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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
STAR ARMY NEWS DISTRIBUTION and REPORTING AGENCY Yamatai Proposes Embassy Exchange With Nepleslia Kyoto, Yamatai - Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Himiko I of Yamatai, expressed her disappointment with the state of diplomatic relations between the Yamatai Star Empire and the nations around it. In a effort to increase communication and friendship, she has offered an exchange of embassy facilities with Nepleslia. If Nepleslia accepts, they would be allowed to build an embassy in Yamatai's beautiful new Reikan Park, located close to the capital of Kyoto. Reikan Park is a diplomatic hub for Yamatai that was built earlier this year and was created to serve as the venue for future International Relations Conferences.
The Motoyoshi Clan Emerges from Silence After years of self-imposed silence, Taisho Ketsurui Katsuko released a statement in which she acknowledged that a loyalist branch of the Motoyoshi Clan has developed under her supervision. The press release came as a surprise as that outside of news in regards to the military actions of the Seventh Fleet, the Taisho has remained under the radar since she stepped down from the throne. The former Empress suffered humiliation and ridicule following the betrayal of her children and the Motoyoshi Bakufu which stirred the creation of the United Outer Colonies. Now years after joining the Ketsurui the announcement came that the Motoyoshi are back, serving as a lateral branch to the Imperial Clan...
The anchor appearing on the screen gave a warm, full-lipped smile to the camera. The graphic under her name read "Kawamura Midori." The Neko had blond hair and ear fur, and she had light grey eyes that went with her light-blue blazer. "Good afternoon, Yamatai — This, is SANDRA." The pacing of her words was slow and deep. A red bar with white lettering appeared at her side. The kanji read, "Confirmed: Ketsurui princess ended rebellion in KnI." Her smile disappeared. "After months of speculation, SANDRA has confirmed that the Ketsurui princess Kotori was behind the miraculous dissolution of the rebellion at Ketsurui no Iori in the late winter. "Sources inside the government tell SANDRA that the princess personally involved herself in...
Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency: Empress and Industry Provide Opportunities Kyoto, Yamatai -- Today at the Empress Palace, the Empress spoke about her plan to help create new cities, factories, and farms through the use of land grants and rehabilitating Yamataian industry. As part of this, it was announced that NovaCorp and Motoyoshi Fleet Yards are to join Tamahagane Corporation. Himiko's Address "In these trying times of war we recognize that the people of Yamatai have suffered greatly not only from the direct consequences of war but also of the indirect ones such as the disruption of our economy, and of the secession of the United Outer Colonies in their futile attempt to protect themselves from the aggression of...
Tami has been officially declared safe for habitation, after a struggle to cleanse the planet without ruining its environment. Fifth Fleet officials say that, despite fierce resistance and a struggle using outdated ships, the planet was secured several months ago, but it has only just recently been accounted clean and safe for civilians. The Fifth fleet is ready and willing to help any of Tami's previous inhabitants who wish to return, and will provide transportation and shelter, as well as help those returning to rebuild damaged or destroyed structures that had been left behind during the evacuation. During the cleansing, there were several cases of survivors being found, in various places and conditions, and all have been rescued.