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RP: Section 6 The Days Spent Indoors


Everything Is Magical
RP Date
End YE40
RP Location
Sirrus VI - Obsidian City
It had been several months or so since the ship had made land on the new planet and the young Goenkof was enjoying every moment of being in a house that didn't move or get shot at every other weekend. For some reason she'd been handed this cozy little apartment just for turning up which was more than she ever got anywhere else for finishing a job, and what's more since then almost no one had come to disturb her. Haisely was loving every moment of her isolation, within the first few days of moving in she'd already taken measures to make her door visitor proof and deter anyone who wished to disturb her. Using what she made from her online ventures, the pink haired programmer had already filled the tiny space with many blankets, pillows and other comfort items like her new favorite. A giant stuffed bear which was bigger than her while it sat against the wall.

"And that's another win for me." She spoke outloud with a smirk, eyes flicking across her monitors as she yet again crushed a hopeful team in a hardcore death-match. Since she wasn't worried about anyone disturbing her, the pseudo neko had taken to a more casual pastime of online gaming without using her full immersion VR rig. With no worries of being called to defend the ship, or that annoying guy who acted like he had a crush on her, Haisely had allowed herself to have a much more relaxed schedule. From her headset came the defeated sighs and groans of her opponents who'd believed to have her outmatched through sheer number difference.

"I don't get how you can beat a full team just by yourself, it's crazy." One of the voices commented while the pink haired girl leaned back in her chair and reveled in another victory against her, friends.
"Well you guys just make it too easy by being so predictable."
"But we used a completely new strategy!" piped another.
"Which I expected, and I guess it worked." She shot back with audible smugness.
One by one the group said their goodbyes and logged off to engage in other activities however one remained, MissPinkRocker, as the account was named, hadn't logged out of the game for 4 straight days although Haisely herself had stopped for brief meals and showers now and then. The current personal record for longest in a game was a full week which included roughly 1 hour of sleep a day and a lot of synthetic substances to keep her alert and awake, she'd been doing this kind of thing for a good while now and her body had adapted to the long periods of time when it was deprived most of the nutrients it needed. In a sense she went into a sort of physical hibernation and only used her hands, eyes and mind to conserve energy.

That being said she wasn't immune to the fatigue and hunger, possibly the only time ever she considered contacting that annoying guy was when she remembered him bringing tons of burgers after breaking into her room on the ship. Haisely sighed to herself and painstakingly slowly took off her gloves, mask and headset, finally exposing her head and senses back to reality. The humming of several machines in her dark room, the smell of her automatic air freshener for when she spent 20 hours not moving and the feeling of floating on a cloud of fabrics. Laying back she let herself be taken in by the blanketed world she called home and closed her eyes in thought, when she actually tried recalling the events after landing Haisely realised she hadn't really been in contact with anyone since then, after being given a private room she had hidden herself away. "Maybe I'll go out and find someone to pester... tomorrow." She murmured to herself before slowly crawling her way to a small fridge, the Goenkof girl was no junkie, but some of the more recreational substances intrigued her and she'd grown fond of trying a few different ones here and there.

Looking at her wall clocks briefly she deduced it was about 5am on a saturday which meant her food delivery wasn't due for another day? Something like that. After mentally shrugging and deciding she didn't really need to be coherent to receive her weekly supplies the girl roughly pushed her hair aside and stuck out her tongue, running her finger along its surface depositing a small strip in the process. This wasn't her first time with psychedelics so she had an idea of what to expect but with a bit of luck it would entertain her for the next half a day or so or until she fell asleep, she chuckled to herself thinking about what would happen if that Jack Pine guy wanted her for something while she could see the digital world blended into the real on the upcoming high.