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RP: Fort Ready Graduation

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Inactive Member
With more of the recruits injured after the attack then during it, the med-bay managed to patch everyone up in good time. The instructor noted this event and had all of Class One and Two running the rest of the evening. After an average diner, the recruits shuffled off to bed. Yuril wasn't spared like usual and she could see a sly neko sneaking into the bunk next to her. Kiyoshi happened to be walking by and tossed her the earplugs from her locker. "Good luck," he sent telepathically.


3:30. The instructor smirked as he wondered how to wake them up. An idea just came to mind. He quickly ran to the back to a computer console. "Zaike, I need some holograms, just like the Mishhu we just fought. Just make them scary and have them attack the recruits!" A rather annoyed looking hologram of a robed samurai appeared. "Idiot. That'll get someone killed. Let me take care of it."

The instructor stormed off, grumbling something about not getting to do anything the 'fun way'. The computer did like the idea of realistic holograms, however, and decided to go with it. Just then, all the officers received a message saying to report to the armory for "inspection."


At 4 o'clock in the morning, it started to rain inside the barracks. The water did not get them wet, since it was just a hologram. "GO GO GO, MOVE IT," they heard in the distance. Gunfire quickly followed suit, accompanied by explosions. A squad of power armors busted in the door, confronting a cluster of Mishhu that faded into existence a moment before.

The power armors took out their LASRs and all fired at once, creating a loud series of bangs throughout the barracks. Once launched a training grenade and created a large puff of white powder, enveloping half the bunks. A few of the recruits noted that the rounds from the guns were on the ground and not the normal ones. The power armors were not part of the hologram, they were shooting training round in the bunks.
The neko much more liked the idea of running for the rest of the day, then be left with this new 'freetime' thing. Yuril just felt more at ease when she told what she was doing, rather then being left to her own devices. Although a part of her still wished she could've gone back to that beach maybe...

By now the nightly routine of a neko sneaking into the bunk across from her, Yuril had never really bothered to see who the two were come to think of it, she tooked the offered earplugs but didn't bother to use them.

Unless I can clog my ears completely, I'll hear it anyway...

She had to curse her highly improved hearing sometimes.


This method of being woken up was by far the most unusual. The neko of silver hair would've greatly prefered being woken up by something loud. Too bad she got something loud, with something painful, and with a rather bad image to go along with it. Yuril actually fell out of her bunk, rather then get out, but she didn't slam into the ground thanks to her gravity manipulation, but as soon as she touched down she was quickly scurrying to get dressed as all hell broke loose and training rounds were flying everywhere.
With all the noise, Kai was up FAST. Before he could really tink, He had grabbed one of the Bokken out of his duffel and charged at one of the Power armors, Breaking the wooden sword on the Durandium machine. It was an odd, comical sight, a recruit in his underwear assaulting a squad of power armors. After the shock of his weapon shattering, however, Kai snapped to, realized what was happening, and began to dress, too.
"What the- SHIT. Take cover!!" He yelled frantically, diving under his bunk and wondering why the hell he didn't have a weapon.
Kumiko rolled as she woke up, going to a crouch, then a dive for cover, wondering all the while what in hell was going on.
Noboru was slow and lethargic, watching the Power Armors and Mishhu duke it out. His eyes looked glazed, almost drunk.

"Morning guys."
Kiyoshi dived from his bunk and landed on another one farther away from the action. "Morning Noboru. Rough morning, eh?"

Just then a bullet flew by Noboru's head, close enough to move the hairs on his head. The realism was frightening, at least if you were awake enough to see it.


After the last Mishhu gave a blood curdling scream as it died, the loud hail of bullets ceased and other then the sound of fleeing, all the recruits could hear was the rain falling. The armors shouldered their weapons and high-fived one another. After taking a minute to laugh at the recruits reaction, especially Kai's pitiful assault, the armors filed out of the building.

One turned around and looked around the room. "Form up in 10 minutes. It's your last day, make it your best." As the officer left the room, the rain cleared up and the lights turned on.
Yoroko lay in her bed sleeping peacefully when suddenly loud noises erupted everywhere. Yoroko's eyes lazily slid open to see a misshu floating over her head. SHIT she screamed internally and opened her mouth to scream just as the chalk grenade exploded. Suddenly the world was white and tasted very different. What the heck? Yoroko thought as she rubbed the chalk out of her eyes. Above her the holographic Misshu died in its own way. Suddenly understanding came upon Yoroko, A sim. It's all just a sim. she thought to herself. Yoroko leaned over and tried to get the chalk out of her mouth.

Officer said:
"Form up in 10 minutes. It's your last day, make it your best."

"Right..." Yoroko said as she looked down at herself, half covered in chalk. I guess I had better hurry if I want a shower. Yoroko thought as she hopped out of bed and headed to the showers.
Noboru was suddenly awake in a second. He watched as the bullets and chalk grenades flew around the room. One detonated in Yoroko's face.

"Yoroko!" He shouted in surprise, then noticed the rest of the world when the dark barracks came into sharp focus. "oh, it's just chalk. Graduation day, eh? Well..." Noboru couldn't tempt himself to continue forward with his conversation with Yoroko- he wasn't much of a 'confessing his love' type. Instead, he approached it the way he approached combat: Nonchalantly and bluntly.

"Yoroko, I like you."
Kumiko, finally understanding, sat up. "Well, that's one way to wake us up I guess." With this, she stood up, and went back to her bed. She leaned over and grabbed her toiletries and stood back up. "Well, I'm headed for the showers if anyone cares to join me." With this, she turned and started walking.
"That was just evil." Krasus said, sending a venomous look at the Power Armored instructors as they left.
He got up off the floor, collected some things, and left for the showers as well, smiling a little when he heard Noboru.
After getting fully dressed, Kai had come completely awake, and realized what he had done. A fake tear was shed for the loss of one of his practice swords, but, no worry, he could get more, easily. after brushing his teeth, he walked through the chalk-clouded room to Yuril's bed and asked "How are you, Yuril-Chan?"
Yuril was busy smoothing out her uniform, she debated taking a shower like most others but dismissed it. She was already dressed and didn't feel like having to dress again, particularly now when everyone was a bit more focused on things.

"I'm good Kai-kun. Gotten used to the noisy nekos near me... Although I have never really bothered to see who it is..."
Yoroko was walking to the showers when Noboru walked up to her.

Noboru said:
Yoroko, I like you.

Yoroko had been expecting this, she just wasn't sure if she was ready for it, and although Noboru's bluntess startled her it was quite like Noboru to be blunt. "Ne, Noboru-san...let's take it slow." Yoroko said, looking at Noboru in the eyes. After she said that, Yoroko turned to the shower, "If you don't hurry we will be late." she said to Noboru before walking off.

edit #2: just changed a [/i] to a "
"Okay." Noboru's response was quick and clipped, almost automated. He'd expected something like this ever since he'd gotten in that 'sparring' match between Yoroko and himself he'd been feeling odd around her. And that's what he saddled the feeling as.
Yoroko entered the shower area, stripped and started to wash herself. More than a little rough there weren't you? she thought, thinking about the conversation that had just occured with Noboru. You practically told him no. As she washed, little by little the chalk went away. Eventually Yoroko just stood under the constant stream of water. It seems like he is really invested in this, I should be a little gentler.

"Ne Noboru, after the graduation ceremony, what are you doing?" Yoroko timidly sent to Noboru. After messaging Noboru, Yoroko got quickly got dressed. As soon she was dressed, Yoroko walked out of the barracks.
Kumiko finished showering, taking her time. She then got dressed, and stopped to think for a moment, noting the expressions on Yoroko and Noboru's faces. "Krasus, do you know if anything is going on between Yoroko and Noboru? They both seem rather preoccupied," She sent on a private channel.
Kumiko smiled slightly. "That makes things slightly more interesting. Think we should head out to form up yet?"
"Nn, Well, Yuril-Chan, I don't think we need to know who they were. I can't believe we couldn't find out in four weeks, though." he said Laughing a bit at their seeming ineptitude. He patted her on the back then said "Well, We best get going. I wonder what they have in store for us today, after such a grand awakening as that."
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