Just giving my two cents, but while I do think it'd be a struggle for them to retain a 1:20 ratio with KS unless they had more resources, I also don't see it actually being a problem. Technically most currency in the setting is digital, but also no one keeps track of how much is in circulation, and most transactions are calculated in KS or DA anyway, so I can't really see it doing much to effect the site, cause 1:20 or 1:100 it is still the weakest currency out of the factions and there's plenty of room for any new factions to come up in between.
I added some to my post, sorry if that's against the rules but afterthoughts and funny idea's come when you least expect it. I at least got a chuckle from my 24k KS to 1 Scal idea.
That piece of paper in your wallet that says "In God we Trust" and has a number and an important political figure on the back? It's worthless. It is physically worthless. What is worth something, is the federal reserve of gold and other resources, as well as, more importantly, the economic confidence of the country, given the american dollar is a fiat dollar that isn't fully backed by resources.
Now. I could easily make the Scal a dollar backed ENTIRELY by resources. Easily. I just have to say its backed by resources. My Scal is backed by resources. Then all I need to do is figure out how much all those resources are worth in KS. Then, I take that number, and multiply it by 20. Then I say the Komodo Government prints that number of Scal.
Honestly, I have a population of ~100,000, with, by right of first contact, my suzerainty with the Union, and all that other fun IC and OOC business, an entire system worth of resources.
Your average Vekimen is hilariously rich compared to your average ANYONE IN THE SETTING, with the same level of distribution, if it werent for the Government keeping the vast majority of that wealth in storage, and out of the public's hands. If the VDTF held the same ratio of currency as what I assume Yamatai does, and distributed the rest among the population of Vekimen, you would have Vekimen maing it rain on the DAILY.
This is why money is weird.
VERY long story short
Unless requested edits are made, I do not approve this as the FM of the Vekimen. 1:20 or I do not Approve what I have that right to do so over. This is an indication of the value of the average value of my dollar, not the worth of my faction. I will not approve a number I do not personally set for the value of my money, and this does not extend to the worth of my faction, which is the faction backing said dollar via with Confidence or with Tangible value through resources of any kind, the latter being directed by resource value, and the former being dictated by how much confidence other factions have in the VDTF.