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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

RP The ever growing herd.


Inactive Member
RP Date
Ye: 41
RP Location
Private transport Corsica, in orbit around
YE41 Sirris VI orbit

Location: Civilian transport Corsica

Private cabin A-24


“Another door here!”

<Cold. Why’s everything so cold? And dark? I-I can’t see!>

“I’ve got it”

<Ow! So bright, never mind, I can see! Stop shining that at me!>

“Clear, nothing in this one!”


<What? But I’m here?! Can’t you see me?>

“Yes sir, close it up and move on”

<No, wait! I’m right here, I—I can’t move!>


<Cold again, so cold! They, they left me here! No, I-I don’t want to be here….not like this...please…>


“No!” The dun fur colored anthro mare gasped, her sky blue eyes snapping open, fighting to rise, before a large grey hand pushed her down. “Whoa, easy Kat, it’s me!” Her eyes focused on a pair equally as blue as her own, framed by a large white horse’s head, the long grey mane flowing down around her neck. A face she knew well. “Kolorsha? What…?”

“You were having a nightmare, Kat” Kolorsha replied. “Hell of one too, judging by the way you were tossing around there. You alright?”

Katja dropped back onto the bed, closing her eyes and raising a hand to her head. “Yeah, to both” she sighed. “Gods, it’s been years since I’d had one, I thought I was over those by now….”

“You want to talk about it?”

Katja sighed. “I was trapped in the cell again…”

“Oh, Kat…” Kolorsha started. “...I know that one terrifies you the most. But I’ll be here for you, no matter what.”

Katja opened one eye, giving the giant of a mare a small smile. “I know Kolo, and thanks…”

“You want to thank me, then shower. Cold sweat nightmares don’t agree with you, little stargazer” Kolorsha replied, using Katja’s nickname from when the pair had first been brought to the orphanage.

Katja snorted. “Rude!” She shot back, getting out of bed. “And compared to you, everything’s little!” Her ears flicked back, hearing only Kolorsha’s laugh as an answer as she headed to the refresher.

Some time later, Katja emerged, seeing Kolorsha engaged in her pad. “New music?” She asked.

“Not this time. Lesson plans. I did take that teaching gig here, remember?” Kolorsha replied, looking up at Katja’s voice.

“And the idea of a whole new world to club on didn’t factor into that decision at all, right?”

Kolorsha just grinned in reply.

“Why haven’t we landed yet?”

“Holding pattern. Surprising that a newly colonized planet needs everything, huh?”

Katja shook her head. “Funny. So we’ve got some time. Breakfast?”

“Heard they have pancakes”

“Ooo, I’m there! Give me a minute to get dressed”

The pair then made their way to the ship’s small galley, Kolorsha and Katja each going for a stack of pancakes, then taking a seat nearest the ship’s viewports, which were currently facing Sirris IV.

“Stargazer…” Kolorsha said, waving one large hand in front of Katja’s muzzle.

“Huh? What?” Katja asked, turning her head from the view of the planet below.

“If you don’t want them, I’ll have your pancakes, if you’d rather stare out the window!”

“Not a chance!” Katja replied jokingly, before starting in on her stack. “Aren’t you at least a little interested in Sirris four?”

“We’re going to be living there, I don’t need to know everything about it immediately, Kat. It looks kinda orange though.”

“That’s because of the plants there, they’re orange, so it looks like that from orbit”

“Orange plants, huh?” Kolorsha grinned. “Think we could eat them?”

Katja cocked her head, giving Kolorsha a look. “Why would you even want to?”

“Maybe some will give you a trippy high!”

Katja covered her eyes, shaking her head, though one could see a hint of a smile at the corners of her maw. “Equus, I don’t even….girl, you are strange, you know that?”

Kolorsha grinned. “Oh, I know, Kat, I know.” Then flashed Katja her best bedroom eyes. “Maybe you want to find out?”

“Ah….” Katja started, her face flushing. Before she could say anything, the Corsica’s captain’s voice broadcast over the PA.

“All crew, prepare for landing, repeat, all crew to reentry positions. All passengers, please return to your cabins”

Kolorsha laughed, a deep sounding chuckle. “Saved by landfall, well, that’s a first! Guess we should go back to our room, huh?” Katja could only manage a nod. Kolorsha winked at her as they stood. “Anyone ever tell you, you look cute when you blush?”

A few hours later

Having finally departed the port, Kolorsha and Katja found themselves outside the main entrance facing a busy stream of traffic. “So, where are you off to?” Kolorsha asked.

“Well, now that I’m here, I’ve got to check in, Kolorsha.” Katja replied, shrugging. “That’s military life, hurry up and wait, just don’t make command do the same. Besides that, everything else I’ve got to do is going to keep me busy for a few days. How about you? Are you taking up that position at Osmond University immediately?”

Kolorsha shook her head. “Nah, it’ll probably be a week or so before that happens. I’m not even scheduled to speak with the dean for a few days yet. First thing, I’m going to make sure everything made it to my new apartment, then I think I’ll see what the local scene is like, if there is any.”

“Already? Sheesh, girl, priorities!” Katja joked. “Well, at least it shouldn’t be hard to find, as this is really the only city here, huh? Anyway, I guess it’s best I get going. If anything, I’ll see you in a few days, once I get settled in too. Try not to party too hard, alright?”

“No promises!” The pair hugged, an odd looking sight, given Kolorsha’s height, then set off on their separate ways.