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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP Jailbreaking Jane


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RP Date
January YE 41, immediately after "A Whisper of Reconcile"
RP Location
Sirris VI, Anvil observation platform
The same sun that began setting over the central park when Spark had left was now just beginning to slip behind the mountains as Armora leaned her lithe frame against the railing. The Anvil's flight deck gave a breathtaking view of the harbor and the rays of shadow lengthening from the sun's mountainous nest. White hair sparkled gold in the dying light and gentle breezes of seaside air.

"It's beautiful," said a voice all too similar to Armora's own. Spark had slipped out through the open door and leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms as she simply observed. "I envy you some times, F-35. You and the others."

The voice wasn't one she had forgotten, having faced it's wielder only a few hours before, in an interaction that had caused confusion and conflict within the clone. Armora jerked around to see Spark standing there, a moment of fright passing over her features, but one that would quickly subside. However, even as she replied, there was a nervousness to her motions and slightly apparent in her voice. "That is not my name....not anymore.......I'm Armora now.", she said with a almost feint yet audible tone what could almost be read as bitterness, "And what positive, what data of performance, could you ever be envious of. Most of our batch is nothing more then walking tools, lost in what they cannot understand.........not yet anyways."

"I'm sorry, Armora. Wasn't aware that you preferred that name. I'm also sorry for what happened in the ring today. If I was like our batch, it wouldn't have happened." Slowly, she approached, motioning as though asking permission to join Armora at the railing. "Losing someone wouldn't have hurt so much. And frankly, I'd been bottling it and snapped at you. It wasn't fair."

Spark let her eyes be cast down, away from her sister. "My attempt to be more like you only caused you pain. It's a production defect that I wished for so long to correct. Still do, some times. The others called me defective, didn't they? I guess I don't blame them."

"It's the name I chose.....no.....we are the defective ones.", Armora said almost reluctantly as if she didn't want to admit she had become less like the others. Her crimson eyes watched over the bay, as well as the city for a moment. "We lack the data to understand what it means to be an individual........it makes integration..difficult. It's a curse our manufacturers have given, and in the endeavor of a obedient product. Slaves..to be precise."

"Don't envy us, for we are....broken."

"You never answered my question, though. Out of a hundred, six of us are breaking free, or have done so. The ones that haven't, or haven't realized it. What do they say?" Spark continued approaching, eventually leaning against the railing next to Armora. "I always hoped they ignored us. But I heard F-37 call Talos that. She wasn't much nicer about me. Then again, she was in a rather heated discussion, and you know how the program snaps when our patience runs out."

"Depends on which ones you ask. Majority of the batch have a general consensus that they simply do not have an interest in the matter, with a few outliers. Among those of us, we do not view you as defective.....in fact you have been an example to a few of us......Talos looks up to you.", Armora answered, after a long moment of thought on the matter.

A quick touch to Armora's hand and Spark reached out to attempt to wrap her sister in a tight hug. "Promised Lt. Commander Whisper I'd give you a hug. He'd kill me if I didn't. Jack might later tonight, though."

At first she tensed and jerked away from the woman, the event from earlier still fresh in her mind. "I do not understand this action......what is a hug?"

"It's a thing Rose does to me a lot. Supposed to be a sign of affection." Spark reached over and drew Armora in close to her body in a tight, warm embrace. She took in a deep breath, waiting for Armora to relax. "Talos does realize he outranks me by a significant margin, right? I don't ever want you to be afraid of me. I care about you, and I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

She was hesitant at first, but Armora eventually wrapped her arms around Spark, mimicking the gesture. The clone sagged a little against her as she lost the tension in her body. a few feelings of something wet rolling down her cheek. She remembered this feeling, from the day she had talked to Aztec at the park, they were called tears as she remembered. "That may be so, but he thinks of you as a big sister.", Armora said as they held each other there, "And I am not relocating anywhere, also...I like this thing....this hug. May we do this more often?"

"We should." Spark gave a gentle squeeze as Armora's seemingly childish naivete took hold for a moment.. "And you should do this to Aztec. With all of our jobs, you might not get that chance forever. We might not get the choice if we're here or not. So let him know how much you care.. Don't make the mistake I did with Rorik."

"I would also like to..apologise. I could not understand what had happened at first, then I asked for additional data. I was approached by Kessler and he explained. I am sorry to have said such an ignorant thing.", Armora explained, having understood the hostility once explained.

"I am sure if Rorik were still with us, he would enjoy these hugs too. And I think he would have liked to know how you felt. Again, forgive me for hurting you."

"Just because it hurt doesn't mean my response was okay." Spark pulled back, looking her sister in the eye. Though she didn't voice it, she appreciated Armora's sentiment about Rorik, more deeply knowing that there was another version of him that she might have had some kind of second chance with out there. "You don't have to apologize. You let me know that my problem ran a lot deeper than I'd thought. I'm so sorry that I responded like that. Are you okay?"

"I am optimal. The bleeding and swelling were dealt with by a medic, however this encounter has fixed the internal bleeding in my aeorta.", Armora reported, before a feint yet apparent smile crossed her lips.

"Did... Did you just make a joke?" A beaming smile curled across Spark's features as she began to chuckle. "You sure you're okay? No brain damage?"