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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 1.0] - New Hires

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Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia's hand inched closer and closer towards Paul's prone and dumbly groaning form that was taking shape in the darkness as her eyes adjusted yet again. Every pained sound he made caused her to freeze for a brief moment, watching him for any sign of aggression, but none came. Closer... closer...

At last she approached near enough to check his belt and pant pockets. In truth, she wasn't completely sure exactly where Paul would have carried her gun; she didn't recall seeing either of them equipped with any sort of holster or backpack, so unless they simply had stuffed it into the waist of their pants, it wasn't likely that--

Suddenly Paul lurched, a delayed reaction to feeling Amelia's hand on his lower back. He rolled over and swung his arm clumsily, knocking her probing hand away, and started to clamber up to a sitting position while simultaneously shoving himself away with his heels. From his movements in the dark, however, it was clear that he was blinded either by the darkness or from the pain from the boot to the jaw. But in pain or no, he was now in a semi-sitting position, and as soon as he got his bearings, as much bigger than Amelia as he was, he wouldn't likely have much trouble overpowering her, even in his state.

Black Moon - Tunnels Outside Ye Olde Den

At Six Four's first response, Sienna's face stayed blank and unimpressed, maybe even slightly bored, as if she'd just been told an exceptionally unfunny joke. In the pause between the Freespacer's replies, however, a smirk slowly emerged, pulling one corner of her mouth upwards, displaying an aloof sort of amusement at the misinterpretation after all, but she said nothing else about it.

"All right," she answered, and glanced in the direction where Vel had headed, then waved towards Six Four's arm with her free hand. "If you got a few more of those knockout needle tricks in that hand of yours, I might have a job for you. One that doesn't involve burning corpses." She paused, and her smirk spread into a grin as she shrugged noncommittally with a slow blink. "Most of the time."

She turned her eyes once more towards Vel, nudging her chin in his direction in a silent indication that she intended to follow him.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Completely out of reflex, Amelia jerked back instinctively when the man started moving. She wasn't expecting it, but she had prepared herself again for something like that to happen, so when her newly acquired stun baton clicked to life, briefly illuminating her face with its weak blue light from the electrical arc, she returned the 'courtesy' done to her some time ago by the very same man, lowering the baton arm and jabbing the heavy and metallic rod for Paul's neck.
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Crash circled back and watched Amelia re-dispatch "Paul." It found it strange to be listening to everything through the PA system. Crash never remembered turning it to receive, but it the 'bot had shoulders they would have shrugged. It scanned through out the ship hoping to hear anything to locate the other pirate.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Being prepared for such a reaction, Amelia's stun baton descended on Paul's retreating form without hesitation. The blue light from its arc illuminated her target just enough to assist her attack, the eerie glow it cast in the darkness making it appear that much more vicious as it found its mark just a few inches off-target into the spot where Paul's collarbones came together. The very instant the baton jabbed into him, the imposter's arms and legs jerked straight upwards, as if he had been hooked by invisible fishing line and yanked from the floor, and his head flopped all the way forward before his chin struck the baton, bouncing it back to the floor with a thud, then back up again in an uncontrollable seizure. The zapping sound continued for the brief seconds that the astrogator held the baton on him, and even as she pulled it away the blond-haired man continued to convulse at regular intervals that slowly increased in regularity, before at last he settled into a limp stupor, sprawled across the floor on his back.

While Amelia was incapacitating Paul, Crash detected movement and sound in the direction of the ship's lavatory.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia grimaced as she saw the man spasm violently on the floor, she could only imagine the pain as she shut off the power from the baton, but then again, he still had in a way done the same. It didn't look for her that he was getting up any time soon, prompting her to set the blunt weapon down next to her, then put herself back on the task of frisking the hijacker for anything of interest, like her weapon.
Tunnels outside Ye Olde Den

Once he seen that the female did intend to follow he started making his way down the tunnel away from Ye Olde Den towards the room he rented less than a week prior, he got lucky with this place as it wasn't far from there current location, only 5 or so minutes walking. "I just came to the realisation that I don't know your names" he said to the woman while he walked.
Outside Ye Old Den

"The anesthetic this one uses is not for recreational use, nor is Six Four." Six Four said trailing behind the nepleslian woman, "Just because this one is dressed as a doctor does not mean Six Four is a themed prostitute. It is a medical doctor, and Six Four intendeds to keep with the Doctorly dudes this one is suited for."
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Sure enough, Amelia's quick frisking found her pistol stuffed beneath the front of Paul's belt, although it had shifted downward considerably in the scuffle, leaving only a small part of the stock partially exposed, too little to effectively grab. Retrieving it would require either loosening the man's belt, or digging her hand in there after it. At least she had no reason to believe that Paul would recover anytime soon from the ample dose of electricity he'd absorbed. Whether or not he was truly unconscious wasn't clear, but he certainly wouldn't be able to react in any way.

Black Moon - Tunnels Outside Ye Olde Den

The look on Sienna's face changed from blank to mild confusion, then her jaw dropped open slightly as she realized what Six Four thought she was proposing. "Huh?" she asked, her eyebrows dropping lower. "No, that's not... what?!" A few more unintelligible syllables started to form, but she couldn't accurately articulate anything, instead looking over at Oreza as if either asking for help, or trying to confirm if she had in fact heard the Freespacer correctly. After a few seconds of fruitlessly trying to either form a coherent retort or reword her original request, she closed her mouth and cleared her throat, waving her empty hand dismissively. "Ya know what, forget it," she said, altering course. "What I meant was I could use some kind of doctor, especially one that's basically a walking medicine cabinet. But if you'd rather stay here with your 'doctorly dudes,' be my guest. Thanks for the show," she said, holstering her pistol and fastening the safety catch, and turned to follow the Iromakuanhe. She didn't look back to check if the Freespacer would follow, only waving for Oreza to come along with her.

It didn't take her long to weave through the pedestrian traffic and catch up to Vel, although she stayed a few paces behind, well outside of arm's reach, and her hand stayed on her gun the whole time. "You're right, you don't," she responded to Vel, offering nothing further as they kept walking in silence.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia sighed upon finding her weapon, looking around the almost pitch black hallways next to her before looking back down at the unconscious form of the hijacker beneath her, 'why can't anything be simple?' She thought to herself as she prepared to what she would do next. She reached for the belt buckle, releasing it, then grabbed one end and pulled it all the way until the entire belt came free. Once that was done, she simply went and retrieved her gun, although if anyone were able to see in the darkness they would also see that her face was flushing red in embarrassment, despite the fact that she had just beaten that very same man into dreamland.

Amelia stood up on one knee, returning her pistol to its thigh holster, then turned her attention back to the unconscious man. The Astrogator pulled both of his arms under one of the chairs that he had tripped over and fallen earlier, she let out a grunt as she had to pull him closer to it before tying his wrists together with one of the chair's legs between his arms, effectively pinning him down there for the time being.

Dusting her gloved hands off on her pants, Amelia got up, retrieving the baton and buckling it to her belt before taking the penlight on her left hand and the pistol in her right, clicking the light on, then hooking the left hand under her right wrist in a very common gun-flashlight stance. "Crash, did you find the last one?" She called out for the spiderbot in a hushed tone, still hoping that it was nearby.
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Black Moon - Vel's Abode

"Such a hostile personality I wonder if it is caused from a lack of stress relieving activities... Or from an extensive abundance of pent up sexual frustration.." Vel muttered softly enough that its hard to catch even from a few feet behind. He quickly made his way to a nearby housing complex passing dozens of doors until he stopped at a miraculously bland door that he opened and slipped inside where he waited for his followers in the center of a room covered in bio-power armor designs, a few even full scale, and hundreds of little toy like "robots" if they could be called that as they seem to all be spring powered, with limited movement, and nothing more advanced than a set of gears in it. "Welcome to my humble abode. Excuse the mess."
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Black Moon

Oreza kept pace with Sienna, moving in silence and keeping his wits about himself. He had never trusted anywhere on this station as safe, even the nice parts and this was nowhere close to the nice parts.

He had to keep himself from acting on his desire to pummel Vel into the ground for the nature of nearly everything that came out of his mouth when he opened it. Oreza had been luke an uncle to Sienna and thought of himself as such in many ways, so he did not like Vel's comments and remarks one bit.

Ad so while Sienna wanted to try and get some business out of this alien, Oreza made sure he appeared as imposing and threatening as possible as he stood in support of his Captain. If Vel tried any thing, any little thing that he decided crossed the invisible line he had placed in his mind, well, Vel would regret it.
Black Moon

"Curious: You do not appear to be injured..." Six Four said trailing behind the woman like a curious puppy, "Something internal perhaps?"

A light blue light appeared from a small port on Six Fours helmet, that cast itself onto the back of Sienna's head in a long narrow beam. As the line slowly went down the woman's frame, an internal Image of her skeletal system was appearing in the doctors HUD.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the rather large elbows and knees.... Correction, elbows and knees of larger size are from external source retraction of previously stated data." Six Four said out loud to noone but itself, or anyone eavesdropping. "Note, Structure shows no sign of augmentation, as is naturally female, oddity due to lack of cybernetic parts. Aside: Note to Personal Unit, remind to ask Subject 324 about any wanted upgrades to her person, such as Arms, hands, leg or legs, or the ever popular on neplesia prime chest im..."

Vels Comment on her mood drew the freespacers attention away for a brief moment, "This one had suggested an ocular injection of dopamine or serotonin. Subject 324 rejected the procedure however. Though this one will note the hypothesis of subject sheriff."

Just as quick as Six Four changed subjects it was back again fussing over its new 'patient' .

"Preliminary Scans show no sign of structural damage, further investigation is necessary. Sugestion of a physical exam and or blood test." The Freespacer Surgeons focus went directly towards Sienna, as opposed to its previous onlooking assessment. Six Four removed one of the gloves from its robotic hand before changing one of its digits into an empty syringe. Holding the needle straight up with its 'free' hand Six Four grabbed Sienna's arm that was opposite her pistol, flipping it over and bringing it up to chest level.

"If you do not mind this one would like to preform a blood test to check to see what is ailing you. Or if you prefer we can do a physical. Advisory: however said phycial does require you to strip down to your undergarments... privacy is advised."
Black Moon - Vel's Abode - Doorway

Six Four was barely able to finish its last sentence. When the Freespacer grabbed her by the wrist and brought her palm up to her chest, Sienna's other hand came up beneath the one holding her, clasping it firmly in a surprisingly strong grip. Without breaking momentum, in the same motion she turned the thumb of the hand that Six Four held towards her chin, effortlessly pulling it free, and grabbed the back of the Freespacer's hand, folding it back towards its elbow and pressed down as she twisted, forcing Six Four down to the floor on its back with a dull thud, rolling it slightly away from her on top of its other arm. She twisted the arm as far as it would go without causing permanent damage, but making it more than painful and uncomfortable enough to strongly discourage any direct resistance.

Sienna, having barely moved from where she originally stood more than turning slightly, glared down at the Freespacer coldly. "What's ailin' me is I came here to pick up a job and hire a crew," she hissed through clenched teeth, "and all I got so far is a hole in the ground full of trigger-happy morons. This asshole here scared off my one lead, and now I gotta work with him or I don't get paid. So yeah, I'm a tad testy. I'm offerin' you a job on my ship if this horned prick here ain't just leadin' me by the nose, but if you don't want it, then say so and stop wastin' my frackin' time." She leaned down closer to Six Four, a look of deadly seriousness in her eyes. "But if you ever -- you listenin' to me? -- if you ever put your hands on me like that again, I won't give 'em back."
Black Moon - Vel's Abode

"Yes, trigger happy people everywhere..." Vel said while he let out a long sigh and picked up a few things each one with a strange plug on it. The first seemed to be some kind of scanner as one of the exoskeletal plates on his left forearm shifted and allowed him to plug it in where it seemed to nearly meld with the flesh around it, the next was very small and was plugged into the back of his neck "I will need your com channel." He stated very matter of factly ah he picked up a long cord with a similar plug to the rest but also had what looked to be a standard computer plug on the other end. "Should I hold onto this data pad or do you think I can trust you not to try to cut me out if I let you look at it while I finish packing?" He asked while he looked dully at the three in his doorway.

Dropping down on to Amelia's shoulder again Crash felt a bit off, nothing serious, but it felt like the command software was a bit... high. "I believe he is near the lavatory...." The Spider bot hummed for a moment, "I have shut and sealed the lavatory door. So i may have locked him in... or I may have got him to look at it. Move fast and zap him... i want a flesh cape!" the voice was the Yamataian Princess again, all bossy and stuff.
Black Moon Floor

Six Four wasn't really concerned with the pain, considering that its mechanical limbs couldn't feel it, but more focused on Sienna not breaking any instument in them or squishing Specimen 1 in her pocket.

"Understood, said job has been accepted. This one was nearly performing it's duties...This one will ask next time."
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia twitched and then tensed up when the spiderbot suddenly was on her shoulder again. She exhaled slowly, reminding herself that she could do this, that one of them -the biggest and most dangerous- was already out and with his pants down, quite literally. "Alright. Time to do this." She said, almost whispering, but whether it was to herself or the bot would still be a mystery. The raven-haired woman started walking with careful steps towards the ship's lavatory, handgun raised and the penlight right below it casting the light wherever the firearm pointed at, despite the calmness that she showed on the outside, her heart was actually hammering inside her chest, making it feel like it would come out of her mouth at any second, while her breath came ragged and short.
Black Moon - Vel's Abode - Doorway

Once Six Four capitulated, Sienna released her wrist lock on it, and offered one hand to help it to its feet. Her fiery reaction to the unwanted physical contact subsided quickly, and it appeared she was satisfied with the sideways apology, and perhaps just a touch resignedly embarrassed that she had reacted with such almost involuntary violence. Her point had obviously been made, however, so she pressed no further on the matter, instead turning her attention to Vel.

After the Iromakuanhe asked for their com channel, she pursed her lips and lifted her left forearm in front of her, and pulled back the flap of fabric on her suit's sleeve that protected the PHC wrapped around its outside. As she waved her hand over it to call up the display, her eyes lifted to peer at Vel from beneath her brow when he asked her his next question, then at the datapad in his hand, then back at him. "Well, I wanna know more about this wreck of yours," she replied evenly, "and why you think nobody else knows about it but you. Or why you think you'd be--"

Her words cut off mid-sentence as she noticed a blinking notification on the volumetric display her PHC projected. It was a message from an unidentifiable source, saying only one singular line:

Your Ship has been boarded by "Official" inspectors.

"Frak," she muttered tersely under her breath, gritting her teeth. What else could go wrong today? Looking up and to her side at Oreza briefly, she waved away the display and re-covered the wrist computer. "Can you handle this here? I gotta go back to the ship, right now," she said. "See what this chump has to offer us, in terms of salvage and who else might be lookin'. Last thing we need on our first job is to get in a slugging match over scrap metal with another propsector ship." She figured that Yamataian deep space salvage law didn't have any particularly stringent interest in this system due to the relatively lawless nature of this colony at least, but still she had her reservations, payday or no. "And make sure he ain't gonna tangle us up in any Star Army business," she added, then turned her gaze to Vel, lifting a rigid index finger to point straight towards the tip of his nose from across the room. "You. Tell my big friend here what he needs to know, and if he likes your answers, give him your weapons and follow him to my ship. And you," she continued, swivelling her pointed finger to Six Four. "Your first job on my payroll is to incap this guy again like you did at the bar if he don't cooperate." She looked back at Vel once more, but continued speaking to the Freespacer. "He wants to tag along and get a slice of our profits, then he's gonna play by my rules."

Before anyone had the chance to reply, Sienna turned on her heels and left quickly, moving at a brisk jog back towards the spaceport to investigate what was going on with her ship.
Black Moon - Vel's Abode - Doorway

"I will take care of this. Be careful" Oreza said as Sienna departed to see what was going on with the ship. He was concerned and almost decided to ditch this scum and follow after his Captain, but he had orders and knew if she needed him at the ship, she would call. The big Nepleslian turned his attention back to Vel, arms crossed, looking thoroughly unimpressed with the man. "So, go ahead. Impress me" he stated flatly.
Black Moon - Vel's Abode

Though he caught the large mans tone Vel smiled at him before he pulled out the data pad with the information and set it on the table in the center of the room, which was also covered in robots. "It is a Hikari-class ship called the Karu. It has 3 armories, 3 cargo bays, and 3 shuttle bays. Not to mention the C-mine system, the GMCM, and the different reactors, 2 anti-matter, 3 fusion, and 8 plasma. All of which would fetch a good price." He stopped for a moment to grab a few of the designs off the walls and his favorite robot while wondering how to scrap the rest "The only one that came off the ship and stayed here on Black Moon died 3 days ago. My contact owed me a rather large favor which he cashed with this info 2 days ago and I have been looking for a good ship with a trustworthy crew since."
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