Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC Eucharis Discussion

@Primitive Polygon Our neighbors' wood pile was on fire Saturday night. We ran over to let them know and help put it out. I managed to step in a pile of hot ash while I was there. Thankfully I had the jug of water with me, so I cooled it right away. But hot coals need no time to do pretty intense damage. I'll be alright. We're keeping it taken care of and I've got antibiotics ordered if it starts looking like it's infected.
I tried to make the plot more exciting by introducing some real risks and now we're stuck with the consequences...By contacting SAINT, @Rizzo has ruined my plot plans and Hanako's career. The adventure is effectively over now. Instead of getting to sneak in and rescue the Eucharis, the Star Army will go do it for us, while Hanako gets forced to retire for losing the ship.

Because of the issues above, I think this will be the last mission of the Eucharis plot, so please start making plans for your character to join another RP plot or start your own. It was a good run, but everything has to end. Star Army's not a novel where one person writes everything and it makes sense...we all have to deal with the unpredictable actions of other people's characters.

Forgive me for not making a post for the canyon side of things but I'm really angry right now and I am struggling to be motivated to post at all.
Maybe we have an opportunity here, you did mention Bamako was getting a bit too high ranked to command a ship and the parallels to Kirk should be obvious.

Hanako could get demoted to Capatain for this,

Wazu (or others) could try helping her out as legal council . From what I understand Hanako didn't actually break any rules since there were people on the ship. This could easily be explained as baiting out a kuvexian/rixx attack.

And the crew now has to race to recover the Eucharis before the Star Army does without Hanako's help.

Due to FTL shananagins, even if there is a ship nearby, they are still an hour or more out from the planet once they warp into the system... Double that of they have to leave their home base system first.

For added bonus fun, If Hanako decides to face the music instead of trying to get her ship back then Wazu has a great excuse to call Uso over to lend a hand.
I like Zack's idea. But what if the entire crew, Hanako included, just collectively threw up the duece and went AWOL? We find the Eucharis before the Star Army, but in the process stumble upon plans for a massive Kuvexian invasion. Stopping that would be sure to get us back in good with Yamatai, albeit with some jail time.

Or if we want to keep it more normalized, Natsumi or Umeshu could take control of the ship.
As my tabletop GM/ DM says "What is hard about the game is not creating the storyline, nor mechanics of the game, nor new and missing players ... It's when players do something totally unexpected that alters the direction of the plot, causing the storyline to take on a life of its own. Sometime detrimental to the plot. Or it may turn out to be a boon. Its when I take a step back and take a deep breath (fetch snacks and drinks)"

From a players point of view (including mine). :: Hate to see a favored character be on the receiving end of something detrimental to them. Like seeing a good part of yourself get hurt. Or someone you deeply care about get hurt.
Well, now I seem to feel awful prescient about mentioning Star Trek 4 earlier. Who says we can't enact that scenario of Kirk and friends, only we risk everything to get our ship (instead of a best friend) back? It could be very interesting, and opportunities for all of Hanako's personal allies and past foes to meddle in things. We already have Wazu and an Ayanee here, so we are already going this direction...

A true GM knows the players always make the best drama. An obstacle can be an opportunity, it's all in the perspective! :cool:
Not really sure what to say. Really just thought there would have been somebody more sympathetic on the other end of the line, or there would be a communication problem, even if it was a bit of a plot convenience... Like, seriously, disobeying orders or accessing terminals covertly in this situation would have been grounds for Tsuguka clubbing Candon in the back of the head, if she caught him in the act. Was even considering building up to that point, but didn't think... Yeah, that things would just happen so damn quickly, considering how isolated they are.
Maybe someone has it out for Hananko! Or perhaps it sounds really bad as Suites tells it.

Or maybe Wes is unhappy and was a bit harsh in his post.


I feel a bit self centered trying to make it about my characters, but the harsh reaction from command could be from someone who dislikes Wazu and wants to cause trouble for anyone who helps him. There is more than one highly ranked SAoY soldier that fits that description
Well, considering Umeshu and Tsuguka are heading up in a hurry, and the Rixxikor are ivnading the lighthouse, Umeshu would naturally want to enable the CFS shield of the installation and lock it down from further intrusion. Going to command and control she would then catch Candon already there doing his secret communication, and as the commanding officer she would certainly have a rare moment of rage at him betraying Hanako's trust, along with tsuguka's reaction she spoke of... this was what I was planning on writing up in my next post.
I'm still trying to figure out how to cope with this. I've been playing Hanako for something like a dozen years and this plot for over 8 now it looks like that may be over. This is the character who has art hanging on my home's walls and is on the site's mailing labels and ads, basically the flagship character and flagship plot of the site. I had the Eucharis get stolen because I wanted to set up a fun RP scenario for you guys, but now that command has been informed, Hanako will be held responsible because she's the captain and command may order the Eucharis to self-destruct to keep it out of enemy hands. I am pretty upset. I never wanted and don't want Hanako to get demoted, or for the ship to be lost for good, but that's what seems to make the most sense in the RP.

Ironically, we won an award today:

Anyway, what's left of Mission 25 is simple: just try to survive until we get picked up and sent on to other assignments. I will make a canyon post tomorrow.

I hope we can all look back on the Eucharis fondly afterwards. We had some good times.
Oh hush, there are still plenty of options for keeping everyone happy.

So we want to keep the ship, and have Hanako not get demoted.

Charisma is still intact, and there is still crew on the ship. The ships seemed pretty confident that it was just letting itself be taken so that it could find these pirate's base. Since the ship could escape on its own at anytime there doesn't seem to be much of a reason to order the self-destruct. At the very least they'd order the ship to try and shoot its way out before trying to self-destruct.

On the other hand, if the decision to order the self-destruct is going to happen then we still have some time before command makes that decision. It is time for Hanako and the others to call in what favors they have in the SAoY to keep the ship from getting exploded. It also doesn't make sense for them to order the self-destruct before they have an idea of what is going on (A single report from a SAINT operative shouldn't be enough to start triggering auto-destructs! That usually requires 2 officers at least!) so we should get a few rounds of talking with whomever is assigned to review this operation before they explode the ship. This is a good opportunity for someone to pull some lawyerin' and get command to sign off on Hanako's plan to trace the ship to the pirates.

Finally, maybe they do decide to blow up the ship. If the pirates are half the pirates they think they are they would have managed to disable the auto-destruct by now: Either by frying the computer, shooting the reactor out of the ship, and/or cutting off the engines. The Eucharis might end up pretty worse for ware but it will still be savable.


Bottom line, Hanako's plan was to let them take the ship. Since everything is going according to plan, it doesn't make sense for the Star Army to immediately blow up the ship and the remaining crew. We still have a ship to save (even if it gets blown up, we still should go recover what is left) and the crew still has plenty of options for getting out of this jam.

Maybe have Hanako break down and cry a bit, let the rest of the crew take this one on.
@Wes Ditto! Just take a moment to breath, and then work with us a little! The adventure didn't end, the stakes just got raised.

If the pirates didn't disable the self destruct, Cherry and the other engineer could have. They probably know that command would try to blow them up, and I get the feeling neither of them wants to die. They know the systems better than anyone. They could easily do it.

Let's shove Candon out an airlock get our ship back! That lighthouse still has a shuttle we can use.
Those are some good points Zack. Maybe we can salvage things.

I will see if I can come up with a post tomorrow where Hanako talks to command (She is not going to be happy to get that call, especially when she's in the middle of fighting off Rixxikor legions) where she explains to Yui that the ship was supposed to get taken and is safe(ish) and convinces command to let the Eucharis crew handle this. I need to sleep on things though, so no posts tonight I think.

That lighthouse still has a shuttle we can use.
The only shuttle at the lighthouse is the feces-encrusted junker depositing Rixx dudes outside.
Theres planty reason not to have Hanako lose her job Wes. The capture of the Eucharis was beyond Hanakos control. We could have been planetside for a survey or anything else and this coulda happened.

The ship was not left unmanned nor was it boarded and stolen. An unknown andalien I would assume sensor stealthed vessel swooped in and physically grabbed the ship. When you look at the facts there is no fault here. i think Hanako would be fine, especially when you factor in her length of time in command and successful service record.

Also if Charisma busts free and comes back before the rescue fleet arrives, would invalidate the need to recover her :p

Zack makes many many good points. You listen! :)

I will say, Natsumi is gonna strangle Suites for snitching on Hanako. From an ooc perspective the glorious fringe mission to rescue the ship and crew is also now gone since the fleet will handle it now :/
Like Zack said, it's true that one report from a field agent should not hold that much immediate sway. One hacked account or rogue member should not be able to do things like order the immediate removal of a captain, not without definitive evidence. Through it would probably warrant serious investigation after the fact, there are still things that can be done about that.

Either covering up the evidence, or thinking of an alternate explanation for the events, definitely sound like the best options to me.