Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I just caught up on reading the posts of the last three weeks. Lucky me: Sigurd is still sitting on the bridge with good reason.

When I read this, it made the head of the physics student in me spin:

"Ma'am, if you brought Eucharis to a speed fast enough to evade auto turrets and we stepped into space we would be carrying the same velocity. Eucharis could outrun us easily to engage the station. Draw their fire and identify an area we can teleport into and we'll decelerate once we get into range... but we'd have to cut it close if we don't decelerate enough we'll just end up being a missile, whether we teleport or not. If we decelerate too soon their guns will shred us. Once inside, Eucharis could fall back to a safer range to focus on spaceborne defenders.
Is this a good or bad idea?"

1st: I assume that "speed fast enough to evade auto turrets" means c-fractal speeds. That being said the thought of an object the size of a PA, whose primary purpose isn't to be a spacecraft but to protect it's inhabitant from danger, would actually be capable of decelerating from those speeds in a reasonable amount of time is mind-blowing.

2nd: Assuming the PA is capable of those deceleration numbers it would, for it's size, have to have a hell of an inertia dampening system installed to have more than red goo left of it's inhabitant afterwards.

But luckily the SA setting provides for those "magic" technologies, I guess. But...

3rd: "If we decelerate too soon their guns will shred us." Since the PAs are supposed to get to the station they sort of have to fly towards it. And if the target's flying straight towards the gun shooting at it the target's speed doesn't really matter much. I once learned that lesson the hard way in EVE Online.

Just had to get that off my system. :D
That's true, however the armor can also teleport. So once you get to an area that's safe teleporting a few times will greatly increase the amount of room you have to slow down. Granted, you shouldn't need to be testing lightspeed to evade the guns. Keep changing direction and targeting will be difficult AND hiding our EM signatures behind Eucharis (which is a much more noticeable target) would make a bunch of body armor nearly impossible to detect until it's just too late
I don't want to get bogged down stuck in planning hell for this mission so this weekend we're going to get the game plan finalized and start the attack thread, okay?
I think it would be best for Hanako to say what plan we are going to go with, otherwise I think we'll be stuck discussing all sorts of things.
Don't really like shooting down the plans of new bloods, but I think we are at the point when Hanako would probably just make a call.

Like Tugboat was saying, it's not like the plan ever stays the same on the battlefield anyway. ┐(‘~`)┌
The number cruncher in me just has to get into detail about my previous post. Sorry, can't help it.:oops:

To evade the enemy's guns the Eucharis would probably fly as fast as possible. That'd be 0.375*c (c being the speed of light of course), even 0.75*c for up to two minutes (let's not go into detail to much about movement in space being more about vectors and accelerations than final velocities...). I just assume that the Eucharis wouldn't throw it's infanterists out of the airlock at the latter velocity so lets assume 0.375*c as the starting velocity of said kamikaze infanterists. Let's furthermore define a "reasonable amount of time" as an hour, although I wouldn't want to be one of those poor grunts decelerating towards an enemy base for an entire hour hoping you manage to decelerate enough to not make said base your final destination.

Well then:


For us that comes down to:

a = 0.375*c/1h = 112,500,000 m/s / 3,600 s = 31,250 m/s²

That's roughly 3,185 * g (g being earth's standard gravity acceleration). That's some pretty impressive acceleration performance even for an actual spacecraft let alone a power armor. Which brings up the question of how much acceleration a power armor's inertia dampener can actually absorb, since even 10 % of our acceleration would be almost twice as much as any human has officially survived yet (179*g and that was for a fracture of a second).

And then there's the issue of the way you'd need to stop. To come to rest with that numbers you'd need a distance of 11.25 light minutes or 1.35 astronomical units. That's about the way from the sun to the orbit of Mars. I wouldn't want to play darts against the pilot hitting a target the size of a space station from that distance.

Even if we assume mere 0.1*c as the starting velocity we're still talking about 8,333.3 m/s², so only about 850*g. 10 % of that would still be deadly over the duration of an hour. 1 % would leave some alive but unconscious troopers at rest zero relative to the space station. Yummy targets for said stations defense systems. And the distance needed would still be about 3 light minutes.

I love hard science fiction for those kinds of intellectual games. :rolleyes:

Luckily for our stories star army is more soft science fiction.:)
that is some impressive math skills, but I do believe there is a piece of technology equipped on our armor that should make things simpler and safer for the operator.

Combined fields put the unit projecting them into a 'pocket universe'. So the operator and armor is not really traveling as fast as it appears to be, in fact it's stationary inside its combined field(which is the part that is moving so fast).

So, my solution:
Teleport from only within your combined field. When you arrive at your destination you should be stationary. Shieldless, but stationary.
This is why Wazu's plan involves FTLand teleporters. FTL moves you without imparting acceleration meaning the ship and power armors can be moving at the same speed as the station when they arrive.

You don't have to worry about teleporting into the station and then getting hit by the walls as they wiz by.