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Dropping back in after a long absence


Inactive Member
Hey everyone, long time no see! I've been wanting to come back for some time now and after seeing the "What's Happening" email pop-up, I decided it was about time. That and I've wanted to get back into writing, so this would be a great way to casually get back into that.

It's been I believe ~4 years since I've left? Mostly I've graduated college with a computer science degree, picked up Japanese along the way, and have been working as a programmer at a laboratory for a bit over a year now. Pretty much used to the post-college life, so I feel I can join up again here and have time to stay committed.

I do want to apologize to the players on the Miharu plot though in that I definitely became less active and involved in the last year due to school building up and life changes. Rather than just letting my character die off, I stretched it out for too long with lazy writing and long turn-around times, so I'm sorry I didn't just end it when I should have. I am glad though Fred gave Takuma a pretty cool death scene, that was a lot of fun to go back and read.

Back to the present, I am looking into joining a plot or two, maybe one Yamataian plot and a Nepleslian one? I'd be open to other races as well though. I don't actually know much what the current race structure and if they're still the two major ones or if there's more huge empires now than that.

But yeah, looking forward to seeing how things go!
Hey Yagen! Cool to see you around again! It's been a long time. Would love to see you back in action in the RP.