Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Operation Ice Breaker: Lower Base

She regarded Lazarus with an arched eyebrow, before shaking her head. "Liz. Lights." She commanded, pulling night vision goggles down from her helmet. The lights in the hallways shut down, as well the ones in the room they were about to breach. Her squad did the exact same in under a second. It was then that the blast door in their way gave a soft click, before the explosives that surrounded it pierced through and exploded, sending a massive chunk of wrapped and distorted metal flying through the room.

Two of the soldiers moved in, Weiss following soon after, her rifle trained towards the end of the room, the other soldiers covering the sides and flanks.
Vier's drones would spread out, the small 40-mm drones quickly mapping the hallways and rooms that they came across now that they were free to roam the facility.

A slight blur of a moving object is all that Amit would end up seeing, but this was more than enough for Vier to see Amit.

That sensor data would be filtered down, passed along to everyone's tactical feeds and the sensor data that Vier was sharing with Essex.A small blip would indicate the position in question just down the hallway from where Essex's group had breached.

"Our primary target has been located. We are moving to secure." Vier said over the all hands channel.


There were still two heavily armored PAs in their way. The U-1s on the exterior of the base were already trying to fry them with their EM-pods. Any shields or external electronics on the PAs would be fried... but even without communications or high end sensors, the PAs still had their enhanced strength along with plenty of physical armor.

"Essex, can you knock those armors over?" Vier asked, loading a fresh magazine and ending the EMP-assault on the machines.
"Sod off, that was bloody ace n'you know it!" Essex continued her comments even as the Desert Rider was tilted back up onto its wheels. The pile of bodies left behind went still after Jace took care of them. After the question from Vier, she consulted the data they were sharing (about the closest few rooms, at least) and made her decision. "It's a doddle, luv. They'll be arse over tit in no time."

The motorcycle lined itself up, a volumetric projection of a female rider appearing on the seat. Her face couldn't be seen through the black and red helmet, matching the Section 6 inspired leathers. The rider made a two-fingered motion towards Jace, the gesture seeming somehow rather vulgar, before the Desert Rider revved up and took off for the doors leading towards the group's target.

Bursting through the doors, the rider seemed to be controlling the vehicle with one hand, while the other pointed a Maverick at the armored enemies, Essie's speakers mimicing the sound of the weapon firing as the vehicle sped towards the closest target.
"Allies up ahead, Weiss," she nodded at the voice in her head. The blast door opening infront of her and her team. Though then she heard the rumbling of an engine. "Fuyu, kill the lights," she stated, glancing at the armoured Psychopomp soldiers one last time, before dropping in cover and activating her night vision goggles once again. She and her team were located in an elevated position, the suited soldiers 10 meters below her. Seperated by a simple maintenance elevator. The engine came closer and Weiss peeked over, seeing the hologram as a beacon of light in the goggles.

She hissed under her breath and remained in cover. Holding up a fist to indicate not to fire. She wanted to know what she was shooting at, after all. "Silence," she murmured to the rest of her team, who nodded. It could prove a worthwhile ambush.
As Essex approached the large PA would move his shield in front to deflect bullets and appeared to be holding it closer to his body than necessary. He planned to bash Essex once she got close enough. The group would take cover behind the shield, one of them would head off as the last noncombat yelled for an escort.

Ace would come over Psychopomp comms. "We've almost completed evacuation of the facility and have backup-ed and wiped all the data on base. Hold the enemy for a bit longer and we'll pull out."

Amit would see 2 men walk up to his cell. "Hello I'm just here to give you a shot before we go. Don't worry we've already given the others theirs. It doesn't hurt or anything just basic procedure to make sure you won't have any...complications later on." The man would then inject a serum into Amit making him forget things concerning what had happened to him besides the bare minimum. Pychopomp didn't want a repeat of Alex.
The blur made him raise a brow but he quickly pushed it away from his mind as he heard footsteps down the hall. Soon they ended in front of him in the form of two men. One whom entered to inject him with something. While Amit hated these men, he'd learned his lessons long ago. They were just going to do something worse to him if he tried to fight. Although the hairs on his neck stood on end as the stuff was injected into him, he didn't wince at the pain nor the burning sensation it gave off.

Although his mind would start to feel a bit groggy as the stuff started to kick in and erase memories one by one.

Vier ejected her magazine after firing off another four rounds. Just like the mini-drones she had launched earlier the grenades fan'd out. Each of the small anti-tank rounds would independently seek out their targets, flying right past Essex and the power armored soldiers before turning around and splatting against the back of the knee joints on the power armors. The squish-warheads splatting against the joints and then exploding, aiming to knock the legs out from under the power armors right before the desert rider crashed into them.

One more magazine of grenades, one more magazine of knife-missiles, and that was it.

"Push inward, we need to complete this task quickly." Vier said, moving up behind the desert rider as fast as she could, her floating shield hovering right infront of her.
She was listening. The room was dark, only lit up by clattering gunfire or explosive charges.. But Shadow One was so keenly listening. The four explosions rung, before it calmed down momentarily.

"Fire." She whispered plainly, before herself and a group of seven popped from cover, trimming her assault rifle down. The whistling sound of six surpressed rifles, popped rapidly, aiming to make the entrance a temporary kill zone for anyone stupid enough. Only the dry, hushed thumps, not even barrel flashes.

And when those six were out, two others began taking potshots while six others reloaded.

(( This attack is directed @Zack @Res'sh and @Reynolds ))
As the explosives hit the surrounding soldiers would panickin. "HIT THE DECK!!!!" As they hit the ground the explosives would go off. After the dust cleared the PAs still stood only some minor damage to the anchor system and the destruction of what little shield was left to the PA as a reminder that infact explosives had gone off. Those inside the suit would breath a sigh of relief as the stust prototype anchors held. Turning their attention back to the battle at hand the troops would get a booat to moral witnessing what seemed to be invincible suits of armor and the most elite of Psychopomp's teams engaging the enemy. They would fight with even more vigor than before.
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as soon as Essex took off the spec ops team fired and wile some of the rounds bounced off or got caught in his armored plates he was hit in the left arm and lower left part of his belly and a glancing shot to the right leg. He was barely able to take cover behind the doorway especially with the armors firing at him "shit that hurts!" The lights were out and now it was hard for Jace to see. He peeked out just barely looking for where the new fire was coming from. He couldn't hear it at all with the other gunfire going off and it caught him totally off guard. He took a quick look zooming in to see if he could spot anything, he only had a split second to see but that was all he needed. in the darkness he thought he saw movement on the second floor. He took cover back and called it out for Veir "Possible contacts 12 o'clock high in that room on the second level. armor first floor, Veir can you get a grenade up there to check!?" he yelled over the gun fire that was coming from the first floor
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Of course, no bullets impacted that shield. No bullets impacted the rider, either. They just sailed through the space the projection occupied, a few shots ricocheting off the metal frame of the Desert Rider. The rider seemed to drop her weapon (which disappeared in mid-air) as she used both hands to send the motorcycle twisting and skidding sideways again. This time the suits were fully powered and properly anchored, so this attempt wouldn't go as smoothly as the first. Thankfully Vier's explosives had softened them up for her just a bit. The bike still did little but send the lead armor wobbling as it crashed into them, the projected rider flickering out of existence.

Now the Desert Rider was left awkwardly pinned up against the bulky armor and shield, without much room to maneuver...
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Vier would send her shield forward, wedging it against the Desert Rider and the power armors.

She would get behind cover with Jace, putting one hand on his shoulder to pin him against the wall while the other hand fired off the last of her four grenades


She realized she had just sent her last magazine of knife-missiles up ahead... as it was still tucked behind her shield. A sub-optimal use of time and energy to be sure, and something she would have to correct during the next operation. However her plan was already being carried out leaving no time to further optimize.

"Grenades are heading towards the target. We will need to secure Amit within the next minute as we are starting to cause excessive damage to the facility itself. Please do so while I continue to delay enemy action."

The grenades would zoom forward, flying over the power armor's heads, zig-zagging along to corridor until they reached where PP's defensive team was located, the grenades exploding and sending blast waves around either corner.

Then the piercing sound of metal tearing against metal would fill the underside of the facility as a remote-piloted U-1 slammed its gunpod into the underwater wall of the facility, tearing through like a knife and ripping out a large segment of the floor right below the PP power armors, dragging that entire small slice of the facility down several stories followed by a heavy wave of ice-cold water. The U-1's shields would keep the facility from flooding, for now, but the craft was now stuck in place if it wanted to keep the facility from flooding.

Vier's floating shield would then lower downwards, giving the desert rider somewhere to keep its wheels so that it didn't fall into the newly opened chasm in the facility along with the power armors.
"Weiss!" Elizabeth suddenly screamed out after the thumping of the grenade launchers resounded. "Drop," she called out immediately after. Though a moment too late as the explosion razed across the platform they were present on. Scorching most, if not all members of Shadow One.

Weiss also leapt down, trimming her rifle at the entrance and shooting her IAW on full auto. With a thump and a small dent in the floor, she landed. And kept her rifle trimmed on the entrance.

Though they all had leapt down to the ground floor. Some of them charred, two of them unable to get up. "Last stand. Slow them down." Four of the IAW's were raised again, relentlessly pounding against the entrance of the room, still trying to surpress the squad present. One of which was the soldier on the floor, leg twisted in a rather nasty way.

Weiss, at the moment, was busy reloading. "Flash," she murmured, loud enough for two soldiers to hear. And toss over one flashbang each, in the middle of Vier and company, hoping to stun them and advance whilst the rest was firing. As soon as the flash landed, her rifle was reloaded and she glanced away, awaiting the blast.
The PAs would disengage from their current anchor point and would begin to 'walk' up the wall by anchoring one foot at a time as they moved up. Their large shields were held in front of them to prevent being shot at and they were making really good speed for their size as this was a part of the training to use them.
Ace would come over the comms again. "Alright boys and girls time to pull out. We've made enough of a show to make it seem like we wanted to keep this place lets move the timer's already started." With that the Psychopomp forces would make a rapid retreat out of the hallway and to the hangars. They would pile into shuttles and would fly out into the large NMX fleet and prepare for a jump to another base. One USO didn't know about. They left Amit and the other prisoners behind. There was one Psychopomp personnel left behind but he had a job for infiltration to do and was mixed in with the experimntees. Ace had rigged the bases defenses to blow which would cascade downwards and effectively destroy the elevator shaft leaving USO stuck in the lower sections of the base. they had 15 minutes to leave if any of them noticed the explosives in time that is.
As the power armors tried to move up the chasm torn in the hallway, the U-1 would start moving its gunpod, doing its best to dislodge the armors without causing so much damage as to harm the ground team.

Meanwhile, with Vier's shield and attached ammo supply holding up the Desert Rider, there was little she could do as Elizabeth's team approached. Their suppressed rounds were filling the hallway, making it impossible for her to move forward... then the flash-bangs went off.

That particular Vier-node would be blinded and deafened for the time being,

"We are being suppressed by enemy action. We need another squad to come in from another direction." Vier would request over the all hands channel.
Jack had gathered the other squad, and now searched for the spot he needed. It was already beginning to be noticeable how enemy troops were seeming to lessen in number quickly. It did not sit well with him as he found the spot.
Mag clipping his Maverick carbine, Jack deployed his dual twin plasma blades. The emmiters would pop out and forward projecting sword length blades of plasma.

The two squads prepped to drop to the floor below, placing them behind a small team of marked hostiles. Jack sliced a circle into the floor, it soon falling below him. He hit the floor denting it before he boosted into the group. He ran two of them through from behind as the two squads dropped down as well and began firing on them. Their visors set to lowlight with IR overlay, the dark offering shadow no cover. The second squad focusing on the PA, there plasma cartridges being fired down range.( @IQ )

Neera advanced with her team taking out the few enemy troops who lagged behind.

Mark took his team towards Amit's position despite being on the upper floors. If need be they could find some shortcut.

Lazarus had watched as Weiss's team had engaged the USO squad below, seeing it as foolish considering the pull out order. Their talents could have been better spent in attempting HVT captures. Giving a sigh as they were assaulted from behind, he stepped forward, preparing to drop into the fray.
Jace looked to her holding the bullet hole on his stomach "We're penned down i dont think i'm going any-" he was interrupted by a slight *TINK-TINK* of the flash bang hitting the ground by them. He looked down just barely seeing it "what is" he realized it to late that it was a flash bang and it was little use to do anything as it blew He was blinded and deafened from it and cursed himself for not thinking faster or being more prepared
The PA would falter for a moment in it's retreat looking between those firing at those fleeing behind it and those pinned down by the new attackers. Quickly deciding the best course of action it charged shield first into the group firing at it. Once it got into combat range it would heft it's sword and swing separating people's torso's from their legs. It would also lash out ewit it's shield in an attempt to squash people against the wall. It was trying to free up it's comrades to great success as the other Psychopomp combatants hastened their retreat or aided the PA.
The tactic of a lowlight environment never seemed have an effect anyway.

Shadow One was surprised as one of their downed crew members shouted 'Ambush', before being rend through by a plasma rifle, who then proceeded to attack the Revenant PA's. And two of her squadmates were then pierced by two plasma blades.

Weiss turned on her feet. "Revenants, focus on plasma rifles. Shadow One," she pulled out a combat knife, leaving her rifle to drop, held up by the one point sling. With her right hand, she pulled a baton from her belt and whipped it open, several sparks running through. The deep blue eyes stared Jack down as she slowly approached.

And as commanded. The remaining three members of Shadow One pushed to the entrance, finding cover between and behind some desks or crates, though exposed to the entrance Jace and company hunkered down. They didn't shoot, they merely waited, rifles trimmed at them.