Star Army

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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Bronzi will work directly for Wazu, and won't advise the ship on anything, his role will be specifically to safe guard wazu personally and aid as needed.

I have numerous ideas. That being said Bronzi is technically and officer in the Gartagen RRF. Bronzi however is no longer a Mercenary, and would technically be considered an Assistant to Wazu.
That's adorable Blizzard!

While I'd love to RP with you again, and Wazu certainly owes a LOT to Brozni, I agree that it doesn't quite make sense to bring him on as a man servant.

If you have 4:30 to spare, Check out Every Frame a painting:

TL;DR? Good story structure uses but and therefore, not and then.

Brozni showing up like this feels a lot like just saying, "And then Brozni showed up"

With more Gart activity on the horizon, and if Wes is up for bringing you on board, I think we have better options. Wazu owes Brozni for what happened on Sharia so he could easily ask Hanako if she'd be willing to hire the soldier-turned-yamatain-civillian on to her crew. "They are old buddies, therefore Wazu got him a job when he heard what happned"

There's also Vishta, and Wes might be interested in the Eucharis rescuing the Gartagen Princess. Wazu and her also have a history, and no doubt Brozni could be involved in the rescue attempt, perhaps coming to Wazu for help when he finds out about Vishta? "But then she came back into his life"

Brozni could also sign up for a tour with the SAoY, or if we can't find a good way to bring him onboard the Eucharis I'm sure Uso could use another mercenary in the 188604 Plot.

I'm sure there are other options available too, I just feel like Brozni as a man-servant isn't good enough.
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Almost what I was gonna say but 100 times better. I'd like a Krogan- er, Gartagen rather, to :rolleyes: come aboard.

Also, a really good reason to be on Eucharis will help tremendously in making Candon Suites like Bronzi. Candon is just finally starting to appreciate Wazu. Still doesn't like him buto it's progress;)
Well I always enjoyed underselling Bronzi's role.

That being said I do want preemptive RP leading up to him coming aboard the Eucharis. So when ever the ship docks at home port or the mission closes is good for me.
Plus, I'd like for Bronzi and possibly Sura(An npc related to bronzi, his progeny) to explore Yamataian culture more. The idea of the wandering warrior earning the respect of alien warriors is appealing. Bronzi also isnt a monster, he is gruff, rough and tough, but he is heroic in nature.
@Zack thanks for playing along so well. I feel that their wariness of each other adds depth to the story. I'm sure one day they'll be old fishing buddies one day.

@Ira I suppose that makes sense, lol. I had an idea I'd like to throw at you. We could always have a separate RP that leads into a Eucharis plot. If Wazu wanted to pull strings he could probably work a deal with Hanako, or even Candon, to get her/him to request permission to assign Candon a covert rescue mission while sending Wazu to accompany him as a political asset who uses Bronzi as a liason to RRF. Afterwards Bronzi could be offered to the SAOY similar to the way Stark came to Eucharis through the NSN Exchange Program.
Come to think of it, if Hanako treats it as a political emergency the whole ship could probably be sent to assist in a rescue
Is the 'kidnapped princess' idea already developed and useable?

We should also get @Wes to approve it seeing as Hanako would have to clear it
I think we should get Wes to weigh in on a direction first and refine the idea a bit more. We don't even know if Wes wants to get involved yet much less what his plans are for the next mission. Hanako has some history with the garts too and there may be better ways of involving everyone.

Right now I think nothing is really nailed down.
@Rhysis I'm confused. Is Marcus having that conversation while the ship is falling apart?

EDIT: I need to wake up early for work tomorrow so I'll figure this out later. I'm just going to post what I finished writing two seconds prior to the update that you'd posted. I can sort anything else out later, there's a fire burning.
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lol. No he's not. at least not entirely. That's why I mentioned that it was started the moment they were within communications range. By the time the shuttle reaches where it is now, this has already been done. Speaking of which, @Wes should we do this as a sideline until it meshes?
It does seem kind of out of place. Hanako's busy talking to Tsuguka lol.