up Sarah's body to feel the curvature of her chest. "And I kind of want you here."

---The next morning still in the parking lot outside Nath tower---

Sarah awoke with her hair in her face. As she sat up she was stopped by a sleeping Rose laying on her arm.

"Baby, it's morning. You ready to go home?" Sarah said before her comm device buzzed. Thorn grumbled and nuzzled deeper as Sarah, groped into her long discarded pant pocket for the device and answered it.

"Sarah, where the hell are you?! You didn't come home and no one else knows where you went." Jack gave his irritation clear as she answered.

"I'm in the Nath tower parking lot with Rose." Sarah said groggily. Though she was proud of herself for getting used to the name so quickly.

"Who is Rose? I thought you were going out with Thorn. You're not... You're not cheating, are you?" Jack said sounding worried now.

"Rose is Thorn. Was Thorn. And we kinda slept here.....together. Yeah there is a lot to explain. Neither of us are coming in today, we got stuff to get to together. Also, can you leave the keys in the door of that house across the street?" Sarah said finally getting her arm free from out from under Rose.

"Yeah, I don't think I need to know. Whatever's going on between you two, I'll just hear what I need to, later. The keys are in the door. Shall I have your stuff moved over...and Rose's?" Jack asked. He was calm, now, but somewhat confused.

"Thanks, yeah, see you tomorrow." Sarah said ending the comm call.

Rose had made herself quite comfortable laying in her bra across Sarah's chest, and stirred when the taller woman pulled her arm free. A furrowed brow and a groggy moan and she pushed herself deeper into the soft skin. "Iunwannageup."

"I know, baby, but I gotta drive us home, now where is my tank top, bra, ........and my underwear? Um, it's kinda cool out here for a desert. Help me get my clothes before someone sees." Sarah said now realizing how naked she was sitting there in a parking lot.

"I dunno, I kinda like seeing you like this." Rose stretched, leaning up off of Sarah and twisting around. "I have a sport bra on the back of your seat and underwear..." That one, she had to look around for, handing Sarah her bra.

"Aap. Sitting on it."

"Well last night was fun, but lets head home." Sarah said quickly putting on her clothes before starting the jeep and rolling out of the parking lot after the aether generator's hum picked up.

"Fine..." Rose whined. "You know, you're glowing. The way your hair just eats the sunlight and floofs up in the back. It just makes your whole face glow." She looked about pausingly for her shirt, and upon not seeing it, looked down and decided a bra was enough coverage. Pants, however, could be a good idea.

Sarah drove for the next ten minutes, entering into the neighborhood where the personnel of Section 6 and Saber lived in the USO's only real neighborhood. She pulled up in front of a house across the street from her brother's home, shut off the engine, and stepped out. "Alright lets get inside and go to bed," she stretched, yawning.

Grumbling, Rose opened the door and stepped out into the driveway. "You don't wanna carry me across the threshold? Or have me carry you?"

Sarah couldn't help but giggle as she came around and picked up a delighted, squealing Rose in a princess carry, "Just think. This will be great practice for after the wedding as I carry you inside for a sexy honeymoon."

"But you know I'm strong enough to carry you, too!" she laughed, wriggling into a more comfortable position. After a moment, she curled inwards and relaxed, letting her weight settle her spine with a pop. It was about then that she realized her heart was pounding, but not in the way she'd expected when she woke up. More like that first day on the beach, when she was still small, with butterflies in her stomach and a smile on her lips. "But I still like it, here."

Sarah carried her to the door and turned the key with her hand and nudged the door open with her shoe. She brought Rose upstairs to the bedroom, placing her on the bed before falling onto the soft folds of fabric, herself. She could see the standard dresser beyond Rose's hair and easily surmise that the home, like the others, came prefurnished, standardized and inexpensive. Some might even call the decor quaint and attractive, if simplistic. If one was not of this group, they could always go buy more.

"Ok, I'm just gonna lay her an sleep for a bit wake me up when..." Her voice trailed off as she slipped away, soft snores filling the room as Rose rolled over to bury herself in the crook of Sarah's arm. Rose's hair made a soft hissing sound as she dragged her head below Sarah's breast, her breath evened, deepened, and she slipped into a peaceful, dreamless sleep, one arm over her fiance's stomach and a hand on her hip, and a soft, serene smile on her face.

@Jack Pine edited for clarity and grammar

And for the rest of us, a link for the original JP
Last edited:
Approximately one week later

When Rose slipped to Beaumont's office, she found the window blinds open, the office empty, and no one home. So she left.

For all of ten minutes, long enough to get some beer and her tools to jimmy the lock, where she climbed up on the exam table, leaned back against the wall, and popped her brew to wait for him. After twenty, she had slipped into snoozing.

He had gone out of the building entirely the past hour, needing to make a run for some snacks and beer to fill his fridge under his desk. He would enter his office to find Rose sleeping upon his exam table. How she had managed to pick his lock is beyond him, but to say it didn't piss him off would be a lie.

From her records, he knew she's of Nepleslian descent like himself, making it all the more justified for him to ball up his fist and swing it towards the girl's jaw. He doesn't discriminate with who he hits, and it isn't to say that he relatively likes hitting people. He just doesn't appreciate when people bust into somewhere he likes to consider his domain. Hell, he hardly even goes back to his house. Often times, that very examination table is where he sleeps at night. She may as well have snuck into his house and fallen asleep on his bed. What sort of Goldilocks does she think she is?

"Wakey wakey, sunshine." He grunts after the blow had been made. For all his cybernetic strength is worth, he had majorly held back, making sure that the bruising and damage is minimized

Rose gave a squall and her nose gave a sharp crack as she was knocked off the exam table, sending her half finished beer to the floor with her. Several moments of incoherent cursing and she got up, her nose and split lip dribbling blood through her pinched fingers as she glared angrily. "The fuck, doc?! I was in the middle of an existential crisis!"

With a groan, he lowers himself to his seat."If sleeping counts as an existential crisis, then consider me the next great postmodern philosopher with how often I have them." He spins around in his seat to look to her. Guess he didn't hold back as much as he had intended to. As satisfying as that was, the result made a bit more of a mess. "Alright, get yourself up here. Let me fix that up lickity-split."

With some suspicion, she complied, slipping over the table to get closer. "Okay, sleeping in your office, shitty, but not the worst thing I've done all week."

"I wouldn't doubt that." He rolls his seat closer to the examination table. He places a hand on her cheek to look over her face. Despite some bleeding, the overall damage was nothing too severe. A simple ruptured vessel in the nose - plus, the slip in the lip sould be patched with some gel. "So. Mind telling me why you were in here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about some body image issues I've been having. Maybe some fear of commitment, I think?" Rose lowered her voice, just above a whisper. Though the split lip had been there before his shot. "I don't know, it's like... I don't feel right, since the body swap. And then Sarah proposed a few days ago and I said yes, but I'm scared it'll go sideways."

"Body image issues?" He'd pull a cotton ball from a jar to dab against any blood dripping from her lip. "You don't feel right? How so?" Guess there's no choice. Full checkup mode. He rolls away to toss the swab in a biohazard bin before grabbing a hold of a light, a tongue depressor, and a stethoscope synced to his internal microphones. "He brings a hand to one of her eyes, spreading the lids and shining a light into the pupil. "I don't think I can help you with that first part or the last part. But if you can elaborate more in general on the issue, I'll see what I can do."

"Like this body feels wrong. I'm uncoordinated and not used to my height or weight, and I miss my scars and cyberware." Rose tried to shy away from the light, shaking off Beaumont's touch with a few waves of her hands. "Nothing's wrong with the body, far as I can tell. Just... Me."

He clicks off the light, slipping back a little ways and sighing, shaking his head. "It's all a matter of getting used to it. Sometimes, you just gotta deal with the hand you've got, you know." He's not really good when it comes to these... touchy issues. Never has been. "I guess the question you've gotta ask is if your body says you're you... or if your mind says you're you."

"Beaumont... I know this is gonna sound stupid, and I know that aside from the fact that my old body was hit really hard... I want it back." Rose looked away, carefully folding her hands in her lap. She refused to mention her plans of going back out into the stars as her old self. "I want to be me again."

"There's a distinction between the needs and the wants of people. If everybody got what they wanted, then the world galaxy would be a lot more forgiving. But you and I both know that what we want and what we need rarely align." the cyborg grunts. "Complain all you want, but that body is about as revivable as the fish filets in the galley. I can fire off a few nerves with a little stimulation, but that's about it." In all honesty, he almost feels a little insulted at this prospect. If he could hop from body to body freely without repercussion, why does he not leave this tin can? He leans back in his seat and taps his mask. "I say instead of letting that body define who you are, let you define who you are." His voice is sharp and cold, like an icicle hurtling from his maw with and aimed at Rose's throat, but his shoulders would slump and a sigh would leave him once more. Getting riled was was always exhausting. "Listen. I've been there. You think I don't have days where I wish I could go back to my old body? If they could have rebuilt my body after that car accident, I wouldn't be this shiny garbage pail sitting in front of you today."

"There come times where we learn to let go of even the most important things because we have no choice in the matter."

At that moment, he sounded slightly defeated. A little mournful. As though he were looking back on his own life for a second. He shakes his head. "Ya hear me, kid?" He tries to pull his shit together. "Let it go. The body is gone. Time to move on."

"It's not... Actually... I might have rebuilt it." Rose glanced at Beaumont and flushed. "I needed to test my ability to construct a body, so I read the manual and rebuilt my old body with bullet scars and all based on scan perameters and genetic samples. Even managed to include the cyberware. I might need you to check my work and help me talk to Sarah about it..."

Her Geist connected to Beaumont's computer, showing an image of Thorn's body suspended in a gently glowing tube of hemosynth in a nearby lab, waiting for final checks to be made, though at a glance, it was apparent that there were malformities, bits that wouldn't work right, and the wire leading from her datapad to the implant where the left ear should have been was showing through the neck.

He would turn to see the screen flicker. If he had eyes, they would twitch. He takes a deep breath, his shoulders stiffening.

"Grit your teeth."

"I deserve this one." Rose's jaw slackened to prevent losing any teeth.

He kicks off of his desk, spinning his seat around to let his fist meet her jaw once more. "THAT is for breaking into my lab. And THIS!" he follows it up with an uppercut. "Was or using a sample without permission." Both hits were a little harder than the last, but neither had the force to break bones - but he never knew how brittle her teeth could be. He takes a deep breath before settling into his seat. "SO!" His voice is a little more frantic, a little more harsh. "Because you decided to get your old body back, you decide to pick up the instruction manual and try putting it together like a snap-block house... Any reason why I shouldn't leave the room right now and report this to Jack?"

Beaumont's hits had fairly effectively put Rose into the table, where she curled into herself in an effort to make herself small and easy to hide. "It was stupid, I know. You should report me... I was scared and ashamed and I thought I could do it and it's a skill I might need."

Slowly, she pushed herself up, off the table and brushed her hair out of her face, visibly ashamed of her actions. "I didn't want to be useless again. It's like every time I try to not hurt someone... I'm an idiot. I know."

He shakes his head, gripping the crease where his noe would have been. "Hell yeah, it was stupid! How much about physiology are you familiar with? For all I know, you could have been fucked to hell and back." He grunts. "Hell, good to know you had the common sense not to switch yourself with that."

"I told the computer to calibrate for Nepleslian and install the cyberware in production. I think I did it right, but the settings menu's been updated a few times since the manual was published."

"I shouldn't even worry that you didn't switch with it, then. I don't even think it has all of its organs in place for you to be able to even try to switch with it. Cybernetic advancements have made it so that, if anything, you're given a husk at first and then you're able to add what you need. While it is dumb, it is how our brand of ST functions." He's once more gained his coarse tone. It's obvious that he feels violated to a degree, having had his lab busted into like a freshly boiled nut. he didn't even pay mind to her shift in disposition to something a lot more meek than that of Rose or Thorn out in the field.

Frankly, he doesn't even get why she's so open to the man-machine-mash. Maybe she wouldn't have told him if she didn't need his assistance with it?

"That's good to know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to open up like that, but..." She rubbed her jaw, trying to process her emotions. How dearly she wished for a workload to take her mind off the problem was something she would choose to keep to her self. She didn't know if she'd have told him if she didn't need him, or if he were still fully man. "You're probably the most like me in the lab, and I know it was wrong. I'm not exactly good at being a person, yet."

"Well let's make this one of your first lessons in 'being a person': things are locked for a reason." He hoists himself from his seat, a grunt escaping him. "Come on. We've got a corpse to exhume from the ST pods. I'd rather have this body made just in case of an emergency than have those resources wasted on a pile of meat that we can't even eat." To have a body like that floating in his lab is just begging for trouble - especially since it's that of Thorn. He wouldn't tell either her nor her counterpart, but Thorn always rubbed the cyborg the wrong way. So childish and carefree and yet able to do so much from just reading books - at least, that's what her psychoanalysis report said. It definitely placed a complex on Beaumont.

"So. I'm no couples' counsellor or anything..." He would stuff his hands in his pockets and draw a cig with a lighter from one. "But you said you were having issues with Sarah, huh? I heard about the proposal in the company newsletter." A clink can be heard as his mask disengages, slipping upwards and revealing his jaw. May as well make small talk while on the clock.

"I read about marriage. What it means to people. Kind of reminds me of my youth, and it scares the shit out of me, but I said yes and I'm not entirely sure why." Rose stood up, following behind awkwardly. "I don't want to hurt her. But I want to be able to fit in my ship and I want to not get stuck in or under things and... I'm kinda scared. People I care about trying to kill me isn't exactly out of the norm."

"I'm not even sure how long you two have known each other." The cyborg hums, shuffling around his free pocket for his key - the cigarette in his maw still unlit. "I'll admit that the entire concept of marriage seems odd to me. Like, having a binding contract to establish that you won't go grinding with someone else. If you have to have one, does that really mean that you can trust the other person? But I digress." He flicks his lighter to life, igniting his cig as his keycard is read by the scanner.

"In regards to her trying to kill you, my answer is simple: Have any of us either A: Tried to kill you or B: Had a valid reason to kill you? I know Jack's become a little wackadoo after the whole Geist incident, Sarah has you and seems to be head over heels judging by her urge to propose, and I, while I seriously love punching you -" He grins, patting her cheek a couple times to give her reassurance. "-have no reason nor desire to do any more than just that."

Rose stiffened slightly at the patting of her cheek before pointing out that past trauma and anxiety weren't entirely logical. Gesturing to her current, taller, healthy form, she deadpanned, "Second point, the first goddamn time Jack and Sarah dragged me along for a combat mission, I got killed. I got stuck in her body for a week because this ST body wasn't ready. Both times I jumped bodies, it was a special kind of suck that I really don't want to do again. So yeah, Jack and Sarah kinda did get me killed. For... How long was I dead?"

"Tell me then. Why did they bring you into combat on the first place? Was their intention to get you killed?" He would pull out the cig to let out a partiularly large puff of smoke off to the side. "Or was it because they trusted you to hold your own. I highly doubt they forced you into combat - and if they did, it's probably because of necessity or even the contract you signed when you took on this job." He bites on the filter once more. "Besides. This is 188604. If they wanted you dead, especially Jack, they would have done it by their own hand. Not by tossing you into a fray of bandits with a smile, a wave, and the words 'have fun, sweetie' on their lips."

"I went as tech support for experimental equipment. Another thing I'm not great at, but something I can actually do." Rose drew her own cigarette pack out of her lab coat, alongside a plasma lighter. "I don't think I had told Jack I didn't have any combat training at the time. Hell, you know that special kind of stupid Saber trooper Carl? He still beats my ass in sparring matches."

"Then they had a reason for you being there. It's not rocket science." They would approach the massive vial containing th body of Thorn - or at least te attempted recreation. Suspension in the liquid gave her a much more sickly look than he remembered - that, and potentially missing organs gave her the body mass of your average catwak model. "Hoo boy. This is gonna take some fixing." He mutters under his breath. "We all have our niches. I learned a long time ago that there's a limit as to what you can do, no matter how skilled you are. That's a part of being human."

He presses a few buttons on a control panel. "It'll take a few days for the changes to come into effect. You can't exactly expedite stem cell growth too much. We're basically creating a fast-growing fetus. If things go wrong, you wind up with a tumor in the tank. Can't have that." He'd chuckle, looking over to her - though his lighthearted smile would fade a little. Drama as usual. "Tell me, Rose, why you really made this body. Knowing you, something as Puerile as 'I don't like who I am' doesn't seem very fitting for somebody like you. You're too utilitarian."

"I got stuck by my boobs under a workbench." She lied. While she fully planned to go back out into the stars as her smaller, more recognized self, she had responsibilities here, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. The only option she saw was to do both, and literally copy herself. "If I go back to being tiny, I can fit into the tight spaces I'm used to, and I can go into orbit and use my space suit, because I don't own another one."

Looking at it, she could see how the inclusion of the rebreather had negated the body's construction of lungs, and thus the ribcage was too small. Though all the scars were in the right place, even if the body fat placements had been a touch off. Including the V shaped surgical scar from the rebreather's initial installation, and she gave a shudder, remembering being conscious for the first incision on that one. "It's vaguely Nepleslian... I think... Not bad for a first try."

"Not good, either. The internals here are scrambled to hell and back. The proportions of each organ are wayyy out of whack. You built it for a Nepleslian, and that worked, but you didn't build them for the proper proportions." He enlarges the screen to show the x-ray scan of te body, with every organ in vivid detail. "sure, it'll live but that's the basic function of this device as a whole - make something that lives. What you had done was decrease the size of the body, left out the organs that were not modified by your various surgeries growing up, and then decreased the size of the body itself without decreasing the size of everything within." He drops the cigarette into an ashtray he had placed next to the monitor. "Say you somehow managed to swap into this body. I'd give you ten seconds tops before then entire thing crumbles into a husk of skin, bone, and muscle." He shakes his head. "This is why I hate making these. There is so much that goes into it. Says here the chemical balances are all wrong, too. Enough testosterone in her veins to make her grow as burly as a fucking Kodian."

He begins typing in different commands into the panel, his head swinging back and forth to watch while the text flies across the screen. It's true that he has the Geist now, but since the incident when it was installed into Jack, he refuses to use it unless absolutely necessary.

"I mean... I am kinda sorry I even tried, especially without consulting you, first." Her cigarette was put out a moment after Beaumont's as she examined the body, trying to keep up with the text on Beaumont's screen. She was far more liberal with her use of her Geist than Beaumont, but she didn't have quite the understanding or control over it that Jack did, using it more as an advanced reading aid. "Thanks, by the way. For knocking some sense into me. I guess I seem to work better with the same kind of reinforcement I got as a kid. But this could be a skill I might need some day. If you could help me learn it, I'd be really grateful."

"I only knock sense into you like a kid cause you act like one." He doesn't even glance over his shoulder. "Breaking into labs, using stuff without permission, blaming others for your own mistakes until you get it knocked into you that you need to take responsibility. These are all things I'd be much more likely to see Amit do." He presses a few keys to shut the viewing screen. "I don't see any reason you would need the information on how to do this unless you were to go into the medical field. You can't just read a few manuals and expect to understand every aspect. It's not like we're talking cheap furniture from your local shop. We're talking complex biological machines that function beyond the realm of mechanical engineering." There comes a time when people just learn that they can't know everything without becoming overwhelmed. If this girl wishes to improve, this is something she must understand.

"Now we've gotta wait and see if everything develops properly over the next week. If not, I've gotta make more modifications. This is something that can't be rushed." He turns on his heels to face her.

"I understand. I'm going to be talking to Sarah and seeing if she'd be okay with me going back to that. She's probably not going to agree with me on the advantages, so it... Might take a while. And this," she pointed to the tube, before flipping the control to force the tube into opacity. "This is never going to happen again. I'm really sorry about this mess, and I know my anxiety isn't normal or okay, and I'm really trying to mitigate it, but it's not like we have any therapists on staff, and I can't do it on my own. Besides, the psychoanalyst is a creep. Even if he is an AI."

"Trust me. The mere act of me going in and helping you with this may as well make Jack trust me as little as I trust you." He crosses his arms, leaning back against the tube and looking to Rose. "If I can be frank about this, I couldn't care less about the anxiety. Your body being different is just something that you have to get used to. I may sound cold, but you're talking to a guy whose only fleshy bits are a brain, a digestive tract, and a pair of balls all conveniently bundled up in a bento box." To emphasize his point, he throws his arms out to the sides. "We don't have a choice as to what may happen to us, but we do have a choice as to how we handle it."

"Fair point. I know it seems weird, but my bodily autonomy was violated over and over as a kid. You know that scar above my eyebrow?" She looked to where Beaumont's eyes would been, rubbing where the scar should have been, if it had been her old body. "That was the first one after I got out. I was working on the Eye and something snapped. A piece of strut came off and tagged me in the face pretty good. It was kind of a reminder that it wasn't a dream. That by building my own ship, with help from an apprentice master that up until six months prior had literally owned me... That I was building my own freedom."

"Seems like you hold a lot of mementos for one occasion." He picks himself up while drawing his keycard from his pocket once more, beckoning Rose to follow him out of the lab. While yes, he is not unfamiliar with having memoirs of events, cherishing something as small as a scar comes across to the machine as almost petty - especially considering the scar's significance could just as easily be placed on the Eye itself. He's read the files and heard the stories already. Frankly, he's growing a little sick and tired of "I got this booboo when crossing the sidewalk and I tripped." He counters with a simple point. "But that body did not get that scar through that means. Where's the significance if it did not happen to that body, either? You may as well have painted it on her."

"I know." She didn't disagree with the point, making a counter as she followed. "It still felt like a dream, and it's even more surreal, now. I look in a mirror and I don't recognize myself. It's kinda strange. Like the last twenty years was just a bad dream and I can't remember the normal childhood. Like..."

She struggled to figure out how to explain the concept in her mind, "Do you remember what you looked like before...?" She trailed off, being unsure how to continue the point and knowing the question was insensitive at best. She habitually rubbed at her shoulder, looking anywhere but at at Beaumont's expressionless mask, even from behind. "Never mind."

He pauses in his tracks for a second. In all fairness, he had long since forgotten what he had looked like. He's sure there's a photo somehwere, but despite his struggles to recollect... nothing comes to mind. Red hair, but that's about it.

"Sorry. I told you I was having a bit of an existential crisis."

He places his hands in his pockets, drawing out another cigarette and placing it between his teeth... the filter end out. "Like I said, kid... You learn to get used to it."
