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Star Army Matchmaker


Well-Known Member
Exhack Post subject: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:33 am

On second thought. Edit:

"Hey every one, I'm your questionably approved cyborg host, Bazer K. Ermine." The cyborg manages to crack a nightmarish smile. "Here we have a bunch of primarily single characters seeking for love, affection and 18+ only scenes. Now I know that in the end, this is really quite meaningless, but hey, why don't have a little fun!"

"Now our first contestant is a..."

Toshiro Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:35 pm

Yaichiro sat in a chair, his arms tied behind his back by a sprite from his research team. He sighed, apparently his anger being washed away by a firm verbal exchange before the show...the sprite grinned, and introduced him.

"This is Star Army Chui Kage Yaichiro, Director of the Starship Improvement Project for the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet, and the CO of the YSS Asuka! You ladies know how hard it is to get a hold of a ship's commander, much less tie him down...but I've done all the tying for you!"

The sprite smiled wider, whispering into her microphone.

"He doesn't look very special right now....but he is QUITE well-endowed and loyal, and...well...feed him some plums and lavender, and he'll change his tune quite quickly!"

Asmodeus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:50 pm

A Beautiful woman walks in her jacket zipper halfway down, you can nearly see the tips of two particularly HUGE round objects on her chest, she looks over to Chui and she smiles.

"Hey Sexy, lets ditch this guy and go to a place we can do something fun" (she sits on the chair with the middle of her groin over the groin of Chui) "wow its so hot in here!" (and she starts further uzipping her top)

Toshiro Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 3:54 am

The Chui was indeed well endowed, and it showed when he....reacted, but he managed to retrain his composure otherwise....save for a bright pink blush. The sprite, however, grinned wickedly.

"You wanna take him somewhere? Nice! You'll go first then!"

Yaichiro did nothing but sigh, and try to avoid staring at the woman's chest...he was in no position to fight, after all.


Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:27 am

"Alright! Well then ladies, looks like he's been taken! I think? I feel just like that disemboweled voice from from the 5th Wheel. Alright, Well, you two can make arrangements as you please, or use the facilities right here."

The cyborg then messaged the sprite. He felt rather lonely himself...

Care to interface after the show?

"Now our second contestant is..."

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 6:58 am

... Currently blowing up the consoles in the broadcast room with his HHGs, and is therefore indisposed.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:20 am

"Folks, it seems like our second contestant Harrison is destroying all of our secondary broadcasting equipment. Good thing all the primary systems are in my body!" Bazer continues with a robotic chuckle.

"Well, our third contestant is..."

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 8:47 am

Akio Noboru sits down in the same chair where the Chui was moments ago. He seems pissed, as his face is red and his silver eyes are glazed; probably from being heavily drugged when he was dragged in. He was restrained in much the same way as the sprite introduced him. There was a large, burning red mark on her face.

"This is Santo Hei Akio Noboru on future assignment to the YSS Miharu. We kidnapped- err, 'persuaded'- him from Fort Ready training duty to do this show. Once you get past the bad attitude and silver eyes, he's quite the charmer, ladies!"

Akio muttered a curse under his breath.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:00 am

"C'mon ladies, this one's a real keeper! Now let's see of some of the female contestants backstage are ready..." Bazer proceeds to check behind a curtain, but quickly turns around and gives the closest thing to a blush that his durandium face could muster. "Well... they'll be ready, in a few... minutes."

"And now for a commercial break!"

[ADDS: AETHERSPERM CONCERT TICKETS; Kaserine, The Fun Drug; Vigour, The Other Fun Drug; Soul Transfers, Serve Your Empire In a Shiny New Body, END COMMERCIALS]

Fian Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:48 am

The spotlight shone upon the chair opposite Akio, except the chair was turned around to hide its occupant. Instead, a young man in a blue longcoat was leaning against the back of the chair with a hand through his short blonde hair. Noticing now that the audience is looking at him, he took a step forward, casually dusted his coat and then opened his arms as though evangelizing. A smug expression was spreading across his face now.

"Gentlemen! Have you ever wished you could marry into richness? Now you can! Getting a wealthy spouse is not a women only thing anymore! And what better family can you marry into on the face of Nepleslia but the Vel Steyr family?"

Karl Vel Steyr's face turned serious now. One hand was clenched into a ball.

"Gentlemen. I present to you the prettiest and the smartest. The most perfect woman ever to grace our Nepleslian homeland." He then turned around to grip the chair but with his head still facing the cameras. "Gentlemen! I present to you, Elsa Vel Steyr!"

The civilian captain then spun the chair around to reveal a very cute eight year old Nepleslian girl in a red dress, with pale skin, blue eyes and long gold hair. She was in fact quite content with a lolipop in her mouth and was blissfully unaware of the situation she was in, she was facing forward but her eyes were looking at Karl, wondering innocently what has he done now.

Shots from a submachine gun rang out, putting a few holes in the ceilling of the studio. From the audience another youngish man in a green SAoN uniform toting two ESG Submachine Pistols was furiously trying to get out of his seat, his boyish looks hidden by his messy black hair. To his left was a slightly elder man in a white labcoat who was in a less hurry to get up but was getting up anyway.

"KARL YOU $&%#(@$!!" Fian Vel Steyr cursed loudly, firing more shots in the air while wading past the audience towards his younger brother. "I'LL F&$(#ING KILL YOU!"

"Slade! To the Hraymobile!" Karl quipped with a mischevious grin and a hand pointing towards the exit. Moments later him and a pissed looking officer was out of the door, followed closely by Fian who was foaming at the mouth.

Melchoir Vel Steyr with a disapproving face stepped up to the podium to the Cyborg. "Send a bill to NAM, I'll pay for the damage." The white coated scientist with neatly tied black hair then walked over to the chair to lift Elsa by her shoulders, making her legs dangle in the air. "The fun is over. Come along now, Elise is waiting." He then followed his two brothers out of the showroom. The cameras caught her looking still clueless before the doors closed behind Melchoir.
Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:00 am

"..." The cyborg blinked, as the older Vel Steyr attempted murder the younger one, likely for trying to marry off the eight year old sister. But suddenly, he smiled nightmarishly, staring blankly into the crowd. He began to hum a tune.

Ratings! Ratings! Ratings! ... Ratings! Ratings! Ratings! ... Ratings! Ratings! Ratings! We're all going to be rich!

"Oookay! Looks like someone's in trouble! Haha! Well then, men of the crowd, don't worry, you'll get to gape at the luscious ladies backstage any minute now... too bad you're not contestants! Now, let's have a real contestant come on out!"

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:07 am

(Nice, Fian, Nice... I would've done the same but Will's younger sister is already married off . Also... After that one, I wouldn't rely on much from the second new recruit to the NSS Kestrel.)

Akio was laughing for the first time in a long time, no doubt because of the randomness of the situation. Up in the tech booth, Will had fallen over the back of a swivel chair laughing. The eldest Noboru sibling's silver eyes were pressed behind his eyelids and watering because of the force of the laughter.

This was gone within minutes, however. Will was also forcibly confiscated from the tech booth and restrained on stage. The sprite now had a black eye and a red cheek- trophies from handling a pair of rowdy and unruly soldiers.

"And this, ladies, is Soldier Third Class William Howard Harrison. As you can tell, secondary broadcasting is down because of this badass. So imagine what else he could do!"

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:31 am

"There we have it... a real badass and one of Nepleslia's finest!"

"Okay, so the first real female contestant is... my sister? Hell no! I don't care if the laws of approval don't apply here, neither the mercenary faction nor the character have even been heard of outside of the submitters for the SMC! So screw off, I'm a freaking Graustark Reiver! So you can shove that pink slip right up your-" The cyborg stopped short, but not because of any fear of losing his job. Most likely, he felt the raw and intense killing aura emanating from right behind him. A rather soft and mellow voice came from right behind him.

"Now then big brother... care to introduce me? I'd rather not have to do it myself. I'm sure that you'd be devastated if I had to."

A rather attractive young woman, slim and about 5'8'' tall, likely in her early twenties walked out from behind the hulking figure. She wore a rather elaborate blue dress that hugged her healthy bust and exposed her glowing and plated cybernetic arms, though her forearms and hands were concealed by odd, long flowing garments tied at the elbow. She had bright blue eyes and straight, feathered warm orange with hair extending halfway down her neck.

"Oh... crap... right... this... is..." The machine gave out a loud sigh, with a sound akin to a steam train venting away water vapor and smoke. "This is the beautiful Siena Ermine, second in line to be Captain Chief of the Ermine Clan. That's pirate royalty right there! And she's a great musician, dancer and mechanic. Just remember, those arms are pure nanomucle..."

Satisfied, Siena headed towards the chair adjacent to where Elsa Vel Steyr had previously sat down. She gave Akio and Harrison a charming smile and began to wait for the next contestant.

"Now let's see if our next contestant is a little more exotic..."

Toshiro Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:34 pm

Almost on cue, a fairly loud moan was heard from the Chui backstage...someone couldn't wait to leave the studio to 'upwrap their prize'.

regantor Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:45 pm

"EXOTIC IS CORRECT!" A booming voice announced.

The 8ft tall camoflauge-skinned monstrosity that was John Grains stood with both fingers pointing forward and the most cheesy smile in existance on his face. He had several rediculously large machineguns, bazookas and knifes stuck in various places across his beige vest and combat trousers. "Cross my heart and call me dead, stick a lobster on my head!" He next announced. "I require a sandwich, but a female is an ample bridge!"

He then picked up the 'entry stool' and bit off the top, pointing the remaining pole at the audience threateningly. "FOR GREAT JUSTICE!"

Avatar of Kohana Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:57 pm

A male standing just off stage slowly turned and looked at the grinning face of his female assistant.

"Wind, I don't want to do this. I am not just a peice of meat to be paraded around. Our people were slaves once, and I don't want them to return to being such..." The male said, but his companion just kept grinning and lightly pushing her paws against his chest, trying to nudge him out onto the platform.

Finally, with a ragged sigh, the large white tiger Kohanian stepped out onto the stage dressed in his formal attire of a navy blue tunic with gold trim, and black breeches over his lower body. On his forehead was a pair of yellow lensed goggles, which he would use in lab while tinkering.

The Kohanian walked to an open seat, tail flicking back and forth nervously. He didn't look at any of the others around, both on stage and in the audience, and just sat down, staring at his large, bare footpaws.

From off stage, the female Kohanian shouted.

"His name is Fiery Sky, he is the leader of the Nether Reach, our people's most prestigous academy of technical knowledge and invention. He's also wonderful breeding stock!"

That last statement made Sky moan in embarrassment.

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:12 pm

Harrison's nose twitched at the 'great breeding stock' comment. Akio almost fell backwards over his chair he twitched so bad. And then Harrison twitched again. He looked at Siera and smiled back at her, revealing straight, white teeth- uncharacteristic of Nepleslian stereotypes of rotten, yellow nubs.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:24 am

"Do we have any Kohanian women in the crowd?" The cyborg inquired. Though he was certainly unhappy that his sister was on the show, he'd still get payed and be able to buy some upgrades for his template. A bitter victory.

"Alrighty, lets start off with the contestants we have for now and see how it goes." Tell me Akio, Harrison... what kinds of qualities do you have?

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 7:26 am

Akio went first, after a bit of 'percussive maintenance' on Will's part.

"Well, I can see in the dark, I'm a good shot, a melee fighter and I can drive better than most people."

Now it was Akio's turn to perform 'percussive maintenance' on Will's skull.

"Ow... Well, I'm good with cybernetics, I play a little bit of trumpet and I like weapons."

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:50 am

Siena gave the pair a radiant smile. Harrison certainly seemed more mature and distinguished, but Akio fit better in terms of hobbies.

"Hmm... well, I love dancing, I play the violin very well and I've got specialized low maintenance cybernetics. But tell me, which one of you two can fight and hold his liquor better?"

Bazer wouldn't interfere, but he didn't really want to see his sister bar running and clubbing with either of the two. He directed his attention towards the Kohanian and ID-SOL.

"Alrighty then! You two, what qualities do you have?"

Last edited by Exhack on Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total
Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:58 am

"Me." The pair said in unison, completely by accident. The larger, bulkier and more well-built Nepleslian seemed to dwarf the smaller Yamataian in terms of sheer brute force and physical strength, but Akio had superior weapons skills in melee combat. Although Akio was undisputedly horrible at keeping his liquor down, he didn't admit it and concede victory to Will.

"However, I am better at keeping my liquor down." Will beat Akio to the punch.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 10:35 am

"Well hold it right there contestants! We're going to go and see if any new contestants are ready... but first, a few words from our sponsors!" Bazer interjected again before Siena could reply. He figured he'd stretch out the show for as long as possible. He gave a whistling sigh.

[ADDS: The "New" Neppies Steroid Burger, Elysian Vacation Getaway, The "New" NAM HHG, Visits to the YSS Sakura Museum]

"And now where back! New contestants, come on out!"

Kaemon Oshiro Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:56 pm

Kaemon drowsily walked out from behind stage. "Where the heck am I?"

Kaemon was unaware that a few of his fellow trainees at Fort Ready had drugged his food earlier and taken him to the studio. He was hunched over, and still half asleep from the residual drowsiness left from the drugs. His face was barely visible under his bangs, except for one of his grey bullseye patterned eyes.

After a couple seconds of standing on the stage, Kaemon noticed the crowd and the cameras. He immediately stood up straight and brushed his bangs to the sides of his face, "Ummmmmm.........."

Nyton Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:22 am

The TV came to an abrupt stop as it was turned off and Nyton tossed the remote control away.

"Ugh, and this is why I don't really watch a lot of television anymore." he remarked before he purged the memory of the show from his recorder and walked out of the living room.

Doshii Jun Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:31 pm

As Nyton left, Kyosuke stepped in. He grinned. No body here ... that means it's a time for DRINKIN'!

Instantly, the TV was back on and the Yamataian Shoi was enjoying a Scotch on the rocks to the strange show that had been going.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:43 am

"Looks like we have another contestant coming up!" Bazer continued on with the show, refusing to break the 4th wall. His gameshow host gestures bordered on caricature and mockery. "Mireille Belmonte come on out! She's organized, musical and knows how to work a gun..."

A slender woman with unusual teal eyes and shoulder length blue-black hair came out to greet them. Her bust wasn't as large as Siena's, and she was significantly shorter, but her slender physique was very well highlighted by her silky black cheongsam (China Dress).

"Cadet Second Grade, Mireille Belmonte, Intelligence Officer, pleased to meet you." She gave a graceful greeting to the male contestants. "Oh... and discount rank for now, so please don't be shy."

"You two, feel free to sit down and tell us your qualities... alrighty then! So which one of you too want to go first?" Bazer gestured to the two new arrivals.

Kaemon Oshiro Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:48 pm

Kaemon shrugged, looking at each of the other contestants and then replied, "I might as well go first." He breifly paused and then continued. "So, my good qualities then. Ummm...I have some decent abilities in several advanced forms of mathematics. I also have a pretty good understanding of theoretical physics, and I have a decent shot."

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:48 am

Mireille smiled and took her seat, gazing at the other contestants across from her. "Qualities... I'm a great pianist, I can really work a hand gun, I fence, I can keep a ship running if the other officers are too lazy, I'm a great typist, I have an excellent understanding of advanced mathematics, I'm very acrobatic and flexible... oh... and I know alcohols."

Asmodeus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:15 am

a beautiful woman walks in she is of medium height with long dark hair she has a confidence in her walk she wears a long ornate flowing dress

"I hope im not late my name is askito monokairma I am a rich girl so dont be afraid of spoiling me and if you do you'll be in for a good time and i know how to give a man that" with this she winks

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:23 am

" 'Git the fuk outoftheway, bish!!!" An arm appeared from behind the curtains and pushed the newly entering woman out of the way. Ran stumbled from backstage, grabbing the curtains and nearly tearing them off. A liter bottle of Vodka fell and broke on the floor, as the Nepleslian Cadet lit up a cigarette. "Wut up!" He sat on the ground next to the other contestants. "I'm Ran Rui. I like fightin', drinkin', smokin', and I...tooootally just walked in here from off the street, yo!" He flashed two middle fingers to the camera.
Luca Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:31 am

There was a rat creeping somewhere offstage, up in the lighting walkways. He could be best described as a monkey with sideburns and a huge revolver hanging from a holster by his side. He was attempting to be sneaky, someone was after him.
He peeked over the railing and looked down at the contestants. "Hmm, rough times down there!" He commented as Ran did his thing down on stage.

Suddenly, a trenchcoat'd, fedora'd Nepleslian police officer smashed the backstage door down.
"LUCA!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE SOMEWHERE!!" He barked out as he and his band of not-entirely merry band of policemen began storming the stage, passing right past all the mayhem happening on stage and through the audience.

Eventually the Inspector made his way into the upstairs rigging and walkway, then he spotted the one and only...
"Pops! Just in time!" Luca turned around in mock horror. He'd watched his merry men just trample through the stage, "I see you have your compliment of officers too!"
The inspector was stamping his feet down as he walked towards Luca with an open gait, "Your ass is mine! You little--" Before he could finish that sentence, he put his foot down on a set of loose boards, smashing the nails and sending him crashing onto the stage and Luca into the ceiling, and eventually back down to the stage with a mighty smash.
"...punk." Now he finished his sentence!

Luca then stood up, dusted himself off casually, and whistled idly to himself as he made his way towards the 'EXIT' door.
The Inspector and his men were chasing after him yet again, and they vacated the premises, still in search of that little rascal.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:59 am

"Go forth and kickass marine!" The cyborg gave a clawed salute. He then gestured to the crowd and continued. "Well now we have it... 3 beautiful women and a bunch of assorted badasses, err... mostly!"

"Now we'll give one final reprieve and see if those lazy contestants backstage will come on out. Otherwise, it's no love for them!"

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:11 am

Galar walked onstage, blinking at the bright lights and wondering aloud, "Where the hell... am I?"

And that's when he saw what was going on.

Asmodeus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:52 pm

"okay then" says askito as she gets back up and sits in her chair "okay now im ready

Devonus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:54 am

(I think i just found one of the funniest topics this side of the universe. )

Devonus woke up behind some curtain with a bunch of beutiful women surrounding him, he blinked dumb foundedly and stared in disbelif at their ample busoms before being picked up and heaved through the curtain onto a stage..

"What the hell!?"

He blinked repeatedy trying to get the spots out of his eyes, and staring around at the numerous people on stage.. He saw Kaemon and was about to ask what in the F#$#%#$ universe was going on when he saw the announcer...

How the hell did I end up on the set of Star army Matchmacker!?.... ohhh shit...

Just then a sprite grabs him drags his stupified form to a chair next to Kaemon and binds him to it, she then grabs a microphone and begins to speak to the crowd.

"And now here for the pleasure of all you ladies out there who love those silent ones here's Devonus Doga!!!! Strong and handsome,a skilled swordsmen, and Santo Hei stationed at fort ready.

He enjoys killing things, womanizing, and has a dark passion for all things forbidden. Just look at those fierce intense eyes, you can just see the raw passion and bloodlust in those beutiful blue eyes of his."

Currently those eyes were focused on the sprite, a pure desire to kill it and whoever drugged him and brought him here boiling just beneath the surface. If looks could kill that sprite would have been blown apart into millions of peices and scattered across the universe.

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:07 am

"Alrighty! let's see what we've got? Another drugged out of his skull SAoY guy? HOT DAMN!!! It's like they've been cloning you guys!" The cyborg laughed loudly, his head flailing around it's socket.

"Please good sir, take a seat!"

Devonus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:31 am

"Take a seat? i just got dragged into one and bound buy a friggin sprite!!!!"

He let out a sigh, obviously some one hd played a rathe large prank on the Cadets of fort ready. There were several scattered about with their uniforms still on. Kaemon was handling himself nicely so he might as well to.

And he couldn't dissapoint the ladies either, after all what the sprite said was true, he did have dark passion... and he did love to womanize... he just preferred to do it at a bar or club, not on stage in front of a universe full of viewers.

I look around noticing several nice looking women, and a wide variety of men, ranging from the rough neck Nepleslian to confused Kaemon. One in particular caught his eye though, a pretty woman with soft orange hair, though he prefered brunnets, this one has a certain quality about her the other's didn't.

"Hey Bazar I just want to let you know i'm a big fan, and i know how it works. We all introduce our selves right and we try to get one of the opposite sex to take us home right?"

He then looked to the pretty red head meeting her cold eyes with his own...

"But i seemed to have missed your introduction, beautiful"

(I'm talking to Bazar's sister. Grant it i'd prefer an actual female role player to hit on, but there seems to be a shortage of them in this thread besides Asmodeus. But Asmodeus if you make a girl thats not spoiled i'll... "Role play" with her. I just can't stand rich spoiled girls)

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:42 pm

Galar had just realized that he had stumbled onto the set of a matchmaker show. Oh god, this is not going to turn out well, is it?

Suddenly, he was grabbed from behind and lifted off his feat. He yelled in surprise, "Hey! I thought we were supposed to wait until the cameras were rolling!!!"

He was promptly sat into a chair and bound gently, but so strong were the bonds, that he would not be able to escape. A voice announced, "Galar Vanatosk! A former SAoY military man, but recently transferred into the secretive Intelligence agency! A big softie with a go-get-em! attitude, this man sure is a taker!" Galar managed a smile. So this is how it's gonna be huh? I suppose this could be fun.

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:52 am

Ran had been watching the people enter. Realizing that he was the only Nepleslian, and very drunk, he pulled himself up on the small wooden stool that was meant for him. Agitated already, Ran pulled his stool out from under himself, grabbed the legs and swung it at Galar, citing this reason for doing so; "I DO IT FOR THE LULZ!!!"

SUBLIMEinal Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:32 am

A stooped, weathered old man had appeared on Stage Right, detachedly gazing at the antics on-stage. He wore an SAoN uniform with the gold and black bar of a Vice Admiral, and his chrome nametag introduced him as 'R. Veles'.

As he stared on, several Power Armors gathered behind him, mostly Super Phalanxes.
Zephyrite Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 5:51 pm

Galar, not suspecting the random attack, turned just in time to meet the incoming boot...with his face. Letting out an "OOF!" Galar doubled over while still bonded to the chair. "The hell did you hit me for?!"

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:19 am

Ran only raised a single finger before falling face-forward onto the ground. "For...the lulz..."

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:12 pm

Realization hit Galar, or could it have been a new wave of pain... Either way, he nodded, "Good answer."

Asmodeus Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:49 pm

"err Bazer Shouldn't we be continuing on with the show?" Says Askito

Exhack Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 6:13 am

"Yeah! I should... but first..." The cyborg walked up to Ran, drawing a set of three massive powered durandium claws from his large forearm and making a quick swipe, in the hopes of eviscerating the annoyance. He yelled, screamed and gave in to the madness that this meatbag inspired.

"Stop saying lulz... STOP IT!!!"

Koenig808 Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:27 pm

"I WILL NOT!!!" Ran pushed Galar in the cyborg's way, unholstering his pistol and aiming it at the menacing robot. "FOR THE LULZ! FOR THE LULZ! FOR...-TEH- LULZ!!"

Cipher Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 6:28 am

Will was quick to react, rushing in just as the argument reached fever pitch. He withdrew an HHG from a concealed holster on his duster and clubbed the cadet with the handle of the weapon as hard as he could on the base of his neck.

Keiretsu Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 3:14 pm

A door would swing open as a Yamataian stepped in, fairly more so built than most grunt soldiers, as he rubbed his gotee "Hmm...This isn't the armory..." In a slight voice of confusion, as he gazed about at claws coming out of a cyborgs forehead, someone screaming something about...'Pulz' perhaps something was pulsing?

He shrugged and watched blankly as the events unfolded, as Umigoumu found a inconspicuous floating bowl of popcorn, and consumed without a second though "Wha- No butter?"

Zephyrite Post subject: Re: Star Army Matchmaker!Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:25 pm

Still in pain from Ran's attack, Galar said to the man who clubbed his attacker, "Thanks, he was asking for it." Then Galar managed, even though he was tightly bound, to hit Ran in the stomach with the chair he was tied to.