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Does anyone know anything about fixing psp hard drives?


Inactive Member
My friends tend to run to me to fix all there electronic/computer related stuff. I'm not a psp user so I am not sure how to solve this one. He bought a 4gb attachment hard drive, which plugs into the memory stick slot. The problem is, when the psp is on, the memory stick light will just flash orange and the psp cannot find the hard drive. Also, if the psp is attached to the computer, the computer can see the psp, but cannot access the hard drive. The memory stick part does make a connection, shown by the orange flashing light.

Anyone have any ideas on a fix attempt? Wish I knew more about psps, but I'm not the portable gaming type. (ipod gameboy games not included :D)
You'd think that software would come with it for the computer....Maybe the harddrive itself is messed up, or the psp. If the manual doesn't have any troubleshooting stuff for things like that in it, try calling a help line.