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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
The news anchor Michael Archon stiffened up as the camera feed began, keeping his red-speckled wings neatly pressed against his backside. Behind him, the green screen's projection showed a busy Orbital Works in orbit around Elysia, the pulsing glow of fusion bulbs illuminating parts of the many ships still being constructed - or more accurately, grown - in is scaffolding. He swallowed the last bit of water in his throat before his soothing voice opened up, "High in orbit around Elysia, the Hibiscus Vessel Works has been hard at work for the past eighteen months creating the triplet Cumulus-class vessels. These cargo vessels can carry hundreds of thousands of tons of goods each as they journey the trade lanes linking us to Yamatai and...
A black screen transitions to the glowing blue ‘YINN’ logo, all of which then fades to a camera view of a modern Yamataian-style newsroom. The white-and-silver environment is pristine and orderly, and the camera pans to a desk occupied by YINN reporter Kazashi Chiba. The Neko’s ghost-white hair is tied flat and straight to the back of her head, and her severe expression and modest gray suit bring an air of seriousness and maturity the show she hosts for an hour every day. She addresses the camera immediately. “This is Yamatai Interstellar News Network’s ‘The Interior, I’m Kazashi Chiba. Just yesterday, tensions rose to a boiling point once again in many cities on the planet of Ohara, homeworld of the Phods. In the Haton Federation and...
In the bright lights of the late-night talk show studio, the audience erupts into applause as the host, a charismatic figure, strides onto the stage. With a warm smile, the host welcomes their first guest, "Thank everyone for being here today and tuning in! Ladies and gentlemen, our next guest is a true innovator, a visionary who's taken his passion for space exploration to incredible heights and speeds. Please welcome to the show, Thorn Ironhart!" The audience applauds as a man with the unmistakable face of Candon enters the stage, greeted by the host with a handshake and a warm smile, "thank you for having me, it's an honor to be here," Candon responds, greeted with enthusiastic applause. "Were glad to have you! Now Thorn, you've...
YE 46.2 Fujiko IV, Shenhong City Last week Shenhong City was alive for the Athena Foundation's 3rd Annual Biotechnology Conference hosted at the Fujiko University. This year conference attracted a wide range of scientists, cybernetics experts, and biotechnology related scholars seeking to discuss the latest advancements in the Kikyo Sector. A key segment of the event was the Foundation's presentation by Dr. Tara O'Sullivan, which focused on their Artificial Nepleslians project consisting of types such as the Raijin and Hermes clone types. One key point of the presentation highlighted increasing compliance among Reds with their required annual medical checks, leading to a decrease in chromosome degradation and the associated premature...
In YE 46 the farming communities of Anisa are looking to make some changes to accommodate the needs of a growing populace in Yamatai. Over the last three years there has been a marked increase in the variety and amount of produce that have been requested from other planets within the system. To service this growing need developers are looking into transportation methods that would allow for product to travel to its destination before rot occurs. They hope that there will be valid improvement options for this route within the calendar year. Along with this, Anisa looks forward to working with Komorebi Foods in an effort to improve upon existing agriculture communities in the region. The first step will be welcoming Yugumo Corporation's...