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[Family] Memorial Service


Well-Known Member
A hushed din had prevailed over the crowd that was gathering. It was a large mob, and not very organized but slowly over time those who knew where they must be found there place. Those who did not merely filled in where they could. The mass of individuals gave a purpose and a feel to the whole. This was no celebration nor protest. There were no slogans or political movements here. The people were here to mourn.

Before the high courts, a place of great significance to the order of law on Nepleslia, was where all had met. Until recently that law was not an assurance of justice. Years of corruption have taken it's toll on the people. The fresh opportunity for equality had given everyone inspiration and hope. It is this renewed sense of justice that has made this site a beacon. It is that which caused this place to be chosen for this day.

An announcer stepped onto a platform that had been assembled before the courthouse. The man was middle aged but well built even in his suit. He had a dark mustasche and beard which were well trimmed. The flag of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia billowed softly as though aware of the somber mood today signified. People all over began to hush in expectance while others sat down where they could. He stepped up to the microphone stand and began addressing the crowd. "We have gathered together today... to pay our respects to our beloved dead. These were not soldiers who died in battle for our defense. These were our families. They were victims of a crime most heinous it can only be called genocide. Were it not for the spirit within all Nepleslians we would have found it impossible to carry on."

There was a moment when the man could not speak. A slight shudder was visible as the man paused. "On that day children ceased laughing, friends were silenced, and families were wiped out. I believe most of us here today can say they have been affected by this tragedy." he said although there was somewhat more effort behind it than before. "We now seek to honor their memory."

There were several more speakers after this one. Each one gave an account of the events that occurred on the day of the Plague: the first reports, the initial death toll, the scramble to react, and the heartbreaking testimonies by those who saw the dead. At times there were sobs from the crowd. Other times there were gasps. More than once there was an angered shout. The news and rumors of the Plague's engineers still burned in some people's minds. However it remained peaceful as the people all mourned.

After several more tear filled testimonies the final official made a closing speech followed by electronic bagpipes playing an ancient traditional funeral song, the name lost to the ages. With this closure people began to file out slowly. Some had made friends within the crowds and were quietly sharing with each other their sadness. Others wished to hurry off for pressing matters elsewhere. A certain family was lingering behind, not moving to leave but not really staying in one place.

"Dear, I'm starting to think you're lost. The car wasn't this way." Celine told her husband. The middle aged woman was wearing a conservative long dress of dark tones. She carried a small bundled baby who slept rather peacefully through the noise.

"We're not going to the car, Celine." replied Anthony, former weapons dealer turned cybernetics entrepeneur. He wore a simple dark gray suit and deep blue tie. His left hand held onto their son Nellis's hand. Nellis was dressed in a formal attire much like his father although he fidgeted uncomfortably in the restricting outfit.

"Whatever has gotten into you? I didn't even think you would want to go to this event. Not even Papa came since he's been so busy working with your company." Celine complained. "I didn't even really want to go, these crowds make me too nervous."

"Your father will explain to you in a second." Thomas said, his expression remaining neutral. Stopping at a particularly busy intersection he handed Celine a small communicator. He exchanged it for the infant Nadine. Looking at it hesitantly she then placed the communicator to her ear.

"'Ow ye been lass?" came the rather jovial sound of Thomas's voice. Celine's eyes widened a bit as she heard an accent not uttered around her for years. The communication wasn't even being heard by her audibly but by her old telegraph chip as it received the data through the device. That was when she recognized the Irregular nature of the communication unit.

"P-papa? Wh-what are you doing-?" stammered Celine for a second before realization hit her. She looked around at her surroundings to confirm her suspicions and realized that the crowd had thickened.

"Aye. Leh me heahr ye speak in ye real tongue. Ah woould so love t' heahr it again." Thomas replied.

"Papa, you were the one who forced me to leave my heritage, to abandon my birthright. After all those years now you suddenly just throw yourself back to it as though nothing happened?" Celine said with a lot more force to her voice. She then began to point at the communicator as though she were pointing at him. "That's what this is about isn't it? You selfish bastard, you're going off to play war again even after you promised you wouldn't. You are NOT leaving us, Papa. Don't you dare say you're going off somewhere."

"Lass, ah'm oveh heahr if ye wan' t' stahre me doon. Eyes right, two o'clock." Thomas said. No sooner did Celine shift her vision then she spotted her father standing next to road crew working some maintenance on the street. The heavy machinery being used provided cover along with the crowd of other full conversion cyborgs who were taking a break from their current work shift. They appeared to be in a conversation with each other. Near Thomas was another cyborg whom she had not seen in as many years as she had not heard her father's accent.

"Auntie? Auntie Shannon? Is that you?" Celine asked, suddenly becoming overwhelmed by the sight of her family.

"Ye've groown uhp Celi. Ye be th' image o' ye mohther if she 'ad kept 'er body like Ah told 'er to. Ye still ha' th' ear f'r telemetry. Let ye auntie hear ye speak like ye used t'." Shannon replied, looking up for a second to smile from afar at her niece before resuming her work.

Celine shook her head while Anthony and Nellis watched. Nellis was confused while Nadine just continued sleeping. A familiar sensation began to well in Celine's mind as her telemetry chip roused itself fully. "Auntie, Aye missed ye so much. Aye wanted t' be like ye but Papa wouldnae let me. Aye trained so 'ard t' be like ye and Mama. It wasnae fair Auntie. It joost wasnae fair!"

Shannon stopped working and paused to look directly at Celine now, her eyes shifting into a soft blue. "Ah knoo luv but don' blame ye Papa f'r tha'. Ye had th' hardest task of all fall upon ye. Ye had t' survive. Ye be one o' th' last children o' th' Irregulars. An' af'r all we 'ad lost we couldnae risk losing ye or any oth's.

"An' now ye both be goin' off t' get revenge, aye? Ye think Aye don' wan' t' go with ye? Aye'm parta this family too, Auntie." Celine replied, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Is time we got goin' lass. Ye take care a' th' little Nadine there. An' make sure wee Nellis there grows strong like 'is brother. We cannae risk bein' seen near ye so is time we take our leave." Thomas then said.

"No Papa, dinnae go! Auntie why won't ye stop 'im?" Celine said as sobs began to choke her.

"Th' one t' bleme is me, Celi. Ye Papa and Auntie are goin' t' find th' ones 'at murdered our family. We love ye and hope t' see ye again. Till nex' time me sweet niece." Shannon replied, her eyes turning a deep red before she melted into the crowd.

"Aye left ye somethin' at 'ome Celi." Thomas said, his last words before fading from sight.

"Papa, don' go! Aye know ye c'n 'ear me so don' go away again!" Celine shouted soundlessly into the telemetric frequency. As she did so her body shook with sobs. People around her began to take notice and Anthony went over to put his other arm around his wife. Celine instinctively held onto him before finally giving in to her tears.

"We just came from the Memorial service. She lost her whole family." Anthony quickly explained. People just nodded, some even offering condolences before moving on.

"Why's mom crying, dad?" Nellis asked, unsure of what was going on.

"I'll explain it to you after we get home, son." Anthony said, holding onto both his wife and daughter. "I think I remember where the car is now, Nellis. Lets get going."


"How'd it go, boss? Ya make some peace?" asked Cody. The two cyborgs were moving through the underside of the city now, less worried about being detected but still careful.

"Jus' fine. No bettah then Aye expect'd. Were ye able t' cover our tracks?" Thomas replied.

"That's a big affirmative, Big Tom. We're in the clear. As far as the rest of the world knows you two haven't set foot outside Roger Wilco." Cody confirmed.

"Right. Now lets get goin'. Aye believe we hav' a meetin' wit' th' Sphinx soon. Le's jus' hope e's 'as good as 'is word." Thomas said with a bit of sternness to his voice. This would be it then. Their first move into truly dangerous waters.

"If there be a God let 'im 'ave mercy on our target for th' Irregulars most certainly won't." said Shannon before she broke into song.

Oh, come out ye black and greens,
Come out an' fight me like a man
Show yer wives 'ow ye won medals down in Flanders
Tell them 'ow the Crims made ye run like 'ell away,
From the green and lovely lanes in Killashandra!

Thomas recognized this song from long ago. He had heard it in battle with Shannon before. Both with and against her. He had his own song but it was a much quieter one.