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RP Aegis Squad: The Shield is Forged

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The Gunman
Abjection Space:
Bulwark Multi-Role Star Base:
Docking Bay 4:

Aboard one of the four Bulwark stations that orbited the planet of Abjection, crews were working overtime to get the new ships ready to fly. Several new crews and commandos had just finished training and now they needed to be slotted.

Among the chaos was one Lieutenant Alexander Wolf, slowly moving through the crowd. His deep blue eyes fixed on his destination, his new ship. As he approached the gate, he stared at the name that scrolled over the gangway.

"NSS Ajax"

One of the guards moved to block his way as he approached. "Identification, sir." Wolf simply pulled his IPG badge from his pocket and handed it to the soldier. The guard scanned it for a few seconds and checked his name on his datajockey. He read it over then handed back the badge. "You're clear. Welcome to your new ship Lieutenant. Good hunting."

Wolf nodded and strode past them and boarded the Ajax.

"Welcome aboard the Ajax, Lieutenant." Came a feminine voice.

Wolf looked for the source of the voice, then finally spoke. "An ACE?" He asked.

"That is correct. This unit has not been given a designation. Shall you assign one now?" The ACE responded.

The Lieutenant was silent for a few minutes then spoke again. "Artemis."

"Unit designation has changed to Artemis. A pleasure to meet you Sir."

Wolf nodded and continued to walk to the bridge. "What is the status of my team?" He asked.

"They are in route as we speak, sir. They will be assembling in the Armory." Artemis replied.

"Good. We have work to do." Wolf replied, walking down to the Armory to meet his new unit.
Lenz Neis had been wasting away behind a desk at an undisclosed IPG location for 4 long, painful years. He was itching for the more exciting aspects of being an Operator that he had been trained for, that he had bleed for. It did not take him long after he received orders to go to Abjection to get his belongings and leave to join the Aegis Squad. His travel was arranged on the first black IPG ship that was heading to Dejection system.

The short Operator read over his dossier of the Dejection system and the planet Abjection prison and penal colony on his DataJockey as he traveled. He was curious as to what the mission entailed but knew he would be briefed before they deployed. "Report to the Armory of the NSS Ajax docked at Bulwark Multi-Role Star Base, Abjection orbit", was all the orders had said but that was all he needed. In transit, he pulled on his uniform so that he was ready for when he arrived.

When his ship docked at Bulwark, Lenz made good time through the various security check points through the station towards where he was told the NSS Ajax was docked. He stared at the ship for a long moment before walking toward the ship, his ID in his cybernetic hand as he approached the ECP with his black duffel bag slung over his left shoulder. He waited for the guards on post to check his credentials.
Bulwark Multi-Role Star Base
Docking Bay 4

Private Lexine Hill was as green as an IPG Operator could get. Through her own compulsive nature, Lexine's head was filled with fantasies of military adventure and Nepleslian nationalism. Although she had been directly involved in two instances of live combat as a Marine, she still maintained her fanatic nationalistic spirit and her love of all things violent.

Lexine weaved through the crowd with a graceful peppiness, utilizing her small frame to fit herself through gaps in the crush that were otherwise impassable. She was only able to see the name of the ship once she had finally freed herself from the throng of bodies: all of which towered over her mightily. She sighed in relief when the name "NSS Ajax" finally came into view over the gangway.

However, almost as soon as the named had crossed into her line of sight, it was blocked, yet again by another towering figure. Almost expectantly, Lexine took out her ID and held it up to the figure.

"Identification, ma'am."
"Juan Juarez, you are up," The nurse called out into the waiting soldiers. The Nepleslian military clinic was the usual run of the mill doctors office that happened to not be a hospital. It was for routine and non essential appointments.

Juan had been anxiously waiting for his turn, constantly checking the clock hanging slightly crooked in he waiting area. He would never understand how they could have him shipping out at a certain time but also schedule his last appointment so close as to cause him concern that he could miss his departure. He stood and walked briskly towards and with the nurse through a well lit hallway and to a set of rooms.

The nurse handed Juan a cup, "Room number 2, don't flush, don't..."

Juan cut off the nurse abruptly, "Don't wash my hands, I got it thanks." He brushed past her and in to the awaiting bathroom. The nurse 'tsk'ing behind him. Dug testing, it had become his life since re-entering the world of law enforcement. He completely understood their position, he was in a really bad state just months earlier.

With his business concluded he grabbed his small sad go bag and headed out toward the space dock.

He was arriving just as a rather small and petite woman was being ushered through, identification waving above her head. He showed his own credentials, turned the backwards "Sharks" ball cap around the proper way and proceeded on board and towards the Armory as the orders had stated.
Bulwark Multi-Role Star Base
Docking Bay 4

First Lenz, then Lexine were allowed clearance, the procedure quick and expedited as the IPG oft had. No one dared try to step in front of anyone that pinged back with certain qualifications. Just the IPG branch alone, without verifying the user's job, was enough to generally grant them immediate passage through checkpoints. It was why traitors was such an absurd idea, as Nepleslia couldn't afford to let those with such clearance outside of their reach for too long without stripping and burning them of their status.

Not that any of that mattered, as they traversed the halls of the Bulwark and moved across the transfer hall and boarded along with other crew. Other IPG arrived aboard the ship, preparing to head off to their stations to meet with their assigned heads. Everyone aboard a Malchick had jobs to do. And as they neared the armory, no doubt running close enough to determine they'd be working together, they could see someone head into the armory not but a few seconds before them.

NSS Ajax

One individual was already there, even as their new commanding officer entered, though they'd be seeing what he saw. A single man sitting on one of the armory's seating benches, gently carving away with the trademark axe of the Nepleslian military at the black helmet of a Raider. While most people would carve away at the visor, chipping away at the thing that keeps them from breathing oxygen, this Jiyuuian-bodied Nepleslian was using its pick-end to drag and tap away, slowly but surely drawing a toothy grin in the metal that was left with a faded and bruised lighter white. Realistically, it wouldn't make them any easier to spot given the amount of technology that went into the suit. The only ones who would see the armored snarling suit would be those who stepped far too close.

It was to send a message of sheer intimidation.

The black-haired, dark-skinned man looked up from his work one-by-one, finally turning the axe over and resting it across his newly-finished helmet after Juan entered. Green eyes clashed hard with his dark skin, the tell-tale sign of a custom-picked body more than likely.

"They just make them younger and younger, with less mettle than the last time, huh?"

It was a comment aimed purely at the newbie, the cybernetic suite humming to life within his cranium as he quickly learned everything his cybermind could attribute about the newbie. Confidential records meant there wasn't much, but the IPG commandos learned to assess their friends and foes off one or two words. Especially ones that lived as long as Harm did. But rather than poke fun or feign that he cared or was simply joking, the man turned his gaze back down to the helmet. Driving the axe down and into the armored floor, he returned the helmet to his side... beside a lot of grenades that looked as if they had been deconstructed and were being checked over internally.

A lot of them. At least enough to likely blow up the armory if they somehow went off.
NSS Ajax

In a quick and efficient manner, Lexine was allowed entrance into the ship. She reslung her duffel bag over her shoulder as she entered the interior of the ship. After a quick walk through the hallways where she mostly the other IPG personnel who were also scrambling to their designated stations, Lexine arrived at the armory, greeted by a rough-looking dark-skinned man with green eyes and buzzed haircut.

To Lexine, his curt and blunt greeting characterized what she knew she was getting herself into. A confidential and erratic environment that was far more dangerous than what she had ever experienced as a marine. After setting her bags down by the bench, Lexine returned the greeting with an equally brief, although professional response.

"Private Lexine Hill, reporting sir."
The short, stocky IPG nodded at the operator sharpening an axe. He raised a precarious thin, red eyebrow from just above the neck of his uniform jacket at the youth comment, likely directed at the young woman who was reporting in. "Appearances are deceiving in our business. For all we know, she was an ID-SOL that got stuck in a female body for a mission," he shrugged. He didn't particularly care how young the Private was, he just wanted everyone involved to contribute to the mission- whatever it was.

He set his black duffel bag on the deck beside him. They had orders to report to the armory and here they were. "We're still waiting on the others, then?" He ran a cybernetic man over the top of her red crew cut as his eyes went back to appraising the young IPG agent and who seemed like an Old Salt like him, except with the fortune of having not been chained to a desk because his old handler was an *******.

"I'm Neis. The boss doesn't look to be here yet, did any other instructions get passed down, Operator?" Lenz asked as he looked towards the taller, Harm.
NSS Ajax

"No..." A voice answered from the doorway. Wolf strode into the room and stopped next to Harm. He scanned the room and his eyes fell upon the three and his XO. "I am Lieutenant Alexander Wolf, and I am your new commanding officer. Once our stragglers get in we will be shipping off immediately. I won't go into the briefing till everyone is present but we have a assassination that we need to carry out."

He looked to all three of them seriously. "I have read each of your files extensively. You were each chosen because I believe that you have what it takes to defend Nepleslia and her interests. To be her shield." The lower half of his face were hidden by his collar, but the smirk was evident at his own joke. "While we wait, any question?" He asked.

If Lenz had been sitting, he would have rose when the Lieutenant introduced himself. He was standing so he maintained the position of attention until the man had finished speaking and opened the floor for questions. He had many but there were related to the mission itself. "No, sir. All my questions can wait until after the briefing," Lenz replied courteously.
Juan similarly stood to attention as Wolf entered. He had not answered Royse figuring his statement of Juan's age was rheoric. He casually eyed the others that entered behind though did his best to seem relaxed and aloof. He only hoped that he got a long well with this squad, it was his chance to show people he had changed.

"What kind of armaments will we be rolling with, if you don't mind me asking sir?"

Lexine turned towards the Lieutenant and remained at attention until he had finished speaking. Most of her questions were related to the mission itself, and had she been more patient, perhaps her inquiry would have been answered at the briefing. However, Lexine opened her mouth to speak without reserve.

"What type of resistance are we expected to face on the mission?"
NSS Ajax

Wolf looked to both of them and was about to answer when Artemis spoke. "The last of the crew is aboard Lieutenant." The Ace reported.

"Good, have the helmsman set course for the target world." Wolf replied, then returned his gaze to the two. "Well then, why don't we begin the briefing now that the whole crew is here. As he said this, a wall screen lit up. "As Aegis's first mission, we have been tasked with a rather simple assassination job." Wolf tapped his data jockey and a picture appeared. A photo of a Nepleslian man in a nice three piece suit came into view. "Our target is an illegal arms dealer known as Vulcan, AKA Nicholas Fritz." Wolf looked back to the four of them. "Normally we wouldn't even bother with a small fry like this, however he has bitten off a bit more than he can chew this time. We have received reports that Vulcan is going to make a deal with our new enemy, the Elefirn, to send them a shipment of military grade explosives. We will not let this happen."

The wall screen changed from Vulcan to a view of the Malaise system. "Vulcan has a nice little set up here, on the planet Half Empty." The screen zoomed in on the target world. "He has a nice little hideout located in the industrial district of the capital city." The screen zoomed in further to show the capital, and then even further to show them their target building. It was a seemingly normal warehouse, smack dab in the industrial district of the city. "The hideout has ten hired guns guarding it and about fifteen noncombatants who deal with loading the weapons and transporting them off world."

Wolf looked each of them in the eyes as he spoke. "Our objective is twofold. Kill Vulcan and send a message to anyone who is having any ideas about helping our enemies." He said sternly. "Since the target is in the middle of such a populated area, we will be sticking to battle armor and small arms. No PAs on this op." He said answering Juan's question at last.

With that the screen went blank once more. "Now, any other questions?"
"Sir, are we authorized to take out the local area grid before our op? And are the non-combatants marked as well?" The short IPG Operator asked thoughtfully as he remembered his first operation with the IPG where they raided another arms dealer. The chaos of the fire fight was still fresh in Lenz's mind despite the years between then and now. The labeling of the others involved in the operation non-combatants also spoke to him.
Juan looked over the warehouse. As an Operator he was skilled in many different roles but his primary focus had been assault. He wasn't the biggest man nor the strongest but he had the tactics. He was a skilled shot, add that to his exceptional reflexes and this ensured his role at the front of the pack.

He was glad he got to take his choice of work tools. He always felt better with his usual gear on hand. Although this would be his first op without any chemical assistance he knew he still had to be on edge. That time of his life had nearly ruined him and he could not let it happen again.

He nodded along with Lens, avoiding civvie casualties would be important. "Beyond the unusually light opposition for this team I have no other opinions. I am ready to get in to it."
NSS Ajax

Wolf looked to Lenz and nodded. "We are going to knock out the local power grid before we breach the building." He then looked to Juan. "That is just what we have been able to gather. Command might have labeled some of them non combatants, but that does not mean they won't try to kill us on site. Make sure your head is on a swivel when we get in there.

As he spoke, they would feel the ship shudder as it was released from the docking clamps and it began moving out of dock. "You have a few hours to prepare. I suggest using it wisely..."

Several hours later

Wolf watched as his ship entered orbit above Half Empty, and then keyed his comms. "All operators suit up and meet in the hangar. Double time people."
NSS Ajax

Jogging inside of the armory, clad in her standard-issue IPG uniform and boots, Lexine quickly stripped off her uniform and put on a Black SynAraS ballistics vest with durandium trauma plates, tactical pants, gloves, and, the final articles of her combat gear. When Lexine was fully suited up, she equipped her utility equipment and her weapons: One Zen Armaments Marksman Rifle vz. 1, one HHG, two NAM infantry grenades, and one utility combat knife.

Now clad in her full combat attire and gear, Lexine sprinted from the armory and towards the hangar bay.

"Reporting, Lieutenant Wolf.", Lexine intoned as she entered the hangar bay, giving him a quick salute.
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NSS Ajax

Lenz had few things to say. The excitement of the mission after all these years of paperwork and stupid disguises urged him to quickly change. The non-descript black tactical clothing was fairly simple to change into and reminded him of his training days again. He strapped the ballistics vest across his broad chest after ensuring the trauma plates were in place. Spare ammunition and other supplemental equipment went into his pockets and the pouches on his belt. One of his combat knives went into its sheath in his boot and the other found a spot in the sheath on his belt. His HHG went into its drop holster on his right leg and the M1 assault rifle was slung over his shoulder. He double checked to make sure he had enough ammunition in. The five magazines had a 500 round capacity and he hoped, he wouldn't need that many.

Once his gear was solidly in place, he proceeded to the hangar bay to report in, a ball of energy. It took me long enough, Mei, but I'm back to doing real work again. I'll stamp them out for you.

"Reporting, sir!"
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Juan followed the rest of the team to the Armory aware that, like him, they too were on the edge of excitement. His first detail was shucking his coat and ensuring he was in his black T-shirt and black cargo pants. He tucked the ends of his pants into his boots to ensure they did not get caught on anything. He secured his vest into place, placing his ZA .357 into his chest holster over his right breast alongside his combat knife. He secured on his three point sling, hooking it to his Carbine M3 checking the holo sight briefly. He loaded up spare magazines for his weapons of choice and lastly he swiveled his Sharks ball cap backwards and set his comm unit in place.

He took a brief look around the armory to make sure he was not forgetting anything, took an almost absent minded look at his locker, as if he would still use before a mission and turned leaving for the hanger. He strolled in and abreast of Lexine and Lenz, "Also reporting sir."
NSS Ajax - Hangar

The last one to arrive from the armory was the old Master Sergeant, stripped of his uniform and wearing the good ol' Syn-vest, with the plate bulging visibly from within the ballistic vest. A black strap dangling from his shoulder was carrying an all-black ZARCNAM, the new weapon's suppressor of IPG custom-make. The left side of his hip seemed entirely dedicated for the weapon with two of the large double-length cells hanging from the back of his hip, four thirty-round magazines linked up going toward his groin, and a string holding four extra cells with "GRENADE" labels on them. The Jiyuuian was holding an RGL in similar all-black colors in his right hand, countless grenades strapped to his vest and opposing hip.

But the most glaring thing had to be the multi-purpose tool slung to his back, dangling in-place of any sort of backpack. The W3302, the can-peeler, was strung up to the IPG member's DataJockey. It seemed out of place with the lack of power armor, but a micro-generator right beside it hung with a simple power cord strung into it. Harm obviously was trying to look the part of the muscle-bound Nepleslian with his trade-off of gear, his vest sporting a chest-carried HHG. His shades were on, the IPG glasses accompanied with a currently neck-wrapped black bandana. Thought that quickly changed, the man grasping the cloth and pulling it up to cover his lower face as he approached Wolf's right flank to look toward the gathered team.

"We're ready," he paused once the bandana was snugly over his face, "I can't say I won't enjoy killing more traitors. Nepleslia is better with each one... just let me cleave this fuck in half if we get the choice on how he dies."
NSS Ajax - Hangar

The Lieutenant walked forward, in his black uniform and Syn-vest like the others, but he also had a black bandana wrapped around his face. The bandana was adorned with a white skull. On his back he had a Na-W/P-08 V3 and on his hip he had a Zen .45. "Good, everyone get on board. We have a traitor to kill." He said gesturing up the ramp. He walked up and sat at the controls as everyone took their seats. Once they were all aboard, the ramp slammed shut and Aegis Squad would feel the skids leave the deck.

Several seconds later, they were enroute to their target. "Alright, we are entering atmosphere. Hold on." Wolf said as the shuttle was buffeted by air rushing past the shields. "Alright once we get down there our contacts in the city will cut the power to the entire sector. On comms, I am Aegis 1. The Master Sergeant is Aegis 2, Neis is Aegis 3, Hill is Aegis 4, and Juarez is Aegis 5. Understood?" He said as the shuttle leveled out.

Half Empty - Planet side

Wolf quickly descended and landed the shuttle on a small landing platform, just a few blocks from the target. He held his hand to his ear. "This Aegis 1, Aegis squad in position."

A deep voice was quick to reply over the squad channel. "Aegis 1, Viper. Copy you are go for infil. Good luck." As the transmission ended, Wolf dropped the ramp. As it lowered the team could see a city cloaked in darkness, only illuminated by the dull glow of a few emergency lamps. They were surrounded by massive buildings on all sides. The sky was barely visible past the smoke from the factories. "Aegis on me, let's move" Wolf said as he moved down the ramp.
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