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News Stories

In-character news and updates from all over the Star Army universe!
Star Army Obliterates NMX Shipyards at Sbuhfaba Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Sbuhfaba System - A combined fleet force has just attacked the NMX shipyard complex at Sbuhfaba and it has been "completely annihilated" by the Star Army of Yamatai, according to Star Army command. The initial attack was first executed by veteran starship captain Ketsurui Hanako and her elite crew, which stealthily disabled shipyard defenses in preparation for the main fleet force, thereby minimizing friendly losses. According to Taisho Yui, "Overall the operation was a success. The NMX will no longer be making these ships in our back yard." The shipyards were destroyed rather than captured because they are in a now largely NMX-controlled...
Star Army to Adopt Elysian Weapons Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Kyoto, Yamatai - Star Army Command announced today that selected personnel weapons formerly found only in the arsenals of the Elysian Celestial Navy will be phased into usage as main weapons for the Star Army of Yamatai. These weapons include the Aioron Grenade Launcher, Atromos Particle Beam Rifle and Dresde Under-Slung Grenade Launcher, the Ingtris Flamethrower, Pestris Pistol, and Pelphrys Particle Pulse Autocannon. "We've been looking for a really outstanding main battle rifle for some," Taisho Yui explained. "Now that Elysia is part of Yamatai, we should be looking to see what parts of their technology we can use, and they get to do the same. We...
Third Expeditionary Fleet Returning To Anisa Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Kazumi System - Star Army Command Announced Yesterday that it would be moving the Third Expeditionary Fleet from the Kazumi System, which sits on the space lane from the Samurai Sector to the Ketsurui Military Sector, back to is historic former home system of Anisa in order to keep Anisa defended from the NMX invasion. "Anisa is an important and highly populated system," explained Empress Himiko. "It makes sense to put our assets in position to defend it. Yamatai's citizenry comes first."
Nepleslian Recruiting Stations Swarmed Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Funky City, Nepleslia - Mere minutes after Admiral Davis's speech to the public, the streets outside this local recruiting station and others like it across Nepleslia have been mobbed by hundreds of Nepleslian citizens from both Red, Green, and other political viewpoints, all coming together to join the Nepleslian military in defense of their homelands from the colossal NMX invasion force. Young and old, baseline and cyborg, they bring guns, grenades and tactical gear from home. "If they don't have supplies for us that's cool, we brought our own. Just give us a ride to battle," an old ID-SOL veteran explained. Most of all, though, the crowd brings...
Mishhu Steamroll Nepleslian Expanse, Food Shortage Star Army News Distribution and Reporting Agency Yamatai - Mishhuvurthyar Warships have advanced, surprisingly, on the Nepleslian Empire. Nepleslia, with its smaller fleets and huge colonial expanses, was too concentrated on its core to offer any more than token resistance. The Mishhu operation has left NMX forces with almost all of the former SMX worlds. Across Yamatai, cautious citizens are preparing for war, buying record amounts of personal firearms and causing a nationwide shortage of canned food and water storage devices. The Star Army has also reported a rise in military enlistment and is considering shortening its training programs to get these new soldiers to the battlefield...