Star Army

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
Some of the rules I think we should utilize:
  • wrapping that occurs below the ToC on most devices
  • wrapping that doesn't make the mobile devices when in an upright position see the wrap with a scrollbar
  • wrapping that doesn't make mobile devices when in an upright position see the text on the left side with the wrap on the right, both too squished to read in a typical fashion
  • wrapping that isn't over 200px wide
@ArsenicJohn @Acewing13 @Edto Xar'Sivaree @Wes @FrostJaeger @raz @Doshii Jun @others?
Ask around is the best answer I can think of or wait until submission to see if the community can help. It's not a big change for most cases.
Honestly, this seems more of a problem that should be fixed on the back end, but that's because I'm lazy and have no idea what's involved. I'm willing to change something if its needed, but the flak I've seen people throw at articles and submitters they don't like is more of a problem than illegible wiki pages. You can easily fix the pages, not so much for the tensions we now have.
Any easy way to test these things when you don't have 'most devices' or when it seems fine on the phone you have?

Yep - tomorrow I'll be making a "wrapbox" wiki page so that I can ahegao test the limits of the WRAP function and (via the glorious power of outdated technology my iPhone 4S) see what's broken.

Honestly, this seems more of a problem that should be fixed on the back end, but that's because I'm lazy and have no idea what's involved.

I honestly don't think there's a way to fix this "on the back end" due to the sheer number of ways the WRAP plugin can be utilized.

...but the flak I've seen people throw at articles and submitters they don't like is more of a problem than illegible wiki pages. You can easily fix the pages, not so much for the tensions we now have.

Please stay on topic, @Acewing13.
Well would you rather rules be made in private, Acewing, or where everyone can see them. Because this isn't about dokuwiki plugins or extensions, this is about formatting it on our end.

Also, saying there is tension is validating the tension. It would be nice if going forward in this thread we don't refer to the "site politics" side of things.
Not sure I agree on your last point, but sure.

I guess I'm just saying that I like being able to control what side of the screen pictures go and think that people should, on average, be allowed to be creative and try different things with the tools we've been given to use in the wiki. However, I understand that for certain devices, there are things that can make an article unlegible. Personally, I'd prefer being able to have my cake (be able to try different stuff with the plug-ins) and eat it too (have all the articles be legible). I get that might not be possible, so I guess I am willing to follow directions on how to fix potential problems that might come up in my articles in the future. At the end of the day, the site is about RP and having the coolest wiki page isn't the most important thing.
So it looks like you are pro-rule setting. What rules would help make sure your creativity is not hindered? What rules would you like to avoid?
I guess a rule I would like to avoid would be to ban the use of a plug-in. Essentially, don't force extremes on anyone.
New rules aren't what it's needed. It's layouts. New layouts for every standard submission.

What we need is a link accumulation of what /everyone/ wants implemented on the templates working on the wiki right now. Then anyone who wants to make templates that look good and professional ((Wikipedia golden standard guys, let's try to reach it)) can go through the code and see what works, what doesn't, and we can make some boss pages out of it.

I think that's a much better idea. Let's switch to the "I won you won" track that we should be on and give everyone what they would like. Awesome layouts that work.


Two after thought points.

#1 if you are a wiki person and have an Android phone, get an app and come extension called vysor. Activate developer mode and USB debug mode and you can control your phone with your computer. You now have a development mode for mobile.

#2 after we figure this out, we need to clean up the wiki. Personally I'm going to start once we get all the layouts done but I don't think anyone can say that any faction 100% followed even the current layouts. That will be a massive project but I had started but no point continuing if he are doing this.

#3 over kill a bit, but I was going to start a project of making a mediawiki and rewriting the entire wiki on a private host, then give it to Wes so that our wiki would operate on Wikipedia's system which comes stock with all these problems fixed and it only came out to the public officially 44 days ago.

First roleplay site with their own Wikipedia tier wiki with over 5 million pages we can get templates off of because it's all open source and fair use.

I would call that a challenge to up the quality ante on sarp
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@Edto Xar'Sivaree Why re-invent the wheel when one already has a fully-functional (if somewhat old) car?
Should we make excuses to not make sarp the absolute best roleplay site on the internet? We are going to have to rehaul the wiki no matter what we do so why don't we upgraded the system so we get awesome mobile functionality and dope as fuck layouts at the same time?

Pm me if you wanna help. I'm already learning the syntax and have started some work
MediaWiki was already around when I chose Dokuwiki over it in 2007 and I would still choose Dokuwiki over it in 2017.

Since I removed the older templates (wiki styled) like the old Ghost Nebula one the wiki has been fully mobile friendly. I have said this like ten times in the last 48 hours. It is not a software issue. The software is simply doing what people are telling it to do.

Go to and observe that most phones have a CSS width of around 320-360 pixels. If you use the wrap plugin with a setting of, say, 300px the browser has only a tiny column for the non-wrap content which is why people report seeing things like one letter per line in that area.
@Wes, we still kinda need to overhaul the entire Wiki. And if it isn't a software issue, my other suggestions are still valid.

From here out, to make sure there are no misunderstandings, Template and Layout is referring to the submission template/ layout we use, not software. This seems to be a common misunderstanding in most of my posts as this is what I have meant in all of my posts when saying Template or Layout.

Instead of making "Rules" for how to use a specific plug in, let's just build a new template that both looks good, and had mobile functionality. Then go through the Wiki and overhaul every page so it fits the standard. Yeah, it's a lot of work but at least then the Wiki will be totally uniform. I'm still willing to start that process it wouldn't be hard at all to do, just time consuming. No more grandfathering, just a nice, uniform wiki.

Not only that but it would give us an opportunity to go through the Wiki, find pages that may or may not be needed because out of 12k+ pages, I don't think each and every of the 12k+ are needed.. Refit old, lower quality pages to the higher standard. Legit, I can go through all the Factions and each one has a different Wiki style. I remember when I was trying to make the faction page for the Vekimen, people, including you, were pointing me to different factions pages to use as a Template. You suggested I use the NAshetan because it looked good and was a high quality page. Even you didn't point me to the "Faction Submission Template"

This whole thing with the "Standard Templates" and it's enforcement started in the last few months, so if we wanna do it, let's go big and not go home. I'm willing to put the hours in, and I wanna know if anyone else is willing to put the hours in. I already have a plan on how it will start, I just need to put that plan into effect here and not o my media wiki that I had started.

We can only put the hours in, once we settle on submission templates that make everyone happy and are uniform across the board. So lets make rules for that. Not the plugin.
I'm putting this in a new post because I think it deserves its own post.

I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to make the layout I had on my faction page look better on mobile, while still maintaining similar functionality.

This would be my suggestion for a Faction template. I know there is like, a pixel of scroll on the mobile but I think it's a good first step.

Take out the % because the % forces a size. If you make that percentage 100% or just remove it, it's no longer forcing a size, so it will adapt to the phone.

These suggestions may not work for other types of situations or pages, but like... It's a start?
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All of the existing wiki page templates are already mobile friendly because none of them use wraps or large width tables. This push to change them on the basis of them not working on phones is not based in fact and makes no sense.

The obvious answer to making pages work in mobile is to not put wraps in them.

Yes there are pages that do not match up because they were not made to the template because they were made before one for that type existed (especially ancient pages like faction homepages), or for an older template, or the author or submission mods just ignored the template guidelines for whatever reason. But that has little to do with the suggested wrap rules.
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