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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Kyoto, Yamatai - Record numbers of people are calling the capital world of the Yamatai Star Empire "home." A recently released census, conducted by planetary tracking systems, drones, and teams of government Nekovalkyrja, has managed to count the total population of the planet, which now stands at 7.932 billion and rising. This number is significantly higher than the last census, which was in October YE 36, and was 6.084 billion. The count includes only terrestrial, sapient citizens with physical bodies. Researchers attribute this rise in population to: An extremely low death toll thanks to advanced medicine and mind-transfers The Star Army's continued mass-production of Nekovalkyrja soldiers, and Immigration, typically for jobs or...
Citizens Rejoice! New Imperial Princess To Join Strong Royal Family Lines Princess Yuumi Ketsurui, Imperial Premier of Yamatai, has announced her pregnancy this evening with much jubilation to public. The announcement was made quietly from her office in the Imperial Palace, but it spread quickly throughout the Empire, causing crowds of undulating admirers and media to swarm the palace within hours, prompting a doubling of the guard in front of the palace temporarily. The Premier made a brief statement as she left the building later that day, in the company of her secretaries and uniformed security personnel. Already showing subtle signs of carrying, she stated that she intends to take a three-week-long sabbatical in the Empress'...
Kyoto, Yamatai - Census data released today by the Imperial Department of Information showed that the population of planet Yamatai has increased to 6.084 billion people, up from the last census of approximately 5.5 billion, which was in July YE 36. Major factors in Yamatai's increase of population are a steady birth rate, the very low death rate, an ongoing influx of immigrants, and the ongoing flow of Nekovalkyrja soldiers created by the Star Army of Yamatai, who often adapt to civilian life after their required service. The census data counts one mind and one body as a person, and does not include citizens whose essence is entirely electronic or virtualized, and does not count citizens who reside in someone else's body or additional...
Qel'noran War Ends Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Kyoto, Yamatai - One of Yamatai's wars has come to a close today as Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, and the former Empress and commander of the Star Army of Yamatai, Taisho Ketsurui Yui, came together in Kyoto to issue a joint declaration of peace, officially ending the Yamatai Star Empire's war against the Qel'noran Empire, now that a decade has passed. In YE 23, Yamatai encountered the Qel'noran Empire for the first time in the Ralfaris star system. This spacefaring empire, whose other worlds were Darso, Koenic, Mevar and Yicuqibu, was quickly absorbed into the Yamatai Star Empire and served as a productive part of the nation, creating extensive...
First of Refugee Masses Transported Home By Ichiro Fujiko, Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency It is a momentous occasion for the people of UX-13 I. It's a planet that, besides being used for a Star Army training camp, was not particularly notable until YE 33 when the former UOC was evacuated by Yamatai, Nepleslia, and the Abwehran Star Empire due to its invasion by the NMX. The enormous flood of refugees created were scattered throughout the Yamatai Star Empire, with hundreds and hundreds of refugee camps springing up to be filled with quonset huts and people who have lived on them and tended their farms for the last three years. Today, those huts are being cleared out by their residents who are bringing themselves to...