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Aggressor Updates


Well-Known Member
Ok, long story short guys, I'm updating the Aggressor and would like your feedback. Listing it out in brief...
  • Modernize and Update Article
  • Describe Interior
  • Separate Weapons into Own Articles
  • Update Weapon Case System
  • Update the JAM Bottle article ("Emergency Cryofreezer")
  • Correct Weight
Basically, I'm going to touch up the article so it looks nicer and work out any minor kinks/weaknesses in the suit, as well as make sure the science/tech is right too. As for the interior, I need to figure if it's more of a suit or a cockpit, or both, with it being like a suit for ID-SOL while acting as a hybrid for normal people. On top of that, I'm planning to separate the various weapons into their own articles, and give them the same treatment as the Aggressor. The weapon cases, I'm going to make a lot easier to deal with, letting us reload them rapidly by just swapping them out, and also see if it can be used to mount alternate weapon systems too. As for the JAM Bottle, that Nepleslian classic needs love, so I'll definitely give it some. Also, this thing is 13 feet tall and only half a ton heavier than the Hostile? Either physics is our bitch, or something's gone wrong.

Probably both.

There's also some weapon adjustments and updates I'd like to do too, but want to know what you guys think:
  • Adjust AMP RoF to 30 rounds a second from 60 rounds a second
  • New model of Light Submachine Pistol, 12 inches in length (down from 3 ft) with same Damage Rating
  • Simplify Knife to heat-chainsaw from vibro-chainsaw
  • Update Plasma Chaingun Article
  • Update EARTH Repulsion Rod Hammer + Own Article
  • Update FIRE Positron Beam Launcher + Own Article
  • Update AIR Kinetic Fusion Lance + Own Article
  • Update WATER Chainsword + Own Article
  • Make Aggressor Weapon Page
The AMP's current RoF of 60 per second isn't going to sound very different from 30 RPS, and it's more economic this way around. Considering that this weapon also has to serve as a good alternative to the AOP, and is currently outclassed by the HPAR, I'll likely bump it up to ADR 4 as well. The LSP, the PDR 4 backup weapon all armors carry, is 3 feet long right now - it's not much bang for its buck. A new model, with the same damage rating but smaller size would be ideal I think, especially since we can shoot it while holding it sideways with ease this way. Now, with the vibrow-chainsaw, as awesome as it sounds, seems very impractical or silly, considering that the individual teeth are vibrating on top of being set into a rotating chain. I'm thinking about switching over to mono-molecular sharpened teeth that are superheated - that way, besides having the awesome chainsaw, the whole edge of the weapon will glow a nice burning orange.

The bit with the Plasma Chainguns is self-explanatory, so I'll go ahead and get to the more interesting parts. Yes, those are weapons from the ELEMENT Series. And yes, they're awesome. So, they really need a new home. Preferably in the Aggressor Weapon Page.

Feedback, please guys!
I suppose I have to chip in as the original designer of (most of) the E-Series. Because you are doing both the Hostile and Agg updates and both share similar parts, some of the suggestions below are not exclusively limited to the Agg.

A. Monoeye Functionality
Nep Monoeye sensors are tied to both the Autoaim and Autododge systems. One of the initial Nep doctrine was to have Nep suits be capable of matching up against a single other Yamataian suit, so most of the old E-Series suits only had one pair of Monoeye sensors to provide stereoscopic data on only one target. This was compensated by the fact that a group of E-Series suits were network linked so they could still engage and dodge multiple targets if those targets were locked on by another suit, so all a Nep commander has to do is to make sure he had a numerical parity with the enemy at the tactical level and he would be fine. Another force multiplier was the EARTH1 suit that had three pairs of Monoeyes to help with its tanking and crowd-control capabilities.

Complicating this was that the NIGHT1 and later the VOID, Hostile and Aggressor have an odd amount of Monoeyes, it is unclear if the third/odd eye was merely a redundancy or if it worked in conjunction with the other pair(s). The original shoulder mounted eyes are on gyroscopes that provided a 360* traverse, however the 3rd eye is fixed on the faceplate which means traverse is limited to how far the pilot's neck can turn. It is also sometimes ruled via GM fiat that a single monoeye is sufficient for a full functionality lock on, you will have to decide on what definition is right, or if that Monoeye technology has improved over the years.

B. JAM Bottle
I have no idea why I wrote JAM bottle (of which what the letters JAM stood for was never defined), when I actually meant JATO bottle.

C. Common Parts Update
If you're gonna dig up the specter of the E-Series, I suggest looking up the last attempt at reviving that series with the updated M1 AIR, the AIR-R Storm. More specifically I would like to draw your attention to the Twin Scalar Array as a candidate for replacing/upgrading the Pulse Laser Array, the Medium Beam Rifle (itself a cut down version of the Long Beam Rifle minus the secondary barrel feature, also an alternative weapon candidate) as an alternative weapon to the Hostile and the Neuro/Peizo Controller NPC-01R.

There has been considerable confusion over what exactly the AMP is, I have previously used GM Fiat to rule that it is merely a large twohander plasma chaingun but it is still subject to debate. The update should increase its description and settle the matter.

It has been argued that the LSP is woefully inadequate for anti-PA combat due to its size (and therefore power) limitations. Instead of making it smaller I suggest moving the grip forward to make it more compact but retaining the same size.

F. Chainknives and Chainswords
I agree that vibro+chain is needless complication. Thought to maintain the cool factor I suggest a new type of signature Nep melee weapon, to have a blade with magnetically contained plasma flowing along the outer edge , the downside being that such a weapon cannot be used stealthily. In the alternative, heat-vibro with heat toggled off has the advantage of being stealth capable at the expense of damage.

G. FIRE Positron Beam Launcher
Is merely the abovementioned MBR/LBR-00P in weapon case form. The original rationale for equipping the FIRE1 with this was because the FIRE1's forearm chainguns cannot be used in conjunction with a two handed weapon, as Agg has no forearm mounted weapons this benefit is lost. Consider instead importing the FIRE1's Plasma Artillery Launcher (Which has been previously ruled by Moonman's designer and GM-fiat to be mountable) for indirect fire capability. If you wanna go into paper projects for the FIRE (ala all in my head), consider some kind of flamethrower for melee.

H. WATER Chainsword
The WATER chainsword is the standard VBCS avaliable on all Element suits, it isnt unique to the WATER and in fact was first introduced by the AIR2. If you wanna grab something unique from the WATER consider the Arrestor Guard for a melee weapon, LBR or paper project a PPG enabled tower shield (functions as rechargable reactive armor or enhanced shield bashing)

I. EARTH Hammer
Previously ruled by Moonie to be already compatitable with the Agg, just documentation required.

J. AIR Lance
Cant think of anything unique to the AIR type that is useful on the Agg except this lance/spear unless you want to consider some kind of P/P system for offense or movement. Bonus: Having P/P would allow the Agg to literally pull aggro in MMO terms.

K. New Adaptive Strength Shields
This is a paper project that I have previously mentioned to someone but I forgot who. Essentially by using accurate sensor data from the Monoeyes on a locked on target, the local shield strength on the part of the PA that is about to be hit can be reduced to just enough to slow down the incoming projectile so that it bounces off the armor to no damage, losing less shield strength than if the projectile is stopped completely by the shields. Obv this doesnt work when being fired on by an unlocked target or when being ambushed. On the plus side players can now 'feel' incoming fire despite having shields up, it would help with spatial awareness than having to refer to the HUD to figure out which direction you're being shot at. This is exceptionally useful for the Agg due to its tougher armor (incoming projectiles dont have to be slowed down as much as a Hostile) and triple monoeye pairs.

J. Parts from other E-Series suits.
The NIGHT1 and VOID are also considered E-Series, I have no suggestions on the NIGHT other than a paper project: Zanarium + Chameleon Pigment camoflague netting, whilst for the VOID perhaps shield drones or the backpack mortar or forearm grenade launchers.
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The awesomeness has landed (with that last post). I know for sure I'll likely just have the JAM Bottle be short for "Jet Assisted Medical Bottle" instead. I'm currently pretty happy with what you've told me since it gives me a good picture, but there's still a backlog of other stuff to figure out too. I'll bounce back to that later for certain.

Right now, I'm curious about how the 'cockpit' of the Aggressor is. Right now, I'm guessing that for an ID-SOL, it'd be a lot like a proper suit. Meanwhile, for a human, it'd be a semi-cockpit where their arms and legs only reach in up to the elbow perhaps, and they're grasping some sort of control stick that has neural-scanning features to allow a person to control the hands. I think that even the ID-SOL would still be grabbing this, with their hands not reaching the Aggressor's hands, and those being mechanized like the Starcraft Marine ones.

Correct me if I'm wrong of course - also, if anyone else has previous experience with how a GM portrayed the inside, do tell.
I haven't really talked about the interior or how one gets in it. I have said that it comes in multiple sizes to fit the user, e.g. a 13 foot one for an ID-SOL or a 8 foot model for a Nep. Similarly done with the Hostile since an 8 foot ID-SOL cannot fit into a 7 foot Hostile so there must be Hostiles bigger than the standard to accommodate them.
I thought about that as well, but I soon realized that it'd pose logistical problems. Sure, the parts of the suits are interchangeable, but the Nerimium alloy plates would have to be made differently for each suit size category. For the Hostile, I was thinking that it expanded and contracted to fit the user to a degree. In exchange of course, the suit would have slightly larger gaps for an ID-SOL but be more mobile due to less joint coverage, while for average or smaller humans, it'd feel more clunky since the plates would overlap and collapse on itself more, yet provide more protection.

Meanwhile, with the Aggressor, a same size unit but with different control methods depending on user size.
For the Hostile, I was thinking that it expanded and contracted to fit the user to a degree. In exchange of course, the suit would have slightly larger gaps for an ID-SOL but be more mobile due to less joint coverage, while for average or smaller humans, it'd feel more clunky since the plates would overlap and collapse on itself more, yet provide more protection.

Tru dis. The Nep policy of allowing anyone and everyone to serve regardless of biology or mechanics means there are loose tolerances on the Suits that can lead to inefficiency. In general stock or unassigned suits will do what Cadet just said, though people with assigned or otherwise permanent suits or are well above or below the size allowances will have fitted or customized suits with individual parts upsized or downsized for better performance.

Some long serving Nep bios list down suits as part of inventory plus modifications, see:Phaedra. At one point Cipher as Harrison specifically RPed going for a common pool M2-2 when specifically told not to use his custom painted M3-1.

For getting into the suit, it has always been the suit opening at the top and the pilot sliding in. Fuck stairs and ladders, if you cant chinlift your way to the top of the suit you dont deserve to be in one. This also means that Nep PA bays have tall ceilings (See: Hray-Class, PA bay shares the same space as the Fighter and Shuttle bays). Exceptions to this is the NIGHT armor due to its small proportion and form fitting frame, and the older Demon-type PAs, both of which are put on piece by piece like medieval armor.

For hands it is unclear, though more than once I have described it as the previously mentioned Starcraft style, and for standardization sake it should be the case.
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Ok, to make sure I'm not mixing it up; in order to get into the Aggressor, you have to clamber inside, most likely after taking the helmet off and opening it up a bit. Meanwhile, the Hostile opens opens up from the front so a person can just step back into it.
So in order to enter the Aggressor, you clamber up to take the helmet off, the chest swings open to the side, the guy hops in and puts on the helmet either before or after it closes. That sound right?
Work is slow, but at least it's steady. I've gone ahead and updated an old friend of the Aggressor. Tell me what you guys think - it's got a new firing mode. Now that I do think about it as a whole, this is more of an overhaul than just a plain update. X D
My bad - I only recalled the materials off the top of my head and forgot to check to see if that was there. Asides from that, any comments or criticism? Both are always running short.
@Fian - I'm getting some feedback that the AMP was originally a plasma chaingun before someone changed it to a bullet spewing one. Can you give me some feedback here? I know the shoulder guns for the Aggressor are plasma, but the biggest issue is that bullets aren't as effective against Zesuaium as plasma is.


Wait, I see it. The thing really was originally plasma then.
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Slow but steady wins the race...

What color do we want the chainguns to be? Both the AMP and the PCTs? Blue is realistic, but would yellow like Samus's Power Beam be cooler?
Are you talking about the color of the projectiles or the guns themselves? A yellow gun doesn't seem very Neppy.
As an innocent peace loving Neko I feel threatened by Aggressor updates and demand to see appropriate measures taken against this uncalled for and unapproved military build up through the creation of Yamataian SDR 6 aether weapons. Won't someone please think of the younglings?!

Also, will you guys ever go full Gundam and create a Zaku style plasma/heat axe?
And does anyone use this or this outside of the plot it originated in?
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I have no idea why RPS for AMP should be lowered. In nepleslia we like overkill, spewing more bullets at single moment is better. Instead of lowering from 60 to 30, I think it should be upped from 60 to 120. Eat that Squids.

And personally you could keep AMP as bullet spewing chaingun and give it various ammo you know. Even plasma ammo, there problem solved and more fun included in stead of "it just fires plasma dur hur" which personally I find boring. Variability in ammo was always kinda nepleslian thing. Besides Aggy already has shoulder plasma guns so it does not need yet another plasma thing.

I also think Vibro-chainsaw should stay a thing simply for the rule of cool. We are after all playing a game in the end and viability and though about how something is too complex should be a secondary thing.