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Potential for a new "enemy" faction?


The Breakfast Baron
Inactive Member
So I've had an idea cooking in the back of my head for a while and I figured I'd throw it to the forums to see what would be mildly interested.

Essentially I was thinking about creating either a new (somewhat NPC) faction or species to use in SARP. They would be militaristic progeessionalists, ransacking and terraforming small planets for their resources and land, and using large "siege engine" ships to combat in space.

Instead of direct soldier combat, these people would be fighting using remote drones and robots, shot onto a planets surface Hyperion-style (launched via ship or satellite like orbital bombardment). They would use lightly manner ships specially designed to lay siege to larger ships, flying ahead of them and unexpectedly launching drones and kinetic charges back at the victim to force a defensive situation.
The robot drones on question could come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some suited for hull breaching on spaceships to others more suited for terrestrial combat.

These baddies could be their own new enemy species to some factions, or potentially be allied with the Kuvexians in the war against Yamatai. It's a bit of a loose concept but it was one that I think would be interesting to see implemented into SARP somewhere. Anyone have thoughts?
This sounds a lot like the Kudhacari, I think they do all of this already. They just haven't been used as antagonists, and they tend to be less impersonal about bombing planets and stripping them of everything valuable.
Super similar to the Kudhacari's style of warfare, yes. But Kudhacaris aren't antagonists and I don't really mind if another group uses the same tactics.

Sounds fun!
It is a good idea, but the hard part is writing up the race and making submissions for their gear.

I have a lot of fun writing tech and if you enjoy the designing and writing then go for it.

Could be some extremists that help the Kudhats be nicer
But... who wants to be nice in the interspecial space war?
It is a good idea, but the hard part is writing up the race and making submissions for their gear.

I have a lot of fun writing tech and if you enjoy the designing and writing then go for it.

Yeeah this was the part that kinda turned me off of it. I'd rather make a faction of existing species if someone would want to do that (since let's face it there's no such thing as a unanimously political species) but chances are it probably won't work out that way.
My suggestion is to start small and make the smallest viable thing you can, then just keep adding on. It is the easiest way to get started.

Consider making your killer drones as something your character can sell to others, or make some gear for one of the NPC races.
But... who wants to be nice in the interspecial space war?

Yeeah this was the part that kinda turned me off of it. I'd rather make a faction of existing species if someone would want to do that (since let's face it there's no such thing as a unanimously political species) but chances are it probably won't work out that way.
I meant nicer looking outward. Angry, attacking extremists tend to force governments/groups to go out of their way to change that image-slandering.
I meant nicer looking outward. Angry, attacking extremists tend to force governments/groups to go out of their way to change that image-slandering.
Ah, that makes sense.
Are you willing to write the tech articles for this offshoot group?
Of course. I would have do delve in and educate myself on similar concepts and how their articles are written first. Preferably I'd like to avoid making a whole new species just for it though. They wouldn't be any kind of massive military like species-specific ones, more like... advanced space pirating.
My advice is to reach out to some FM's of the factions you think this would work for and see if they're open to what you're suggesting.

My course of action would be to make a new species for this, since not many factions play the antagonist against other factions.

If you want me to make a species for you to do this around, I've always got time.