Star Army

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RP: The Wayward Business Negotiations (Ep. 2.2)


Retired Staff
Dawn Station - Section 4

After a brief taxi ride, Adiel found himself in section four of Dawn station. Like always it was clean and well kept in contrast to the abundance of factories and other related production facilities. It was what allowed the station to output so many goods and keep all of it’s stores stocked. It was a given it was one of the places that Origin wanted to show off, and as such it was one of the places best kept.

However Adiel was not here for the tour or to pick up any products. No he was here for something a bit more dark. He was soon to head out and join a ship called the Anbruch, before the government caught up with him about his ill-gotten gains. There was just one problem, a man by the name of Chase Fortune. Chase was a competitor in the same “Contract Negotiation” line of business as Adiel. But with Adiel about to go on vacation he had to tie up a few loose ends with Chase.

See, this business was an underground one, but it still had some rules and Chase had broken those rules. As fierce as competition was you didn’t put the authorities on someone else’s tail, or at least you didn’t get caught doing it. So today Adiel planned a surprise visit to Chase’s factory in the east wing.
'You know, once I have some stable income, and can unfreeze my accounts, I should really invest in some real estate here.' Adiel quietly mused to himself as he walked along the sidewalk. To the random passerby, the angel appeared no different from any other rich prick: Clean, pressed black suit and tie, expensive sunglasses and watch, and a black, leather briefcase in his hand. He could easily be mistaken for the owner of one of these businesses.

'Come to think of it, I think I did own a garment factory for a short time. Then it got run out of business by Fortune's own factory. Another reason to kill him, I guess...'

Adiel checked his watch. His ship out of here left in nine hours. Plenty of time to pull the trigger, slip away, and ditch the evidence. He then checked the street signs, and walked another block down before taking an abrupt right into an alley. As he walked between two large office buildings, he counted the doors. Adiel stopped at the third. It was a simple, metal door with a simple lock.

"I think this is it..." Adiel whispered. He checked both ends of the alley to make sure he was alone. He was. He then reached into his jacket to retrieve his lock picks and set to work on the lock. After about thirty seconds, the door unlocked with a satisfying click. Adiel smiled, replaced his picks, and quietly slipped inside, once again making sure he wasn't being followed.

The door lead to a small, dimly lit hallway that must have only been used for maintenance. The walls and floors were white, and stank of cleaning fluids. Blue eyes flitted to a door marked "Stairs", and that was where Adiel went next. Flight after flight he went, the only noise being the hard soles of his leather shoes striking the linoleum. After what seemed like an eternity, Adiel finally came upon a door at the very top. He straightened his tie, ran a hand through his hair, recomposed himself, and stepped through.

He was greeted with a gust of artificial wind that immediately sent his tie flapping and signified that he had found the roof. Straight ahead he could see the massive building that was Chase Fortune's factory. Making sure to keep low just in case someone looked out of a window, Adiel slipped closer to the building's edge, taking cover behind a massive A/C unit that both provided cover and cast a dark shadow over him. He knelt and placed the briefcase on the ground before him. Undoing the latches, Adiel set the fake documents aside and lifted the wooden panel that concealed the case's true contents: a compact, powerful, and collapsible rifle.

Quickly and efficiently he worked, assembling the gun. When he was finished, he sat against the A/C unit, holding the rifle across his chest to steady his aim, and began dialing in on the massive windows across the street that marked Chase's office.

"Where are you, you snitching little bastard...?" he grumbled silently, a small, maniacal grin spreading across his features.
It took calling in a few favors for Adiel to get his hands on the information, and for an hour it looked like it might be a waste. Chase had come by the window only once, and when he did there was someone at his side obscuring the shot. It looked like Ben White, the man with this information might need to be taken care of after Chase, but near lunch time things finally paid off. Chase was walking down the hall by himself in clear view of the windows. He wasn't stopping and would be out of the hall in a little less than half a minute at the pace he was going.

Chase was famous for his quick adaptation and retaliation to problems, if Adiel was to shoot now and miss, there would probably not be a chance again for a long time. A second chance would not come to him if he messed up.
"Damn it, I don't want to have to drop you too..." Adiel whispered in frustration as the minutes ticked by. But Adiel remembered how important it was that Chase stop breathing, and that everyone was expendable. If he refused to get out of the way, Adiel would shoot him dead without a moment's hesitation or later regrets. Chase disappeared from view again, and Adiel took that time to stretch and rub his scruffy chin. He needed an opportunity soon. He had eight hours until his ship left.

He saw more movement in the windows, and once more peered through the scope. What he saw made his heart explode out of his chest in excitement. Chase was walking at a leisurely pace, alone, with nothing in the way.

Adiel grinned from ear to ear and regained control of his breathing. While managing to sit perfectly still in his firing position, his index finger turned off the safety of the rifle with a click. There was no noise but the distant sounds of the city, the howling wind, and Adiel's own, furiously beating heart.

It had taken months to track down Chase, secure the resources, et-cetera. Adiel took this into account as his cross-hairs lazily drifted over Chase's heart. Chase had a nasty habit of being able to drop off the grid when things got bad. If Adiel missed, there was no doubt Chase would disappear again, and sing like a canary to the Nepies, Yamies, or any government who had a case on him. He could always play it safe, and try again some other time. But would there be another time? By Adiel's count, he figured he only had twenty seconds or so to make that decision.

"Oh, screw it..." sighed Adiel in resignation, failing to talk himself out of it. In the next moment, his finger squeezed down on the trigger. The gun cracked, and Adiel's military training allowed him to keep his eyes open, which in turn allowed him to see a large splash of blood repaint the wall behind Chase. The window cracked around the bullet hole like a spider's web, but didn't shatter. Chase seemed to simply crumple to the ground as he walked, without a sound, and a look of shock about his features.

A novice probably would've taken a few moments to watch the body twitch on the ground as blood pooled around it. They would have spent those moments trying to fully comprehend the deed they'd just been a part of, how they'd simply extinguished a life like the Creator himself. Adiel was no such novice, and as soon as he confirmed that Chase wasn't getting back up, he cleared the chamber and began quickly disassembling the rifle. He needed to scram before any of Chase's lackeys, or the local security force, decided to investigate the source of the commotion.
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The bullet punched through the window without breaking it and hit it’s target, knocking Chase off his feet and splattered blood all over the wall. Adiel’s decision to not stand around and instead get out was likely the correct one and surviving such a shot was not likely. Unfortunately there was only so much he could do to get out quickly. By time he reached the bottom of the building he was in he could hear yelling and shouting from outside the front of Chase’s factory.

There were already men in suits flooding out to begin their search. Though there were no witnesses, it was lunch hour soon so some one must have come down the hall and noticed. Whatever the case though, going out the front would end badly. There was another exit at the back of the building that opened into an alleyway though, probably the best way out at the moment.
As he closed the latches of the briefcase, Adiel heard the commotion below. He slowly peered over the edge, and upon seeing Chase's lackeys below, he cursed and quickly retreated.

Adiel stood, briefcase in hand, and straightened his tie. He had a look of pure annoyance about his features.

"...Splendid," he grumbled with a roll of his eyes, lumbering for the door to the stairway. "Absolutely splendid..."

Some time later, Adiel poked his head out of the rear exit, and made sure the coast was clear. It was. He stepped out into the alley and closed the door silently behind him. Instinctively he reached a hand to his left flank and felt the solid metal of his .45 beneath his jacket. He prayed he wouldn't have to use it. He still had a flight to catch, after all.

He walked briskly in the opposite direction of the factory, to the street behind the building from which he'd taken the shot. He tried his hardest to look inconspicuous as he passed several of the bystanders. He was just a rich business executive out for lunch, after all. Occasionally, however, he'd discreetly check over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed.
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Adiel managed to sneak his way out of the building without being noticed, but the men began to fan out and to make phone calls. They were likely rallying their men to try to blockade the section and make sure they find whoever was responsible. All Adiel would have to do is slip out before they could get a tight perimeter set up. However there was an obstacle in his way of escape. A man's voice could be heard behind him, calling out. "Hey you! Stop, let me see what's in that case!"
Adiel stiffened a little, but kept walking at his usual pace. His best bet was to just pretend he didn't hear it. He slightly increased his walking speed, and didn't dare look back. If he could, he would try to make for another alley that was coming up on his left. There, he could wait in ambush for the man, or start sprinting. While he was out here on the street, however, he was too exposed.
"Hey I'm talking to you!" Shouted the man as he quickly gave chase after the speeding up Adiel. There was indeed an alley coming up and once he stepped in he noticed it went all the way through, he could take it and make his way to another street, or try an ambush. Whatever he chose though he would have to be quick, there wasn't much time before the man would catch upto him.
Adiel continued still, and swung around the corner and out of sight. He sighed in frustration and pressed himself against the wall, listening for the footsteps of his pursuer. He readied the suitcase, planning to swing it up and into the man's head the moment he stepped around the corner.
It was not difficult for Adiel to hear the approaching foot steps and timing the swing was easy. Just as the man rounded the corner Adiel was able to swing his suit case and hit him squarely in the side of the head. The man fell quite easily and it would be several seconds before he would even think about moving. This afforded Adiel the time to either head down the alley and out to the other street, or to return to the one he had just come from.
Adiel had no clue what was on the other street, but he knew for sure there was no one else on the street he'd been walking on. He casually stepped out of the alley and began quickly walking away from the scene in the direction he'd been going before.
Adiel made his way out of the alley and back onto the street he was on before. The path was clear and without any hindrance he made his way a few blocks from the building, heading to get out of the area and had found himself in a more populated area of the district. Usually the district is not so densely populated but he can hear whispers of talk about a blockade and thugs keeping people from leaving. It sounded like things had become a little more difficult.
Adiel kept this in mind as he walked, slowing his pace and disappearing into the throngs of people as best he could. When he was in view of the blockade, he casually leaned against a wall and observed. This would be difficult, but already he had a few ideas.

He didn't want to engage in a firefight. He was outnumbered and outgunned. His eyes shifted back and forth across the dense sea of people. He was reminded of a massive herd of cattle lolling about in a stockade. Ever so slowly, a grin spread across his features.

"Cause a little bit of panic, and the cattle will stampede..." he whispered to himself. He looked back to the blockade. There were thugs, sure, and they were probably armed. But, Adiel figured they didn't want to accidentally kill a bystander, and land themselves in more trouble. One or two people try to go through the blockade? They'll get stopped, threatened, and probably beaten...

...But everyone at once?

Adiel turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction of the blockade. His plan was to get in a position where he wouldn't be noticed, and cause a panic. Hopefully, these people would freak out enough to storm their way past the blockade, and he could slip through in the confusion.

Adiel moved to the rear of the crowds, where less people congregated. He ducked around a corner, and reached into his jacket for his pistol.


Adiel fired thrice into the air, replaced the weapon within the holster, and shouted:

"Look out! He's got a gun!"

Then, Adiel peered around the corner and waited...
Adiel saw a near immediate response to his actions, people began shouting, and of course running away form the sound of gun fire, some quicker than others. The close proximity to the exits made them the first choice for many. They quickly made their way over and began trying to push past the barricade expecting that this was some kind of mass slaughter, everyone wanted to get out before the others, they did not want to be left inside.
Adiel looked on at the chaos with a triumphant smirk.

"People are so predictable..." he chuckled and casually strolled down the road towards the crowd. He forced himself to a spot in the middle of the panic, and from there he figured getting past the barricade was a simple as keeping his head down, and going with the flow of people. He'd slip past Chase's thugs eventually. He checked his watch once more. He had seven hours and forty-five minutes until his ship departed. He'd be cutting it close, at least by his standards. To be early was to be on time, after all.
Getting into the crowd was easy, but working his was past the barricade took a bit more effort. The thugs were swinging at people and trying to detain them, Adiel even took a few hits. However there was no way they could contain them all and with some effort Adiel slipped by and began to head on. He had to run like the others to avoid getting pulled back but he soon made it the section transfer from section four to three, or he could make his way on the tram or by foot to section 10. There were also a few elevators, for personnel and cargo as well.
Adiel grumbled a few curses under his breath and rubbed his eye where he'd been struck. For a moment, he had the mind to turn right back around and pump those fuckers so full of lead they'd resemble Swiss cheese by the time he was done with them. But, he reminded himself that he needed to keep moving.

"I can always hire a hit squad later..." Adiel muttered with a dreamy smile. Sure that his troubles were over, he made for a tram and boarded it.
On the tram were only more than a handful of people, some from the blockade, others were just going to make their way to the center section to spread about to other parts of the station. Either way the tram ride was only a few minutes, but they were a relaxing few minutes, there was nothing to worry about, and Adiel could plan out his next move. Before it made it to sector 10, the tram stopped at sector 9 to deliver passengers into the civilian ring. Any further would lead into the corporate sector that was almost entirely Origin
Adiel needed to make his way to sector eight, so his best option was sector nine. When the tram stopped, he stepped out and resumed blending in with the sea of people. No need to make this complicated. He would make his way to a deserted alley, where he could find a dumpster in which to dispose of the suitcase. Once he did that, he would hurry down to sector eight, get back to his hotel room, and stow his pistol within his luggage, so as not to arouse suspicion when moving through the spaceport.

'Well, that certainly went better than expected...' he thought. He'd honestly thought there would've been more shooting. But hey, he wasn't complaining.