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Elysian Gender and Sexuality

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Inactive Member
Elysian Gender and Sexuality


Elysians have a rather complex belief system on the role of genders. For example they believe that male and female Elysians are equal and deserve all of the same rights. Legally speaking there is nothing which differentiates between men and women apart from a few niceties over pregnancy and maternity leave – although even this is rather limited. This is not to say that some Elysians do not regard women as second class citizens and who wish for their status as citizens to actually be revoked – but they are largely in the minority and the law does not support them.

However in other species Elysians are not so forgiving. Not only do they believe that all other races are inferior to them they also believe that the females of such races are inferior still to the males. This leads to a rather complicated scale of inferiority, but largely means that even while thinking that other races probably don't deserve particularly good treatment or rights, their women deserve less. They should know their place within their society. This leads to the practise amongst Elysians do use alien women as little more than sex slaves, and also explains the particular affront which many Elysians find in Nekovalkyrja.

How this came about is a rather ill understood process, linked to a female suffrage a few centuries in the past granting Elysian women equal rights but not taking the logical jump as to applying to other races as well. As for as Elysians are concerned they are different species after all.

On the topic of gender however it is seen as disgraceful for a man to act in a particularly feminine fashion, or for a woman to act like a man. Women can be strong and decisive, indeed can rise to the top of the military system (not have yet, but that's not the point), but must not seem as if they are actually trying to be men. Transvestism is detested while transgenderism is cured with a body swap (if they are wealthy enough to afford it).


In Elysian society homosexuality is seen very nearly on the same footing as heterosexuality. The only advantage heterosexuality has in the eyes of Elysians is that it can produce young. There is no shame inherent in being gay or lesbian. However there is a certain amount of shame in being the submissive half of a male homosexual relationship.

Sexually Elysians are rather liberal. They accept most things, although bondage is occasionally frowned upon as being overly submissive. Some practices which are particularly repulsive are not outwardly contemed on the understanding that it will be limited to a private place and not be flaunted overly much. However they do have the belief that once in marriage you may not have sexual relations with another Elysian. You can however with a non-Elysian, since they don't count.
It strikes me as odd that a species based on angels wouldn't be so fond of law and order to actually make marriages be sought after conditions. I'd have expected pre-arranged marriages and a stratified house/clan system.

Are you basing this off romans?
Partially Roman, partially ancient Greek and partially bowing to the percieved needs of a modern culture.

The xenophobia and 'it doesn't count if she's a foreigner' rules come from Greece.

Marriage is taken extremely seriously - it is an eternal bond in the eyes of their God. They take their religion very seriously.

A house system would be hideously complicated to write about, and neither the Romans or Greeks really had it. Pre-arranged marriages weren't big either, but political marriages were - and no doubt there are plenty of these amongst the higher echilons.
I noticed that some things were omitted from the original submission in the wiki article. This part in particular was not present in the wiki article:

"Not only do they believe that all other races are inferior to them they also believe that the females of such races are inferior still to the males. This leads to a rather complicated scale of inferiority, but largely means that even while thinking that other races probably don't deserve particularly good treatment or rights, their women deserve less."

I wonder what was the thought process behind that.

Added OOC Notes:
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