Star Army

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RP: Setareh Wing [Mission Two] Quayside Synthesis


Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
ON, VSV Arha
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression
I'Timad 25, 941
12:33, Commonwealth Standard Time

There was little in the way of quietude as I’Timad, the second-to-last month of the Iromakuanhe calendar and the one with no holiday, continued on and nearly came to a close. The cruiser had enjoyed its share of mini-concerts and funbands that had taken up parading around the ship at odd hours. It was certainly a month of music and enjoyment preceding the drearier month to come.

It had been two weeks since the attack on the New Veyrin space station and the fleet had been scouring the Caliban Depression tirelessly when not engaged in a musicale. Other wings had been sent out as scouts and their data had been collected, but nothing had pointed the Sengraiv in the right direction beyond the initial chatter they had picked up in the region. Seeing the failures as an opportunity to employ the wing that had struck luck last time, the Sengraiv called upon the Setareh Wing to find the rebels.

It was to be a concerted effort among the entire wing, which was comprised of all six Frame Runners, the Mechanist, the Physician, the FIOMNI and the Officer. Nanise was following along as she was prone to do. They were all out near Navpoint Cadence in their VANDR after a short, but encompassing pep talk by Naak, in which she said that the divisive actions of the New Veyrin Republic could only be stopped under a unified Commonwealth and, likewise, a unified team.

They moved as a group away from the Navpoint, trolling the territory meter by meter. Their sensors soon picked up an object one kilometer long, with a width much slimmer, and little height to it. On Naak's orders, the wing Translated 1,000 kilometers away from its position. What they found was an enemy landing pad and automated refueling station.

"I want everyone as invisible as possible!" Behea barked as she sent back the information to Ki Lea, the missions adjutant officer aboard the Arha. Upon receiving the Sengraiv's orders through Ki Lea, Naak said, "We're going to wait! We have backup at the ready, but nobody's coming to help us until something docks! When they do, we have permission to attack!"

She addressed her wing individually, "Both Marbalri Chirimar and Song, I want you and your Haidans to be our deep strike team! Vaybalri Verha and Senbalri Devaraga, you will be the second wave behind the frontal assault. Vaybalri Khorvash, Senbalri Bousaid, and Vaybalri Dhawa, I want you to be frontal assault and Vaytulri Zoren will be directing your efforts! Ishtar and I will hold this position! Group up and go over the plan of attack together. Now we wait!"
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

Altair listened attentively to his instructions before responding.

"Yes Ma'am!" He said, before pulling his VANDR into a salute on a whim.

Staying with his group and keeping in mind Naak's instructions to be stealthy, Altair hid himself behind an asteroid and signaled that he was ready before preparing himself for a wait, and if necessitated, to forgive himself for killing.
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

Karuah found herself idling in ARMS mode with the her Phantoma sinkpushed up all the way. Her orders were simple this time and it wouldn't be much of a problem to follow. "Understood." She replied after her orders and moved into formation with her group.
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

Zoren nodded and transformed Enigma to it's ARMS configuration. "Vaybalri Khorvash, Senbalri Bousaid, and Vaybalri Dhawa! Form up on me." He said opening a window on his HUD with the three of them. "We need to prepare for combat." He said looking to each of them in turn. "We are the tip of the spear, so we need to strike hard and fast."

"Everyone transform into ARMS configuration, activate stealth systems, and form up in diamond formation on my wing. I want us to be a hole in space." He added.
"Yes ma'am."

Settled into Nightmare, Akjit relaxed inside of her as the dauntingly large frame came to life. Not a word was said between the two as their systems came online at Behea's orders. They were simple ones, and not out of the ordinary. He knew that if everything worked out well, that this was going to be just another sortie. Just another out of many, his frame had reminded him, over and over. Having done this for years, and for so often, was there any reason for him to doubt anymore? To fear that something was going to go wrong? No, there wasn't really. But he still had a bad feeling about this.

'You always have a bad feeling about things,' she reminded him with annoyance.
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

"Pft! You got it, Boss! I'll keep our new dude safe!"

Lucidity moved near Nightmare, albeit with a slight lead as Irfan chuckled and was more than eager to get into the thick of things. A special night had put a pep to her step, one mirrored in the battle-eagerness of her machine's support intelligence. Of course, this meant that she was looking to the comm line to Akjit as her voice picked up once more directed by the machine to ensure he received.

"Lucy and me'll take the front. Cover our butt, but don't get any ideas. I call dibs on slicing up the first one we come across, too!"
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

Rasima acknowledged her orders and accelerated to join up on Zoren.

"Positions, sir?" she asked, making sure stealth systems were up out of habit. The rest of the wing might know their proper post without a further order; she was not yet fully integrated into the unit, regretfully. Nevertheless, they had once again struck the enemy. An excellent combination of fortune and diligence following their intelligence leads.
Navpoint Cadence, Caliban Depression

Zoren opened up his comms. "You are in the starboard position. You are my wingman. Stick close to my wing!" he ordered over the comms.

He then opened a comm link with the other two. "You are taking the port position Dhawa! Khorvash takes the rear position and is your wingman." He added. "Once the battle commences, we will move in as one flight and stir them up, then break off into two groups got it?!?!" He asked as he began checking his scanners for the enemy
Caliban Depression

For several hours, they laid in wait for enemies to approach.

Until approach, they did.

A carrier a few hundred meters less in length than the landing pad and a bit less in width made its way out of the void, its left flank facing the Setareh Wing. There was little time for the wing to attack before out from the carrier, like ants running out of a flooded nest, flew frame after unknown powered frame until there were three dozen, at least. In range of the wing, they began firing their weapons.

"Go after them!" Naak called from her position.

"Ishtar," she said to the FIOMNI. "Hold off on calling in support for us. I want to make sure we annihilate what we can on our own before letting anyone else mop the floor with these New Veyrin scum. Tell me, do you agree?"
Caliban Depression

"Yes sir, on your wing," she replied, vectoring herself to the right off of Zoren and holding there. They held position, still, for seemingly forever as they waited for the enemy to arrive for their party.

And show up they did, quite a few for the place settings they'd prepared. Making sure the unknown frame design was being recorded on Mercy's sensors, she prepared to engage with the rest of her section.
It felt odd. Odd to be in a suit of living armor. No longer did she stalk the halls of her beloved cruiser. Now she sailed across the stars in a Frame, a VANDR. One tailored to her specific talents. It was larger than the other Gen Two units, yet it was faster, and just as lethal. It almost exemplified her preferred methodology when it came to combat. Listening to the Lanranr bark her orders, the FIOMNI's VANDR maintained its position close to the lead's Erla II.

"Agreed," Ishtar prompted as Naak asked.

"Activating Muted Resonance Shroud now. Phantoma Sink coming online. Passive Sensors now scanning the area. Listening Device, online. Attempting to intercept any communication from the target area." she was all business now. That happy, bubbly persona dropped for one better suited for war.
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Though he gave an affirmative to Irfan, he couldn't help but wonder if he was really a new guy. Was he a new guy? He'd been doing this for years now. Technically, he was new to this squadron, so maybe -

"Wait, what? Ishtar?! She's here?!?!" the potentially broody and intimidating looking pilot that wasn't piped up over the comms in shock. It was Ishtar - just thinking about her brought back all sorts of warm, fuzzy memories to him. Ones that made his cheeks red. Ones that made it feel like he had a bunch of skyfish in his stomach. Nevermind that his frame was pulling evasive maneuvers. Nevermind that he was getting multiple lock-ons and was firing off half his entire complement of Star Adder missiles. Nevermind that his shoulder mortars were set to airburst, and were hammering away at the swarm in front of him.

Ishtar was so going to just stare at him with those eyes of hers, he just knew it!

Nightmare however, did its equivalent of a sigh.
Caliban Depression

"Understood." Karuah spoke as she fell into the back of the diamond formation, where she was comfortable. She much rather preferred to act as fire support than as to be the one in direct confrontation. She waited comfortably as her sensors tracked everything within range. After a long wait however she got what she was looking for, several frames and a carrier. She didn't have the time to ponder the design however as they began firing quickly. She went into evasive maneuvers and stuck with the formation until they were instructed to split, but she did return fire with a salvo of Star Locust missiles.
Altair pulled his frame into evasive maneuvers while staying close enough to Karuah and the formation. He attempted to draw the fire of the enemy frames in order to keep them off of his wingman.

He fired, and snapped to new targets as fast as he could, letting the frame's computers lock on and fire salvo after salvo of missiles.

Staying back was doing no good. The longer the fight went on the more enemies, no, the more people who would end up dead. The fight needed to be concluded as quickly as possible.

"We need to advance! Staying back isn't helping. We need to end the battle quickly and cleanly!"
Caliban Depression

With the enemy frames coming in range, Rasima engaged first with cannons, letting their backline thin them out with missiles.

This was definitely a target rich environment, her eyes swept over the instrument panels and telltales to make sure everything on her end was functioning as intended. The carrier was out there still, waiting for their deep strike group as the rest of them chewed into waves of frames. As more targets entered range, she allowed the computer to throw Mercy's missiles into the fray as well.

Before the Vaytulri could say something, Rasima snapped back at Altair, angling to cut off that thought before it developed into something unpleasant, "Belay that talk Khorvash. Stay in formation."
Calibran Depression

A salvo going every seven seconds, Akjit's Star Adders nearly blew apart frame after frame, eliminating five before the sixth, only grazed, retaliated and fired a particle accelerator cannon at Akjit. Dazed and confused at the presence of the FIOMNI as he was, it would take his NI, Nightmare, to alert him to the presence of incoming fire. His shoulder mortars had disrupted the frame of two enemies that were now locking on and targeting him and Nightmare, as well.

Karuah's blue trail of nine Star Locust missiles attacked and aggravated a frame that was then shot down by Altair in his flurry of activity. The frame next to that one, though, retaliated in the form of a burst from their Free Electron Laser Burst Cannon aimed to strike Karuah.

Three frames had been destroyed by Altair before he was attacked in a confrontational melee battle with an enemy frame. It struck at his chest with a blade of unknown strength and power, which he could surely find out if he didn't vanquish his enemy quickly and decisively.

Rasima was right, there was little to do in the face of the enemy but continue to quell the threat. Expediting that would only mean more deaths, and not the enemy's. The young, brash Frame Runner had to remember his orders or could be the one losing his life today.

"Ishtar, how does it look out there?" Naak asked, choosing to ignore both of the outbursts from the enlisted.
Caliban Depression

Zoren smirked as he saw the fleet. As he was about to give the order to advance, he had one break formation. "Khorvash! Get your ass back in formation!" He called as he began firing at the enemy units attempting to surround him. "Everyone split into your assigned groups and began clearing a path!" He ordered. "Stay on my ass kid!" He called to Rasima as he banked hard to get a good firing line on his enemy.

He opened up with the his cannons, firing round after round as well as firing missiles at as many targets he could possibly lockon to. His hud was a flurry of red icons. "Kid! I have a plan. I am going in to stir up the hornet's nest and get them to chase me. You be ready to pick them off with your Shocklance cannons. I'm trusting you!" He said before kicking his VANDR into high gear and began to fly in between the enemy lines, firing at the ones he could, trying to get them to chase after him.
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"Information coming in now. Creating a 3D-Real Time model of the hostilities." she prompted from within her own VANDR. Soon, Naak would receive the information of a tight-beam laser. "Five Frames have been destroyed by Marbalri Chirimar. A sixth has received a graze and returned fire. Around eight enemy units destroyed. Switching to pilot performance statistical analysis."

"All pilots are performing within tolerance, however it is clear that they are new to real combat. Based on prior experiences with NVR Forces, new pilots suffer an attrition rate of seventy-five percent with Gen-One Erla VANDR units. And a sixty-seven percent with the new Gen-Two. According to my databases, along with progressive combat, it would be safe to assume that NVR Forces would also be working to upgrade their units in light to their effectiveness against our new VANDR models. In the past, we have seen documented cases of a new series of NVR Frame, yet it was rare, however powerful; able to keep up with, and even in some cases exceed an Erla VANDR II in combat performance. What we see here are the. . . slave pilots. Those forced into combat along side the weaker but used enmasse Soono Autonomous units."
Caliban Depression

Altair reacted quickly to the enemy in front of him. Twisting out of the way of the incoming attack, he then proceeded to activate the VT driver systems in the hands and legs of the Reavr.

Altair then drove the right hand of his VANDR into the torso of the enemy frame before firing RPCAs before pulling away from his foe, and back into formation.

He was disappointed, but not surprised by the way that Zoren had responded to him.

"Yes sir." He said un-enthusiastically. There would be time to reflect on the lives he had taken later. Right now he needed to protect his teammates. I only hope that we can end this fight without too much more bloodshed, He thought to himself.
Caliban Depression

Karuah quickly banked Saied and moved out of the way of the incoming Electron Canon and let out a sigh. After having heard the radio chatter she activated her VT swords and turned her attention to Altair. "We're going to draw some attention and let the Haidans get into position. We're not so durable that we can stick around and fight face to face, though." She moved her frame in front of Altair's in formation and did a quick check on the enemy frames.

"Follow me." Once She had what she wanted and saw Zoren move in she accelerated Saied to quickly close the distance, firing her shock lances, not trying to finish right away with that, but stop them from aiming and firing as she closed in and used her VT blades to cut through the frame. She was aiming to take out not just one but several frames while close enough that they couldn't fire without worrying about friendly fire, before getting clear.