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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Frontier Space--In a significant move towards interstellar exploration, the Yamatai Star Empire has taken a pivotal step with the deployment of the YSS Resurgence. Under the command of Captain Aoba Kuranosuke, the Resurgence embarked on a mission named with the primary goal of exploring and securing a network of wormholes discovered in a recent space mission. This network, believed to be artificially created, and used by the Mishhuvurthyar, presents a strategic opportunity for the Star Empire, potentially reshaping interstellar travel and diplomacy across the Kagami Galaxy. The mission took an unexpected humanitarian turn when it became intertwined with the plight of 20 million Concordian refugees. The discovery of the wormhole...
YE 46.1 Just a year after being relieved of command of recently formed Star Army Special Operations, Iemochi Feyani is no longer head of of another branch of the Star Army. Iemochi Feyani is no longer Director of the Star Army Research Administration. Feyani has stepped away from the position that was given to her by Taisho Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako when Feyani first proposed heading a reform to the very heart and mind of the Star Army of Yamatai. Now, with the position open, there is much speculation about who will take her place. In the past, Kessaku Anri and Shinja Fujita have headed the department and during their long tenure were able to keep SARA running smoothly and efficiently while creating new technologies for the Star Army...
Central Uesureya-- In a recent voyage emanating from Central Uesureya, Yamatai, the gallant crew of YSS Resurgence embarked on a mission that transcended the ordinary. The journey commenced with meticulous preparations led by Captain Aoba Kuranosuke, setting a tone of camaraderie and resolve amongst the crew. The venture into the cosmos was not only a military mission but a stride into the unknown, as the Resurgence gleamed with the fresh colors of the Yamataian flag, ready to etch a new chapter in the annals of space exploration. As fate would have it, the expedition led to the discovery of a long-forgotten civilization, igniting a spark of curiosity and cautious interaction among the team. The crew, with a blend of eagerness and...
Life Tastes a Little Sweeter For Star Army Soldiers
Central Fleet Depot - In a move to augment the culinary experience of the troops, the Star Army of Yamatai has incorporated the Type 45 Field Ration by Komorebi Foods into its inventory. This ration brings a delightful assortment of desserts alongside essential food items, hitting a sweet spot with the soldiers. It is the Star Army version of the new Individual Sustainment Field Ration. As a competitive measure, Ketsurui Zaibatsu has also sweetened the deal by adding dessert packets to the Type 38 Field Ration. Soldiers now find comfort in the newfound availability of desserts, which is a morale booster amid the demanding life in the cosmos. The long shelf life of these rations underscores the Star Army's readiness for military...
Lorrheim Expeditionary Strike Group Spots New Threat
SANDRA Report The Fifth Expeditionary Fleet's Lorrheim Expeditionary Strike Group on patrol in the region of JC-05A, south of the Colonial Alliance Fleet's new Staging Area caught a glimpse of something horrifying as they entered the passage earlier this week. The commander of the YSS Lorrhiem III a Takumi-Class Expeditionary Command Cruiser, Shosho Motoyoshi- Ieyasu Taro, reported that as the group entered the passage between two local nebulae they witnessed a new class of Sfrarabla Mishhuvurthyar Xhrafuklurp ship briefly before it escaped into hyperspace. Images and scans of the vessel were sent to SAINT for further analysis, however, it is speculated that the scans were incomplete and passive as the ship went into FTL before more...