Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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OOC Love Day

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
There is a time and a place for everything. The time for ravishing a random and doting all of the love and affection you can possibly give is upon us. Yes, Love Day. The place to do so? Well, the place is wherever's clever. VCE should help a bit if theres something impeding you two meeting.

Love Day is upon us and won't it be a spectacular one, indeed! The holiday has seeped from Yamatai to beyond the Empire's plumeria-lined borders, allowing lovers across the multiverse to infect others with the infatuation they may have.

To assume inclinations of endearment can be presumptuous on the parts of those involved, though, so a bit of match-making maneuvers are to be done. Two partners will be randomly chosen once put in the pot. Would you like to be added? Put your name forward and enjoy the product of our radomization process!

Please fill out this form:

Name of character:
Preferred gender to be matched with:
Notes: (Optional! Something about what they like to do, presents they wouldn't mind getting, anything!)

At the end of the day on the 14th, the names will be randomly matched together and the results will be posted in this thread. At that point, you are free to do non-canon RP together or canon RP with GM approval.
Name of character: Cleo O'Conner
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: I like surgical tools...

Name of character: Edtoto Nar'Sivaro
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: I feel a general show of affection would be appropriate. I do enjoy computers and programming. Perhaps that would be a pleasing gift.

Name of character: Zoia 'Morioka
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: I'm the Porn Princess! Lucky you to get a date with me! I like Candy!

Name of character: Daran Ist'LAderen
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: I do not require gifts. I would wholly prefer your wamth.

Name of character: Gowen 'Laderen
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: I am fond of flowers. I would enjoy talking about you, as making a new friend is all I would desire, but more is always a benefit.
Name of character: Ayla Sozon
Preferred gender to be matched with: Either or
Notes: Enjoys a night out downtown and maybe a police chase or two.
Name of character: Corgan Garret
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: Guns, Aethersperm, alcohol

Name of character: Brigid Piper
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: She's practically a nympho and her dad's a porn star. Unfortunately, her current career as an assassin for hire involves seducing people and killing them.

Name of character: Freyja Yuuki
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: She is sad about a recent break-up and her friend leaving. But she heard the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.
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Name of character: Dion'Sirith
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: There's this special girly and this idea, so plz make happen kthnx Amebame/whoever helps

---- End of Srs ----

Name of character:
Preferred gender to be matched with: Male Admirals
Notes: :3
Name of character: Fyodor Zima
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: Can't be allergic to fur. Don't need a present. If you're feeling generous, would prefer art supplies but open to other things.

Name of character:
Ozzie Tyson
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: Likes to be on top, but willing to try new things.

Name of character:
Hidetsugu Mizuki
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: Not really a materialistic girl. Any provided toys would be cool and immediately used though.

Name of character: Thame Sra'Kiraten
Preferred gender to be matched with: Any
Notes: Anything that can be eaten. Give sugar at your own risk.
Name of character: Matsuvo Shinomori
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: Mat is a klutz, expect hijinks.

Name of character: Alex
Preferred gender to be matched with: Female
Notes: Super freaking shy.
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Name of character: Saiga-chusa
Preferred gender to be matched with: Either
Notes: "The Star Army is a harem anime."

Name of character: Tokuko
Preferred gender to be matched with: No restrictions
Notes: "Let's do some kata together ^^"

(If there's an odd number of participants, feel free to drop Tokuko. She's taken anyway ;))
Name of character: Alex Yoshinaga

Preferred gender to be matched with: Either

Notes: Alex loves her guns(particularly older models), Reading books and Philosophizing alone, and is usually quite formal and proper for a Nepleslian with a slight British accent. Has never been in a relationship, but has had some... "physical experience". Generally quite a positive girl, but she has a dark past and PTSD, Don't let her nice and kind nature fool you into thinking she's weak for She's a fighter and survivor not to mention a Scorpio.
How the day delivers love is up to you, but know for sure that you can count on matches being made!

Ramiro Trinidad Valencia x Ayla Sozon
Matsuvo Shinomori x Mehitabel Calidius
Alex x Hidetsugu Mizuki
Fyodor Zima x Gowen ‘Laderen
Ozzie Tyson x Brigid Piper
Saiga-chusa x Yamashiro Natsumi
Wazu x Edtoto Nar’Sivaro
Dion’Sirith x Freyja Yuuki
Corgan Garret x Navian
Daran Ist’LAderen x Alex Yoshinaga
Hitoshi Takao x Zoia ‘Morioka
Thame Sra’Kiraten x Cleo O’Conner
Jackson Howard x Gut-Stripe

Note: Edto said that his character Edtoto could be matched twice if ratios were off.

[EDIT] Added Gut-Stripe to be with Jackson.

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Name of character: Gut-Stripe
Preferred gender to be matched with: Either
Notes: She likes blades, fighting, justice and hugs (but don't tell her I said that!).

I'm not including my Ee'ith characters, because they're always open for huggles! <3
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