Star Army

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RP: YSS Aeon [Aside][Pre:Mission 6.0] Bunkmates


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Retired Member
Kyoka entered her room with a towel, drying off from her most recent swim. Her past-time as of late had taken up all her time off duty, as had the previous one. She found herself wondering whether she should start making more time to speak with her crewmates, but focused more on getting dry than anything. The Heisho ended up on her bed, projecting the image of simple pajamas as she sat down with a book. Some trashy period novel.

Saki sat on her upper bunkbed, dressed only in a simple white T-shirt with Hinomaru from her exercise uniform and a pait of black panties. She tended to use that as her evening-wear from time to time. In her hand was just opened box and she was grinning at it.

"Oh hi Kyoka!" Saki said and smiled again, obviously happy about something in the box. "Nee, nee! Guess what got delivered for me to the station while we were freezin out arses?"

Kyoka peered out from under the top bunk, looking up at Saki with an inquiring look plastered to her face. The Neko tossed the book to the side, clearly not as interested in trashy literature as she was in her roomie's doings.

"Oh, a thing?" She queried, eyeing the girl's box with two hands on the side of her bunk to support her weight. "Is it shiny? Shiny things are always nice, aren't they?"

She clearly had no idea what Saki would like, considering they've exchanged few words thanks to her busy schedule of relaxing in her off time.

Saki grinned wide, showing her perfect white teeth. "Nope," she said and reached in the box. "It is something was more awesome!" She said, obviously giving Kyoka another chance to reply. Whatever was inside the box, made Saki one very very happy cat.

"What could POSSIBLY be more awesome than a shiny thing? Other than a Kamen Sentai Nekoranger collectible?" Kyoka asked, now lifting herself up enough that she was peering over the edge of the bed like some sort of bogeymonster.

Saki raised her box protectively making sure Kyoka could not see. "Oh you were close, but no!" She reached in and take out a figure. It was a man in the black leather jacket with sideburns that could topple whole empires. "It is Luca Pavone action figure! Squeee!" She said happily.

"Wait, isn't he that guy who. .. what was it? Took on some Mishu in funky city a few months back? And dealt some gang in Nep space their dues or something? I heard bits and pieces on the radio while I was on one of the massage machines. It might'a been a documentary program or something," Kyoka mused aloud, her ears twitching at the thought process. Then something clicked.

"Wait, isn't that the same jacket you have?"

"YES!" Saki replied happily, that someone finally realised she was wearing same jacket as the one and only Luca Pavone. The Legend jacket. "He also saved a freespacer station from NMX oh and defended that Origin station from some bio-terrorists or something. Apparently if it were not for him they would've overloaded the main reactor on that Origin station and whole place woul explode. But he nad his crew hase saved the day again. He is so badass!" It were mostly rumours, but rumours tend to be based on truth. At least vaguely.

"Wow," Was all Kyoka had to say on the matter at first, but she continued with, "I mean, wow. Somebody like that sounds like some sort of superman! I can see why you like him. Betcha 5 ks he makes a show in a year. Sounds too fantastic not to, right?"

"He was supposed to appear in some Nepleslian talk-show," Saki said and saddened a little. "But something happened and he did not show up. Some sort of Kodian attacked him and he had to beat him with his fists. He probably got hurt and had to cancel the show."

The Neko was genuinely glad she was actually talkin with and not at her bunkmate for a change. It was definitely nice to just joke around for once. In an attempt to continue the conversation even further, she asked, "So uh, what else do you like?"

Saki played with her toy, bending its arms and legs, checking what it could do while thinking. "Well," she said and thought for a while. "I kinda like guns. Want to be an armourer in future, they all work differently and that is very interesting. Oh and I rilly rilly like pudding." She said with a giggle, ended in another white teethy grin.

"Armourer, huh? Own a little shop or join up with a company?" The senior soldier responded, continuing with, "Having a little shop sounds like it'd be nice. All quaint and small. And pudding, huh? That's pretty good."

"Oh I do not plan to leave the service just yet," Saki said and took out a gun out of the box, putting it in Luca Pavone's hand. "I am a soldier of Yamatai after all. I was created for this and I feel like I matter. On both mission we were we saved a lot of prisoners. First that peacekeeper ship and now all those poor miners. I am so happy we did something good."

"Glad to hear you so. . er. . . content with what we do!" Kyoka awkwardly responded, scratching the back of her neck. "So, er. . . How do you think I did on that last mission? I mean, I know we were separated for most of it, but. . ."

She genuinely felt nervous about the whole matter, considering that she would be taking the command of more and more missions from that point on. She wanted to be the best she could.

"Hmm," Saki said and scratched her head thinking. "I think you did fine. I cannot really said, since we only crossed that ice-field together and then I was with Yamamoto-san." Saki said and then slightly blushed, looking at her toy. "But I remember the first mission and there you did just great during that time you lead us, before Kim-san took over. I am not worried, whenever you take us into field. Not like that big jerk Arkase!"

"Ah, don't remind me. I totally froze up. . ." The neko mumbled, her ears folding down on her head. "Still, Arkase isn't nearly as bad as the first juni I served under. She was. . . er. . . commanding. Seriously. I mean, we were all rookies besides her, but wow. She was very demanding of us on that first mission. You know those teleport packs? Mishu almost got them. We barely got out with them intact."

"That sounds bad," Saki replied and looked a little terrified with what she heard. Teleporting Rippers would be rilly bad. But you know... Arkase wanted to murder those nekoes. Prisoners. Think whatever you want, even report me, but I would defy that order. Without thinking, it would be unlawful murder."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. That was totally against all the Prisoner of War codes and whatever. Very drastic. But just in personality, Haruhi-juni was harsher. Arkase has a chip or ten on his shoulder, but he's. . . nice-ER than Haruhi," Kyoka responded, her ears flicking to the sides.

"Wow," she said remebering, how Arkase hit her in the face, when she just spoke out of turn once. "She was harsher than him? That is really hard to imagine." She blinked few times and concentrated at her toy, as if she did not want to thinking about something that is worse than Arkase.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe she just seemed worse to me at the time. It was all very. . . eh. How about we just stop talking about people that we don't like, huh? Not a very good conversation that way," the older Neko said, pulling herself onto Saki's bed and sitting alongside her bunkmate. "So then. . . what about something else? Likes maybe?"

Saki still played with her toy, finally she noticed a certain wrinkle on the plasitc leather jacked. "Oh there is a button," she said and pressed. The figure did not move, something else happened.

"Iiiiiit's Showtime!" the doll's voice said.

"Huh? It says things!" Kyoka declared, staring at the toy.

"Yeah it does, that is awesome! It even sounds a little like him." She said and grinned happily, pushing the button again.

"Phoenix PUNCH!" The doll said again, it was accompanied by the sound of a lightning bolt from its speaker.

"Hahaha, this is too awesome!" Saki said and held the dool in front of Kyoka. "Here try it too!" Saki looked like small child who just got something new for Lewis Pasco day.

The older neko tenatively pressed the button, careful not to damage the odd little toy. She couldn't deprive her teammate of this joy now, could she?

"It's time to kick arse and eat cake - and all that's left is pie!"

"Er, what?" Kyoka asked, dumbfounded. "That's. . . I'm not sure if it's brilliant or crazy."

"From what I know about Luca Pavone...." Saki said and paused for a seconds, thinking how to end this. "A little of both." She finished with a giggle, shaking the toy prompting Kyoka to push the button. Obvioulsy she thought it as something that gives joy to everyone.

"Oh, alright! I'll press it again!" The other cat relented, pressing the button again.

"I am awesome, and so can YOU!"

"I get the feeling that this last one isn't a direct quote," Kyoka snickered, looking to Saki.

"That is fine," Saki said and smiled at her toy as if it was the best thing in the whole universe. "They can't be all awesome." She said and softly put the toy back in its box.

"Say Kyoka," Saki said and then paused for a seconds not so sure how to continue. "Did someone ever... uh... courted you?" Saki asked and blushed slightly.

Kyoka first blinked. And then blinked again. And then a blush appeared, rozy and apparent as the sunrise. "Ah, er, no!" She blurted, waving her arms. "Where did this come from?"

"I see," Saki said and joined her palms, rubbing her hands nervously. "I, well.... I needed an advice. I have no idea.... Hmm this is hard to talk about. I have a certain...suspicion that Yamamoto-san is courting me...... you know... flirts with me." she blurted out.

Now, the senior neko had heard of shipmate romance before, but she only considered it to be some concept of those trashy romance novels she hid under her bed when nobody could see her buy them.

"Er. . . I. . . Find out what he likes?" Kyoka attempted, clearly unstable on such matters. "I mean, if he likes you and really likes you maybe he'll make a move! But if he is just really friendly then you don't wanna give him the wrong impression. . . er. . "

"Exactly!" Saki said and threw her hand in air, lamenting over her situation. "I know how to fix and shoot guns. This thing about relations and all that is confusing me. I mean... I kinda like Yamamoto-san.... he is really funny. I would not want to make him hate me!"

"Uhm. . . one sec!" The older one burst, hopping off of the bed and diving under the very bottom, pulling out a small case. Popping it open, she browsed through what looked like a collection of books, snatched four of them, and tossed them up to Saki.

"I mean, I don't know! I've never dated anybody, so I just end up reading these books!" She hummed nervously, fiddling with the novel she was reading earlier.

"Huh?" Saki said and picked up one of the book-tablets. She started it and name of book appeared on the creen. "The lonely samurai?" Saki read the name out loud. "I only read manuals so far. Is this some depiction of love-life?" She asked Kyoka.

"Eheh, Shojo novels. All romance. It's. . . kind of why I never end up talking with any of the other crew. Besides the massage machines, I mean," Kyoka muttered in reply, clearly a little more than a little embarrassed. "I haven't really bothered trying to find anybody I like, so I just read about it. . . Keeps my mind clear on missions, though."

"Oh?" Saki said and looked at Kyoka. "I am surprised no one tried to court you yet. You are so beautiful!" Saki said, speaking out the truth. Kyoka was a really good looking nekovalkyrja after all.

"Ahaha, stop it! I can't handle compliments!" The older neko cried, putting her hands on the side of her head and twisting around repeatedly as if some sort of manga protagonist hearing something she didn't like. "No, not at all!"

"But look at you!" Saki said waving her hand int Kyoka's direction. "You have this long nice hair! And the colour. Perfect figure and well.... uh sizeable... oh well you know what! Men really like that I hear! Or well.... women, if that is your thing......" Saki said with nervous smile.

Kyoka raised a finger to make a point, but quickly went absolutely nowhere with what she wanted to say.

"You know what? I don't know. Haven't tried," She finally stated after a minute of thought. She quickly added, "And for what it's worth, you're not so bad yourself. You've got sort of an elegant slenderness to you, you know? Taller and thinner than me by that much."

"I am nothing compared to you," Saki said and waved her hand as if it was done deal. "My hair is a mess and I have small breasts. It is a real wonder, no one ever flirted with you."

"Please, my hair isn't even pink normally!" Kyoka argued, dropping the projection to reveal her hair being a deep shade of purple. "And your hair is fine, you just have to take measures into your own hands to make it better. Mine is long so I just have to brush it straight for a while and throw a little something in it to keep from going wild, then brush it a little more. You've got less to manage, so you can easily make it look better! And I don't think anybody flirts with me because I never talk to anybody. I mean, really!"

She clearly was working herself into a huff, clearly irritated at her own lack personal experience with conversationalism.

"That, and I'm rising up the ranks! I'm more intimidating!"

Saki hummed a little, letting loose her hair from the ponytail. It was about shoudler length, and now slightly tangled from being in the rubber-band. She did comb her hair every morning and evening, but that was about it, apart from washing it. It was just boring straight hair in her mind.

"Hmm" she hummed more and look at Kyoka. It was a fact that Kyoka was an itto heisho now, that might put some people off. Trowa was heisho too though. "Oh I know!" Saki blurted out and smiled at her bunkmate. "Since you rank might be issue then it needs to be you to do the flirting! Oh! Tomorrow we will have free time on station! How about... how about you go and flirt with... oh yeah, flirt with Yoshiro! He is really nice and polite guy! I am sure you will like him! You got to try!"

"Aaaah~! No no no! That's not, er. . . I mean he's a hei. . . and I don't know how to flirt! And I don't want this to get in the way of the service! And I mean. . . my contract deadline is coming up soon! I still need to make my decisions!" A flustered Kyoka babbled, performing the hands over ears motion once more.

Saki took Kyoka by her shoulder, grinning and looking in her eyes. "Come on!" She said and shook the girl slightly. "All you need is some courage! If you do not know how to flirt then....... just talk! It does not have to be Yoshiro! Maybe someon else. Like Gustav-san! He is not even soldier, you can try him! Come on! Pavona-sama always says that you live only once! Got to get most of it!"

"Alright, alright!" The neko finally relented, emitting a midly exasperated sigh. "I'll try to do SOMETHING tomorrow. I mean. . ."

She paused for dramatic effect and to gather her wits.

"If somebody like the great Pavone says it, then I don't really have a choice!" She finally added, sticking out her tongue for dramatic effect.

"Yatta!" Saki shouted, throwing her arms in the air and then going down hugging Kyoka tightly. "We will both do our best then! Ganbatte!" Saki said and laughed happily.

Kyoka grinned at her companion, snatching up all the books on the bed but one. Conveniently left for Saki's reading pleasure. A little "gift" or so to speak for somebody who helped her get into the rhythm of actually talking with people.

"I'm gonna go to bed now. Get up bright and early for a day of flirting!" She giggled, flipping down onto her bed while simultaneously stuffing all the novels back into their box. It was nice having a friend.
"Ganbatte, Saki!"

"Oyasumi!" Said Saki, putting the box with Luca toy away and tugging under her blanket. She was still feeling great, thinking that tomorrow will be great day.